THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published E.ary Friday by . V. HBAD, liJiUx-Publisher SUBSCRIPTION! On year... ....11.60 Six month ... .78 ThiM month .. ,. ......SO Enured second 'Its matter at th poitofBc at Ions, Oregon, under act ot Mun-li 3. 1S79 Friday. Sept. 12.1924 CECIL ITEMS J. W. Osborn of "Fairview," and also Walter Pope of Cecil were county seat visitors during the week. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford David son on the adrival of a fine baby girl born Sept 4th, at "Willow creek" ranch. Dr. Walker of lone was in attendance Mr. Spillman accompanied by Miss Sdith Montague, also of "Shutler Flats" brought Miss Rhoda Beck to Cecil on Sunday in readiness for the opening of ber school. F. H. Robinson, prominent cit- iien, leading attorney etc., of lone, was a caller on W. V. Pedro on his ranch at Ewing, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire and son of "Killarney" were doing business in Arlington on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and children of Rhea, were visit ing friends in Heppner on Mon day. Miss Annie C and Minnie H. Lowe who have been visiting in Portland for some time returned home on Saturday. Mi?s Minnie opened her school at Rhea Siding on September 8th. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stender of "Seldom Seen," on the arrival of a fine baby girl born Sept 8th. Dr. Walker of lone was in atten dance. Henry and John Krebs arrived in Cecil from Spray on Monday with a large band of ewes. Mrs. Deos and Jessie Deos and children from "Pleasantview' ranch near The Willows were calling, on Mrs. Roy Ray at Cecil on Sinday. E. Mannington of Pendleton is Jmty t the home of W. V. Pedro installing a hot and cold water system through his house, also superintending the building of a large reservoir. Miss Violet Hynd of "Butterby Flats," left on Sunday for lone to be ready for the opening" of school on Monday. . Miss Annie Hynd and brother Jackie left early on Monday morning for Heppner. Master Jackie will resume his studies at Heppner High School. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Logan of the Willows were visiting with Mrs. Jack Hynd of "Butter by Flats" on Tuesday. Miss Cleta Palmeteer of "Win dynook" is assisting Mrs. Geo. Krebs at "The Last Camp." Al Henrickaen of Pendleton till has a lorging for his old home town and was calling on his friends on Willowcreek during the week. Cecil was visited by another sand storm, Sunday the 7th, but very heavy rain followed which was thankfully received. MORGAN LIFE The B. & B. store at Morcan will receive your watch repairing for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner. Morgan school started the 8th under the direction of Miss Zoe Farrens and Mrs. Cochran of lone. Balcomb & Bauernfiend are quite busy remodeling their store building. " Mr. W. F. Palmeteer returned from the Valley last Tuesday. Morgan received a nice shower of rain last Saturday night, but did not enjoy the sand storm. Mr. Hal Ely. W. F. and Beit Palmeteer were repairing Palm meteer's pump last Saturday, with the help of Mr. Balsiger of lone. Messrs, Witile, Ely. Hardesty Edwards, Harbison and several ott ers cleaned out the school well the first of the week. Mrs. R. E. Harbison entertain ed Mr. a..d Mrs. Ely and children and Mr. and Mrs. Palmeteer on Sunday. Fred and Noah Pettyjohn with their familys and Mr. Edward brought lunch and enjoyed a pic nic dinner at James Hardesty's noma, last Sunday, so that they could enjoy being with E. B. Gorten, as he is not able to be out much. E. B. is feeling bet ter since the big meal. J. W. D. Young of Portland. supervising architect of Ione's new school house, arrived in lone Thursday afternoon. He depart ed Friday morning for Fossil, where he has charge of another school building. Mr. McConnell and Mr. Gan ger left early Friday morning for Portland, where they wil spend the week end on business By the way- Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Formaldehyde $2.25 per gallon when customer furnishes jug. Bullard'i Pharmacy. , A marriage license was Issued on Saturday to Chas. W. Chris- topherson and Opal Lulu Seelev. young people of lone. The mar riage eeremony was pronounced at the home of Rev. F. R. SdsuI ing this city, and the newlyweds went on their way rejoicing. Mr. Christopherson is a farmer of the lone section.-Heppner Gaiette-Timei. PENDLETON, OREGON ptetuber It, 19, o, 1914 EXCURSION FARES In the whole World there li no conteat to intensely exciting, and with more thrilling and pectacu-' Jar climuei, than the riding of "outlaw" broncho by cowboy and cowgirl. . . Thote contest, ai also the wild horse races, wild teer roping and bull-dogging, Indian dance and pow wow are all that remain of the young, wild, vigorou. yet lov able West. r-11 W.lIOWK.A(rt. June, . Orpiron UM U.UintBiu OwralPuMncw Aim Pentad, Onm Lexington News Mr. W. M. Stafford of Long Beach, California, was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. Marshall McAllister and his wife, on their way home from Ritter, made a short visi to Lex ington, Tuesday evening. They left for Portland Wednesday morning. James Leach and Buster Gent ry returned Sunday from points in the Valley. School opened Monday. The enrollment is 98, 39 in High School and 59 in the grades. The High School Student Body election of officers was held on Wednesday afternoon. The offi cers elected are as follows: Les ter White, President; Uussel Wright, Vice-President; Glen Sherrer, Treasurer; Leonard Ms Millan, Yell Leader; and Velle Ward, Secretary. Rev. Geo, Edwards preached in the Congi ogational church on Sunday. . . The Ladies' Aid meets on Wed nesday afternoon at two o'clock. NEiV LEPEVER NlTPO- Special onu $29.00 W.II, fonlid.rinf 1 prtc sum M limit rifhl and stand muck uh es ins moat MMnriH ti i. fun- Motidur. 01 lOCftSVtf put In s tun nri iocs Ard ov.r Rvcnr mm Y A'T '..;". i Untie load. AN :Uv ITS'; IT Ill world' amiili.nslilp Vv 3 ul tha tilvm j minim III j.t-jH rml"n l,cf 'Tn stood (or m-rvl- 1 durability f.r uv.-r Ml y. r. Writ for Catalog LEFEVFR ARMS CO OX A ITHACA. N m- r--iv.-a,'-i ' V .1 More liuntin" for farmer' and sportsman! Don't fail to at-nd for this free book, Hunting IWd I'Tpperty". It (how you bow farmer and aportsman can pet together to their mutual advantage. Sportsmen spend more time bunting for shooting ground man they do bunting i POSTED ;PBOPERTT ;ame. More property ia being posted each year. ThiiLook will help you find more and better hooting. Write foryour copy today ' frtx; E. L DU ro.VT DE NEMOl'RS A CO., Ine. Sporting PomUr Division Wilmington, DcL .Rundown homes J MMSs 7VTEGLECT plays havoc with the home. Whether neglect of ex terior or interior surfaces, it can have but one result financial loss. One way to save money is to keep the home protected with a coat of good paint It is good business. It protects your investment Protect your home now with Raamusaen Paint nd avoid coatly repair and replacement. Come in and talk over your paint need with u. We know we can help you. : BERT MASON lone, Oregon vl8" and Roof Paint Wsll-Du WmIuU Trudc4 Tri psin, WslIP.l, GShingl.Stin Insid. Floor PsJnt S PotA Float Punt OH Stsins, V.mlshs yC, , KAcolit. Enml Floor and Virnl.h Suins Eye Specialist Commlng Dr. Clarke of the Clarke-Stram Optical Co., 112 sixth Street, Portland, will be in lone all day and evening Thursday, Sept. 18th at the lone Hotel. Those having eye trouble should gee him. Rye at Swanson't Chopmili Carload of now crop rye just received. mm .M I , kUft. USVIKS WWIIISH HSS BVIISJ to I'Junone, OreKon, near which place he has been employed at a lumber grader In a sawmill. ( Mr, James Howard accompan ied by hia mother, departed . Thursday morning for McMlnn Ville, where he will tontlnua his studies at Llnfleld college. - mm r ip the $Mitrc 'Ai cute fuel corfr 'VERY LAXG RANGE manufactured it built . around tha famous HOT BLAST principle and contain tha LANG HOT AIR DRAFT, boik orifcinal, patented fimturw. Forcing tha hat ea tirely around tha oven.' utilizin everv U of fuel and heatinA every inch of cookin. ..... ' face, the LAN6 nin&e U by far the mot econonv ical kitcken ranfc on the market. Today LANG Move are used and endoraed by thousand of American house wive. Let us show you a 0 ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Office Main 933 Residence Main 41)2 HEPPNER . OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAPTIST CHUttCH Rev. E. B. JOHNSON, Pastor Services every alternate Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. aassMsassmiK FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PAUL D. MORTIMORE, PaBtor Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P, M. SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & . INSURNCE IONE, . OREGON Clyde R.Walker.M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office, in Drug Store. IONE. . . ORECON HEPPNER TAI10RINGC0. 1AILUK5 Cleaning Dyeintf ' Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. Lexington Church Directory LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. WALLACE JONES, pastor Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 4:00 p. m. Services 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. A. D. MCHURDO, M. D. f hyslcian and Surge6n; , Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner .; Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Servlr Lunch Counter CONGRECATIONAL CHURCH OP LEXINGTON Junior C. E. 6:30 n. m Senior C. E, 7:30 n. m Sunday school 10:00 a. m. F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Court IONE, OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior ' DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon V