The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, November 21, 1924, Image 1

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Cecil News Items
Dick Logan of Four Mile spent
the week ehd with friends in
Hoard man.
Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and son
Elyln were calling In Cecil on
Siturday. Elvln is now bimy
putting up a fine radio whMi he
hopes to have ready for "listen
inn In" soon.
Mrs. Alf Medlock and children
spent Wednesday among their
friends in Morgan.
"Wid" Palmateer and party of
friends were doing the nights of
Arlington oi Thursday.
Mrs. Weltha Combest of "Fair-
View" was visiting Mrs. II. J.
Streeter at Cecil on Wednesday
and Thursday while her brother, j
J. W. Osborn was doing business
in The Dalles for a ft w days,
Mr. and Mrs. L L. Funk and
daughter Geraldine of Cecil re
turned from Wasco on Sunday.
They were attending the funeral
of their stepbrother Donald Yo
cum who died from the results
of being shot in tke leg while
Walter Pope was visiting at
the home of W. II. Chandler on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ilynd of
lieppner arrived at Butterby
Flats on Friday. They were
accompanied by their son Jackie
:and his pal Clifford Driscoll,
ratudenti of Heppner high school.
'The boys returned tfr Heppner on
1'riday after having a glorious
time down on the farm and were
Bank of lone
, $35,000.00
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
On Time and Savings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
at our store, it means something.
Our Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes
are Guaranteed for 2 years. If properly taken
care of they will last many more years than
that. In case one should be returned,
there Is no charge for service on the
one brought back.
We stock a good assortment of
. Household Rubber Aprons.
BulIardPs Pharmacy
The Kodah Store
in time to answer the roll call at
school on Monday.
John Kelly, prominent nheep
man was down from lieppner on
Monday, looking after feed and
water for his sheep on Willow
crock. Miss Myrtle Chandler of Wil
lowcrcex ranch was calling on
Miss Annie Ilynd at liutterby
Flats on Tuesday.
W, V. Pedro who has been
doing business for several days
in Pendleton, returned home on
A line garage has
been put up at the W. .V. Pedro
home at Ewing besides other
Improvements which are under
the superuision of A. A. Manning
of Pendleton,
Cnarj nynd 0f The Pines.
itl!..Ii nA .vrfi1 nf hi men
i -
arrived at Butterby Flats on
Tuesday with a fine bunch of
cattle belonging to Ilynd Bros.,
which will winter at Ilynd Bros,
ranch at Ocil.
Heavy rain fell on Tuesday,
Nov. 18th, and more than
delighted all stockmen and wheat
men. Everyone is marking a
gainst time since the sandstorms
are a thing of the past.
While erigaged in shingling the
roof of E., R. LundeJI's new
woodshed, Perry Hopkins fell oil
receiving a severe shaking tip.
We have teen unable to discover
how high he bounced when he
struck the ground.
"A warm, friend" one of our
hot water" bottle. Dullard's
When we say
High School Notes
The boys basketball practice
will start as soon as the pymna
aium is finished. Although we
have but two letter men back,
Linn find Bristow, we have some
good prospects in Graves, Lun
dell, G. Ritchie, W. Ritchie.
Bryson and Rrashears. Dean
Ekleberry who was center on
the North Powder team last year
will be a valuable asset to lone.
Mr. Tucker will again coach the
Virgil Morgan returned to
ichool last Thursday.
Clair Young was absent from
school Friday, in order to drive
his grandfather, Mr. Farrens to
William Brashers, who has re
turned from work at Hood River,
entered school this week as a
senior. He will resume his office
as secretary-treasurer of the stu
dent body which was filled by
Clarence Linn in his absence.
The girls basket ball practice
will start under the direction of
Miss Mclntyre as soon as the
gymnasium is completed. We
have only one regular player,
Norma Swanson. and two sub
stitutes, Mary Fletcher and Elva
Balxiger from, tone's team of latt
year. Marvel Akers, a junior,
was the jumping center for Hard
man last year. The underclass
men wiil no doubt bring forth
some vtry good material as soon
as a few practices are held.
Look forward
to the senior
carnival, Dec. 5, in the new
high school gyu.nasium. This1"! machinery, ready to start
will be the last carnival of the
year, and the first event in the
new gymnaeium. The money
will be used to help pay the
senior graduation expenses.
For Sale or Rent: on easy grain
payments one qnarter-section of
land near Morgan, known as the
W. C Crawford homestead.
Address C. W. Bariee, 103G Clack
amas St., Portland, Ore. n7-2l
Frankie Holub, accompanied
by his mother, left for Portland
last Sunday, and will consult a
specialist about his arm which he
has been unable to use for some
time becaufe of an injury re
ceived while practicing football.
W. E. Bullard and family drove
to Hood River on Sunday to see
Mrs. Ballard's father who is very
sick. They returned ti lone on
Leave your watch repairing at
Swanson's Feed and Supply store
for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner.
JacK Holt in
"While Satan Sleeps"
Saturday Night November 21
Fellowship Meeting
Fellowship meetings of the
Congregational churches of the
Mid-Columbia Association have
been in progress this week.
The initial meeting of the series
was held at Condon Tuesday
evening and was followed by
similar meetings at Lexington
and lone Wednesday afternoon
and evening.
At the lone meeting a family
snpper was served at six o'clock,
followed by an inforual but in
spiring program.
Visiting representatives inclu
(led pastor and Mrs. Pendleton
and Mr. and Mrs. Harris of
Condon, pastor and Mrs. Pres
ton and Messrs. Pease and
Roberts of The Dalles, and Mr.
and Mrs. Keller and Karl Beach
of Lexington.
Supt C. H. Harrison of Port
land was also in attendance.
The Fairyiew Sunday school
will give a mixed program Satur
day evening, November 22nd, at
the Fairview schoolhouse.
Suecial meetings at the Chris
tian church aie going forward
this week witii good ataendance
and interest.
Th' Baptist Ladies' Aid Society
will hold another ?ale at Moore's
furniture store on December Cth.
Besides several articles left over
from the sale last weuk, more
have been finished and will be!
disposed of at the December sale.
J. P. Louy returned last Tues
day from Portland, w here he was
transacting business for a Los
Angeles oil company which is
interested in oil development
around lone. Mr. Louy expects
F. N. McConnell, a representative
f the company, to arrive in lone
iimeuiuinoninwiiii ami-
tne wo without delay.
- Ed Vveathorill is again on the
job at the garage after a few
days visit with relatives in Port-
' Protect yourself against the
uncertainties of winter. We can
assure you a good position in
your own county, that will pay
you well. Write us at once.
Nogar Corporation, 301 Couch
Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 3t
On Wednesday evening of thit
week a number of friend: and i
relatives of Miss Alice Rietmaun I
giving a very enjoyable surprise 1
party at her home in honor of
her twentieth birthday.
The evening was spent in play
ing mah jong, chess and other
games, after which light refresh
ments were served. .
Those present were Mr. and!
Omar Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs.
Werner Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. i
Paul Rietmann, Palmer Roche,
'David, Victor, Robert, and Otno
Rietmann, and the Misses Portia jE
Kid well, Gertrule Mclntyre andjEs
Ruby and Vera Enpelman.
Lexington News Items
Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Padberg
were in town Wednesday on
Mr. Hobe Johnson has b?en ill
with the Grippe since Sunday.
Mr. Fred Lucas's son-in law.
Robtrt Fordnev. returned from
Pendleton on Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Copenhaver was in
Lexington getting orders for
turkeys, Tuesday.
On account of 'the short days
school is beginning at 8:40 A. M.,
and 12:45 P. M., and closes at
3:25 P. M.
Mr. Maurice Frye of Heppner
installed an electric lighting plant
on Gero'.d White's chicken farm.
J. A. Miller was in town Wed
nesday on business. '
A quantity of wheat was sold
in Lexington Tuesday at. $1.40
per bushel.
Mrs. Carmichael v.sited her
daughter in Heppner on Tuesday.
Wednesday night she gave her
promised chicken dinner to the
football team for winning every
garr.e t!i; sc: son.
Mr. Harry Schritver and his
brother Charles were in town
VVeJneaJay on business.
Mrs. Barton of Heppner was
visiling friends in Lexington on
Wednesday. '
Mr. and M. Tom Cutsforth
were Lexington. vis:tofs, Wed
nesday. Mr. Bruce Grady returned on
Monday from Portland.
Mr. Ei Miller was a business
visitor in Lexington, Wednesday.
A Thanksgiving picgram will
be given in the high school audi
torium Wednesday afternoon,
by the high school end grades.
Are you ready for winter?
I have a good stock of
in Coal or Combinations
Portland Stove Works Cast lorn
Combination. Heaters. Com
mon Air Tight Sheet Iron Heat
ers. If in need of a heater
sec my line and prices.
I an get repairs for your old ranges and
heaters on short notsce. Be sure to
get name and numbers on old
stove if you need repairs.
The "Cannonball Exprers"
which stops at lone twice each
day was delayed on Wednesday
until about 6:15 because of a big
slide on the main track at Rooster
Rock, seven miles this side of
Troutdale, The slide occurred
on a straight piece of track and
completely covered it for a dis
tance of almost 100 feet. The
fast mail train, No. 5, struck the
slide about 6 A. M. and ploughed
about halfway through before
she could be stopped. All parts
of the train remained on the
track, however, and no one was
injured. As a consequence no
mail was received from the other
side of the slide until Thursday.
I have a full stock of furniture
which I am selling at 10 percent
All kinds of furniture repaired.
S. E. Moore.
A Christmas bazaar and food
sale will be held December 6th,
in the Ladies' Rest Room of the
McMurray building by the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Congregation
al church.
O. A. C, Corvalis. -Earl H.
Blake of lone plays saxophone
in the Master Mason orchestra
Just organised. This orehestra,
which includes several 0. A. C
students and faculty members,
has made one public appearance
and expects to make another
soon. Mr. Blake is a special in
the school of electrical engineer
ing. The program will begin at one
Several of the school teachers
of Lexington are planning to go
to their homes during the Thanks
giving vacation.
Lexington do-s not accept
Hcppner's challenge to play
football on Thanksgiving and is
negotiating for a game in the
Valley on that date.
November 28 and 29 at the
3 I6NE , :: OREGON f