GOV. CHR STIANSON L 1 f Theodora Chrlatlanson, republican, who wai tlected governor of Mia nesota. FARMERS ADVISED TO REDUGEPR0DUCT10N Chicago. President Coolldge, in a tpeeeh at the International Llrpatock exposition here, outlined his attitude toward agriculture. The president aald that reduction ol farm production waa the "sound rem edy" for the farmer's troubles. He stressed ultimate adjustment of Amer ican agriculture, production and mar keting to improTe economic conditions, economy In local ard national affairs, n economic rather tha- a political, solution of the farm prol'em and In creased use by the farmer c facilities which bare been created for bis aid. "The gorernment must aid gener ously In dereloplng a national agri cultural policy on broadly constructive lines," the preaident said. "It will support any sound program to release the farmer from . the indi vidualistic competitive conditions un der which agriculture has been con ducted." ' The president emphasited over production as the root of farmers' dif ficulties. "It ts aot from any lack of government activity that tbe fann er la suffering." he aald. "The troubles of the farmer are on tbe farm and In the market Tbey come largely from overproduction. The sound remedy is to reduce production, and that Is a remedy which will automatically apply Itself If there Is not artificial Inter ference." Filipinos Pass Bill Vetoed by Wood. Manila. The Independence fund, vetoed by Governor General Leonard Wood, was paaaed by tbe legislature complete except tor tbe 150,000 year ly expenaea asked for Filipino dele gates presenting Independence peti tions to the United States. Failure of the ISO. 000 appropriation to pass means that tbe It dependence press bureau will be closed, it was said. CRIEF-GENERAL NEWS Gene Stratton Porter, novelist and short story writer, died at Los Angeles from injuries sustained when herwulo mobile collided with a street car. American railroads nt the end of September had 1,80 1,230 persons em ployed and paid them a total of com pensation for that month of 1240.659, 000. William C. Brown, Tl, former presi dent of the New York Central rail road, died at his residence in Pasa dena, Cul, following a protracted Illness. F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON Oen. Wood Wants Las Palmaa Island , Manila. Governor General Leonard Wood lias forwarded to Secretary of War Weeks recommendations that the Philippine government assert control , over Patinas island. 12 miles south of the Philippines, which la claimed Ktid occupied by UoHand. Coolldge Signs Bill Giving Bonue Fund Washington, D. Cl-Prealdent Cool Idge Saturday signed the deficiency bill providing $126,000,000 for adnim Istratlon and Initial payments under the soldiers' bonus act and carrying out the recommendations of tho reclnmatlon fact finding commission. CJydi R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, - ORFCOM Call for Bids, bealed bids ' will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 35. Inne. Oreiron, for the sale of the ohl school house, bids to be on the new part or on the whole build in?. The Board of Directors reserves the .bell, stoves and black boards and school furni ture. Bids will be received up to and including Dec. 22, 1924. The school board reserves the riht to reject any and all bids, Bids should be filed with Mrs. Corson, School District Clerk. DELLA M. CORSON, Clerk. School District No. 35. 1 By the way- Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a -large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 1 j Attention Farmers I; To our Consumers We're holding 'down the fuel prices! Why buy your fuel elsewhere at a loss when it is so easy to make a saving by buying your supply of fuel from the Farmeos Elevator Company. We quote you prices as follows: Royal coal per ton $12.50 Slab wood 16 Inch 8.00 Fir wood 16 Inch 1250 Oak wood 16 Inch 13.00 Call and see us before buying elsewhere, as we can talk it over with much better results. If you are in need of a larger quantity of coal at a considerate price See Us. Farmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. SEE ME BKFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD . REAL ESTATE & INSUIUNCE IONE, - . OREGON HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Cleaning Dyelnu "rcssing Repairing Ilcppncr, Ore. Dr. F. E. Farrior . DENTIST Office: OdC Fellows Building Ilcppncr : Oregon A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and SArgcon Office In Masonic Building v Trained Nurse Assistant . Heppner : Oregon CHURCH DIR ORY taaMaajasMaM FIRST BAI'TIST CIIUltCH V taaasaanaanama) Rev. E. B. JOHNSON, Pastor Strvleea every alternate Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:001. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. Vtl W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PAUL I). MORTIMORE, Pastor Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M in i fn Tf WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Craduate Nurse Assistant Phone -Office Main 933 Residence Main 492 HEPPNER - OREGON Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoee who arc in a "run-down" rondl lion will notlfa thai Catarrh bothers them much nyre than when they are In rood health. This faH proves that while Catarrh la a local dlmM It ! nMn Infl'lenr-ed by ronetltutlnnal conditions. 111.1.' CATARRH MKniCINN la a Combined Treatment, both lornl and In ternal, and haa been aurreneful In the treatment of Catarrh for ovr forty rears. Hold by all drudrteta, F. J. Chanty A Co, Toledo. Ohio. Paint win ao it DAINT will lengthen the life of your property and improve its appearance. Paint will save you many dollars in repairs and replacements. Paint will protect your investment and give you renewed pride in your property. Cood pnint it good economy. Just give us an opportunity to, prove it. We recommend and tell Rasmussen Paints and Varnishet for protection of all surfaces. BERT MASON IONE, OREGON f Va- ' V T afcaT VlTl umuuen ProJuOt Bern ami Root Paint WaHDue VeJUJ. Truck and Tram Paint Wail Paint Creosote Shingle Stain Inside Float Psast Porch Floor Paint Oil Stains, Varaethes Racolit Eaaoaal Float anal Varaiah Staaaa ert't a Ratm'atun Projatt for Every Sat fan CHRISTMAS ,' . GIFTS THAT LAST By looking over our stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Fountain Pens, Nipponware, and Leather goods, you may find something new and different at reasonable prices. ' Maks your selections NOW. -:- A small payment will hold them for you. Haylor, The Jeweler, Heppner, Oregon.