Cecil Items . Mrs. John Gny of Shady Dell was calling in Cecil on Saturday. Mrs. Helen Walker of Hard man, candidate for Morrow County Schoo1 Superintendent, accompanied by Mra. Fredrick son and daughter of Lexington, were calling 0:1 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Thursday. J. W. Osborn and H. J. Street er were doinsr business at Thi Dalles on Wedn ?1ay. Missts Josie and Hlen Pedro of Ewing were visiting in Cecil on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire ' were business visitors in Arling ton on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell of Rhea Siding were visiting in Arlington on Thursday. R. A. Thompson, prominent sheepman of Morrow County was in Cecil on Friday. R. A. bought several hundred tons of hay from Krebs Bros., for his sheep which he will ship to Cecil for the winter m nths. Statement of the Ownership, Man agement, etc., Inquired by Act of routfivs of Awu'iist 24. 1012. of loiu Imlctifiiiluit. julillHli,.,l w.vk!y lit lono, t)ivuni, for iictolMr t, liii'4. Killtor, MmwRliiK Kititor. I'ulillxli or, J. V. lloml, Ioih, On Tlmt tint owners nn; K. S. Ai-ktr iimu, 6:i4 Sonnlau Avo St. I.iuIh, Mo. Known bomllioldiTM, inortK'tKiH-n ami otIr security hoMcrs, liolitiiiK 1 ier cent or more of totiit nmoimt of houds. mortKiiin, or otlier m-curl-tltn. None. it. S. AcKKKMAN. Owner. Sworn to tin! wuWrllK'tl liefore niethUlHt tiny of (K'tolxT. 11)24. K. H. Uotilniion. Notary I'ulille My I'oinmlKMlon cxplrvs 2 ;i!-24. Summons For Publication IN TUK CUUTIT OOl'RT ! THE STATE OK OKKUOX. KOU MOHUOW COUNTY. Uert Musou, Plnlntlff, TS J. W. Tuytar, anil Mattel I'uve.ir. his Wife, and 1'. r. l'u year. IVfemlantu. SUMMONS Mr. and Mr.'. Otto Lindstrom made a short call in Cecil on Saturday,' Mrs. Archie Ball and infant son of lone were the week end guests of Mrs. Jack Hynd. W. V. Pedro and neices Josie and Helen Pedro of Ewing were visiting in Condon on Saturday and Sunday. Archdeacon Go die of Cove, Oregon, held a service in Cecil hall on Sunday night. . Mr.' and Mrs. L D. May of The Dalles, were visiting Mrs, Geo. Krebs on Monday. Lester Goodrich, T. B. and F. Wilde, all of lone, were doing the sights of Cecil duting the week. W. H. Chandler and daughter Miss Myrtle are spending a few days visiting hriendsin Lebanon. Oregon. Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist fa Internal Medicine for tho pant twelve yearn. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at The Dalles on Satur day, October 11, at The Dalles Hotel and in Pendleton on Sun day, Octobet 12, at the Dorian Hotel Office hours: 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation. To J. V. Tuyfar and Mat). I Puyear IiIm wife ai.d 1. l I'uyea Defendant)): IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Ur UKKUON: You ami rach of vou are hereby reiiilrvd to aHnr and nnnwer the complaint filed a SaliiKt you In the above entitled action, on or before Saturday, No vemlier 1st. ISI2I. unit! date helni. more thuti nix week after the flint publication of till Suuniiotw, mid If you fail to no appear ami atiHwei sultl complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to cul.l t.'oun lor a Judgi-nirm aaliiMt you ami each of you, for the mini of HiW.Wi. with Interval thereon nt the rate of sperceut, per annum from the 1st dny of OctolMr, Ut2t the further miui of f.V) 00 attorney' fen, and for I 'la In tiff's cohU and dlburm.'inentt herein. And for further Judgement of the above enti led Court, that the real property attached In the above en titled action, now In the hum) of the Sheriff of the County of Morrow, State of On-Kou, belonging to the defendant, Mubel l'u j ear, and lo cated and situated lu said County of Morrow, and State of Oregon, and Jettcrlbed an follows, to wit: Lots 14, 13 and 10, In lllock 3. In the Original Town of lone. Morrow County, Oregon, be Hold by the Sheriff of said County, In the manner provided by law for the Male of real property under execution, and In accordance with the practice of mild Court, and that the proceed from uch sale be applied nit follows, to wit:- 1st In payment of the rimts and accruing cost of sale; 2ml In payment of the costs and disburse ment of this action; 3rd lu payment of" the amount found due plaintiff Including said attorney's fees, 4th, the overplus If any, lie paid to the elerk of said court for the beuelit of mill defendunt. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof, In the lone- ludepcndeut, pursuant to an order f Hon. V. T. CamplM-ll, Judg ol the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, which order won duly made and entered herein, and dated the 2uth day of Ortolwr, I'.CI. F. H. Itohltuton. Attorney for 1'lnlutlff. Post Office address lone, Oregon. The date o) the first publication of this Summons being Keptenils-r Kith 1U24, aud the date of the last publl cation of this numinous being Octo ber 31st, 19:4. Prospects for Completion O.-W. Highway Not Good It was not with any Rrout dogroeof optimism that Judge Campbell and Commissioner Davidson m:de a visit to Port l!nd during the pust week to iholll U COIlfuh with til,. Bint., highway commission; in fact their enthusiasm was so small and their knowedge gained from previous visits was so great, that they did not appear at the sittings of the com mission at the couit house in Multnomah county at all, but used a little strategy and got a hearing with Commis sioner Duby on the side, present ing their proposition to him. It did not take long to find where he stood. Mr. Duby is a kindly gentleman, and well disposed to do all that he can for everv county in the Btate finding itself i somewhat in our position, hut what is to be done when the county has no money to put on the table, and has to come up with the proposition of seekimr aid for the completion of a state highway within its.boruets and has to admit that they can oiler no cooperation. So there aeems just at ptesent no solution to the problem of completing the MORGAN LIFE Mr. and Mrs. Pettyjohn and granddoughter Mabel arrived in Morgan Fiilny mottling from Heppner. They expect to remain with their ; 011 Fay during the winter. Miss Margaret Ely has been aiek the pus., week. Miss Eutl ra Uardesty spent, the week end at her home in Morgan, returning to lone Mon day in time for school. Alvin Ely is at home now and is busy running the drill for his father. Mrs. Oki-i Wlgglesworthof The Dalles spent, the week end visit ing rtUlives in Morgan. Sue returned to her home Tuesday. K. E. llai ison is doing some carpenter work for Martin Uurenfiend i.iia week. Miss Get i'ude Pettyjohn has returned ho ne after a month's visit with her aunt at The Duller. Mr. S. E.'. .vard is helping Fred Pettyjohn move to the Sorensou place. Mabel Pettyjohn was a visitor at the Morgan school on Friday. The 15. & ii, store at Morga i FOIt COl'NTY HCHOOL, HUt'T, To the Vot 'fs of Morrnw County, Oregon: Having ,1 elil'i to become, nn Independent Ciunlhlata for the olllce of County School HuMrlnk'lid entof Morrow county, Oregon, nt the tleneral Election to bo held No. v her J1I1, lti:'4, 1 shall grimily appreciate your support. 1 Imvu given my best efforts clur lng the past years, and If elected will continue to do so. Lena Hindi ftlmrte, rroKcnt liii'iiiubeut. y . . uregon-Washington highway in will-receive ? our watch repairing this state. The seeking of fed- for llavlor the jeweler. 11. poner. eral aid is fruitless, and in order I to get money to cooperate to un FOR OVIi 4ft YF ATI. extent that the state highway hall tata. mi mici.iciiii,k-ii commission might aid us, wolii necessitate a bond issue and this, too. u impost!. and can not be thought of. Commissioner Duby has con sented to make a vi.it to Heppner in the near future, when the. entire situation will be gone over with the business men here nd the attitude of the commis sion in this regard be made fully nown.-Gazjtte-Times, Heppner lone Defeats Hardman (continued from pugo 1) same play, The closest the hall was to Ione'B goal, was on a punt by llardman which l.inn reetived and was downed on lone's ten yard line. The ball was then In the possession of lone. Hard man lucked interference on most of their plays while thu work of the lonu team in this regard was quite noticeable. Linn, Hristow and Graves all did good work in this way. Haraman completed one pass and had two intercepted by lone out of four attempts, while lone completed five out of eight attempts. wwie a crown or rooters accompanied tho team to Hard man, and kept the boys cheered by their rooting. In fact the crowd was more lone than Hard man. The lone team plays at Condon next Saturday and is expecting n much harder game. Condon has not played yet this year so we do not know just whRt they can do; but last year they played lone one of the hanest games of, tho Neimon Wu li..i. n I.. crowd of rooters can co with the Swanson's Feed and Supply Store ooys to me game. A new floor Is being laid in the Bullard Pharmacy, dry rot having destroyed the floor joists. Chas, Allinger and Frank Hon are doing the carpenter work, Kyo at Swanson's Chopmlll Carload of new crop rye just re ceived. Mr. II. C. Wood accompanied by hii wife and son Hilly made a husiness trip to Pendleton on Tuesday, returnipg home Wed nesday of this week. Iave your watch repairing at f.,lt..,.l,.llw. I. II I tucctum J In lu lna.11n.nl si . I lUrrh. 1 1I A!X9 CAT Ml II It M:niriiR ron- I fi.'l.. of Mi Ulnliuint tvhli'li O'lliklt "Iivm by loc mi;'ll.-uiiuii. and H e l unml Mwlvina. Tunic, whMi acta OiroiiKh tut UhhmI on lha lluruui Sur facta, Uiua rtilurlnc in Innammatlon. Sold by (II drUKKlats. F. J. Chny A Co.. ToMo. Ohio. 1 D. MCMURDO, H. D. Physician and Surgeon Ofllcc in Masonic liuiUing Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : 6regon By the way- Er. Mellenthin I a regular gradu ate to medicine and surgery and Is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does Dot operate for chronic nppc n dlcltua, gall stones, ulcer of the stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful result la diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers aud rectal all-ruente. Below are the name of a few of bis many satisfied patient lu Ore gon: Mrs. J. M. Bowers, Toledo, gall tones and bowel trouble. John J. Westfall, Ironside, ulcers of the stomach. Harney Dlonne, Bandon, lung and bronchial trouble. Mm. Nick Oja, Gold Beach, gall tones. Mrs, T. II. Martin, Moro, high blood pressure. John Ballod, Jacksonville, kidney -a-cnnrmo rrroc trouble and rheumatism. rea50IiaDie pilCeS. A. E. Campbell, Albany, appendi citis. Harry Hlbley, Kt. Helens, heart trouble. Remember above date, that con sultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment in different. Married women must be accom panied by their husbands. Abdrcss: 211 Bradbury ulilg., Los Angeles, California. Have you laid in that, supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. The Legion Theatre Presents Dorothy Dalton In 'Tog' Bound";" Another Family Nifiht Saturday, October 11. The whole family admitted for 50c when they attend in a group. Otherwise, regular prices Adults - - .23c Child ten under 14 ,10c Red Cross meeting Immediately after the show. - j Hill Dental Clinic Pendleton, Oregon t t--M.r,-v.'-s ' m" 1" 4 1 f The Hill Clinic is conducted t along the most advanced lines of dentistry, wh eh enables palienls to obtain the services of a group of dentists each doing work he Is best fitted for at considerable less cost than is required under ordin ary practice. Out of town patients work will l done ns qujc-kly as pomilble, Vfm cut? fuel cortr VERY LANG RANGE m.nuf.ctured i. Jn.il, rouna tno ismous HOT BLAST principle snd contain, the LANG IIQT AIR DRAFT, bota onginai. putentea fi-atutvs. Forcing the heat . tirely around the oven, utilizing every psrticU 01 (uvi snu neatinft every inch of cookinft tur fsce, the LA N6 mnfce i. by fur the mo tcononv cal kitchen ranfte on the market. Today LANG toves' are ued and endormd by thoiuands ol American housewives. I Let us show you a f 1 ; HlllllHHIIIimilHMHt HIM M4 FUEL At Reduced Prices. We have about 200 cords of wood on hand and have set the Prices to Convert Wood into Cash to the PROFIT of the CUSTOMER. Slab, 4 ft. " 16 in. " 12 in. - Fir, 4 ft. " 16 in. -" 12 in. Oak, 4 ft. -" 16 in. -" 12 in. ; - Coal per Ton, $7.00 8.00 8.25 $10.50 11.50 11.75 11.00 12.25 12.50 11.75 ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Craduate Nurse Assistant Fhone-OlTicT Main 933 4 Uesidence Main 492 HEPPNER . - OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Hank Huildinir Heppner Oregon Farmer's Elevator Co. lone, Oregon. HHUMUHHHmHMIIMUMIMIIimHtlllimm Dr. F. E. Farrior v DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE1 H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSU1UNCE IONE, OREGON Clyde R.Walker,M.D Physician and Surgeon 0Uke in Drug Store. IONE, . . ORECON When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Servi Lunch Counter HEPPNER TAILORINGS. TAILORS Cleaning rjveinif Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all tho Court! IONE,' OREGON '