Insurance: Total Miscellaneous: Total Emergency: Total Mr. Frank H. Wilson left for Santa Anna, Cal., on Sunday, after having spent about threa $300.00 Mr. Noel Dooyns left on Mon day for Olympia, where he will spend sevt'tul weeks visiting $300.00 $150.00 months in this vicinity', looking $150.00 after his ranches. with friend and relatives. $500 00 Total estimated amount of money for all Durnoses during t ha year $19035 50 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund during the coming school year - $1443.84 From state achool fund during the coming school year - $342.24 . rrom elementary school xund during the coming achool year 1516.04 2166.46 Estimate of probable unexpended balance at end of current year Estimated to be received from all other aources durum the coming school year Total estimated receipts, not including pro- posed tax $6408.58 $19935.50 RECAPITULATION - Total estimated expenses for the year Total estimated receipts not including pro Balance, amoant to be raised by district tax Dated this 8th day of October, 1S24. Attest: M. R. MORGAN, Delia M. Corson, Chairman Board of Directors District Clerk. 6463.58 $13466.92 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET School District No. 35 ThU original etlmtiu hows lu parallel column the anlt corU ol the ertfrai wsrrlt'M, uiateriiil tine UiplM lor the thru lineal jrenr uext pracedlng (he current year, the detail expenditure (or the liwt oue of aUl three preceding tlcal year and thd lnulifi't allowau'v and expenditure lor tlx mouth ol the current year.".SIx mouth of the correut year" meaiuilx uontha of the last echool year.) EXPENDITURES ( I'uld Advortlwiuent) Expenditure and budget allowance (or ix mouth of lat ncbnol year. Expenditure tor thtee An cal year next preceedlliK th Innt m-hool year. n i n O e 2.3 a r a It Pers'al Service Supt Teacher 1440.00 imoo 1-JtiO.OU ww.uo K10.00 1170.00 1260.00 7U0.00 75.00 25.00 900-00 787.50 3065.50. 350.00 37.60 Uivoo VI0.0J 7JU.0O 77.50 M7.60 55.00 5x5.00 MO.UO 3T.O.0O 37.50 -9" 2. hi ?a i vi 5 55 ft2mo 110.00 1575.00 turn. oo $41,252,550 Recorded Damage Due To State Income Tax 8 Timber iurehot' eancolled or iinhiiuYi1 sin ihXI 0ml II t'oiiHtniotlonollumlx'rmlllH, town. IokkIiik cimm and -,nn 'u,u UrKliiH railway, nlmndoiied or HUNiHMided T NTs , oilier liiilimtrlal luveHtmenl eaiieelled or hiiniviiiIciI i n;,s .,., tie year operating pay roll on the fon-Kolim it.-m ft.asoiooo V.... i ll t.oooouo en Mini. I'anuue lted 110 only 4tlo,tlou Actual remoimlN from the tnU, ImluitliiK lot only one year payroll 'MloT.o 1 hreau-ned removal Intilmllntc lox of one ye.ir1 payroll .. flo'o vaaea na to which dellnlte amount am Hot avi.llalde'luit which ' would nmoiint to many million: bninuw llnti-i at 0 caw t III uiijIit luvetlKatlon: would amount lo million; ted o iaf in which reported removal or luveluieiit eUewhere wa ..i... im.r iiriui inumti oy tne income tax and lltol a 0 Total recorded dnimtKe MI.'.'.'L'.tlSo We have examined the signed statement:- and exhibits upon which the foreiroinar tabulation in Imserl nnH h i h-t a l, aif.i nr . . .... .. luiai ui $41, J5i3oo is a conservative estimate of dam ge properlv attrib utable to the state income tax as a determinii factor in 'inlluenc mg decision against Oregon invesiment in tht cases listed. We al so find that many additional amounts i-nnlrl ,. ii,..i..,i justifiably in the total, so that, making every allowance for possible overstatements in indivipual items listed, the nctual loss of invest ment attributable to the state income tax is n.aterially in excess of $4o,ooo,ooo. (bigned) Frank E. Andrews. Pre. Portland ('hamhir t'nm,..i uhai.,1-St,wf.r.1, y-1' Northwestern Nafl. Bank! Ben belling, (Merchant and Philanthropist) Chris A. Bell, (Attorney and Memt. -r of Board of Direc toJs of Portland Cnamber of Commerct). J. K. (.till, (t'ioner Portlafid Merchant Repeal the State Income Tax Vote 312 X Yes More than Lion contributor to expeu,. of Kettlnir tact 1,,-fore tlm voter' HlKner. and contributor live In all , , Urt.gM. tll, xui HU.-dl,yc.c jhapman. Editor .,( Or..,, of repeal , ure; residence Uiu l.owimdalu Mt.. Portland. Dreg-on. ' ' Vote For Walt Richardson Democratic Nominee for County Clerk. I Paid Advcrti&ementC 9 700.00 "3.00 13,600 6,265.50 8.327.60 12.531.00 11,991.25 11.S7C.00 500.00 2oo.oo 15o oo , 5o.oo 4oo.oo 75. oo 25. oo lOo.oo $274.38 ."O0.0O $iK76 40.52 20.K 14 85 2.9o 14.J.55 i.U' 11.25 loo.oo I 50.00 12.50 "3.00 2j.oo 2oo.oo S.oo , l.'.So 5o.oo 81.04 0. 32 29.70 2S7.1i 38.24 22.5o IlSoo S523.73 7:!o.oo $lo51.46 ;o74.45 fyoi.: $000.00 $150.00 $1000.000 1 Janitor 5. Clerk 6. Stenographer Total Personal Service Material and Supplies 1. Furniture, dek. etc) 2. Sopplle Tchalk. etc S. Library boak 100.00 4. Flag t. Playground equipment Janitor tup, 7. Fuel 8. Light . Water - 10. Postage and Stationery Total ma -terla I & UD. Maintenance and Repairs Buildings and grounds $2oo.oo Buildings and grounds Total main tenance & rep. $2oo.oo Indebtedness: 1. Bonded & int erest thereon $24oo.oo 2. Waraant, & interest 3oo.oo Total indebt- . edneis $27oo.oo Transportation of Pupils $1885.50 Total-trans-portation $1885.5o Insurance: $3oo.oo Total Ins. 83oo,oo Miscellaneous: $15o.oo Total $15o.oo Emergency: iSoo.oo Total $5oo.oo Grand Total . $19935,51 $8387.76 $8577.5o $16775.52 $15545.31 117454.97 31.37 62.74 531.37 15o.(xf lo62.74 134.00 72o.oo 720.00 54.00 5i.oo 291.15 291.15 $4.55 $2147.35 72o.oo 144o.oo 72o.oo L144o.oo 2o66.oo; 1873.7o 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 5oo.oo 5oo.oo H08.00 I08.00 582.3o 582.30 8I.00 IJ 32.4o 294.o6 ! 620.27 I, Delia M. Corson, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures ror the year 1924-1925 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of the cur rent year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next pre ceedingthe current year as shown above hae been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct coppies thereof. DELLA M. CORSON, District Clflrk. Vote For Opal E. Clark for County School Supt. Adv. Vote For Helen M. Walker for County School Supt. ' (Paid Advertisement) Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, bTAR and AERMOTOR . WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. S PAUL G. BALSIGER I lone, Oregon Under New Management IONE HOTEL . lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. . SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Rye at Swanson's Feed f and Supply Store. A carload of new crop rye just received. FOIt UOl'XTY COMMlMSlONEIt A vacancy having bwn created In the office of county coininlmloniT y the relgnatlon of It. L. IU-nc', I hereby announce myielf a a candi date for that office an an Indi'ix-ndi-nt lb-publican, and hall apinclutc' the Nupport of the people of Morrow County at the poll In the general election till full. Q. A. III. E A KM AN, llardman. Hall's Catarrh Medicine nosi who air In m .. SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, - OREGON x"M t M I L I. CoM TDlJa. Ohio. Notice (continued from page 1) ceipts from other sources. Mayor, Couneilmen, Councilmen Bert Mason P. J. LHin K. K. Lundell Geo. Ritchie J. H. Bryson E. J. Brifltow W. S. Smith State of Oregon. County of Morrow, ss. We the undersigned, the duly appointed Budget Board of the City of lone, Oregon, do hereby certify that we have examined the above budget for the City of lone, and after such examination believe that ehe amount therein estimated is necessary, and that it will require the same for the fiscal year of 1925 to finance said eity. Budget Board S. E. Moore, Chairman, ' 'M I, L. Howard Paul G. Balsiger J. W. Howk C. W. Swanson Attest: FUEL At Reduced Prices. We have about 200 cords of wood on han3 and have set the Prices to Convert Wood into Cash to the PROFIT of the CUSTOMER. tt it Fir, Slab, 4 ft. - 16 in. - 12 in. 4 ft. - 16 in. - 12 in. - Oak, 4 ft. -" 16 in. -" 12 in. - Coal per Ton, it $7.00 8.00 8.25 $10.50 11.50 11.75 11.00 12.25 12.50 11.75 Farmer's Elevator Co. ; lone, Oregon. By the way- Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. A.D. MCMURDO, . M. D. ITiyslclan and Surgeon . Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner Oregon Clyde R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, . . OREGON F. H. Robinson, Attorney and Counselor at Law H. Robinson, City Recorder practice IONE, in all the Courts OREGON "ttHfllllllinilMiMllllllli; Will