PORT! AND rUl 1 LafAlJLJ -ywronw) AT tnMWU.1 When in Portland Visit l iiJO Keet Alone the flty. DANt'lNtl Eaery Night Kir.r Han day. AMIJHr.MKNTH Afltriioan slid K?el. Admlaalun hi Perk Prne lilt, IIAI.MMIN AM KNMIIN fcVKMY RUMAY ' L'Mallory belect Residential & Transient Uih and Vmlilll. Portland. Oregon. Modem Fireproof , American plan KATKH MOI.KRATK C. G. APPLEGATH llLANKkVIS PMOM WH.IKHN WOOL WOVKN IN WKSTKHN MILLS I). K. snd fcllrsr Orsy, I'UliIt, Wblla, Tan, Hearlel All Quslilloi la Htock. N Money lit Adreae. WESTERN WOOL PRODUCTS CO., Worcester Blilg., Portland, Oregon PARK YOUR CAR 4 Railway Telegraph and Radio Institute M H Hallway Kirhstm llulldlng, Portland, Oregon, TKKMKNWMJb' lirMANII Poll Ml I II MKN A NO WOMLN, lilti f ALARIM liar and Nihl I'laai 111 II II A NHL. UVIlN Mr lr.aliu.nl li of Kl I UOI'KA N OIIIIIIN, I'.onnsr' liVs la V. nllUaUIlUWll II. .It new Ihoeiht la SPECIALIST 111 Ilekum mui hiii mi iii mi 9 r roT ren M V tut 4 Portlsnd, Or. W Specialist In Ridei, Prill, Wool, Mm, TiHtw, Citctri, Dirges Cups Root CmI ikiia, Ktru risk Wrllafor Skipping Tag A lata Price I Jet Portund Hide a Wool Co. IM urn attain) sears, rattise. num. Uranrh al lotatelle. Idas 150 RECIPES FOR APPLE DISHES The Union Pacific ha Jut lasued a forty pge Uxiklt t conUininit 1W rec ipe for ''U diahri fvtry huuMiwif thuuld xiiu-m. "An U a day ki 'l th dorti.r awiy" anil thin lxxk tolli huw it my l-o dun in 150 wiya H will le Mi.t frve Ui tny adilrrai on tp- ilirtiun liy U'tU-r nr )hon to Wm. MrMurmy, Crnrral r-nger Agont, C37 1'ittofk IlL-rk, rortlmid, Oregon. PAINT9 ANO WALLPAf ) Jbllllrr J'altll I'o, til Klral IH. Prostate Cured Without Operation aixclal alUi.lion la dl.noa.k, Raaala, Haclal and amal. I ril Ua Ml. H. A. riui.i.ii-n Broadway Ui I'.rtliod, Ora AUKIE PILLS l ur Wmk utw and 1nfUmnMtl Price 25c a Box wMyt WINKLIR'3 PHAKUACY KH M Nank Hi.lh SI.. 1'UHTI.ANP, ORE ELASTIC STOCKINGS, .3 TRUSSES AMomlriftl Bupj-rlT Afrll liniifl blank. . Une-Dafis Dmi C. 1 rN r.(wi m llrJ Hi.. tVortJaiU. Of nANDRUFF IUI1I11R Stalp Sinn of Approaching l)irr to lour I loir. alaT luyli I'wlar, aaa mular Ihia aw id a mt'.t ll linaf. MHUI. lNal Irad Hhn'p I Hp MiamiNjo. Thimaanrta aaa kmp Ikalt aralp Iwallhy, (Main. Al all druaUiiwa Set of $8 .00 Teeth, Wa raaranlaa malarial and worbananahlp, palnUaa itrartto arf IMaarMWratlon. V. I . DKN num. I4a -triatar aor. rMcwvd, I'litllaryl, Oray. SUPERFLUOUS 1IAIU P mad llhmil Inlurf to Ika akin by Ni Born IwpllaUiry. Hamptoon r uaat Nay-'hir La ralarlaa. Ill Mown lllda-., I'url laiKl Oiaoon. . t. u, ...I. tflJn.a l.lvaa and ii yn naa ri"n.''. ...... Kauai IrnuldM and KHKUMATI9M, llian wnla la nia. atala your ailmani, a ami """,'" la itami.a ..r mt Fit Boualtl, ll Wli Ika "maacelT.'m.aacle mineral Addraaa, Marrll, lh Natur Mn, Ml W. Lombard St., Portland, Or. 1'knaa inriillnu llil lnPT.. Dr. Lake, Divine Healing- 12J Fourth Street, Port land FREE Hook for SufTcrcrt from Cancer, TuIhtcuIohih, Chronic D.hcrhch, I'ile Wrlla for ynur fra rnny of my Konklal an f auaoa anil my iurraaf'il nvrtlnala of tratln Caaror, 1 iilrriikiala, I'llaa and I'hronl dia aaa. Hmnlmla .if .ralrful palanla taatlfy to Iha raaulu pnanllila III your raaa. Chariaa for Ireai mant ara ary rvaaonalila. Adilraaa AMERICAN HEALTH INSTITUTE Rn lallata on ('hmnlr lllaaaaaa, Ir. I Walla lllrai'tnr. Sid I'olnin bla lllilir.. Waat Park nd Waahlnxton Ula., Portland. O ran on. Czech Plan to Establish i ITnguo Tli tlilrd Intprnalliinnl alf 'cruft exlilliltlon recently concluded ihero, icrved to eiiipliiile tl' effort of (the Cueclionlovnk government to innka 'till city a center of lCuropenn air travel on both tlia nortli aoulb and eiwt-wotit route, nlroudy In operation or conteinilHted. , KngllMli, French Rti4 Oermnn Jlrm were nninng the 8S eililbltor. Mr. Brbu, Die wlulHter of public works. In a " vl OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregn vaudeville Hutomri Oeaipleto Changs Maturday. A'lulls, Wdk dsy Msllnss, i,t Kfanlnge, gfc,, Oostlsa ne I 10 It p. n. Oil Mr. 11 10 mi ill time. c OUNCIL CREST PARK Hotel Portland'! Olde.t FUR HouM Ealeell.r,.d IS7U Mend fur f rai lUlbf Kamodaiing, Kpirin(, Storage, lit Tamil Slraet, aaar Weahinsloa. p our gkruRt. It i ill b at abla ra it, tnf. Milf 6-I ettitg night. Kpart rwiini Vim wanl ouinfU'wn bualtiaM. ANIKHHOK A MAVKIt OArMOK HlMta at4 ny mr Now IVite-ifflna w'Ht foe Prospectus. IjISKASKS Of TDK HONK, LUNO, SKIN la Uniled HlaU-s. I kere rared handred b Incurable. Can nil haw alii yaur oaaa la Klaailnelloa Fnra by presenting this ad lll.lg., Ira u4 Wa.liir.iKin Ma., Portlsd INFORMATION M -DEPARTMENT PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, am, ham and marhlna l A A iilaat aalifa nailr for liHiid llamalll, Mti, plnllh and tu. Unr lAITIHN NOVSLTY MFO. CO. IS tilth Hltaal furllalidOr PKTTV UROWM W IIOOL Of UKAUTV CULTUkK Pa mra ta rkrraaa ilia nylil a.h-.l. Indl.ldnaJ Inalnirtua by kitbly nalitiad taaidaara la rial wa allar f palrnna. tart narcallUK. la. lit Klladiwr llldf. AUTO WITHOUT DRIVIBS Larry Hulllvan, II aj H Ilruadwair, Purtland. Talaplmn Main 1740. CAMCAA'ANO KODAK ACPAIAINO Ad..l h W. Ilarr, Alilmlnn ln , l'"1'! Complala Lin aottlar.' (uppiiat l'.,rllal,d llrvaraia A Kply C' , 411 Hlark CUT PLOW! nt 4 PLORAL RII0N Clark llloa , Hurlala, Za! klxrrlaun HI. OA. APAAMt VTIM Kr al rhronlcl'laraaaaMadlaonJBIitf. OCNTiaT Charl. p Wollln, Hulla JOMOJ Ballln lulllln, fortlalid, Oi'1 IIOTV.1.1 VAIIASII. Knamaliia. V WMlatHi m. Farlllllara IH 04 llrd Aah fUarl Co . Vanroiiaar, l. "Kartlllaa With llralna ' MOLCA BA ABC A COLLCOI TaarhfNi Irada in I .'ka. Koma pay whlla Irarnlnc. Pualtlona aamrad. rlt fur rata,iia. Ill liurnaid mraci, rori lahd, iltagon. If vnu ara trnuliM wlin Appnd. lla or Ntnmarh Trmilila, wrlla !! l-itiari)r. Portland. r -a on. fur Ii aa iniurniaiiua in (larman or fCmllah. PEAPECTO TAUNK MPO. CO. Trunk. Auto Trunk to oidar. Thtra nd IHia, I'orlland, lit. USEO CAtH AEOItTEAE P.alaa, Kl-tilc ('alia Mill. BhOW Caaaa, lint, hera' IHapiay l'aa. ll'iXKK TRAtilNH Co. lit Flrat Pt I'urtlanu, Dragon Tal. Bnodwr Jill "POA WOMEN BY WOMEN" 1A uinn Kmplnynianl Murfau Ilalp o( all klnda, I '.I Tamhlll Mlraat PR. MARIS D. RQUI Wnmrti and I'blMrpN PHTPirllX 14 Ufaynu Uldf PUIIOKON A h iHITI'M ln KAi'H onAIM'ATB OCCKEA BUtlNERE COLLEOI AI.IHKY III.IMI. Vour "TEETH ELEEP" Whil W Wrk Irur li putnllnn la ntir ralaat aaaat tr Kama, tlrlS Waahlnttun Ht , Portland AME AICAN BEAUTY ECHOOL Pxprna In all Una of llrauty Work. iJt aladlral IIHf , riirllaiid.Oraf on. TTr:ITi1 l IMK H yaa- aaaja . lUatury kulr parlnrai aa fia y av: a aU, all kina. of hair Mar-aa mil af ruaaa laaa; I alr aarltrk tir: I Mnaa. 11 10; t llrai. I J I'ull ratn wl batitr eul. I ur. . 'A. 40 Man kaH . 1'urU.nd. Ut THE UTILE IIKALTY WIIOOL Tha l.urlla mathod maka YOU ft raal marrallar. All liramha of llaautr rullur taiiiiht by aiparl tnatmrtora. ror full In- rormatlon Wllla 4k Kallllil-lllrai.il llldj I'hon Main 4JJ7. Portland lUnra tar. Mala 0M Wigs f IRIS HAIR SI3RE Toupeea All klnda af Hair and llwity work hr alrwrta llannabut (.'a., H'l Waah. al., near Waal Park The Fire Never Touched Us! Tr tfftrtti Pftrtlanti Hnraa rA Ital C Unma 8 1 nek TariU U it ill In BUiinaM. U'a HBt Juii ririTi a rnniiiwtil of TS k4 al kor: Wa aaa upi'lf fom aiao with barttaaa. Hrmmihff nnr arMrvta, Vnfon Hock Yardi, HorU I'o rU nl. rvmptra Ol'il. rOZY Home Restaurant lr ira MmaatiiNK ru will arnna pa!!. IMvaintur iMirk , no rhanr. l-uk for aran front. H Jrd St, II. M krmKaa WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS rrU Suld at HALF PRICE WHta or rail DAVID HODES CO Inc. P.varythtnff from boll t an anrln. trial Am. Car. tut Waaa Si, !, On Prague as Air Capital an aililrem at tha opening liild that tli tuoveaicnt to Dink rragua th Junction for European air route wa gaining ground nud It wm now only attention of the conclusion or suit utile treaties between tli various states. a nnvy routa between Bruno and Mnrlsch-Oatrau Is soon to b eatab Uahed and a great alrdroutj Is to bt built. BEN VI AS AWAKENED AT LAST 4 rrVWWVVVVWVVWTVVrrWV t I t t Br MYRTA DAVIES li, III. MoCiur Nawapapar Syndlcat., Noliodjr ever called Ben Flanders a success soclslly, and no on wss fur tber from calling lien a success social, ly tli an Hetty Huntington, only daugh ter of the lluntlngtons of ths Avenue, and sister of on of tli managers of tli flriu where Ben worked. Betty was ss lovaly ss a June morn ing, as sweet of disposition ss a plnk and whit rabbit, but, withal, wltb a mind of her own. Ben knew sll these things, but what was a fellow to dol He knew lie was "nut" In the social world, and he knew that Betty knew, and he knew thst Betty knew Hiat be knew. Otherwise, why wouldn't alia sometime Invite dim to at lesst b small party and give him a chance. to sea her, If nothing more then see ber surrounded by the bunch of ador ing males who knew bow to act, and did It? Betty wis no snob. It wsan't be cause Ben was Just a rising mechan ics! engineer with as Invslld mother to support snd not even a bowing ac- qualntsnre wltb the Avenue, thst Bet ty didn't let blm see ber oftener. Since be had m her at the annual eitlval In, Music ball, be had called twice, and hsd bad the Jny or seeing Betty alone. Suitors and relatives hsd been miraculously dlaiiermed with. Moreover, with Betty's power of In tuition, she probably realised bow besstly uncomfortable poor, unaoclety fled Ben would bar been among them. Anyhow, there bid been something about thit second rsll thst bsd nisde Ben postpone bl third, not Indefinite ly but, at any rate, till be got more light on the best means of pursalng tils suit with the only gtrl In the world wb wss Just close enough te perfection snd who poseeseed a warm, glowing loveliness besides. Ben waa no aiacker. But nntU he wss sure. Caution was Bens slo gan, snd the fact thit tha fellows laughed at blm for being so quiet and Slow did not diminish the caution. Nor did It lessen the dlacour gement to meditate on the gay allveneas of every one of Elisabeth's favored friends, all of them lending rose and erange lights, never toning dowa the gsrlshneas. "I couldn't live up te that music- not In a thouasnd years." groaned Ben, and dug Into the mechanical en gineering with greater vim than ever. Ben buatled. It counted. Ben was promoted sgaln. wss given chsrge of bslf a dozen old er but less 'skilled workmen, and all the while Ben did not fall to remind himself thst be wss doing It all for Betty. It wss exsctly a week before Thanks giving thst It seemed to Ben, cautious as ever, tbst the time hsd com to make thst postponed csll on Miss Elizabeth Huntington on the Avenue. Ben went, without asking if he might, only finding out caeuelly from Betty's brother thst she would be home. Ben wss flibbergisted. and the Jubilant assursnc and welcome vouchsafed by Miss Betty flabbergast ed blm more. "Do come In," Betty nrged when the maid called ber to the hall to meet Ben. "We hadn't heard from yon for so long, 1 didn't know. Now you're here, oh, please stay for the party. It's Informal, anyway, planned en the spur of the moment I do like Informal things. I really do. It s- It's my engagement party, Ben J " Ben gasped. Awsy went bis ceo tlon to the winds, "lour engagement psrty T "I really can't dlacuss It now," beamed Betty, "but I never was so happy In my life. Come on In and make me bsppler." Benjamin Flanders squared bis shoulders. "Ion bet I'll come In," be said, and marched. And, marvelous thought, tor the first time In bis life, as far ss society ussge snd behavior w concerned, he did not feel In the least uncomfortable. Something more Important engrossed blm. Betty en gaged I Whst a fool he'd been. He might have known It he waited he'd lose out. But confound the man who'd get her; engagement wasn't marriage. U'd give him a dot chase. If be could win out In business by sticking to It. working like a trojsn, with Betty the Incentive, give blm the cbsnce Ben wss a revelstlon that night to the people at Betty's party. He fitted Into the hilarious, unorganised affair like the last snd most essential part of a huge Jigsaw pussle. Before he came there bsd been a Queer, Inde finable nervousness In the air, a won daring . shared by everybody about whst ws going to hsppen next Wltb Ben's arrival a 'Change took place. Everybody wss Just ss Interested, even the meek little gtrl In brown, obvious ly a guest In the city, but things were less helter skelter. The unaccus tomed Informality that had evidently mixed up the whole party took to It self a charm that led tbe old-fashioned game and charades, a whole-heartM, lovsom evening, with refreshments coming hour toe soon. Tha Initial thos ib)Dti wr ... A-A a. BW,a ' "I don't care who the man I you'r engaged to," h declared, "sad I don't wsnt to se blm. I don't want to watch til in take yon In for eats, either, snd I'm not going to. I'vs been a cad. snd I'm sahsued. I've always dreamed about our marrying, you and L Some how or other Betty Huntington, I be lieved you could learn to like me. Not as much ss I care about you, but some. When you told me tonight It wss your engagement psrty, I vowed I'd give the man a doss chase. I'm sorry. I don't have to be dishonor able If I hsve been a fool. You said this wss sn Informal, Impromptu psrty, didn't your' I dliV'Trald Betty. Anybody know It's an encasement party' yetr "Yes," said Betty. "Whor "I know It 1 Invltsd the folks." "Of course. When did you Invite themr Bettr gazed' steadily Into Ben's agr eye. "I ilk you calm, ion aren't worked up about anything, are you, Mr. Flsndersr "'Ben,' If you please. Yes, I am worked up, but I'll calm down agsln when yon snswer my question. When did you Invite then fnlkaT" "Two minutes sfter my, brother told me you'd ssked blm If 1 would be at home tonight," said Betty unashamed. "You mean you wsnted to hurt me you wanted me to suffer because I'd been so slow? I deserve It" Not thst Ben. I wsnted yon here for a party a rl prty the In formal, homey sort that counts, the sort I've always known yon like beat the only kind where everybody has a good time.. And, besides, Ben, I did wsnt to give sn engsgement psrty." "Yes." ssld Ben stesdtly. "Go on. -"But It didn't go off till you csme. Folks expect form si things here, yon know. As soon as yon csme I knew everything would be all right Ben. you " 'Get It over with. I change my mind. Who are yon engsged to, Bet ty r Ben swallowed hard. "He's Just ss lucky ss I thought be wss. Tell me. I'm going to congratulate blm. Who Is her "Nobody," said Betty softly. 8wlft tbe chsnge In Ben's tortured face. "Who Is engsged r he demsnd- ed. Thst little girl In brown over there." Betty told him, "snd nobody ever gsv her any kind of a party. I wsnted to, snd "And yon wsnted to wsko me op by msklng me think I wss coming to yours? Is tbst UT "I'artly." "Yon know whst thst means?" "I ought to. Those cells of yours msde me feel a If I'd always known yon, and 1 wss so hippy when yon cam tonight I told yon so. i vs ai wsys known everything yon've don st th fsi tory- My broiner y I m a nuisance asking about yen every time I turn round." Wall relieve blm hereafter" aald Ben Jubilantly. Nobody wstchlng Benjsmln Flsn- ders escorting Miss Ellsabetn uunv Inrton In to dinner would bave mis trusted sny Isck of sodal esse and prestige. Ben wss at home with the girl be loved. Worrying Over TriTe; Hon) Wa Get That Way A month after their wedding, when they were fairly established In their new borne, they decided to give s party. Thereupon b went around In viting averyon be Bet to come, with a "Be sure to drop In She is a peach and I wsnt yon to meet bsr right awsy I" A soon ss She canght en to this stst of affair ah begin to get pan Ickr. -W mtiat count chair.' b ob jected. "Noses, yon mean, my dear," laughed be. But she didn't even crack a amlle she was off on an old tack that she bsdn't followed since ber marriage. "Everything must bo plsnned out every detail must be thought of thins must go smoothly." So sh got a sheet of psper sna ne- En n list Then th wni over ber plates and cup and saucers and arranged ber two rooms wltn an uiien tlon In every angle if furniture, and for the lxth Urn counted pennte. Mr. A, soon- as sh arrived snd she would arrive first wa to be ush ered Ifl sod settled on the sofa by the fire; when Uncle B came, he could be set to entertaining bsr. Then tne twin must be put In different rooms, and Mis D and Mr. E must not be sersrstsd. Tb gret moment arrived. Mrs. A came list : Unci B from first to lt monopolized the twins and all three clung together happily ana uncon aclously. Th cracked plate went t th moat formal guest who never no ticed, and th Ice cream csme just s they were all preparing to break up That created a dlvenlon and th party continued two hour past chdulei time and th last part of th occaalon wa by far tb Jollleit of a very Jolly venlnc. ' "Oh." (aid Bias th door closed on th lsst visitor, "I hsd plsnned for Mr. E to tsk Miss D bom! How do w get that way? By ex ecutlve blllty gon wrong. Tru ex cuttv ability Diana for th main tunes: sufficient onto th dsy are the little things thereof. (0,'tlla, If tk aalmanl SradUaU.) rim (0 Learn He (fervently) And when are you rolhr to allow m to kiss you? RiiB Come around Friday. Tbst amajieur night Progressive ? I STATE NEWS I IN BRIEF. 1 Aaa. AAaX ff f ff f f f f?f f f f f ?ff TTf f f www Kum ne. A court of 12 bungalows will bo built on a plot of ground bor dering on the mlllrace by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kelffer, It was announced here Hnturday. . a Bulein. There were three fatalities due tu Industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending August 14, according to a report prepared by the state Industrial accident commission. Port Orford. Port Orford's home coming' celebration and pioneers' re union, which closed Saturday night after a three-day observance, not only was a complete succeas, but Is con: slilered one of the most unique ever held in Oregon. Hulem. Members pf the Oregon state fair board at a special meeting held here Saturday, decided to reduce the cost of attending the night hors shows st this year's fair. The charge has-been cut In half. Dallas. -Seven carloads of green prunes were shipped by Denney It Co. Saturday. Buyers who have entered the field recently have already pur chased about 100 carloads of prunes, and expect to take as many as they can secure in this territory. Kalsma. Flnke Brothers' Cooper age company siartea inree sningie machines Monday. The cooperage plant Is running 24 hours each day nd the shingle machines can be run Ith but little extra expense, it was said. About 25 extra men will be employed. IXillas. William Dodge, "2, wa se- verely burned about the lace and arms I . , . . . . I when an oil stove on . which he was cooking breakfast exploded. Tbe ac cident occurred at the home of his son, Rufus Dodge, near Lewlsvllle, here the elder Dodge was spending the summer, Klamath Falls. The annual state dairy congress will be held In Klara ath Falls this year In conjunction with the Oregon Irrigation congress snd Klamath products show on Sep tember (, 7, 1 and f, according to word . . ' . I received from drainage congress of-1 flclals Sunday, Pendleton. The need of closing some of the smaller streams In I'mi till county until they have bad time to reatock themselves with trout was stressed Friday nigbt kt a meeting of the Umatilla County Flab and Game Protective association by V. H. Albee, deputy game warden Medford. Indications are that tbe Owen-Oregon Lumber company of tbis city Is making ready to begin opera tions soon on its holdings In this ter ritory.' Tbe company has Just re- celved a large locomotive for logging i . III ..U -an a mA operations, and will purchase a red Ifx-iimiitlvei for lta main line. tlon conference to discuss prison problems will be held In Salem Thurs day and Friday, September 4 and 5, according to letters prepared by Gov ernor Pierce to be sent to tbe gover nors uf California, Washington, Ariz ona and other western states. Salem. Prune and hop pickers are more plentiful In Marion county at the present time than tor many years past, according to local employment agencies. It was estimated that fully half of the hop and prune pickers who have applied tor employment In the local yards are from California. Salem. Glen Adams was elected preeldent and U. 8. uotson secretary or tne Iowa association wmco ut-iu Its annual picnic at tne state iair grounds here Sunday. More than 200 former residents of Iowa attended the ,,l,.nt A Iltoeoev nm era mm A. ful i..-o,i h .n nutrt.r rtinnr. featured - the programme. Hood River. L, C. Baldwin, local contractor, has been awarded the coo struct ion of a new 125,000 concrete grade school at Antelope. Mr. Bald win has started to assemble (4 crew of carpenters and concrete workers from local artiaans. wora on me school Duumng win tasi auoui inreo months, it was siaiea. Ilarriaburg. The first dirt has been taken from the site where the center piers of thf Pacific highway bridge irrnai tha wii ameiie win ne sunn, In six weeks, according to thoae In ... .U. ... -I. lll k. .,l.,lorl marge, iiio ii,i jirer wm, wo wannnv. and the second will be done shortly thereafter. The Portland Bridge coiiv nany, contractor, nas niucninery in stalled. rondleton. The extremely dry sea son that has prevailed on the bench land on Weston mountain this sum mer has given eloquent demonstration of ths worth 01 correct cultural prac tices in tillage and rotation of crops, according to Fred Bennton, county agent. Only during the past few years have farmers diversified greatly on the mountain, and this year potatoes that are on ground plowed up out of rod clover and alfalfa are far ahead of those where tbe rotation has not been so favorable, be said. Mttt Door to ivry thing tin) Town K t ass flsirE i ( -ui sssi I L, O liiiij I 'E lay pom.AN. f Thaw UlOtZC vaa Conalnence in One's Ability Means Success THI FAMOUS PATTEWKAUDB IV ITEM OV BEAUTY LULIUKK Gfra oar graduate thil aonfidanr baeauM lhay r tkoronfhly Irainad. TUay ay flttad for any poaltion or ean aiand alona. Reboot ope to atndanu at all tlmaa. addraat dia Waabingtoa Huraat, Portland, 0(oa. Cntrnlly lorated; ranched by all depot ear. Kiriualva dHtrli t. Knte renaun abl Morrlaon St. at 13fh, Portland, COLLIN Tha ear thai (ftaa yoa t to SO ll.s to tha fallon. Halloon tirea, four-wbeal brakes and many othr featnraa. burk Auto Co., ktorriaon at 4th, Portland, Or. AYOER PRINTINO CO. Fentura PrlntlriaT for le.H 11 Third Btraat Portland, Orefon ZENITH SALES ft SERVICE, INC Keoltb Carburetor and frits l.tibriratina Hy.laua. ISTH AND DAVIS STS., POKTLANU BUYINO AND BELLING SERVICE Wbaat farma, orrhanla. stork rsnr-hi-a. larr ' araall tracts. sschancef, citr and aubnrtian boaaaa, bnaineas rhanri'S, m aft parts of Ore ana. Call or writ ttTUKM-KKf KH CO, Sll oik Street, Portland, Ora. 8AI.EHMFV EARN IM.Ofl DAILT selling N'IKiAH Cln'hlnr Hulls, 1 1 2 &u mada lu meitaur. Will outwenr thre ordinary uit. Absolutely ana; proof, water mid fir resistant. W'rllo for Helling Plan, lul Courh lllda., Portland, Or. PLYMOUTH PRODUCE CO. V. hulr-aala llaelera in Poo I try, Ttm. Oraaaot Meals, Potatoes, Onion Phone Broadway nr.'tf o lmniisain TO Kortfe Fourth. Hi., Portland, orroa w s In, it yorresponaeoce BEAUTY CULTURE Portland's uJmt, brat appointed and aviat rnjUr ar-hool baa asubliahaa rapatatio lor ACIPICTHAINKD oparatora for affira-oty and taonikna abl.k cnarantae their fulura tan aaa A taorooihly praaural short omiraa ajaparriaod by woman '.o know and haa maatered th adanca of Imparting t ir kaowl- df to other. PACIFIC SCHOOI, fir BEAUTY CULTURE Si j Morgan Buildlnj. Portland, Ore, rARRAR.FUnl.AAR BEAUTY CMarioallo System) STUDIO Prlvata Booths. Individual aervle for Ladieo and Gantlemen. Always parkin anaro. Lisa' leas- pks. First Ploor. Alder afreet. Portland. PLUMBING MATTRIAL Bath. (Inks, toilet, basin, boilers. pip, valve and fitunca. Price raaoa- abla atandard Plumb na Heat no. CO. East Ith and Morrlaon 8 la. Portland, Or. f, !:.,- WVvlaaoas food oookad hat rlrtit LAwieUuS by woka who know, special i , Cafeteria lunebaon aari ad daily that cannot baairallad. Park Btraat hat waaa W aahiastea and Alder. Portland Purity Dairy Lunch Restaurant US fourth BL. Nana Waabiactosi St. GOOD THINGS TO EAT at Raaaonabl Pries. SILK SHOP ; Portion and Domtla Kafoury Broa. Ill Aider Ht. WICKLR FLRNrRKE Price eonslstenl with ooalily. Her yoa will find th shades yu waat. ftperial Kepslr Daparv ment, 420 Aldar SH, Partlaad. A took living tb beta about . The Catholic System Of I ' Confession I Also liters tor a any atber topi dstlnd Bailed f KK apoa rao.lL Catholic Truth Society of Oregon SO McKay Baildinf. Pertland, Oreroa (-LEANING AND DYEING afaSkaV ror rvtiabat Cwanlna; raa uyw PrtnjSa. big seme aad parr ale as as. SLia Weaayrelnra paataar. Infarsa aSi a atioa and anoa C'Ta pea ss Vvt' KNIE'I OTT DTE WORKS.. Eetabtlahed linn. Portland. Ora BEST $3.00 GLASSES ON EARTH Pitted I year eye. Mornings only tin mt snare time) MODERN OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Cerbell UK'.f., 7th floor, 6lh and Meiruoa s-artlaaa, oragoa i Smart Small Girl. t Small Girl (as slater' fiance slips on banana skin I Look, mamma, he's orsh,plrjf, th, groUDj Bha treads on! , , .-.,. . Oh, You Cynic writes: "Someono predicts I d. M that this is to be a bad year for i . bachelors. Does that mean that a lot of them are going to get married ?" Boston Evening Transcript. Greatness. One Is never done with knowing tho greatest men or the ereutcst works of Lrlthejr carry 0D nrju- orJi Brili at the . f . th , on, b(f ginnng T. U. Glover. Delta of a River. A delta Is a trlanguiar-Blinped tract of land at the mouth of a river, so caneu iroin us rcKuinuiuiuu iu m fourth letter of the Greek alphabet I . . , , I OU ani a Vsooa roaiuon Jm; Cotutometor, Stemiarrsphie. Penmanship, or Com luert-lel teacher Unlike at The foremost Business Colk-ir of the Northwaai which hss won more Accuracy Awards and l,on Medals than any other atb iol In America. Hem. foe our Success Catalog. Fourth Street near Mor rison. Portland. Ore. laaas M. Walker, Preeiden' d for baby's cloth, will kp thsm wt snd snowy-whlt until worn out. Try it mi so for yourself. Wrgrosers P. N, U. NO. 34, M MSN I.