PORTLAND Page &CAn WE WANT OUU Turkey & Fro-h Eeaa ronianu, urrgon eMallory Select Residential & Transient Ml aa TaatbfU, Portland. Orason. Modtm Fireproof AmtrlcM Plan RATM MODKRATK Cash Every Day for Cream MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. nr Q'.ync rMtarr.UirmkwkllMwIU. Offie. Stlaaronr.. 1 K. Braot. JlZrO war honld. SBNOtOB CATA.Z5 HOME TREATMENT for Chronic Disease Individual Efftttlm ConwnW Baek aaaa It sivao rmnnal attatiHon. Hit k r afbVlaiit maailm kravoaad fur miIi (atltd u. Tra.tn.anl liuad ua an. fcburatorr aa. Baa far urinHuOi dtaamaaM bkuit. kkud laal ahaatand full Inrora. Da abllliaUua. MnlC.1 HEALTH tRSTITUTE IwaetaSata M OifrmU bimm ..a, Hull lit OaluaM BM Waat faf and Waahlna-taa) lu.. patikMd. Unrw. We Specialise tn Baits, frits. Wst, Ktktir, TtJkw, Cue Ortfot Griyt bat. Cm! Skat, Hint Ur tkllo Tip A lataal Priw II Portland Hide 4 Wool Co. la soman! Man, naruat, mm Braaak Paaatai., I44( SHOP EARLY and Avoid the Rush TAKE BARK-ROOT TONIC A WU4 Laa.wv, A tytum Bandar And Avoid Sickness Al Ait allaklo Draubtt Dr. Lake, Divine Healing ia fourth street, Portland Prostate Cured Without Ossratloa Spatial attaoUaa Ataataak, Bawala, Banal .tin rwtti iruullaa !. K. A. PHILIOrt Broadway BIJf. fartluA On. Men, Women and Children Trested M Y non-turf Icel, soothing trsstment fur ITst tad other KeCksl snd Co loa dlooqNri li glvsn sansona from two to over tlghty years of .go, thui proving the mlMnttt of my satihoU. Mr iucco In trotting thoutindi of man, wvmm and chijdrtn aniblai ma to coa fidtntlr OUARANTSB to cur any cat of Pilot or rtrund tnapatltnt'ifaa. My new Stattlt oSlcat an now preptrai to cast lor patlantt from Puget Sound and BrkUh ''A Columbia DlWrlrta. Sn L. today for FREE book) v'fgL,T TQL Wn Unr fiTfirriraeATTii omtit. f PMf WilHain. Bill III IkAr Ou Three hundred Loulilao But uol Tenlty freshmen whote heads vert shared Tuoidny night by upper class men went on a rampage Wednesday and before things bad quieted down bad Invaded the Baton Rouge blga school, dragged students and tsaohsrs L t 7 Halt Funeral of Girl; Physicians Say She Lives Parts. A pmillnr pathological rue Is reported from Mile. A surgeon had placed young time. Marquette, wlfs of a weulthy riot It manufacturer, un der chloroform preparatory to sn op eratlon, when ha discovered that her heart had censed to beat. He declared her dead, and all preparations were made for the Interment when a mem ber of the family remarked that the unnal aliens were lacking, the fact re r W SiiMiisM sen 1 a,. 1 s OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Partita. Mm ' TAVoavitxa paofo-ptATs OeanWta () SataWar, Alalia, Wats tar kUaU.a, So.i BvniMa, Un. Oaallav wUHl . dilHtw 18 mii Mm. WrM. far Prtaaa Cedar Che.ts ME? Tennessee Cedar INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PUEATINO SPECIAL Cut, am, l.at aklrl Uaanatllfhll h.m anf mathlna 1 1 AA I r.titr for band, el.ee iair.tll.'hhif. pLotlna an lurking. iASTaiN Novaut mfo. co. life Kin Ktr..i l'prtlanc, Ora. -... .... arii, ywi riuiiui a tluraw natiONS Clarka llrua , Klorl.lt, 117 Morrtton Mt og. AiAMS SYSTSM ' for ail Caronlc DlaMMt, Madlaoa Bldf. H6rfcAiAasiit-tBn.ai iHchta traa. la I wa.ka. Nomt say wnu iwwrniiia. r mum aornrao. wma rar oaiaiucua. ll i Burnalda atraat, Part. micto T(tuiirHrcTrd6r" Trynka, Atito Irunka ia ard.r. Tfclrs ami nna, roruariOj ura. PLIATINO. HniiTiTrHiwn BaHona, tMall.pla r-afl Plwt Ela, WWIa SmMuhliii, tnlnnoary, feaUaa Holaa. AS Va. fuaranlMt. Smith riMHita ia4 fattea Warkt . att a IHoti lids.. fartUaa, Ota, urn. all p, aiUI Woana ani Ck.Ur.aj rijTsirtA t Cf.Mw bms aoaosoit iiriAuyiif: ot-TOkiiTaisT i .k."av; OUaaM - PtM ih( Stti.la.rtM ISS -.l.4 BUf. 0. Llama-WaUt Maw rwaonlna M-thoKTlifm rroM ln.la.U7 fikasBW 1 ranr'. JbaUnaa, fattftjsf HVDiR PRINTINa CO. ... Faaiura PrlnUn for laa JIIJQiIrS Mlraat PrtljiiJ,Or.OB AalatM ar tkoat taa aaa talk aaa aaal. 'Ir ar. SIOOO ta SI? o aa4 Ui. aal4 Aally. Soauiiimt . UaaS kr r.rr ataa aaa ia anal onaint. WrU I IOI Oawk BM(., F.rUaaA Otafoa. Par Hillaf Tit. a)ii"TltTM SLI iaTWhllaVv'aWari; Our Haputatlnn la mr fraal.at aawt Pr. Kaana, Ul Waahlnf loo Sv, rorUaaf AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Oanolata InainiatHM la Baaay Draatk al tkta IWrnlta la what wa aaTar aw IM.a Jm& wHk aw UradaatM. JM iMaSlrai Plrtg. JorOainSagoe. NORTONIA HOTEL ill S "o "I" ran aua- at Bam Ban Ul I Sod tal Caavat-ltatattalt baa. KtMllaat Can. Bnaalal Waakbr ua a)., alt Ttalna. 1IU aa4 SMrk, foKTUANU OHIOOH ATTINTION I.AniSA,1 Tmn mmt BaolUry kaaalf parlan wa fit r aol wa atafca all ki4 af (air ataaaa aal af aaatUtaai i?-"T,"k ! M: S. rull anaiaa tl kaaalr aaltara, 110. 400 Paknai kailtlaa, ranlaaa. Orafaa. HOTEL EATON Watt Park aa4 Marrtana Hu. Taka C.-r. rar al Dapot ta Waal Park Btraat Tka Baat Lecataa Hatal la artland I t . n hi 1 hi aai it uu aaaaa IJIPfni b.aallad. Park S'Mt katwaaa YOU WAIT A SHOW? Wi en hnhk I Oranaatraa, Slnaara, rtaaaan, Cafaadlaaa, Uaai, Sbabg nttNiNr. Aim nvaiain W r Mum. naMtaa uJ IW A4m ewaai aaa n l own. INtMrmnrawnari CMakHakaS ItM. Pankaaa. Ota DRUGS UY MAIL lf ataand rmi raw Praea ay auil-epaalal m ssjej piTni srisui uauafp" LAUk-DAVU BaUO OOUPANT Traat taparu. 171 Tklrt St., Partkud, Oat PWtkukl Bloat ttSt Mala SSM Wig PHIS Hiie fTpBE Toupet 8n nan af Hair and Baaatr wark by aaatrH anaabut Co.. IHIuk at., aaar Waa J1 from the rooms and cut the Lair el three women Instructors, a number of girl students and scores of boys. The wholesale shearing process at the ua rsrslty last night wm an annual event, but he Invasion of the high soheel was something not ea the fixed pro gram. raining Its color snrt the Ilmba Isck Ing the rigor of death. Other phy sicians were called, but none was able to any for a certainty whether the young woman was really dead or merely In a trance. An eminent Tsrls specialist line been summoned. In all our Inmentatlons and regrets pleasures bsvt been mixed up with pains, a'.aaa tM&OJif.GCWaimMiStMl.'&t ' Atr Poor fa tvtryfmf tin 75w ' MIS I I I VaiaIU II L '" II I aaT'ba J afMn. tWIf. A SaatBF A Hoai'tsoai Z fiB-aV" PwtmA-e.f 1toaf y4a BARBARA, "THE ALMOSr GIRL - By j. k. McCarthy (a), Veabladar, Paat a Ca.) TKKUAPS ths fact tl.at she was J almost bora rich bad something A. to ao wun 11, ner laiber iiavtng lost all bis money about three weeks before Uarbara lloltua came Into this world. Or perhaps It Started when the eager watchers discovered her bslr to be slinost red snd ber eyes te be almost grsy. As she grew elder ber engaging little nose came nearer and nearer to ths angle called Irish, snd the points a here ber suites fo cused In her cheeks came nearer and. nearer to being out-and-out dimples. And Barbara In due time was almost short, and almost plump. Bo, no mat ter how the thing stsrted, It was nat ural enough that ber best friends shoule come to csll her "Almost Bar bara','' and that people to whom she barely nodded on the street should come to know ber ss "the Almost Girl." The name csme to ber so early snd nnuly tbst It may actually have ex erted an Influence ever her character. There was ths time she came within sn ace of pulling the teacher's hair. The provocation, s shaking, was peat, and Ilartiara had lifted eager bands to within sn Inch of the tar nished blood locks when suddenly, perhaps without knowing exactly why, ahe let her bsnda fall. I'eople who witnessed this incident marked It down as quite characteristic of "ths Almost Girl." liut the duy ah nearly kissed Jim Brown, the tall young man ber broth er brought home from school for a holiday that was ths beginning of a new life for Ilarbara. It wss that dsy, or rather that atarry evening, that her nlrkname, "Almost," began te tske on a new snd vital meaning. It waa Just Barbsrs's personal ren dition of the old story, the stuff of old songs. Intermission st the dance, sat in slippers on velvet lawn, a maple shielding from faint but InqnlslUve stsrllght. Tli strong snn wss around ber waist and seemed for an instsnt quite properly there. It turned her half round and drew her close. Sb was seventeen no wonder ber lips quivered ss her face llfttd np toward bis Jim Brown's I Time bsd nothing te do with It, anr dlstsnre. The kiss wss within s mere shadow of a thought of bsppenlng. The moment couMn't hsve continued so much as a flssh without becoming, wbat It did not become, a kiss. For Barbara turned her face, pulled desperately snd wss free. The kiss hsd only al most happened. Barbara was s little flushed and Jim Brown a trifle fluttered when the pair returned to the dancing floor. A sharp observer could note easily that some thing wss amiss. And there were Sharp observers enough smoeg ths dancers. It wss ten minutes later thst tw of the fellows got JUn Brown cor nered oa the porch. "Hsd a wslk with Barbara Holtoo, didn't your "Ye.- "She almost kissed yoo, didn't shr 111 IT, bsngl Jim's long arms shot eut. Biff, bang, bump I One of the fellows wss down, calling "Enough." The other was making a record across the perch. Jim Brown himself wore a curious expression, a mixture of rage and mystification. A half hour later, evidently with leas rage and more curiosity, Jim sought out the two fellows where they sst smoking on a bench. They looked np at him uncertainly, but hi first words stilled sny fear they might have bad ss to his Intention. "Excuse me, fellows. Msybe I wss a bit hasty. Tou sounded disrespect ful, snd there's not going to be sny disrespect shown Miss Ilolton while I'm on my feet. But msybe you didn't mesa It like It sounded. WhsC did you mean" So they told him about the nick name, and the reputation. And with in an hour everyone tn the crowd knew the whole story. It wss a great Joke, everybody thought, and a nat ural climax to Barbara's seventeen yesrs of living up to ber reputation. Barbara blushed when she found the story wss out. Anybody could see ahe was sngry. "As Ions as I live," she announced, "I'll never speak to anybody who calls me thst awful name." As for Jim Brown, shs refused even te look at him, no matter bow many people, Including her own brother, ex plained to her that Jim hadn't said a word. Indeed they told her that he had punched the two fellows who started the whole thing. These fel lows themselves, contrite, came np to show their marks, snd to explsln that ths truth was Jumped art, and came out without being told at all. But nothing mattered to Barbara except ths obvious facta. She hadn't told evidently Jim Brown had I There wss an end to It, and Jftn Brown, whom everybody had. grown to like, left town the next morning, look ing as though h were stepping off the edge of the earth. And people ssy he gsve Barbara's brother a fine talking to for not telling him more about his wonderful sister snd warning him about ber nickname. I Of course Barbara, having been known all her life as, the "Almost Girl," couldn't get rid of thst name by a mere rash assertion. People were careful to rail ber Barbara for a week er two. Then, one by one all her friends went back te she eld nlcknsue, and Bsrbars, In spite of ber declaration, went right en speak ing te them. But during the year that followed there waa a noticeable change la the "Almost Girl." She grew up, mind snd all. And Barbara, grown up, was quite a delightful person. Two or thres of the young business men found her so, and must bsv told her so, be cius they paid ber a let of attention. When on of them, aa earnest, pless snt chap, went sround grinning for sbout a week snd then suddenly be ams ss glum ss a door post, It wss obvious that Barbsra wss up to ber tricks sgsln. She bsd almost prom ised to uisrry III in. Nobody knew bow the psrtlsl rec onciliation csme sbout, but a year sfter the niglit of the "slmost kiss" Jus Brown arrived la town. He wss with Barbara's brother sgsln, snd now snd then during the week thst fol lowed Barbara sod be were seen to gether. Jim smiled his heartiest, and on might have thought he waa alttlng on the top of the earth, I'eople no ticed that Barbara, too, grew more cheerful as the dsjs panted. Alt this wss mighty Interesting to sn onlooker, bees us It began te seem thst Barbara would live down ber nickname after all. snd do something more than mere ly liiM.i. 1.1.. 1 r ilir hnndioTie ,T!m, 'i'berw ttun a si'vul iie.il "f rnti.iee. ture, even a little betting. The night of the big dance everyone wss excited. Jim snd Barbara came late. People who saw them oa the stslrs said Bar bsra wss white, snd barely nodded te them. Then Jim csme ento the dsno Ing floor alone. He was solemn hardly noticed anybody. The folks were sorry for him, of course, but it wss fate. Wssu't thst "Almost Esr- bsra's" wsyT Everybody wss quiet for a minute, snd then a bolder soul spoke out: "Well, Jim, she slmost msrrted you. didn't slier Jim didn't spesk st once, fie wslked scross the floor snd stood within a font of the questioner. When Jim rslsed bis liead threateningly there was sn audible gup from h dozen girls' throats. But Jim didn't strike. He Just spoke, snd emphs sized his words with his hand. "No, friend. be said. "Barbara didn't almost marry me. Bat I guess you msy still rail her the 'Almost Girt for ahe almost dldnt msrry 'me. By thai time Barbara, blushes, ring, roses snd sit, sppeared la the arch way. Well, the Joke was ea the crowd, and what else could be done bnt pick them up and carry them bodily te tbetr train T And like enough the Almost Girl" Is going to stick to Urn. Bsrbsra Brown through life, for the station wss a good mils awsy from the dance ball, and sbe snd Jim slmost missed tli trsln. Wren Idea That Birit Poiton Captivt Young A belief, that seems as persistent today as when Hood wrote "The Plea of the Midsummer rabies," Is that parent birds will deliberately poison their rsptlv young. A correspondent In a London paper practically begs the question by Inquiring whst poison la used for the purpose. Ha goes ea te st: 1 bsve known several case. ' Re cently a man took asms young gold finches ent of a chestnut tree here and cared them. The old bird came and fed them. Me put tbeia In bla cottage at night and put thm eut at S a. m. Thia went on for over a week. Then one morning sfter tbe old ones bsd fed them they sU died." The reply given Is to ths effect thst, though there bsve been msny state menu made with regard to bird poi soning their young In slmilsr clrcum stsncea, there does not appear to be a morsel of scientific evidence tn rapport of the theory. "It 1 difficult," the writer remarks, "to Imagine how clr cumstsnces would srls In nstur that would lead te a development of such sn Instinct, and those birds wblcb killed their young would hive no de scendants to perpetuate their habit If the owner of fledglings, dying In suspicious clrcumstsnces, would sub ject the victims to a post-mortem, light might be shed upon the subject It la difficult to conjecture wbat poison could be used for such a purpose, as young birds are fed mainly on Insects, and the older ones delight In the so called "poisonous" berries. This being the esse, we, ourselves, should be In clined to acquit the parents and bring In a verdict "Death due to natural causea" Snake At Unwutly A snsks that found Its way Into a boUow tree en the farm of Loa Atkin son nesr UaytL Mo and then fed on birds and other prey grew so fst It could not worm Itself eut of the bole through which It entsred several year ago. It bad Just been killed after an accidental discovery by the small son et Atkinson, ssys a dlspstcb to the New Iork World. Tbe tree wss blown serosa tb top of a barn during a storm and the boy discovered the snske. Atkinson bsd to chop off the side of tbe log to ret tb body out after be killed tb snake. It wss six feet lone and at big around as a stovepipe. . A Sly Dig Awe el I" ssld the ballHs te the as sessor when a youth was brought be fort him for sotns trifling offense, "ye kea we tnaunna .be ower hard on ths puir fellow. YVt'were laddies since oriels, and I soppoee I was at big a fool as any o' 'em wbn I wis young." "And ye're no an auld man yet, balllls," ssld the assessor blsndly. Boston Transcript, x I 600D1 ROADS!! BIG VALUE) OF GOOD ROADS IN ARKANSAS The vslue of good roads bss beea clearly demonstrated to the residents of Phillips county, Arkansas, by the recent completion there of 01 miles of concrete pavement. The county l largely dependent for ll prvre untin the cotton and iwh pviau crops. There are two sessons when cotton needs extr labor, formerly It wss the practice to hire negro fam ilies temporarily, housing them os tbe plantation. Nowartsjs It Is hsrd to And families for this temporary work. Last year the cotton crop waa saved by hauling bus and truck losds of women snd children from Helens te the cotton fields each morning and taking them bsck thst night Labor ers would work thst wsy who would not live upon the plsntstlon. With out tli concrete rosds this transporta- tlen would have been Impossible. l f.iiniT rnrs sweet potatoes wer tal.nu 10 uiun.it as soon ss they were dag, because If ttiey wer stored to wslt for higher prices tbe roads would get so rough the potatoes would be bruised and spoiled In transport Now plsnters bsve big storage rooms and sell potatoes when the price Is best, gpttlng double whst they list re ceived during the summer montha Traveling over the concrete pave ment a truck will haul 100 crates of sweet potstoes to town, making four trips of 25 miles each s day. Before the pavement was built It would bsvs required four mule teams to do th same work now done by the one truck. Phillips county, ssts Sebsstlan 8traub of Ilelena, Ark, In describing the benefits of the new road system In th Concrete Highway Magazine, lies tn the crotch formed by the conflu ence of the Mississippi snd White rivers. "Th soil," be explslns. "Is sn sl luvlal deposit vsrylng from a sandy loam to gumbo. The lower end of the Country la subject to overflow by bsck water from the Mississippi. Original ly tli land was entirely covered by a dens growth of timber. Lumbering first removed the valuable trees, then some firms were cleared snd plsnted to cotton or corn. This Istter devel opment hss occurred within the lest ten yesrs, and there still sre great trsrts of unclesred land which. If de veloped, could be made Into some of the richest cotton plsntations In ths state. "On drawback haa been the diffi culty of getting t the more remote corners of the county. The eartn roads, rslsed but little above th lur roundlng low land, ar often Impassa ble to loaded vehlctea for eight months In the year. During that time people go te nd from town on the train or horseback. Even in good weather all mule wer required to pull a two or three-ton load ever an earth road te the nearest railway aiding and a 12-mlle trjp to town required th whole day. On that account tnuch of the good farm land lay as the lumber man hsd left It covered with small trees nd underbrush." Hi new 61 -mile concrete highway which connects Helena with the out lying ectlnns is 14 feet wide, but ea rnrrrs It It 19 feet in width, to con form with standards ef the United Rut bureu of roada Th pavement la six Inches thick. In the pt nearly all cotton was. hsuled to the nearest railway aiaing and shipped directly to Helens. Now, however, fsrmer csn hsul forty or fifty miles to Helens, losd their cotton on t bost bound for New Orleans and ssve 20 per cent of the rail freight charges, or sbout $3,050 .W to 10,000 ton cargo. Influence of Hard Roads inftiionro of naved hlshways Is reflected In better farmtlig condltiona Those farmers fortunate enough to be fiM a newlv nsved road ran turn from the ataple farm products snd de velop those types of fsrming wnicn bring better and quicker returns. On the unimproved roads truck gardening Is ususlly limited to t rsdlus of 2 or 8 miles from the cljy msrket. But with the comlnc of paved roada and the use of trucka thia radius Is extend ed to 10, 13 snd In some esses 20 miles from the market. Naturally the value of the land In this rsdlus Is consider- ably Increased. " Last Toll Bridge Ph. h rid us scross the Mississippi river from Fulton, III., to Clluton, Iowa, Is the only toll brldgs in tn r in.nin htirhwnv avstem between New York snd San Francisco. The bridg was erected sbout forty yeara ago ana It cannot meet the present needs of iraltle. Efforts are helna made te re- place It with a new $t ynooo bridge. toll of cents s ieriiij 1 exsctea. Milk Richer in Butterfat A gentleman from th Minnesota College of Agriculture write that th cow that freshens In th fall or winter wUl giv milk richer In butterfat dur ing th early part .of her lactation than th cow thut freshens In spring and summer. He also remarks that a targe share of the greatest seven-day batter records are made by cows fresh ening In the cool montha This must be bitter newt for the msn who be lieve In pasture, timothy hay and nub- Mna of corn. Dairy Farmer, aaasSBBSBBBkaaSSSaaa.w. . , II. B. Dick 1 . j w'y Lowered Vitality, Try Thi$: Tortland, Orep;. "I don't believe I would be alive today were it not for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery. Two years ago I . disposed of my ranch snd came htre to be near our children, for I had been sick for over a year, not able to do anything, and never had a moment's freedom from pain. I had headaches, sharp ajid shoot in pains all thru my body. I felt miierable and low-spirited for I could get nothing to help me. A friend said, 'Why don't you try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery it may help you.' I tried It, snd now feel greatly indebted to my friend for recommending it to rne. Three bottles of this wonder ful medicine drove all the aches and pains out of my body snd, so far, they have not returned." II. B. Dick, 649 Umatilla Ave. Obtain Dr. Pierce's Discover now in tablets or liquid. You wiil quickly feel the beneficial effect. Write Dr. Pierce, President Inva lids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y, for free medical advice. Send 10c if yon wish a trial pkg. of the Tablets. Nin Day Without Sleep. The longest period of complete and continuous Insomnia authentically re corded terminated on the ninth day with the death of the victim, after horrible suffering. Mount Kilimanjaro; Mount Kilimanjaro, In Tanganyika territory, Africa, is 19.SO0 feet high, the highest mountain oa that contin ent It Is near the equator and ia covered a third way dowa with per petual now. Out ef Sight "Some men," said Uncle Eben, "has such deep thought dat dey is 'scus able it dey doesn't always 'pear to know 'sackly whut dey's talkln' 'bout deirselves." Washington Evening Star. Individuality First Young man, get Individuality; but in order to do that first get courage. It requires much not to be A rubber stamp. Always th Wsy. Curious facts about leisure la that on forgets all about the grudge he couldn't gratify when he was so busy he didn't have time. ThaTe Olffsrent It Is, of course, presumptuous to seek to run other people's business, but wbat it they ruthlessly run their business over your affairs? Strength of Humsn Bones. The bonei of a human being will bear three tlmea as great a pressure aa oak and nearly aa much as wrought Iron, without being crushed. Where Credit Belongs. An enthusiast thinks he should have all the credit for a successful Idea, though the practical plodder may be responsible for Its success. Oldest Piece of Furniture. Tbe throne of the Egyptian Queen Hetshepsu, which is in the British museum, Is the oldest piece of furni ture In the world. Many pieces of fur niture extant date back 3,000 years. ' Only Walled U. S. City. Tucson, Arizona, has the distinction of being the only walled city In tbe United States. This wall, which at one time encircled the entire city, has long since fallen into decay. Works Elthsr Wsy. If a predatory nature has clever brains it swindles the public; If It hasn't It holds the public up with a pistol on dark streets. Buffslo Bones Found. Buffalo bonet have recently been found In a cave In Malheur county. Ore., 100 miles further west than any authoritative evidence of the occur rence of buffalo heretofore. Sometimes. Remember, young folks, when you buy household furniture, that It Is probably going to be with you for a lifetime. You Want a Good Position Vary w.ll T.k. Iha Aeenantanry and Botlna lifaii.rmnt. Private ftocralarial. Calculator Comwantor, Btaaoaraplila, Paumaiuiup, af Commarclal Taackara' Count at Behnke-Walker Tkt foremoat Batistas Oottes tf th, Nortbwatt which kat woo mora Aaauraor Awarda and (tala Medal, than any oibar taboo! la America. Band Sir our tiufo.ua Catah(. Fonrtk Htraal aaat Monrlaos, Portland, Or. Itaao kt. Walkat, Prat. P. N. U. No. 47, 1D24