PHRTl AIMn 1 VJi 1 LutAlVU C. G. APPLEGATH Ti vn 1 0-v Wrltt u lar arii-aa and raarkat aandlliaaa o 1 lll,rt (X OOll M, Raft, Pttlirr, FraHi PtUliei. Omm, Portland, Oregon k Mallory Select Residential & Transient Utk aa TtBhlU, fortUitd. Orea. Modern Flrtproof American Plan RATM MODKRATK Maid O'Clover Ice Cream . CONTAINS MORE BUTTERFAT MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. Cedar Chests 9i7C ''T- '" kJlXO war, I'urttond. r Enroll Monday-Railway Telegraph & Radio Institute .... ....... . Rallwar rirhanir iulMlri. l-ortland, Onro. IRLMKNUOU t'kMANIl f'OH ROTH HKN AND WOMKN. MO SALARIES liar anil NIM Cla. 150 RECIPES FOR APPLE DISHES Til Union Pacific lit Just Issued a forty psge booklet containing; 1J0 rec ipes fur apple dislios tvery houMwlf should possess. "An apjila dy keep tlio doctor away!' nd this book tails how it may I dun In 1W way. It will be sent fro to any address on sp plication by letter or phone to Win, MrMurrsy, General Passenger Agent, C37 ritt.wk Work, rnrtlnd. Oregon. CLEANING AND DYEING e'or raitabi Claanlnf an br. a&OIlkfk " aacalao m4 aaimoia aa aa. flVraf U Va ear ratar voataaa. Infan M k "w aa rrtaaa (itaa im ra- X1' KN'RK't CJTT DYR WORK, ratahllaha !. Tan laaaOra DR. AORaW, VSTM Kr all i hr'inlc iJlaaaaaa, Maillaon BlilJ PAINT AND WALLPARgR Allllnr I .nil fa, 171 riiat Ht. Uijr FKEE Book for Sufferers from Cancer, Tuberculin!, Chronic Dtitraitrs, I'llcs Wrlla fi rtmr frw roi-r of wr kaafalat an HUM at-d mr atjrvaafal Matharia nf Irvatlhf TuUnuWaia, I'tlaa a4 l.ratiai iia. aaara. Hui.itraaaaf vrataTuI aaUaala taaftfr to lha raaulta IMathla la yaur raaa. 1'aafiaa la ivaaintai.i ara tary raaaunaliia. . A.Wfaaa mmm health INSTITUTE - rtprat)t (Ml (ftnlr (itMiMt, Irr. WklU .Ha K"ir , VSt r-.rH ti4 rWatttft.m HIAm I'tirlUml. urriu. Wa Specialize In , Htdea. Pflti. We!, Kslair, Tsflw. Cwtrt, Orrtoa Gip EoL Ceat SLu Hsru Hair Wrlla fnc Saipalnc Till a hlaal rrlc Lart Portuno Hide a Wool Co. IM inaal aaaim, rWIM Rraak at faaatalla. Uaiw Which Is It To Be -?- A winter of Ailments or a win ter that you can think back of as having enjoyed every day re gardlcss of weather conditions 'Ta tnjar kallH, ana raa aiil aa.a thflr ayatara r!o f.4 as vltk Impurlllaa. Kaa ymt Vawall aaa an ar a.alaal ta aarfai wark laf araar 1 laainf BARK-ROOT A mil Uiallta. A kulld.r. A ataniaf!! tanla tkat win rwcmia ranr aawaia, alimulata tha alnraark and 1 1 . .a KKJ ..... .... U ;.ur klaa. Ona Batlla Skaull Caa.lara AI all Rfllikla Oruiflita Esrly Us f Lard. Till of l it first qusrtsr of lb Nlnntoenth century, lard was only uriod for rullnury purposp and a tb base In various olulmcnts. Fsolnatsd. When a dog bowl at muslo you can't toll wheibor It 1 bscaus b likes It or not, but be doesn't go awsy. Women Get Odd Post. Miss Bull Dsvlln and Miss Olive Druggeman bav kea appointed slreat coinuilssluners la Bt, Louis. Need $750,000 Annually Juiii'mu, AliiHka. More tlmn l"i Ooo.otK) w ill bo required H' Aliski mud (.'oinnilMMlnn fur rood and trulls In tha territory, with nil nmitml nmln Ifiiiince cliiirgd of 7.V),000 after tliey mo ciiniiltted, nirtirillng to Col. Jnine O. Hteeso, preslilent of tli com (iiiIhIoii. The cimiinlHslon lins Jiirlsdlctlnn lover 0,0(1' nillf of tliornuglifures. Tli llrst division Include 80 miles ot J: mm iJiUw.-RrSr'l .fi CMM...N. ca p OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE PriMI, Orasna TAITDIVIU.I PHOTO-FLATS Oaattat Okam Ralurdajr, AUIM, Wwk Of atallao, lo kr.alnfa, Ua. Oaltao. 11 I ta It a, CkUSraa 10 mil ll llwt &Ser. Portland' Oldett FUR HouM ft MtaJoff Storage. IH Taalk r, aw WhUiiIn. Frty Tun In th Sim Location. tfftJte? Tenneuee Cedar Df Its. Olloa, hlwM, 1M C. (ma. kfcNO COB CATAUXI Wrllo fur Pruapartua. INFORMATION 41 DEPARTMENT PLSATINO IPXCIAL Cut, mm bam an martilna i Jlaat aklrta ra1y for ban WW lamalll. hlr.r, ,iaolln an lu. VIni ,., iATa,N NOVCtTV Mr-O. CO. UK riflb atraal . porilani, Ora. CmpHtaLlna ollariTiiilla I'urllan rl-m.n 4 Hair Co , 411 lurk CUT FLOW A 4 rLORAU RltlONt Clarka Ilioa , KlurKta. Jll Uorrlaun L OtNTIT ' Chan. a R. Wall In, Rulla Ttl-701 latllaa Vulldlrai, I'orllan, Or.fon. MOLt ! RARat R tOLtf 01 Taachaa Irada In I ..ha Roma par whlla laarnlng. Poalina aarura. Wrlta for aalalntua. 1 lluraalda Rliaat, Part. Ian. Ora(un. tRRICTO TRUNK Mrt. CO." Trunka. Auto 1'runka la mrAmt. Tklr nd pina. Portland, Ora. PLIATINO," HfeaClTlfCllIr.a--' attaaa, Rrallaelaf. paarl Rirol ra, Wlda IW.titralBI. Kaitraiaarj, ktllla llalaa. AJl wark riaralil.M- Kmuh Plaatlr aai Ruttaa Warkt HI Mi RI4, Ponlan, Ora, PR. MARIS D. RQUI " Wanaa an f'ktldra rnT'nH 14 uirn. Rt'nor,o! Ralatnaaa ar thaaa thai ran talk mb aaal. tt'.lr aara I0U (a lluo an Ihla aai I .llf. 8alki.( aaar. I'aH kr ..rf aaaa 4 ai fraal d.Man. WHta far Ralliaf Plaaa 1 101 Oaack ld(., f.rtlau, Or.foa. MTlAUVie. OfTOMRTRIlT I oiaka I OUaaaa Pruaa Ruhi lanalaetM llfiUa BUf. Oao. LiaauaWaJfa IVDIR RRINTINO CO. ... Paaiura Prlntla fi I-..a 11 Tnlr Hlra.t Purlland, Orao Yaur "TIITH aLttRm Whlla Wi WaHl Our R.puUllon la our araataat aaaat Dr. Ra.aa, IMS Waahlrilon at., Portia UIIO CASH RaiT(H flralaa, Klanrlr Colfaa Mllla, Bkav Caaaa, tuitrhara" Dlaolar (W IIOXKR TKAbfNO CO, lit rirtl HI Portland, Oraa Tti. rirtodar J411 AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Camplata laatrortloa tn Raarr Rranrk a tails PrMaaalna la what wa a (Tar oar Mludaata. Talk wtlk awr Oradualaa. IJMlra' IIMf . rwtlsn, OragQw. ATTSTIM I.AIIIR I aaan aaaw a kaaliary aaaalr artar; wa ha tua aai wa mka all kiad. af kair ataaa ant af ataaa laai I alaaa awlfk. H; aUau. li tt . S atm. i Pn anaraa a aatf aai tan. 400 tMkaat kkK . Partiaa. Ot. rnmalilie Wholaawna fan aaakad (urt rl(tl VUlDCUUS hrranka who know. HrKdALUa - f , luaakanai aar.a Salla thai raaaaa) I llCfanj atrallan. Park Hlraat kwtwaaa! ! Waaklnatoo aa AUlaa. PoMla Dr. Lake, Divine Heahnr 129 Fourth Street, 1'ortlsnd YOU WANT A SHOW? Wi tai turalsk It Orrkaatraa, Riarara. Daarara, ratnadiana, Maat rlanL lurariura for llama Talani Maauarripu. ala Jl HASI AMI SKMtNT t o. Nlai-lmma Rlda. Partlaa, yragyri, Talaahraa Main UMi. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Raanara wllhnat hiiurr to Ika akin k Nay. Para Daallatarr. Ramala aa raauaat. haf-Rnra Laa aralaataa. til Maraaa M(.. Partlaa Uraawa. DRUGS BY MAIL tat at aan taa four bruaa kr nall-loaatal aarvtaa alvan mail aniara LAUK-UAVla) DRUQ COM PA NT Traat Eiparta. 1T1 Tkli It, PortUn. Ore Prnstati Cund Without paolal altaatls la Itoaaah, Raaala, Kaalal ana Vu.l. T..t I.. . , R. . A. fUlLLIPR Braaawar Bldg. Portias. Ora, Liquor Prescriptions. Mor tbsn 11,000.(00 liquor pr scrlptloas mar filled by druggist ta tb United Stat, Fort Rico aid Ha waii last year. Celery Culture a Sueceee. Celery culture la Nevada I a suc cess, according to growers, wbo lay tbat tbey can rals tbre car to tb acre. Planet Uranus. Tb planet Uranus I 1,100,000,001 mil from tb arta. for Alaskan Highways wagon roud and a half mile of trail. Tlier ar I'Ul mile of blghway In th second division, 8,U45Vi miles ot trail, 27 mile of botialct road and 87 miles of tramway. Tha third division hi iHS miles of wagon road, 1,488V mile of trnll and 177 V4 mile of bob sled road. Th fourth division hi 023 miles of wagon road, 2,002 mile ot trail, 824 miles fur (lcddlng and 19 uille ol tramway. f HOTEL EATON I IJ-M I " Manlaa tla. (J-ay Take C f . far af tiapei a rfhJi Want Park Rtra IT tj Th Rati Lacata Hatel In mmmmm" Rartlan COARSE LUMP TO REFINED DOUBLE X By HUCHES MEARNS . (laV, iHiabladar, Paa ta ) IN TUIC culm, realful lllimry Mr. nd Mrs. WlUluiii were obvious ly agitated. "1 will speak to Vir ginia myself, directly sli copies down. Mr. Williams persisted firmly J Tlies carryings on liv gon loo fsrl- Mrs. William tried to calm Mm. "Hut I am not sure, James. 'I could nut se very well In the dark; and I was not trying to euveatlnip. I'less4 don't say anything just now, not when li is going out to th fraternity dance. " "Kissing boy gontl tiy!" he fumed. "What Is this generation coming ("?" Kvenlually Mra. WilllMins succeeded In rutctlng promise that he would wslt. Customs were different, she argued. "Hut decency has not changed, 1 hope!" he broke In. I "Of count, If they were en;n.'ed. the mother tried. I "How could she he engaged to a bslfdozen college hoys J" he came hack Indignantly; "there's st least that many dogging about after ber, taking tier ber and there and heaven knows where! And Oils lad who Is inviting ber to th danc tonight, what do we know shout hltnT Olrls nowaday don't seem" A ring at th door stopped his Secb. Tom Keyhert vole wss heard In the hill. They brightened up at th sound. Tom wae a town boy, 'out of school several years, a steady business sort "Why couldn't she settle down with some good, solid man like Tom fy berir' th father asked in lowered .tones. Tom had dropped in to talk over th plans of an In town garage which a group of th suburban men were think .Ing of managing co oiertlvelv. Oh, .no; he wa not going to the fraternity tlanrt. "My dancing days r over," he Id. They joined tn his laugh; he wss only twenty-four; but tney beamed on him In open admiration. "Tom." Mr. Williams anked abrupt- pr. vt nai go you iiiiok 01 gina a inn ing boy gnod-byT" Father!" admonlxhed Mrs. WW- Plsms. Thst' H right, moiher," h wved bsnd it her. Tm not mentioning esses." Torn smiled; enough hsd been said In tell him esartly what the rase was. What rio I think of II r he eaked. "It I depends on who' doing It." ' . "Now. see here, Tom." said Mr. Wll Jlams, "ill fooling aside, you know you yourself wouldn't " "Oh, wouldn't 1 H Tom laughed. A three-cornered debate, warm ind pull of Interruptions, finally disclosed ,"lo th istonlshed elders that Tom, the lependabl Tom, had no advents crltl Imn to make on the custom thst wss 5o shocking to tb older generation. In th mldt of It Virginia danced lown tha step. She listened In de light while she daintily powdered her nose. "Th nice old pokles!" she lsughed. ihitirglng her mother to her. "It's noth Ing mor than ahaklng hands," she Tooned, rocking her mother bsck und forth. "And It depends lot on what brand you nse. There are all sort of grades, like sugar; aren't they, iTonimyr "All lb way from 'coarse lump' to refined double X.'" he nodded. "Hut If you were engaged or mar rled " th mother began helpleasly. "Oil," Virginia drawled It out dell- Wously, "then you'd keep all the sugar for horn consumption !" The roll of car and a ring an nounced the arrival of Virginia' part tier to th dance. In moment he wa In th library, a strikingly handsome youth. "Isn't he beantlful. people" Vir ginia stroked his slick hair admiringly, I Ail tin ii'H air jiim iidri aiwui mm. ..,n ... i -i - i . ., i i . - I I'nahaslied th handsome youth held Joiit bis arm to Virginia and sang: 'All tha alrla hava lnat thalr a Uut-librlum ovor muh, muh, muh, mat !Rh itepped Into litis arms and dn need delightfully within the spac of a squar yard, while she' took up the verse; II tka slrla hava snna nulla lm- Ita-elllum ovor nun, nun, nun, nimi Then she klsaetl him, a deft little touch and go, right before everybody. I'Tlyby; we'r off!" They both danced out singing: All th town's apart and flus-Tortd-lllum ovar uh, urt, uh, usl Mr mil Mrs. Williams were so frankly dismayed that Tom put his garage plans In hi pocket and set himself th task of arguing fliem a better attitude toward their daugh ter. I "I'm ashamed," antd Mra. W'llllnnia, gating at the door nut of which the two gay scalawags bad just gone In such high glee. I "Well, you bv no right to he,' Tom grew firm, "Virginia la fine, right anrt of girl, I oughtn't to have to tell thl to yon." I "Hut she baa a puck of young cub prowling around after ber," father be- 'gan. ) Tom Innghed. "Why shouldn't they prowl? Bhe's worth prowling for, I'll tsayl" I "Hut It's th way h treat them," oa!d mother. tell you two people some thing," Tom stood tip and went at hi argument. They looked at blm In open pride. II was th sort they liked; he was their kind of young man sen sible, businesslike, mature; be didn't wear waspllk clothe and sing and danc around Instead of talking Ilk a human being, Aud all th while he was drawing a picture of the "bid girl" of th day. Why," he laid, "you two wouldn't know one of these real nasty one by sight. They've changed their color completely sine you were youngster. Hut there Isn't a line of bad In Vir ginia. Virginia Hhe'i a near a saint as they mak ID; and you two had better find out th difference and be llev It. Klislng the boy good by 7 Of course she did I What' th harm In that?'' He did not leave them until they were comforted. He filled them with faith In their own, not a difficult task usually, until they had begun to be ashamed that they had ever ques tioned Virginia. Nevertheless, they stayed up for ber. Mrs. Wllllnms took a nap on tli sof in th fur alcov, but Mr. Wll llama sat before tb grate In the li brary and thought And then he, too, ringed. Vokc on Ihe porch awnkeni'd him. lie recognised Virginia' bubbling low lau.ii. The stillness of tb night mad hlra know it wa quit late, probably after one o'clock. Virginia and ber young man, b thought apprehensive ly. "I don't Ilk that fellow," he whispered. Mora quiet. Intimate laugh ter. Anger seized him. What did these young fools mean, prowling around his fine young girl at all hour of th morning; kissing, probably, and heaven know what I Ills father would have stepped right out there and sent that young man about his business. II knew he didn't dare do that himself, and fumed over the fart Virginia tripped auddenly Into the library. "Father!" ah whispered. "Ar yoa awakT" Wis raised her left hsnd and dis played shining ring. "I.Ik It 7" lb sked mysteriously. My dod!" h ejseultd. Tb re mark brought mother Into th scene. Virginia ran to th porch nd called "Fsther says It' all right lie' awake. Come In and help me break the new." Father (tared at th figure In th doorway. "Tom 1" h cried. "Too don't men lt' Tom !" "Sure, If Tom." aald Virginia. Who else" A light rune to her face. "Yoa don't mean to say," she gasped Incredulously, "you haven't known It for yenra and year" They hadn't even hstd the glimmer of a ,Tuea I "Oh, hut we'r so glad if Tom,' th mother cried. "Juat listen at the deir old pokles r said Vlrglnl to Tom. Then she kltsed him. a ra.-eful and deliberate kiss. "Iteflned. double X" remarked Tom judicially. Monkey $ in Demand in Englith Cities Quit a considerable trade is done In monkey In Liverpool and round th London docks, my London An wer. In these day th great majority ot th creatures arrlv In (ailing vessel. of which there are still quit a num ber, because th blc liner sr usually too busy to tak notice of such arti cle of commerce. Th length of the passage, too, ha often th advantage ot acclimating th little creature before tbey arrive. On a vessel reaching the docks, the animal ar told to Italian or Jewish dealer at prices van Ing from 13 (hilling to a ($.1.73 to Th variations In th price ar due to the different states of health tn which th monkey arrive. Whll In th hand of middlemen or broker th little inlmal do not, on th whole, have a bad tlra of It Tbey are carefully fed and kept very warm, and usually hsv plenty of mom and romp about, or fight which they do continually. Tb broker has numerous "assistant," chiefly among th Italian Ice-cream or organ grinder fraternity. . When he haa found hi customer tb broker often has Jto recelv payment by Installments, and of course make correspondingly high profit charg ing tor a small "jncko" at least 13 shillings. Very often th poor little beasts die from consumption, their great enemy In these northern lati tudes, before the payment are com plete; and It I not uncommon tor an organ grinder to be paying for a dead ind a living animal it th am time. On the whole, the "pug." l they are known In the trade, are well treat ed, and If It were not for th change able climate they would live a decid edly hnppy life. Blasted Hopet A Hrockton (Mass.) man who' has lummer bom at I'lymouth decided to try the experiment ot raising his own blueberries. II bought half-a-dozen plants, it a cost of $3 each, set them out, and awaited results with ex pectation that wer not to be wholly fulfilled, say th Boston Glob. Only two of th six shrub matured and on turned out to b a gooseberry bush, tb other a mspls tree Algerian Tobacco Tobacco I becoming an Increasingly Important money crop In Algeria, say a report to th Department ot Com merce from Commercial Attach L. L. Jouos, 1'arls, Acreage planted to thla crop ha Increased mor than 100 per cent In the last decade and produc tion ha jumped from 10,800 metric ton In 101U to 17,280 metric ton In 1023. ree4)e STATE NEWS : IN BRIEF. I Astoria. Damage estimated at 19500 was done by a fire which start ed in the repair shop of the Kaleva Auto company at- Hoventeunth and Commercial street at about P. M. Krlriny. . HBlem.A new tariff containing re duced rates ' on logs shipped from point on the Valley Slletz railroad to New berg and Winona was filed In the offices of the public service commU- sion here Friday. Salem. The Eastern Oregon Light t I'ower company ot Baker has filed application with the state engineer bore covering the appropriation ot water from Powder river for the development of power. Harrlsburg. The four Baumgartner brother, Tommy, Ceorge, Cal and Millard Wooley, returned from a week-end bunt in the ' Lake creek country with bag of seven deer. Tbey are resident of the Busey district Portland. Ceorge O. Bingham, cir cuit judge from Marlon and Linn coun ties, who has been holding court In Portland for several month, died at the Portland Medical hospital Friday after an attack of heart-disease. He wa 69 year old. Salem. A total ot 65,033 non-resi dent motor vehicle have registered In Oregon since January 1, according to a statement prepared her by Sam A. Kozer, secretary ot state. Of these registrations 8401 were recorded dur ing the month ot September. Hood Rleer. A record for Septem ber shipments of fruits was made here this year. Up to October 1, 320 car loads ot pears and apple bad rolled from market The shipments for tbe same period a year ago, which was an early season, reached 16S cars. St. Helen. When th registration books closed Saturday night J. W. Hunt, county clerk, estimated tbat close to 6000 voter bad registered Thl I an Increase ot about 800 over the previous registration and Indicates the Interest in tbe coming election, Medford. Jackson county now has 45,000 acre under irrigation, which added to th 15,000 acre at Grants Pass, make more than 60,000 acres under irrigation in the Rogue river valley, according to Olen Arnspiger, engineer for the Talent Irrigation dis trict. Salem. Approximately SO settlers on land within the north unit irrlga tion district appeared before tb state irrigation securities commission Sat urday and protested against the pro posal tot certify more than $S,000,000 ot the bonds for the development of the project. Salem. Tbe average annual con sumption of gasoline for each auto mobile In Oregon during the year 1923 wa 430.27 gallon, a against gn average consumption ot 424.86 in the year 1922, according to a itatement Issued here by Sam A. Koier, secre tary of date. Pendleton. During September the rainfall amounted to 1.10 Inche In Pendleton, according to figure ot the official weather observer. Tbe max imum temperature recorded during the month was 93, on September 6, and the coolest weather was 33 de grees, on September 27. Salem. There were three fatalities In Oregon due to Industrial accidents during the week ending October 2, ac cording to a report prepared here by the state industrial accident commis sion. The victims were C. L. Smith, Bend, boom operator; C. M. Pearson, Astoria, rigger, and Thomas Ander son, Toledo, chaser. Klamath Falls. A timber deal which Involved nearly $100,000 was closed here Saturday when the Lamm Lumber company ot Klamath Falls purchased 3000 acres ot pine timber from the Oregon Land corporation. The timber la located on the new Southern Pacific Eugene Klamath cut off In the vicinity of Corral Springs. Condon. Although a cold north wind has blown almost continually for three days, hundreds ot Gilliam and Sherman county residents attended the annual Gilliam county fair which opened here last Thursday. The live stork department was much larger than last year. Every available stall wa taken and outaida stalls were built. EuRcne.T-Marl Mlos, 12. on of Mr. nd Mr. L. H. LUe ot Goshen, Is believed to bold a record for prize- winning at recent fairs, according to E. J. Moore, Lane county school super intendent. At the date fair he won $135 In cash premiums on a bull, cow and heifer he bad on exhibition In open competition, and $15 on hi club work. Beside those prize be won first premium at tha recent Lane coun ty fair for the best lewlng among the school children ot tbe county, winning over a large number ot girl. after jfyery meal tnoatb aa4 lta and aide tllgeaUaa. Relieves that over eaten le cling and acid month. lie l-a-a-t-l-a-a Have allsllea tb craving lor weet. Wrfaley'a la doable value la tbe benelll and pleasure ll provide. Stal4 us U Purity racAaf a. Peanut Popular In Africa. Peanut, unknown in Senegal a tew year ago, now form more than (0 per cent of the total export from that part ot Africa. Germ Cell. Tbe typical germ cell is a micro scopic globular body consisting ot cell substance, called cytoplasm. In tha midst ot which is Imbedded a mas called the"nucleui. Accident! Csuss Bio Los. Tbe monetary losses due to acci dents and contagions disease In tbe coal mining industry ot the single state ot Utah average close to $1,000,-' 000 a year. Wood Waste. One hundred and fifty million tons ot wood waste Is produced annually, - most ot which. It I asserted, find no useful application. Sirs. Fred Anderson Sparkling Eyes Follow good Health Salem, Oreo;. "For several year I suffered with liver trouble and stomach disorder. I was conttipated and had a sassy condition of the stomach. I doctored, but could not pet rid of thcte condition until 1 bran taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and since I took these 'Pel lets' I 'have net had any more trouble with my liver or stomach. "1 can highly recommend Doctor Tierce's Pleasant Pellets to anyone kUtTcrmu with stomach or liver ills." Mrs. Fred Anderson, 90S S. 21st Street Constipation is at the root of many ailments. You can avoid " many of the ills in life by obtaining Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pullets from your druiriif. Send 10c for trir.l pkr. or writ for free adHce to Dr. Pierce's In valids' Hotel in liulfalo, N. Y. Te Irrigate Arid Land. . The Ceylon government ha adopt ed an irrigation scheme which It is claimed will convert 10,000 acre of arid land Into valuable sugar cane land. Only Few Elk Left. Twenty-five thousand elk ot the Yel lowstone Park region constitute tha only large game herds left In the UDiteu cinica. IT'S FREE If not In Perfect Health, send your name and address for our valuable Free Booklet revealinpr astounding facta how you may be made well. See testimonials of former sufferers from so-called Incurable Diseases now well and stronp. Address HYGIENIC HEALTH CO.. 614 Mohawk Bldfr.,;Spokane, Wn. I awadad In ovary dap rt moot of houao kaapln. Equally (ood for towalo, table tlnoa. ohoot and pillow caao. Grocer You Want a Good Position Vary walt-Tak th Ai-rounUnrr A Bualnaat, Print Bar rat rial, Caicitlator-GomtonM-tor, RUrmaraphlc, Pvntttanahlp, or Coot aiarrlal Toachara' Count ai Th foramoat UualnoM Collaa of th NorthwMt which haa won ovira Accuracy Awanl aad liokl Madala than any othar achiml In America. Rand fur our Hurraaa Catalog, r mlrth Btraat nr ktuc. rlaon. Portland, Or. lai E at. Walkar, Fraaldabl ' '"No."41,,924 P. N. U." J aaaawaaaa . oSP-VoJA I a ll saas v v v a j