3mm VOLUME XIII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1924 NUMBER 26 Masons Elect Officers ' The Masonic Lodge of Ions held an election of officers on Wednesday of this week. The results of the election are as follows: Dr. C. Ii. Walker, W. M; W. E. Bullard. S. W; II. J. Hiddle, J. W; L. E. Dick, Sec retary; and Victor G. Peterson, treasurer. After the election some sec ond degree work wss done, and a turkey supper was served later in the evening. Halph Harris suffered a quite severe Injury last Friday when a atone column he was prying on buckled, and fell on his right hand. The bones In his hand were broken in six places and two long incisions made, one across the palm of his hand and another across the back, nearly to the end of the index finger. Dr. WalKer dressed the injured hand, about 24 stitches being necessary to close the cuts. Mr. 'idarris was taken to Pendleton en Monday by Dr. Walker, for M x-ray of the injured hand, which showed the bones all nicely wet. Although recovery is ex pected to be slow, Mr. Harris will not lose the use of his hand. B. A. Holteen and sons, of Scio, arrived in lone on Wed nesday of last week to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ekleborry, They returned to their home Sunday morning. A ChriBlmas bazaar and , food sale will be held December Cth, In the Ladies' Rest Room of the McMurray building by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregation al church. The Gift Store - Bullard's Pharmacy. Mrs. Jordan returned to lone on Tuesday evening. She was spending the Thanksgiving holi days In Portland and Salem. I have a full stock of furniture which I am selling at 10 percent reduction. All kinds of furniture repaired. S. E. Moore. Wesley McNabb arrived Sat urday evening from Hood River where he has been employed the past three months. Leave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply store for Haylor the jeweler, Heppoer. Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS ; State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, ORECON From Dot and Daddy A Kodak It has been hard for Dot to keep the . big secret but she managed somehow, ' and mother is the most surprised per son in the world. And pleased, too. A Kodak is just what she wanted. At our store you will find a complete line of Kodaks 1 from which to choose. May we help you? Bullard's Pharmacy The Kodak Store Lexington High School Play A nationally known play, "It Pays to Advertise," will be offered by the Lexington high school in the public school audi torium at8 P. M. on Saturday, December 13, 1924. Seats for the evening performance will be priced at 50 cents. A matinee will be held in the afternoon at 2 P. M. of the same day, seats for 15 rents. THs royalty play of unusual calibre ran in New York for two years, and has since been offered by many colleges and universities as one of exceptional value. Statements used in the play concerning ad vertising are facts. Come and learn scientific truths while you revel in two and a half hours of the most wholesome fun. The cast is as follows: Mary (iriiyiun (We can do It) Iari'lle leathers Com tent (Ih Hfftiirlcu (Ob la In la, inoimleur!) Nuva fcliluu Rodney Martiu (Now, father!) llimaell Wright 1'jru Martin (Yon young pup-!) Clarence Carinlchael AinbroHf I'ealt (That'ime, alMolute ly!) U'Hler White KlUvey (lark (Oh, 1 ny, now!) Harold Hherer Johtuon (Very good, ulr!) JauifM Keller Marie (Out, Madame! bertha Tucker William Bmltta I hould ajr not Ulenn 8herr Donald McChwuey t,.od thatfroe! Paul Klchola MlMDurktYv,ilr! Alice Talmer George Itronnon Rather! 2t . Marlon I'ulmer Cecil News Items Mr. and Mrs. Grover Curtiss of Rhea Siding were called to Minnesota during the week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Curtis's mother. A large party of young people from Cecil took in the big dance held at Arlington on Thursday of last week. All report having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter and family of Cecil spent Thurs day with J. W. Osborn and Mrs. Weltha Combest at Fairview ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Van Schioach and children of Arling ton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs on Tnursday, Elvin Schafer is once more at work at Buttrby Flats after pending his vacation with friends in Portland and Salem. P. Cox of Heppner is quite busy putting things in ship shape at "The Shepherds Rest," ready for R. A. Thompson's bands of Ewes which will arrive here soon for the winter. W. H. Chandler, Oscar Lundell T.. W. May were all doing busi ness, in Arlington during the week. " High School Notes Hazel Akers returned to school last Monday after a few days llness. Delbert Cool enrolled in the Freshman class on Monday. Walton Young broke his glass es and was absent during the week. Thfclma Forbes was absent one day last week. The boy's basketball team will play a practice game with Pine City December 12. The senior carnival which was planned for December 5 has been postponed until Friday, December 19. The senior class has chosen for the one-act play, "Bobby," to be given at this carnival. Open house was held in the new school building Wednesday evening, in order that the par ents might be allowed to see the interior of the builaing before the students move in. Protect yourself against the uncertainties of winter. We can assure you a good position in your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at once, Nogar Corporation, 301 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 3t Clinton Harper of Ewing was visiting his friends in Lexington on Tnursday. Frank Madden of Portland accompanied by Gene Logan and Sydney Willmott of The Willows were doing the sights of 1 Cecil on Thursday. - - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kopp accompanied by Miss Helen Far ley and Jim Farley, also John ana artnur merson oi inerfor new machinery. Willows Lexington News Items Mr. Karl Beach returned home Sunday evening from Walla Walla where he spent the holi days with his family. The Congregational Ladies Aid is planning a social gathering to be given to the people of Lexing ton. Watch for the announce ment. " One of Lexington's former residents, Jim Pointer was in town last week. Everyone was glad to see him. Mrs. Gillander, wife of the former pastor of the church at Lexington,' was visiting friends in town on Monday. Mr. L..L. Davis of Grandview was a business visitor in Lexing ton yn Wednesday. Mr. Howard Lane is improving his slaughter bouse with new sheds and corrals. Mrs. Eva Lane returned last week from a two mouths visit in the Valley. Mr. A. H. Nelson and his brother-in-law were in town on Wednesday. Sutter Christ of Freewater was in town Wednesday selling apples. Mr. Oliver J. Cox has been in Clarkston. Washington, visiting his sister. lie also visited his brother, J. I. Cox of Kamiah. Idaho-. He had not Been either of them for a number of years. Mr. Carpenter of Pendleton, representative of the Internation al Harvester Co. was in Lexing ton Wednesday, taking orders were calling in Cecil on Thursday. Geo. Krebs and J. W. Osborn were doing business in Heppner on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden and Mrs. Glen Kesterson of Port land were the dinner guests of the Misses A. C. and M. H. Lowe at Cecil oi j Saturday evening. Mrs. W. H. Chandler was calling at Busy Bee ranch on Saturday, and was introduced to the line 9 ponnd boy which had recently arrived at he home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Duncan. No need to say R. E. is the proudest man on Willowcreek. Bob Lowe left on Sunday, to continue his studies at Benson Polytechnic, in Portland. Miss Cleta Palmateer returned to Lex ington High school on Sunday and Miss Mildred Duncan return ed to het studies at Bcardman hiii a school, on Monday. All spent Thanksgiving at their re spective homes.' Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and son Elvin were visitors in lone on Saturday. Mr. rnd Mrs. Chas. A. Hayden Basketball season has begun at Lexington high school, with eighteen candidates in training. Iave your watch repairing at Swanson's Feed and Supply Store for Haylorlhe Jeweler, Heppner. Loose Wires Are Always Dangerous No matter how innocent look ing s wire danglingjn the strett may be, says the Oregon Public Utility Information Bureau, it is nevertheless a potential death hazard, and should be avoided as one would avoid poison or small-Pox- - ' Only a short time ago, two Seattle boys were electrocuted while trying to hoist a garbage can to the top of a light pole as a Hallowe'en prank. Numerous fatal ' accidents have recently been recorded where boys and grown ups have attempted to st'ing radio, aerials across live wires of high voltage, or to attach them to light poles. Thtse high tension lines carry almost certain death at all times and sometimes even a "dead" wire swinging in the wind strikes a "live" wire and becomes an .nstrument of death. Therefore the best policy ia to consider all loose wire as being deadly, and keep as far away from them as possible. Look! Look! Look! I. 0. 0. F. get together meet ing at Morgan Thursday night, December 11. We will look for you there. , I. 0. 0. F. Lodge,. Morgan, Ore. cii j& HRnls ill Th Baptist Ladies' Aid Society will hold another sale at Moore's f Taoomgi Ge0 Hgyden and furniture store on December 6th Besides several articles left over from the sale last week, more have been finished and will be disposed of at the December sale. S. W. Thompson, real estate broker of Vancouver, Wash., was in lone Wednesday, on busi ness. He returned to Vancouver Thursday morning. Mr. Thompson is an old ac quaintance of W. E. Bullard of this city, both being former resideuts of the city of Bridge water, South Dakota. This was their first meeting since Mr. Bullard left that state 22 years ago. family and Mrs. I. IV Wood of Gresham, arrived in lone on Thursday, and spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden, They left for Portland on Saturday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Olden, who visited for a few days in Portland, re turning to lone Tuesday evening Wendell Balsiger and Edwin Johnson, students at Willamette University, arrived in lone early Thursday morning and spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs Louis Balsiger. They left for Portland Sunday morning, mak ing the trip to and from lone with Sam Simpson. Preparedness Are you ready for winter? I have a good stock of HOWARD HEATERS in Coal or Combinations Portland Stove Works Cast lorn Combination Heaters. Com mon Air Tight Sheet Iron Heat ers. If in need of a heater see my line and prices. I can get repairs for your old ranges and heaters on short notsce. Be sure to get name and numbers on old stove if you need repairs. BERT MASON IONE OREGON s s z : Hit lll,t