The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 19, 1924, Image 2

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    v V
Publlth4 I : very Friday by
J. V. HEAD. KJiM-Puhlither
On year ....$1.60
Six month! .75
Thie month 50
EnUred accoiiU clan matter at th
poitoffir at Ion. Oregon, under act
of Mmvh 3, lS7t
Friday. Dec. 19, 1924
Church Notes
Owing: to a number of requests
from numerous sources, the
meetings which closed at the
Christian church, December 7,
were resumed last Sunday and
will continue until Sunday the
21st Interest has been good
and in spite of the cold weather
good crowds have been in atten
dance. There will be no service
Friday night, but services will
be held Saturday night. The
topic announced for Saturday
night is, "My Destiny." Sun
day morning the subject will be,
"Almost Persuaded," and Sun
day evening, "Men Wanted."
The pastor is holding these ser
vices unassisted.
The Christmas Pageant which
was announced for Sunday night
at the Christian church has
been postponed to Wednesday
vemng, December 24, on ac
count of the services in progress
at the church this week.
The Ladies Aid of the Christ
ian church will hold a cooked
food and fancy work sale at the
McMurray building, Saturday,
December 20. Lunch will also
be strved throughout the day.
The get-together meeting of
the I. O. 0. F. at Morgan last
Thursday was a grand success.
lone, Lexington, Heppner and
Cecil were well represented.
Mrs. H. J.' Streeter and Mrs.
Weltha Combest of Cecil called
on-Mrs. Hardesty last week.
They came up to Morgan with
Mrs. Alfred Medlock. ,
Messrs. Pat and Alfred Med
lock and families called on E. B.
Gorten last Sunday.
Tuesday morning Morgan ther
mometers registered 10 degrees
above zero and the wind blowing
made it seem even colder.
Mrs. Este Bauernfiend was
calling on friends last Saturday.
Miss Zoe Kan-ens. the principal
of Morgan Bchool spent the week
end at her home in lone.
The 6. & B. store at Morgan
will receive your watch repairing
for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply store
for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner.
A Merry Christmas
Doctor Clarke of the Clarke
Stram Optical Co., wishes all his
friends a Merry Christmas and
a prosperous New Year.
J. W. Campbell of Ostrander,
Washington, is a guest at the
Hotel lone this week. He io
spending a few days visiting
The dance advertised for Dec
20 has been postponed on ac
count of unfavorable weather.
J. P. Louy left Thursday morn
ing for Arlington on business.
Oddfellows and Rebeccas Atten-
lion: there will be a big feed at
the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Saturday,
December 20. Come, and bring
your appetite.
High School Notes
Friday, December 5. the dudHs
of the lone Public Schools moved
from the old schoolhouse' to the
new one. At 2:30 o'clock the
high achool boyi carried the
high school desks over and each
person carried their own books.
At 8:15 o'clock the trade proces
sions started with each instruc
tor as leacer. Their arms were
full of books and their pockets
full of pencils, erasers, and
crayelas, and their faces covered
with smiles. The pupils of the
7th and 8th grades sandpapered
all their desks and then varnish
ed them, so that now they can
sit in desks that they can easily
imagine are new.
Monday morning the high
school pupils were assigned their
desks by Mr. Tucker. The little
green freshman were put up
In front where they could bt
easily watched; the sophomores
were put close behind. The
wise seniors were given the back
seat' Band the junior dummies
took the remaining seats.
High school students were
told to walk down the stairs in
stead of trying t6 see who could
go all the way down the
least numbi r of jumps.
Most of t!ie first period Monday
morning whs taken by Mr. Tuck
er, who gave a talk Betting forth
the new rules which were as
follows: not more than two are
allowed to leave the room at
one time; running up and down
stairs will not be permitted and
the doors will not be opened
until 8:30 men morning.
Teachers Hold Conference
The Mormw County Teachers'
I Association held a conference in
jthe high school auditorium last
Saturday morning at 10:30. The
following officers were elected:
Mr. Tucker, president; Mr." Hed-
Send for your free copy
of this book today!
The book tells you how you can hunt on potted prop-
erty bow farmer and sportsman can g'-t together
to their mutual advantage.
Three-quarters of the banting ground is already
posted. Where will you hunt thi fall? Read the
book, "Hunting Posted Property" it's free.
Sporting Pointer Division
Is broadcasting to all the
World this season
"Come! W. ar kattar prrrt
thaa rrar tm Mtartala y an4 avaJka vtett wandarful ,.
If you have never been to California it thouM be
the eflort of your life to go. When jrou art ready
to plan the trip let the
Union Pacific
help. Sand ward lo the uarWilined br phoae, m mwti or
call. I aill five you the eenrlh of oqr Mraonal kambrlt
end pfrinc, or I wttl rm Tea the t ample
trlatoel miw to a fcaal I know evarv route, evrrv
ban, every fatal of eqipaient and the exact eoet, I aria
ecure youritoptna car etcomrauletiooe, provide roe with
on outline of your trip, and delrraj your tirketa. TouBaat
nt leave your noma or your office to attend to botharaome, I have the beet there la, end It aaall ha youn toe
Independent Garage
E. R. LUNDEl L Proprietor.
During One Week
commencing Dec. 24 and ending
Jan. 1, everything in this gar
age will be sold at
1 0 Percent Discount
United States, Kelly-Springfield
and Good Year tires and tubes
30x31-2 oversize tires $11.70
32x4 " " 19.35
and all other sizes in accordance. Everything
in the house 10 percent discount.
Independent Garage
I lone, Oregon.
At cufr fuel COiW
gVERY LANG RANGE manufactured U built
round the famou. HOT BLAST principle and
contain. tha LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, Wk
original, patented feature. Forcing the he t
tirel around the oven, utilizing every particle) '
of fuel and heating every inch of cookinj cur
face, the LANS ranfce i by far rh most econom
ical kitchen ranfce on the market. Today LANG
atove are used and endorwd by thowand of
. American housewives.
Let us show you a
rick, superintendent of schools at
Heppner, vice-preiddent; Mr. Nil
cox, a rural district teacher,
secretary-treasurer. .
The conference of the State
Teachers' Association will be
held In Portland December 29,
30 and 31. The delegates from
this county will be Mr. KuHsell,
superintendent of schools at
Hoardman; Mr. Kelly, principal
of the Lexington school and Mr.
Twenty-four teachers were pres.
ent and immediately following
the business meeting an address
was given by Mr. Landers of
Monmouth Normal, School..
Box Social at Alpine Dec. 20
A box social will be held at
the Alpine schoolhotiie, Satur
day, Pec, 20 to. ralee money for
the construction of rabbit puns
for drives this winter. An Inter
esting program will be put on
by rhe members of the Farm
Uureau, starting at 8:00 P. M.
Ladies are requested to bring
boxes which will be auctioned
olf after the program.
For Xmas-An Ideal Water
man Pen. Writes messages the
year round. Dullard's Pharmacy.
Don't miss It! "The Hunch,
back of Notre' Dame," Dec. 25.
'"' IMM
We wish our many
Patrons and Friends a Vcry
Merry Christmas
Bristow & Johnson
C. A. BECK, Proprietor
f Drop In and loch over my '
- T
Line of WorK Shoes.
1 have a good stocK of Cloves and
Harness Supplies.
t ivcpainna ai treasonable Price.
t iMnseeMv
lone MarKet
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
JYour Patronage Solicited.
Under New Management
. lone, Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commcr.
cial Table First Class. -A home away from
home, with best meals in Central Oregon.
SAM GANGER, Proprietor.
Nice Rooms. Good Service.
Farm Implements
lone, Oregon
J. W. I10VVK, Agent, lone, Ore.