3mw VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 NUMBER 27 Auto Accident Near Cecil While on his way to a ranch near Alderdale, Wash., Mc Meniman'i car and a Ford driven by E. II. Turner collided about one mile below Cecil lust Salur day night. It is understood thut on meeting the car driven by Mr. Turner, McMeniman drove too close to the edge of the road with the result that the front wheel wont over the bank, throwing , the rear of the car toward the tV center of trie road. Mr. Tur ner's car crashed into the rear of the Dodge, losing a. front wheel and a fender. One of the rear wheels of Mr. McMeniman'a car was broken and a fender bent, but after few repairs by . J. H. Bryson, he was able to continue his trip. , Mr. McMeniman Is a former Ueppner attorney and is now practicing law in Portland. Mrs. Guy Cason and children and her uncle, Ixmis Padberg, arrived here from Portland on Monday. Mrs. Cason will re main in lone during the illness of her father, E. L Padberg, and take care of the Padberg children. , Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Mathison MtonFridaoof last week for Portland where they will spend about two wjeeks visiting rela tives. Mrs. Cason and Arlie Padberg made a trip to Pendleton on Tuesday to visit their father E. L. Padberg who is seriously ill at the Pendleton hospital. Mr. Pad berg's condition is report ed to be unchanged. Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35.00000 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON Santa comes but once a year. This season, Xmas Stationery, Dolls, Toys and many, other items at lower prices. TREE DECORATIONS, LARGER AND BETTER ASSORTMENT THAN EVER i Put Kodaks on your Xmas list. A gift that is always in season. DROP IN AND GiVE OUR STORE THE ONCE OVER Dullards Pharmacy The Gift Store Pres. J. S. Landers to Speak Friday evening, December 12, the citizens of lone and surorund ing places will have an exception al opportunity in hearing Pres. J. S. Landers of the Oregon Normal School. Mr. Landers in un educator and lecturer of wide experience and reputation, and his subject, "The New Emphasis in Education" ia said to be one of great interest, especially to those who are interested in the local school problems. No ad mission will be charged, as Pres. Landers is coming solely for the purpose of inspiring community interest in the local schools. The lecture will be given in the new high school auditorium at 7:30 P. M. Don't forget the Lexington high school play to be presented in the Lexington Auditorium, at 8 o'clock on the evening of December 13. "It Pays to Ad vertise" is a play well worth your time and money, and one you will bb glad to have set-n. It is seldom that a high school attempts such a heavy play, but Lexington is going to put it over b.g. Remember the matinee at 2 o'clock for children, seats 15c. Seats for the evening perform ance are only GO cents. Come early in order to get a good seat. II. C Wood, local real estate broker and Al Zink spent a few days in South Bend, Wash., last week on business. S.W.Thomp son, a real estate dealer of Vancouver, Wash., accompanied them pn their return to lone. Claus Lexington High School Play A nationally known play, "It Pays to Advertise," will be offered by the Lexington high school in the public school audi torium a( 8 P. M. on Saturday, December 13. 1921 Seats for the evening performance will be priced at 50 cents. A matinee will be held in the afternoon at 2 P. M. of the same day, seats for 15 rents. THs royalty play of unusual calibre ran in New York for two years, and has since been offered by . many colleges and universities as one of exceptional value. Statements used in the play concerning ad vertising are facts. Come and learn scientific truths while you revel in two and a half hours of the most wholesome fun. The cast is as follows: Mary (Jniytton (We run do It) ljivelle l-ntlii-m ('(mtPHiw iIh lieaurtco (Oh In In la. tiumittaur!) ' Neva Slilnu Koriix-jr Martlii (Now, fiithi r!) ItUHwII Wrlt!it C'yru Martin (You yuung iip)'.) ClnriMire CuriuMim-l AmbroM I'rult (Tliut'a me, ulHtoluto- ly!) IpUr While KlU'Vey Clark (Oh, I nay. now!) Harold Slicrer Joliimon (Very good, lr!) Jumtw Keller Marie (Oul. Madume! llertlia Tucker William Smith I should ay not G. leu n Slierer Donald Mc-cln Kiiey (Ancl that got! I'buI McholR Mix llurke Vw, ilr! Alice Puliner (ieorgH Hromon Kntlierll 2t Marlon Palmer A collision between cars drien by Cecil Sargent and Wesley McNabb occurred last Sunday night between lone and Jordan Siding.' In meeting on the road the lights were dimmed but a spotlight apparently blinded Mr Sargent, and the 'impact that followed threw Mrs. Sargent and children out of the car. Mrs. Sargent was slightly injured and the children suffered a few bruises. Except for a broken wheel on each car, not a great deal of damage was done. Don't forget the big Xmas dance at lone December 20. Iave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply Store for Hay lorthe Jeweler, Heppner. High School Notes The seniors of lone high school will present the one act dbmedy, "Bobby" by Norvell Thompson, on December 19, in the high school auditorium. This play deals with the adolescent love affairs of Bobby, a spoiled young man who is engaged to several girls at the same time, all of whom he thinns. are madly in love with him. Come and find out how he gets out of the mesa. The play will be given to cover the graduation expenses of the seniors. The admission will be 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. A carnival will be held following the play. The baskets were put in the gymnasium Friday by Mr. Alli son oi Lexington, aided by Mr. Tucker and some of the high school boys. .The basket at the south end of the gymnasium is stationery but the other one is on hinges so it can be raised in order not to obstruct the view of the stage. The first practice was held Friday but the floor lines were not painted until Saturday. No practice was held Monday because of the fresh paint. A freshman class meeting was 0. S. T. A. Program Complete Eugene, Oregon (Special) VIhe general program of the Oregon State Teachers' Association has jimtbeen completed by Superin tendent A. C. Strange of Astoria, president of the association, and Dean E. D. Ressler of Corvallis, secretary. The meeting of the Represen tative Council will be held in the Lincoln High School Auditorium. Monday, December 29. Reports of standing committees will be presented as follows: Credentials, P. F.'Gaiser; ex ecutive committee, E. D. Ressler; finance, J, C. McLaughlin; legis lative, J. E. Myers; necrology, E, H. Hedrick; loan fund, Miss Viola Ortschild; districting the state, C. A. Howard; time of holding convention, Mrs. Maud K. Darnall. Reports of research committee: visual education. Mrs. A. E. Watson; Oregon's facilities and responsibility for training teach ers, G. W. Ager; teachers' retire ment fund, H. D Sheldon: state course of study, E. D. Ressler; retardation. Charles Franseen; moral training, Harold S. Tuttle; N. E. A., G. W. Hug; committee on investigation, Miss Cornelia J. Spencer. The first general assembly will be held at 9 A. M., Tuesday, De cember 30. The program fol lows: 9:00 A. M. Assembly singing under direction of W. H. Boyer. supervisor of music, city public schools, Pprtland. 9:15 A. M. Invocation. 9:20 A. M Introductory state ment, Superintendent A. C. Strange. 9:30 A. M. Education in a Dem ocracy, President Thomas W. Butcher, Kansas State Teachers' College, Emporia. 10:30 A M. A nation-Wide Pro gram for Rural Edncation. Miss Mabel Carney, Teachers' College of Columbia University, New York. 11:10 A. M. Address -Miss Olive M. Jones, ex president of N. E. A., New York City. Tuesday afternoon and Wed nesday morning, the teachers will meet in the various depart mental sections. On Wednesday afternoon, December 31, the association will conclude its work with the following program: 1:15 P. M. Assembly singing. 1:30 P. M. Report of committee on resolutions P. E. Christen- son, chairman. 1:45 P. M. An Outsider's Views of O'egon's Rural Needs Miss 2:30 P. M. Address Miss Olive M. Jones. 3:15 P. M. Some Observations on Government in America President Thomas W. Butcher. E. F. Carlcton, U. of 0. Press Representative, 0. S. T. A. held last Tuesday to change plans concerning a farewell party they had arranged to give in the old school building. No dates were open until after the holi days. Mr. Landers, president of the state normal school will. give a community talk in the school auditorium, Friday evening at 7:30. The address will be follow ed by a practice basketball game with Pine City. 'For Xmas-An Ideal Water man Pen. Writes messages the year round. Bullard's Pharmacy, Cecil News Items Roy E. Stender was a business visitor in Cecil, Monday. Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and Mrs. H. V. Tyler of Rhea Siding also Mrs. 'J. H. Franklin and Mrs. Clark Key of Milton and the Misses Annie C. and Violet M. Hynd were calling on Mrs. R. E. Dimcan and infant son during the past week. Mrs. T. H. Lowe and daughter Miss Annie C. Lowe were busi ness visitors in lone on Monday. Mrs. L L. Funk and Mrs. W. Sexton also of Cecil were doinar the sights of lone on Friday. Peter Bauernflend arrived in Cecil a few days ago after taking treatments at Ritter Springs for several months. Pete declares he never felt better in hia life and is ready for any eort of work that may come hit way.; T. W. May is spending a few days visiting his brother L. D. May at The Dalles. Mrs. L. L Funk and daughter Miss Gtraldine were visiting friends in Wasco on Sunday. J. W. Odborn of Fairview was a passenger on tHe local, Wednes day. J. W.. was transacting business in The Dalles. H. J. Streeter is busy assisting W. H. Chandler, county road supervisor. They are clearing the roads near Cecil which were filled up during the sand blows. Max and Sam Gorfikle of the Pendleton Army t'id Navy Store were busy men in ite Cecil vicin ity on Monday. R. E. Djncan was a business visitor in Arlington on Thursday. Mrs. Este Bauernfiend of Mor gxn was visiting Mrs. L. L. Funk at Cecil on Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Franklin accompan ied by her daughter and eon in law Mr. and Mrs. Clark Key of Milton were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd. I Read Compare j I SAVE 1 j Saturday Special Cash Prices g 1 doz. Sun-Kist Oranges 20c 3 1 can standard corn 15c j 2 cans solid pack tomatoes 35c E H 2 cans Lima beans '25c H 2 cans sliced beets 35c E 1 can peaches 20c H 1 can apricots 20c 1 can standard peas 15c ' S3 ' 3 1 I have large stocks of canned g goods that were bought on the 1 lowest market ot the year and jj ; guarantee every can. f jH . Try a sack of ff I Sperry Drifted Snow Flour 1 i BERT IONE llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Annual Morrow County Farm Bureau Meeting The annual meeting of the Morrow County Farm Bureau will be hele at the Odd Fellows Hall at Heppner, December 20. The meeting will start at 10:30 in the morning and will be finish ed early in the afternoon. Mr. Paul V. Maris, director of the Extension Service from Corvallis, will be the principal speaker at this meeting. Business of im portance to the farmers of Morrow county will be transacted during the day. Dinner will be served at noon in the dining- room at the hail. All farmers and business men of Morrow county are invited to attend the meeting. County Agent Morse. There will be a prize Christ mas dance in the Legion Hall, Saturday, Eecember 20. Don't miss it. Why not something useful for the home, Xmas? A few sug gestions -a Rocker, Rug, Day Bed; Library , or dining room table; Sewing Machine; Daven port; Dining room or Bedroom suite; pictures and baby car riages. Call at the Furniture Store. S. E. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan were busy at Cecil on Friday morning, shipping nogs and geese to the Portland markets. Mr. Morgan has between three and four hundred acres of wheat beginning to look well, and is looking for better remits next harvest. Several bands of sheep belong ing to Hynd Bros., are now at their winter quarters at Butter- oy Flats, and awo bands belong ing to Krebs Bros., arrived at The Last Camp during the week. Gus Davis arrived from Mosier on Saturday and is assisting Walter Pope at Hillside for a few days. MASON OREGON