OA VOLUME XIII IONE, ORECON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ,7 1924 NUMBER 22 Cecil News Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd were the dinner guests of Mr. and - Mrs. Geo. Krebs on Sunday, ' Gus Davis of Pendleton was visiting; h's old frienns around Cecil on Sunday and Monday of this week before leaving for The Dalles. Miss Rhoda Beck, teacher at Cecil school, spent the week end with friends in Elghtmile. Miss Violet Hynd who teaches ' in the lone district, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. liufus Farrens and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hyrjd. Miss Annie C. Hynd returned with her sister Miss Violet and will visit friends near lone for a few days. Mies Joule Pedro of Ewlng left ott Tuesday to visit friends in Pendleton for a few days. Mrs. Erie Waldo and children left on Tuesday for their home in Eugene, after spending a few days visiting friends in Morrow county. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtrne ind children and also Arthur Turner were callinu on Mrs. II. ' J. Streeter on Sunday. Miss Crystal Roberts of Hepp tier was visiting Mrs. Karl Farm- worth at Rhea Siding on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Franklin of ' Echo arrived in Cecil on Satur- day. Mr. Frnklin has taken a contract to do some leveling for W. V. Pedro at his ranch near Ewing. i Mrs. L.' L Funk accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Krebs and sons and Mrs. W. Sexton all or Cecil, were visitors at Morgan school FriJay afternoon. Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS g35.O0O.OO State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits ' Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, ORECON When we say It's Guaranteed" I at our store, it hi WE BACK IT UP Our Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes are Guaranteed for 2 years. If properly taken care of they will last many more years than that. In case one should be returned, there is no charge for service on the 'one brought back. We stock a good assortment of Household Rubber Aprons. Bullard's Pharmacy The ftodah Store Rebeccas Initiate Two Thursday evening of this week the lone Lodpe of Rebeccas initi ated iwo members arid further celebrated the occasion by a most enjoyable program of games fol lowed by a substantial lunch. Among the entertaining fea tures of the evening's program were a 'number of trials of skiH, grace and speed between two rival teams of hoboes and tramp. The hoboes were adjudged the winners and awarded a prize. The contests ranged from a well fought game of football to a trial of speed In hanging out and taking in a washing. In this last contest both parties covered the line with lightning speed and themselves with glory. Mr. E. L. Padberg who has been under doctor's care in Pen dleton, arrived in Ion on Tues day of this week to vote. He returned to Pendleton Wednes day and will remain there until until hia condition is improved. W. A. Tl omas waa a viaitor in Cecil while voting on Tuesday. W. A. enjoyed meeting all his old friends who were also voting. Although politics was the leading topic they all parted the best of friends. Mrs. Emmett Cochran of HepD ner accompanied bv .Frank Tur ner also of Heppner were calling on Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Wednesday. Riin has fallen steadily for several days during the pi it week and all farmers and stock men are quit relieved. The long dry spell seems to be over at last means something. City Election of Officers The city election Dasaed if quietly last Tuesday, with rntal vote of 129. The tabulation be low shows the distribution of the vote. Mayor Bert Mason 89 C. R. Walker 4o Recorder F. II. Robinson 86 Ralph Harris 35 Treasurer Grace Linn 77 Delia M. Corson 44 Marshal E. G. Frank 120 Councilmen 4 year term W. S. Smith 76 E. J. Br is tow 85 G. W. Ritchie 109 Paul Balsiger 52 S. E. Moore 39 Three highest elected. Councilman -2-yeir term J. H. Bryson 125 In lone precinct the total vote cast was 274. The vote was seg regated aa follows: Republican Electors 136 Democratic Electors 71 LaFollette Electors 57 One lone Socialist vote was cast and there was the usual scattering vote for Andy Gump and others. In the contest for County Judge the vote was: Benge 138 Campbell 107 County School Supt, Helen M. Walker 128 - Opal E. Clark 89 Lena Snell Shurte 51 Sheriff Geo. McDuffee 177 Wm. Ball 78 County Commissioners Davidson 192 Jones Hi Bleakman 107 Dillon 46 Repeal of Income Tax Yes 111 No 70 1 Protect yourself against the uncertainties of winter. We can assure you a good position in your own county, that will pay you well. Write us at once. Nogar Corporation, 301 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 3t I have a full stock of furniture which 1 am selling at 10 percent reduction. All kinds of furniture repaired. S. E. Moore. . J. W. a n it IT. Lexington News Items The election of officers for the town of Lexington resulted as follows: Councilmen, Howard Lane, George Broadly, Louis Fredrickson, Alvy Jones. Jus tice of the Peace, Ed Dur an; Con stable, M. D. Tucker; Mayor, Roy Munkers; Treasurer, E. D. Mc Millan. While playing in the Wasco Lexington game, Walter Rowell sustained a broken leg, much to the regret of his friends and team mates. The Wanco-Lexington game has been the hardest game of the searton so far. The home team has run up a score of 242 points to nothing. The Armis tice Day game with Heppner is expected to be a hard game, and it is hoped . that the attendance will be large. Wednesday afternoon the Lex ington Ladies' Aid and Missionary Soc.ety entertained the lone Ladies' Aid. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all and after the program delicious re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. T.(C. Troge and daughter Margaret left on Tues day for Portland. They will at tend the Pacific International Livestock Exposition while in Portland and expect to be gone about one week. Mrs. Misner accompanied by her son-in-law Holmes Gabbert, left on Monday for Portland, where Mrs. Misner will visit for a few days with her daughter Mrs. Holmes Gabbert The Sunday school class and invited friends, of Mrs. Lee Howel and Mrs. M. R. Morgan were entertained last Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. R. Morgan, with the assist ance of Mrs. E. A. Brown and the Misses Hazel Akers, Ina Mor gan and Lucile Bristow. The evening was spent in play ing games and singing by the little folks. Those present were Raymond and Buddy Walker, Mildred, Helen and Norton Lundell, Sybil and Dorothy Howell, Bertha and Beryl Akers, Carl and Clair Kel log, Edras and Winona Ritchie, Helen Grabill, Virginia Griffith, Eva Swanson, Walter Bristow, Francis Bryson, Winnie Brown, Junior Mason and Milton Morgan. Is broadcasting to all the World this season "Come! Wt ar. battar prMr4 thaa avar to aatarula ru aaal ak jamr vttlt wwtdartnl ucpi If jrou hava never been to California it should be, the eAort of your life to go. When yon are ready to plan the trip let the Union PaciCic Mb. IVod word ta tht tmdrnlcnad by pfcuM. ar mall or call, I will ttva you the bandit of ray paranatal know tad ga andaaparianco, or I will HfMlbaMMMM ,1am aaatta to M M. I know avary ran, avary train, avary kind of aqulpmont and tha arret oaat, I wfB aatura your Rapine car aimuinMxiationa, prorlda v wtan an outllna of your trip, and datlTar your Uckata. Yaonaad not laava your noma or your orWca to art id to authaiaoaae drtalla. I hava tlw baat than la, aad It akaU he your Ik HOWK, Agent, lone, Ore. County Election Returns The race for the, office of County Judge was unusually close in the election held this week, BengewinnirgoverCamp bell, the present incumbent, by the small margin of 65 votes. The final returns showed Benge the winner with a total of 917 votes to 852 for Campbell. The votes for County Commis sioners were also quite evenly distributed excepting the votes cast for Davidson of lone who was a decided favorite drawing 1048 to 852 for Bleakman, 782 for Jones and 541 votes for Dillon. The results of contests for other county offices were as follows: Snerifl Geo. McDuffee 1152 Wm. Ball 6C5 County Clerk Anderson 1333 Richardson 406 County School SuDerintendent Helen M. Walker 719 Opal E. Clark 649 ' Lena Snell Snurte 437 Connty Coroner Case 1026 Gordon 643 Justice of Peace Young , 347 Cornett 336 Mrs. H. Parte ins who has been visiting in .Weston, Oregon, for the past week, returned to her home in lone Thursday evening. A series of Revival meetings will be held at the Christian church of lone, beginning Sun day, November 16. R . Wallace Jones of Lexingto'i will bi the Evangelist, and the pastor, Pagl Mortimore will conduct the mus ical feature. Rev. Jones is a graduate of the Eugene Bible University and is a speaker of ability. He has been very successful in minister ial work and is sure t prove interesting to those who hear him. Special features of the meeting will be announced later. !PIII!lllliI!!ll!ll!IIIIIIIill!lillillM Preparedness Are you ready for winter? I have a good stock of 1 HOWARD HEATERS in Coal or Combinations Portland Stove Works Cast lorn Combination Heaters. Com mon Air Tight Sheet Iron Heat ers. If in need of a heater see my line and prices. , I can get repairs for your old ranges and heaters on short notsce. Be sure to get name and numbers on old stove if you need repairs. 1 BERT p IONE :-: i Notice Budget covering estimated ex penses, and proposed tax levy of the city of lone, Oregon, for, the year of 1925. . Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the second day of De cember, 1924, at the hour of 8:oo o'clock f. M. The Common Council of the City of lone, Oregon, will be in session at the Council Chamber in said City, and any tax payer of lone, Oregon, will be heard in favor of, or against the tax levy as - hereinafter proposed: which has been prepared in accordance with the Provisions of Chapter 118 of the General Laws of Oregon, of 1921, showing an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation by the City ' Government, to cover the expen ses of said City for the ensuing year, also, showing the probable receipts of said City, other than ' by direct tax upon the real and personal property, for the y of 1925. EXPENDITURES Salaries of officers $1620.00 Interest on bonded indebtedness 1220.00 Electric power . 8500.OO Supplies 191-21 Printing 59.64 Labor 295.52 Treasurer's surety bond 25.oo Miscellaneous (small 'articles) 81.79 Total $6993.16 RECEIPTS " For water and lights $5625.12 Estimated taxes 13o8.o4 Total $6993.16 It is estimated that it will be necessaiy to raise by taxation the sum of $13o8.o4as shown by N th above, after deducting re- (continued on page 4) - Rye at Swanson's Chopmill Carload of new crop rye just re- eived. : c MASON ORECON llllllllllll," III, ),, 1 31 II