"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" Br NEWTON BRETTZ (0. 111. WMm hteoipapar Cslea.) ri 1XN"JC think that I cars to ac cept Ui proposition, Mr. Uala." Holfa Vine aild tbli with glanca about (lit diiaty, poor looking offlcs and shrug of ths slioul- 1 "I'll stick,' snnounred David ror tr, simply and clearly. As bo apoks, tbs aarurat farad, man ly sppesrlng young uiun Iliad bis ayM to framed portrait abovs tha, desk ( bis auiployer tbs plcturs of tils hsgbler, fair, loyal Beulah Uale. They were both young men, and Kin tot over year bad been era yees of John Llala, who was old, ssr1ous and, uat at present, mora ran that worried and despondent, la his dainty, foppish way, Vanrs jptekad hla ateps paat tha greaay ma tabinea lying around, nodded brusque- Send waa gone. Perhaps ha, too, ought of tht beautiful Beulah. Un iter eslatlng drcuaiatancea, however, tha realised that It would ba tedloue road to ths winning of that coveted Mm. Ua waa naturally Indolent, self jaacrtflce was painful to hla refined ature. and. to tipreaa his aerret phrasing, bs "throw up tha sponge." It's hard outlook, III admit," ispoke old Uala, when ba and Iavld .found themaelvea alone. "That bank ruptcy of Merrttt k Co. haa about bwept our coffers clean. The worst of It Is that It will taks ua fully lyear to get a saw atandlng with our asodera prorves outm." "But when you do, It'l clear lulling, a't Itr submitted David In his oeery, optimistic way. I hop ao," and Mr. Mala went over to his deak. He waa busy for soma time, writing rapidly, finally ha arose, proffering David a written abeet "Sign that." ha directed, "Why. what la thisr "A deed of co-partnership. You're shown youraelf s trus was In agreeing Its hs out s forlorn situation. We're partners from this on, friend David," sad ths brawny band of tha old work- reeled tremulously, almost loving' ly, en ths broad ahoulder of hla loyal aaslaUnt. "To bavs and to hold, share snd shir alike, ths business. ths equipment, and all In and there about." Again David glanced at tha portrait To have and to hold" hs smiled. with a quaint conceit In nitnd. Ah I If only that Interact represented ths original, aa wall aa ths mere portrait of ths girt with tbs wild roes face I Mr. Male's ayes wars Hied upon sn satire! y different object It was large, bulging, narrow-mouthed vase. It stood at ths top of sa old fashion Ms ess, where It had rested for 90 roars. Bis dead father, William Male, had mads It Ths buatneaa of tha Males for three generation, bad bun beee- wat bleachers and refiners. When parrafln cams In, William Lisle bad Bret la ths field. A proud ma te of tbs same was that vase. fashioned by bit owa baud, snd rest ing now where bs had placed It to show how stsunrhly It resisted heat cold snd sgs. Rather mournfully John Male viewed tbs old vase. It had not fulfilled Its Dromlee. Manufactursra with mors capital bad outdlatanced bla business. A year alors bs bad attempted aa In novation. Everything looked prosper sas, but now ths houas distributing his goods had failed. Beulah Lisle did not live st horns. for two years she bad acted as gov- srnsss In a wealthy family. Once month, howsvsr, shs visited her fath er from Saturday until Monday. Thoas wars blissful hours for the old'man. Shs mended bis clothes; she set his three living rooms In order. And how tftey hopefully discussed ths llttl home they would Jointly occupy when "tha new process" was a success! Manfully sharing all tbs heaviest burden a. David set at work In ths nsw partnership. When ths Saturday earns whan Beulah was to maks bar regular visit bs anticipated ths pleas- ant Sunday when she would preside st tbs table snd bring new aunahlns Into tbs rsthsr dreary boms. Bs came Into tbs little parlor bark of Itis offlrs tbat especial Saturday, ts find Beulah thsrs, but In tears, sn ksr father looking ths plcturs of de spair. Beulah always greeted him wtth a bright smile, for aha knew bow good and trus bs was. . Ths atulle wsa sacking now, for deep sorrow shad swsd her fair face. Brill, David fan dad that her band claap waa mors fervent than sver before, snd a mute gratitude tn her eyes told that she ap preciated bis sterling fidelity in sus taining bar father amid his business troubles. "It never rslns but It pours," Mr. Llels bslf groaned. "We shall ses lit tle of Beulah for a long tlma to corns." Then Miss Lisle Is going" began David, -and bis heart stood still "going to bs married r bs almost blurted out "Going away to another part of ths country, with ths Bartons," added Mr. Uala.. "It Is beat dear papa," spoke Boy ish, soothingly. "My Income as gov- srnsss makes ms Independent It re lieves you of a grsat cars until" "Until Lisle A Co. bavs mads a suc cess" supplsmsnted David. "It shall bs. Miss Lisle,- and ths young man fait the surging tlds of a new smbi- Vets inspire bis hopeful soak Beaten could not remain with them, la tbs Burtons wars already packing for tbs removal. There was tearful good by batweea father aod daughter. Dsvld trod on sir ss ths former sug gested that bs see Beulah boms. All tbat blissful mile be sought to cheer ber up, to paint bar father's future to glowing colors. When they parted sbs asked a timid favor. I shall be obliged to leave a pet kitten behind," aha said. "I spoke to father about It Us fancied little Snowball would bs a comfort to blm. Could you burden yourself with the charge, Mr. Porterr And Snowball became thua a fixture at tha Lisle place. When David re turned home that day, Bolfe Vance, arrayed gorgeoualy, was disappointed- leaving It Ms bad found a new snd paying situation, know thst Beulsb was expected on a visit sod bsd ap peared to show himself. All through tbs long wintsr eve nings after that the old man and Da vid worksd and, planned to get enough ahead to bar Beulah corns boms. Trade was getting better, but ths de velopment was alow. Ons day Rolfs Vance drifted Into the old office. Pros perity showed In bis every word and action. Us bsd with him a fifty dollar bulldoc and wnrs a diamond pin. Bs vaunted grandly of bla good luck snd ssked about Beulah. Look out!" auddanly shouted Mr. Male. Bs waa too lata with his warning. Tbs dog bsd discovered .Snowball- The kitten made it spring snd sailed to a lofty flight landing on top of the file case, loaded the old vase ana there was a topple and a crash, Vance discreetly withdrew. Mr. Male groaned at the wreck snd ruin on tbs floor. Dsvld gathered up the fragments. Then bs uttered a cry of amazement for aaoof them wars folded bank' notes. The secret hoard of oia Wil liam Male was disclosed fire ons thousand dollar bills I Banish waa sent for. New capital brought new buatneaa Ons day Mr. Msla entered the parlor to see dang ti ter snd partner band la band, smiling anollr. Holtv-toltv " ba exclalroeo. -wnaie thisr With a proud, quiet smlls David Porter took from bla pocket a deed of nartnerahlD. Be Indicated oos line ths same: To have and to bold I" Dtpnd$ on Voict to Show Man'i Character Tbs other dsy I waa In Tommy Michael's office. "J. P." writes la tbs Kansas City Times, sad be nodded to me to pick ap the extension telephone. "I want u to listen to wbat this bird has to aay ." said be. Wall, I did, and except that I knew nothing about the business he was talking. I got slong all right Finally Tommy cut tbs convsrsstion off. I think I do not want to So bsei- sess with you," ssld hs, snd bung up tbs receiver. Be knew nothing of the other man except from bis telephone converse tloa, bot did not Ilka bla voice. It was, bs said, ths voice of a cheat and s bully. Bs felt bs could not rely on this telephone stranger, except to be unfair and untruthful and trouble some. Voices, said Tommy Michael. are worth studying. Bs hsd been fooled by fair appearance more than once, and candid eyea bsd proven de ceitful, sad ths written word bad been deceptive when paased en by a lawyer. But be could always spot tbs voice or a rorua "I don't know what there is about It" bs said, vaguely. " Something something falae." Since then I have been atudying vol res. Of course, a rough, quarrel soma, mean, sycophantic voire may be detected because of the Inflection. But to catch the voire of a thief because of some false note- Tommy ssys It ess always bs done. with practice. An honest man always haa aa bonest voice. A thief never haa, i Trr It some time. Oueas oa ths voices you besr on tbs phona Htalth CrtaUr Than Cold Tbs crew of ths old whaler Narwhal that sailed to Die South aess tn quest of treasure did not maks the voyage without reward. To be sure they did not flu the bold nt the vesael with "pieces oi eignt' The did not discover sny pirates' loot Tbslr maps and charts did not lead them to any cache of gold and silver bidden away by marlnea pursued by buccaneers, ssys ths San Francisco Ttmee. No "X" marked any apot they could And that yielded anything better than blssted hopes of limitless hordes nt me stuff by which men measure wealth. But thli crew returned with woeiia rr more substantial than gold nreriona atone. They bavs that which a Oroejus csnnot buy. Tlisy returned with a" wealth of besim. new oioou flows In thslr vslns. There Is mors thsn wsslth In Health. There is nsp ntneaa and the power to be up and dolnc. There Is ths will to achlsvs success. AncUnt Enil'uh Ltgtni Th. etnreaalon. "Turn again, Whlt tlngton," refers to Richard, better known as Dick Whlttlngton, an Eng lish merchnnt snd lord msyor or Lon don. According to populsr romsncs, Whlttlngton as a lad wsnt to London snd obtslned work ss a scullion drawing tired of Ill-usage, be started to leave the city when the Bow belli seemed to say to blm "Turn again, Whlttlngton, lord msyor ef London." Be,' therefore, went back and event ally rose to tbs prophesied position. DUCKS USUALLY ARE HARDIEST OF FOWLS Ducks ss a nils srs bsrdy. They do not bsvs fa pee. The weakest part duck If Its legs. Indigestion Is apt to show Itself In the young, IX coarse ssnd Is omitted tn the food. It slwsys beat to put a handful of and In a pall of .mash food, mixing it thoroughly. Tbla wUI aid digestion. Tbs oily naturs of tbs feathers makes ths ducklings vermin proof. Exposure to hot suns Is fatal. Tbsrs should al ways bs a parttsl sbsds to tbs runs. Ths market term "green duck" It of late Innovation. The cognomen Is applied for ths reason thst ths bird has not yet matured. It abould weigh not less than four pounds, snd be not ever ten weeks old eight weeks would bs better snd should never be allowed bathing water. As sa artlds of diet. If provided by competent chef, the green duck resembles tbs famous and fast disappearing canTssbn'k duck. Ths Runner duck not inclined w fatten so resdlly aa other varieties. Its name originated from ths fact tbat this duck bss a running rather than a waddling motion. In color It Is a light brown or fawn sbsds and gray. At ths Joining of ths besd snd bill there Is a narrow band of white. Tbs Irgs srs orange. In carriage It la erect with a long, narrow body, well elevated In front and cloeely featn- ered. The neck Is long snd slender, and the head rather flat Ths bill Is long snd broad. Duck egga srs In demand by confee- Uooers. ss they Impart a glass to their Icing, which cannot be bad with ben egga. For making plum puddings, dack egga are more economical than those of fowls, being both larger la atxe snd rlchsr. , la ths .household duck eggs srs uaed In making all kinds of cakes, omelette, cooking generally, and they srs also relished fried. Production of Eggs.Is Where Most Profit Made iTobably ths greatest hindrance ts Use profitable keeping of poultry oa tha ordinary farm Is ths retention of lot of fowl thst era poor layers. do either to their being too old or of a type to produce meat rather than eggs. Tbs production of egg Is ths end of the poultry business in which the most profit csn bs made, so that a heavy egg producing type Is best suited to ordinary farm conditions. Generally speaking, ths pullet year Is ths moat profitable period of a ben's Ufa. It is advisable, therefore, either to mark the chlcka when hatched, ualng s different mark for esrb year, or to band ths pullets when they ere put Into winter quarters, so fhst st culling time the sgs of tha different birds csn be seen st a glance snd only thoas thst srs required for breeding purposes retained after the firat year's production, . Ths trap-neat is ths moat reliable means to uss la culling ths flock, but ths ordinary farmer does not uss trap neat, se that reliance must be placed en physical characteristics. Ths high producer will bs of sn sctlve disposi tion, early off the roost In the morning snd lste to go on st night snd slwsys busy. Ber hesd will be clear cut, face smooth and tree from wrinkles, with bright prominent eyes; skin soft, pli able and of fine texture; and a general appesrsncs sf health snd vigor. Feed in Severe Weather Many successful poultrymen follow ths practice of supplying a little mora feed thsn ususl when ths weather Is unfavorable and soms of them changs tbs ration slightly, supplying a tittle mors ef the best snd fst producing element. This is dons en ths theory thst ths fowls srs warmer snd mora comfortable when so fed snd there la no doubt but that this ts the esse, la any event special attention when the weather Is bsd Is tbs beat way to avoid ths beginning of dlseaaa and dis orders which mar throw tbs sntlra flock out of condition for sn sntlra season. mniiiiiiiiMinniiiiit Poultry Notes HH i in i hhihii i un Show your best fowls st ths fairs, see Feed ths bens to force them through tbslr molt see Cull all undeveloped pullets and eld bens from the flock. Grain will put on flesh and tbat la tha Ideal that ons should strive to at see Bavs you soms chickens to sell I Tall your customers tbat poultry li aa cheap as other Jhjgh-grads meat . e e e Silling a crippled chick Is as act ef greatest kindness snd ought to bs dona a soon as tba deformity Is discorerea see." Of course egg shells are more brtttla at ths snd of tbs hatch thsn at tba be ginning. If tbey weren't bow could tbs chicks break thslr way out! see ,It Is better to discard bens with defect tbs momsnt they are detected thsn to bold them at a loss until lata summer, or until the end of tha year. when thsrs Is a general culling. STATE NEWS IN BRIEF. Bend. Consolidation of the Bend Brick company, located 2Vt miles west of Bend, and lbs Central Oregon Brick company, located near Terrebonne, wsa announced recently. Eugene. Louis Btass, S5, was killed instkntly at 11 o'clock Friday sear Coburg, when be was struck by a fall ing tree. Bs wss cutting wood on Oeorge Smith's farm, a mils east of Coburg. Salem. Expenditure of 12,009,480 by Oregon's ten largest snd most Im portant state Institutions for 1925 snd 1926 hsve been spproved by the state budget commission, according to an announcement Saturday, Moro. About (0,000 bushels of Tur key Red wheat passed from farmers to dealers here Saturday st prices abovs f 1.60 a bushel. Ths differential between Moro and Portland, Including accrued warehouse charges, la now 18 cents a bifthel. KuKune, A survey of 138 farms in Oregon, made to determine -the use and extent of electrical equipment snd facilities, wss made recently snd s report on the surrey bss been pre pared, sccordlng to Ralph P. Laird of Pleaaant Bill, a member of a commit tee of nine In charge. Eugene. The Western Lumber com pany, which has spent many thou sands of dollars and many months In building a sawmill at Weatflr, near Oakrldge, la planning to open the plant In late January, according to George B. Kelly and F. W. Sullivan, members of the firm. Tillamook. A taxpayers' associa tion, whose membership will include resident taxpayers of Tillamook couo ty snd have tor Its purpose reduction of the tax burden by reducing public xpenditures snd promoting efficiency In the bsndling of public business, la being formed In this county. Salem. Ths West Coast Power com pany, with headquarters In Portland, bas sbsorbed ths Shore y Electric com pany st Reedsport, ths Florence Elec- trlct company snd the Wsldport Elec tric company, according to announce ment made at the office of the public service commission Saturday. Tillamook. By a vote of SI to 81 a levy for $20,000 was voted last Satur day In road district No. 1, In ths Man tanlta Nebalem country for road con structlon. An open grade as wide a the money permits will be msde to the county line around Neah Kah-N'le mountain and the road will b survey ed on a permanent alignment Klamath Falls. In an effort to bring bla marriage record to an even 200 during hla term of Office, Justice of the Peace Emmltt bas announced bargain rates for swslns between now snd the first of the year. Heretofore It bas taken a "five-spot" to perform ths ceremony, but aa a special appeal ba bss consented to officiate at 12.50. Klamath Falls. The Klamath coun ty rhambt-r ol commerce started the second of Its series of get-together meetings with agricultural sections Friday night whn a delegation from the local chamber attended a ban quet given by tha people of Merrill. Residents of that section are now in veatlgating the desirability of growing sugar beets. Salem. The work of issuing 192 motor vehicle licensee started in the secretary of state's offics bers Fri day. Under the taw these licenses csnnot be used legally until January In Issuing snd sending out 19 motor vehicle licenses earlier than usual this year ths secretary of state Is of the opinion that an eleventh-hour congestion wilt be avoided. Gold Bosch. Ths pact forest fire sesson wss one of the most disastrous In the history of the 8isklyou National Forest, according to A. B. Wright supervisor, wbo wss here this week front Grants Pass. Mr. Wright said that while he had not all bis facts and figures compiled, he bad learned enough from all the reports (lied to make known the loss wss beavy. Roseburg. With mors buyers In the field than have been present for more than ten years, ths pre-Cbristmss tur key market Is becoming stronger daily, and the price Is mounting rapidly, Buyers, who a few days sgo sent out notices to growerthat they would pay SO cents, bavs increased tneir ot ters to 32 cents a pound, and an evaa better pries Is not Improbable. Pendloton. Ths demand for cross bred lambs to form ths foundation of breeding flocks has grown so keen that the price bss been raised to 11 cents a pound. Contracts on this basis tor both ewes and wethers for deliv ery next fall already bars been sign ed for several thousand head, and dur ing the last few days 6200 were re ported to hare been purchased at this price. PORTI A Nn OFFERS A MARKET SJm- 1 J-illJL,FOR YOUR PRODUCE t'Mallory Select Residential & Transient lata and Yamhill, Portland. Onto. Modern Fireproof American Flan RATES MODERATE Page &Qs-in. WE WANT OUI1 Turkeva & Fresh Epcs 7J Cedir Chests V17A0 rartonr. UrraUa aUiVO way fortauaL NFORMATION' DEPARTMENT PLEATING 8PZCIA.L Cut, mm, hem snd machine pleat aklrta raadr for band SI. 00 Hematll hlnr, nicotine an4 turklM. EASTERN NOVELTY MFQ. CO. MVa Klitrt Street Portland. Ore. UT flOWI A FLORAL FUSIONS Clarke Bros., florists, 27 MorrlaooBt. MOLER BARBER COLLEOK Twchea trade In I w,ka. Roma hi whll learning. Pultlona earurod. Write Inr ratalosua. U4 Burnslde MUtat, Port- Imi.U. OiKun. I PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING Battona. HcoUoMna. Faarl Piut E-laa. Wlda H'malitrhins, Lm! tvvUri. Baltoa Holaa. Ail urk jpiaraiii-t Smith PUauai and Sanaa Works 121 Motrin Bid, Portland. Ora. . DR. MARIS D. EQUI Woman and Tailor-. PRYBICIAN 14 Lafaretta Bids BUROKO RYDER PAINT1NC1 CO. Fraturt PrluUnc for lit Third Htrt Port land, Ortfon Your "TEETH SLEEP" Whll W Work Our K'bufntlon u our creatMt imL Dr. Kn. 2tl Washington Bt, Portland aVTTKNTIOV LADlKrV It ftmn mbm Mtiiiar DMtiif Mnr: in yum p; Busk kit kind of hir pic Mt ot combmr; 1 ( iwtWh, 3 aTtetnt. 91. 60; ft tmt $' Kull court, f bemulf wltara, $29. 4U0 Iltum bulldltTf. PgrtlMetj. OrffiB. v NORTON I A HOTEL Too Will real Ricfct M Hoaw Ban Sehsal Ciahw-g Hi law. Euallant Cafe. 8 pacta! Waaler Rataa. Bua Mm alt Traina. 1 ltd and Stark. fOKTLAND, OREGON Cornelias Wbolaaoma food aaokad )nat riant br eooaa who know. BHl.UAL lit Minchaon aorvad daily that caanat ba aarollad. Park straat batn-aan Waahtnataa snd Aldar. Portlaad Cafeteria YOU WANT A SHOW? Wl til fonilst Onrhaatrna. ".invars. Danrara. Comadiaaa, Maai- clana. Inrwt, fr Hina Talant ManuerTtpta. iu II HAS2 A.MLSfcMr.NT CO. Hippodraaaa !. Portland. Omjoa. Taiavkoae Mais awu. CLEANING AND DYEING aaaaav niaole Oaantna- Bad Dr. rfSTtv hs aarrlea aaad poreals sa aa. -T.if O toewraura poaun Inforaa ettoa aad antes gnaa a poo aa. JlrjfflrW taA KNES-S UTT DTK WORKS. Eatabhanad 1M0. Pertlaad. Ora Portland Sines laej. I Uala OS Wigs fiRIS MAH KOBE Toupees All ktndaof Hair and Bawtr Work br eiporta. tUanobiit Co. aiVt aak. ataaMjWaat Park Prostate Cured Without Operation pacta! siuaiioa la stoaara. itatraia, jucui ana f aaaia I root laa UK. M. A. PHILUI'O. Broadway Bldf. Portland, Or. Dr. Lake, Divine Healing: 129 fourth Street, Portland WASHING STATR W. U Ckk-ta froai MrrtM Wal an 4 double Drdiffrvo alrvo. fin an-nxlltrd. Al0 rbolra H. Soraa, lrt prtoa. 1WI II, a dVHr.rj Suaraat!. ratable frao. QllllhN r IATCJ in RY-Jv Tobi "City of Thres Kings." Cologne, In Germany, waa for many centuries known ss "The City of the Three Kings,' lines it Was Supposed tq be ths burial place of ths magi from the East wbo were guided by the star to the stabls ,1a Bethlehem on the first Christmas night Must Pay ths Pries. For anything worth having one muat. pay the price, and the price Is slways work, patience, lovs and self sacrifice. No paper money, no prom ise to pay but the gold of real serv ice. John Burroughs. Power of the Mind. It is only by thinking about great and good things that wa come to lovs them, snd it is only by loving them that we come to long for them, and It is only by longing for them thst ws are Impelled to seek after them. Francis Bacon, the philosopher, was snother selt-medlcator. When It rain ed hs would ride out In an open coach with bared hesd to receive tha bene fit of Irrigation, ss hs put It. Rare indeed srs ths rings worn by Stuart partisans in Englund after the execution of King Charles I. Under a large diamond, tn a hidden capsule, was concesled a miniature portrait of ths king. wttti auARJurrnD SOTIOHAL ihcu. .BATOR. Madoiatwo tueal l u a mi JMa aaoa lona. Addaaaptionaar lima. Karri aarttoa a aomplrto Ineubalor. arse capacity small Spaos automatic regulat ion, leal work, low over all na root. Yotl ran't both In Prtoa ot Hatch. Aiidraaa ma at once lor i V t 1. al. If MIS 100 la M O U B A TOR I fraaoatalmuo. Nnrrfat- If. Incubator tsIim obtainable, rraa trial provaa is vaaro praotioal atpariaaos and Monar OuarantM. T. HILCNS IHCUBATO" CO. A. E. Badsw.Prop. bos M Can tela, ffaah. TON Portland, Orefna AtroaviLLs PHoto-riATs Coaplata Caania Saturday. Adiilia, Vta.1 daf Matlsaa, aue; r.-.oi,,i. fWinu esli It p a ehllrlraa 10 mi all lma Writ, for Priaaa -Jtef Tennessee Cedar at Da lay 81a. Odlca, baiaaroom. m E. Broad- Si.NI) KUK CA TALoU HOME TREATMENT for Chronic Diseases Individual Efftclivt Convenient eaa la ln paraonal attention. Iliih Xf afflrtant rrmlia prapared forra b ladtvd al. Treatment tauad on our latoratorr an alyala and dlaffnoaai of iMtttvnt'a ailmanta. Band for armetom diarmaia Uan, blootl Wat stuatand full Inform- No oolihal Uon AMERICA! HEALTH IISTIIUIE RpedaHata an Chmnle Duaaaaa. Hull, tit Columbia Rids.. Waat Park and Waahlnstoa 8ta Portland. Onsoa. We Specialize in , Bidet, Petit. Weel, Italair, Tilfow, Citcirt, Orefsa Grape Root God Skits, Borst Baar W rite far Sklppi nt Tacs A lataat Prtoa Uat Portland Hide a Wool Co. . las aaaa mavf asm. rwruas. aaiiea. Kranekat Poeatalio. Idaho BARK-ROOT TONIC Mild Laaatlot Irtttm Baildar The Stomach Tnnic . That R4.aLU. and Keeps Yuur Wholc System KitfM Ai AH Rrliabla Drutsitts DRUGS BY MAIL Lot ai arod roa roor lrura br ail-Spadel aarrioa rraon mail ordrro LA It-LI A VIS DKUC COMPANY Troaa Elparta. in Third St.. Portland. Ora When In Portland Park, Your Car in Our Garage SAFE and CENTRAL If Your CAR needs attention, wa ban a COM PLkTE MACHINE SHOP Ik connartioa and ax. Mchanlca, Wa wlU Si your CAR whila yog SHOP, Tha ebanoo will ba reaaunaba and the work suaran. ld aatlafacUirjr. FRANKLIN SERVICE A SPECIALTY. ANDERSON GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP LARGE GARAGE ;4 9th and Hoyt, Portland, Ore Fort Was Called Chimes. Old Fort Tlcontleroga, In New York state, was built In 1705 by tha French, who called it Carillon, or 'Chimes, in allusion to the music of the watcrfulls at the outlot of Lake George nearby. Need of Popularity. Jud Tunktns says In order to be eloctod to office "most sny man must have enough personal popularity to cause him to be forgiven for a few things. Washington Star. The ninth death ss a result of a collision Thursday botween a Sacra mento short line train and a Koy route train took place Monday In Oakland, Cal.; when Tony Stillapos succumbed. His skull was fractured. All other In jured sre expected to recover. You Want a Good Position Yarr walV Tsk Ike ArcoonUnrr snd Boalnaas Management, Private BenreWrtal, Cairo lata r Gomtoaetor, Btanofraphia, panauaanip, or OosuaaKlal Teachers' Co ores st Behnke-Walker TVs foremost Bnelnsas Collars of ths Kerthweet which has woa aura Accuracy Awards and Hold Medals thaa any other school la America. Band Sir aor Sueoeaa Oatalor Fourth Htreet aear Morrlaoa, Portland, Or. I aaaa M. Walker, Pres. P. N. U. No. 81, 1924 LIE