WORLD HAPPENINGS ALLIES CONFIDENT ON PACT SAVANT PREDICTS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU NEw YORK QUAK E Earth Fault Under Manhattan Is Statement. Dawn Plan I'p Before Reparations Committee in London. I.oudou. The luter-ulllcd coufer erne, which assembled In the foreign office Wednesday mornlug for the purpose of putting the lues report on reparation Into effect opened lu an atmosphere of optimism. When the tentativo arrangements for the meeting were concluded be tween Premier MacDonnld and Her riot at Paris lust Thursday, the French premier characterised the oc casion as the best day for the entente since the armistice waa signed and Events of Noted People, GoTernmental competent American and Ilritlsh ob server declared they hoped that with in a fortnight the deliberations would Things Worth Knowing. I bo productive of an urrangement which will end once and for all time the quarrels and misunderstandings a fir. t).nt itioton.wi . hutiin iiiui nave ueen couunuous among me block in the heart of Redding. Cal.. nations of Europe since the hostilities ll"K'r that New York city muy suffer BIG BLOCKS MENACE Uid Pacific Northwest, and Other Kclease of Pressure Inside l'lunet lly Oil Drilling Declared Likely to Hrlng Violent Itraction. Philadelphia. "Thora U very rent was controlled after two hour ol ' b-ui r euueu uuu iu m fluhtlng Tuesday and confined to dam- HI Powers began tholr struggles to site estimated at J60.000. 'ar compensation out ot t.ermany. Such hopes as these have been ex Preparation of a new Mellon plan prMsed pror to numerous other con embodying suggestions for a further ferences of the allied statesmen dur- ..revUion of the tax law in accordance 'ng the lust six years, but disappoint- with President Coolidgc'a promise to nient followed as the meetings were press for tax reform to supplement tax themselves out or abruptly broken reduction is under way. Germany's request that inter allied military control ot her armaments cease on September 30 was denied by the allied council ot ambassadors in a note handed to the German ambassa dor in Paris Tuesday evening, it was announced Wednesday. ' ' With a view toward curtailing the up. The fundamental difficulties of the reparation problem are still un solved but the participation ot the United States through the experts who worked In Pars for two months this year to produce the recommenda tions now universally known as the Dawes report, has given new hope to the allies and Germany alike, and launched the seemingly perennial reparations problem on an entirely importation ot luxuries, encouraging thrift and balancing foreign trade, the new phase, Japanese government introduced in The allies and Germany Jumped to the diet Monday bill providing fori accept the experts' report in principle an aj valorem duty ot 100 per cent and on Wednesday Mr. MacDonald, on 250 articles listed as luxuries. M. Herriot, M. Theunis, the Belgian , Dr. Robert Max GarretL 43. Mso-h""'"' nd olher allltMl P''Pofn ' date nrofessor of Encllsh at the Unl- tlarU'8- ther " Ambassador Kel ' vemltT of Wahlnon for. 15 rears '"Kg official representative of and a nromlnent English scholar of the Vnlte1 Slate- PeJ to "'' . the Pacific consL died Tuesday at his " benalf ot American Interests, gath ' home in Seattle after an illness ot tour weeks caused by a nervous break from an earthquake, one of these days Unless the world gels ov.r its mad search for oil, there are going to be some rudicul changes on this plunet." These are soma of the startling pre dictions made by Proessor David Todd of Amherst college, professor of astronomy, intcrnatlouully-known scientist and author of half a doxon books and Innumerable articles. Pro fessor Todd Is spending his summer at the estate of P. M. Shurpless, near Westchester. rrofessor Todd's observations are not based on any Sinn. in and Go morrah Idea of divine vengeance, but are, as he points out, the result of cold, scientific reasoning. New York city, he said, is as likely a site for the next earthquake as any of the United States. This Is because ot the geological formation ot the lund be neath it. Earthquakes almost invar iably come at a point where two strata jaoooooaoooaoaoooooooooaoo ROMANCE OF WORDS down. Ceremonies for the formal notifica tion ot President Coolidge ot his nom ination by the republican national con vention as the presidential candidate were indefinitely postponed Tuesday on account ot the death ot Mr. Cool idge's son. The date had been fixed tor July Z4. A. Williams, D. Casey and H. W. ered around the big horseshoe table I in the foreign office overlooking! Downing street to give political ef fect to the business-like economic! findings ot General Dawes and bis I colleagues. There were more than 150 dele-1 i gates, experts and advisers present when the British prime' minister wel comed them to the conference audi heard the responses ot the leading I plenipotentartes. Great Britain, France. Italy. Bel Barker, all construction workers on glum and Japan are each represent the Eugene-Klamalh Falls cutoff, have been bound over to the federal grand Jury on charges of smoking up Salt creek, after smoking had been forbid den there by the forest office because of fire danger. ed at the conference table by several delegates. JOHN W. DAVIS AmDassaaor i.euogg is me oniy jSominated for President on the accredited representative of the oaiioi oy me iiemocratic National eon- United States, but throughout the deliberations. Colonel James A. Logan Prohibition Is a failure In the United Jr - ho ba followed the complcxl- States owing to contempt for the Vol- 01 ,ne reparations problem from stead act and contempt for law in tne beginning, win sit beside the am reneral. declared Dr Nicholas Mnrrnv bassador as his official adviser. Four ventioa Charles W. Bryan, of N Draska. brother of W. J. Hrvnn &. chosen for vice President on the lirst ballot Butler, president of Columbia univer sity. New York City, on his arrival ln Victoria. B. C, to investigate the British Columbia liquor control sys tern. Latest advices from Rio de Janeiro indicate announcements of capture by government forces ot rebel positions in Sao Paulo were premature. The positions now are being bombarded by heavy artillery, with airplanes co operating, it Is stated, and the official word is that "all is ready for the final assault." The election of John G. Price of Columbus, O., as grand exalted ruler other Americans, two from the em bassy and two ot Colonel Logan's assistants, will be Included in the con ference secretariat. The only other American who Is to participate is Owen D. Young. known to tne British a the man behind the Dawes report, lie was a member of the Dawes committee on the German budget and currency problem, and was the general's chief aide ln drawing up the experts' pro posals. or layers beneath the surfuce ot the ground come together. When terrific pressure comes on this point it Is In evitable that It should crack. According to Professor Todd, it has been ascertained that Just such n underground Joint lies beneath Manhattan Island. The pressure which will eventually force this Joint apart and cause an earthquake is due to the thousands and thousands of tons which are being heaped onto to the Island in the shape of huge buildings and foundations. Ho predicted that when Urn earth quake finally comes the destruction whlrti will follow will be fur greater and more terrible than thut whl loiiowea tho Japanese upheaval of "ntPUDLICAN" ryciUVKD from Republic" which, lu turn, obtulus Its meaning from the Latin res, a thing, mid public, public, the name Republican us applied to a political purty In this country, came Into being early In the Nine teenth century. Hut it Is Inter esting to notu that the "Repub licans" or that time are the Democrats ot the present dsy. complete exchange In the tenets of the two parties. When the original Republican party spilt up Into the Demo cratic-Republican and the Na- tlonal-Kcpuhllciina In IS'.'S, the latter party gradually dropped the prefix to their tltlu, while the former dropped the siiftlx. Hut the present Republican parly, as such, was not formally organised until Jffll.VL when. with opposition to slavery ns the principal plank In Its platform, It commenced to take its place as one of the two leading polltl- cal organizations. This new purty was a fusion or coalition of the anti-slavery Whigs, (lie Froe-Soller, . the Know-Noth ings, the Abolitionists and some Democrats who were opposed to slavery. The first Republican conven tion was held In Philadelphia, June 17, 1S.V1, where John C, Fremont was nominated for Prvsldeu. but Buchanan, the Democratic nominee, was elected. (f kr w hMitr Srniiicto. In. ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOS lone Market GEO. W. RITCHIE, . Prop. Wholesale and Dealer In FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL 10NE, QUE. Kefurnishcd and Strictly Up to date. Com mercial Table First Class. A home nit-mui lame i'lrsc unss. a home away from home, with best meals in Central Uregon. SAM GANG Ell, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service Reflections oj a Bachelor Qirl , tt HKLEN ROWLAND Two Missionaries 6hot. Chenchowfu. Hunan. Revs. Karl and the selection of Portland, Ore., as ,1'c,( '"d Oeorge Snyder, missionaries lust summer. the next annual meeting place ot the P' tne Reformed Presbyterian church, Professor Todd was also pesslmls Benevolent and Protective Order of sunering irom ouiioi wouncis, tic over tne consequences of the "oil Elks were the chief events of the ex- 009 Chinese general Is dead and an madness" which Is gripping tho world eiutive session of the grand lodge In 0,h,r a fugitive with a price on his at present. Boston Tuesday, held in conjunction n,'aa' lne rc"ult or r,!UI growing "Did you ever see a driller mrlke with the sixtieth annual convention of out of ammunition purchases which I oil?" he asked. "If you havo you w tneprder. iea to nosiimies on tne nignt or June got some Idea of the tremendous Red-Cnn . ,1,. ,. J ' . and Boi,it wer8 uinK Prew which Is locked up In the M ' V" " v' rtlflkA fit) a ft A hl.t .-non tt.A hnulfla .... I s...wl t., ........ a. .... I . I . . about onefourth will h rprnmm.,iu,i "7 " ' r""",u """' " ' "s pres to President Coolidge by three of the six members of the tariff commission. The report of these members, who are expected to take the position that the duties of the Fordncy-McCumber tar iff law constitute an unjustifiable bur den upon the American people, is nearing completion. tlons when they were wounded. Rear-Admiral Oscar F. Stanton, 89, U. S. N. retired, died at his home In New Loudon, Conn, Sunday after brief Illness. He Is survived by two 14, daughters. - He graduated from An nspolls In 18D3 and during the civil war fought under Farragut with the west coast blockade squadron, com manding the U. S. S. Pinola In the battle of Mobile bay. He was retired In 1894. Policemen Cusrd Flag. Berlin. Policemen with rifles from atop the Brandenburg gate and the roofs of nearby buildings guarded the flag-flylnif over the French embassy Monday to prevent a repetition of the Incident of three years ago on the French national holiday when the trl sure which holds the world In shape and with countless hundreds of oil wells tapping this pressure in every part of the globe, what will be the result I daro not predict." Scientists have spent consldorah! time guessing nt the result of this mad tapping of the power which lies beneath us. Some have predicted that eventually there will be a huge col lupse of the eurth's surfuce more color was wrested from the staff. The embassy hoists its flag only on July destructive than any earthquake the world has known. tMtiors believe that the final outcome will be change In ueoi Remission urged. I"'" cumaie 01 in 11 cartn. wnen g"(- Attorney -General Stone, addressing tmey, Monday In an address before the annual convention of the Amerl- the University of Michigan Alumnae cun ar association in rniiaaoiptua club of Chicago, juesuay mgnt, declared that "not Chicago. Remission by the United I"kIhI 8re B to 'lin outcome States of its war loans, not only as l""y l"" commit themselves. a good moral measure, but for the vv,lttt happens when a chair Is sake of better prosperity, was edvo- pull,'(1 out frora undur you7" cated by Clarence 8. Darrow, the at- withstanding the improvement, actual and potential, ln our static law," the actual administration of justice ln the United Slates was not improving and that there were multiplying evidences that It was In a period of decline, which began before the world Boat Upsets; 6 Drown. Victoria, B. C A tragedy involving five lives was disclosed Sunday when an overturned sailboat and tho body of a woman wero picked up In Ross by, ono of Victoria's beach resorts. Luthsrsns Plan Drlvs. St. Paul. A house-to-house, nation niuo Bi'lU-BBVOIK CUmDailtn Will ne I Thn urntunn .u. 1,1. m..,l ft-.. ' I - nan ,ii.;,iiu j,;u ,iq ill m. tormaiiy authorized by the Walter Watson, wife of Lieutenant R, Wat son, a British naval officer. Lieuten ant and Mrs. Watson left here Sutur- eague, wuicn ncgan business ses sions of Its 32a annual International war convention here Mondnv. Tim nrn. I, i i .i. ..n ....... , . .. and was greatly accelerated by the Jpct provide, for an aggressi cam- iaUoV. "'h7,a , " k " paign in tne new of borne missions, la pleasuro cruise. TXHETHER s girl appears India Y v nant, delighted, or merely bortd, at an "unsxptcttd" kits, depends on how long she has btn eapsctlng It. t-very young huihund Is a little Christopher Columbus, as far as dis covering a new way to conquer a wom an Is concerned. I lie tragedy of most marriages Is that they are Just one Ion.-continued state f "company without compan ionship' or loneliness for two." A w oman Is never satisfied I The woman with "nothing but money' would gladly -nd her last dollar to buy romance and a Prince Charming; and the woman with nothing but "loe In a cottage" wlhcs that she could mortgage the cottage to buy a motor car. In love, seme mtn are born wise, a few acquire wisdom, but most of thtm refuse even to ptrmlt wisdom to be thrust upon thtm. Girls may litre changed: but. w sit ing for a man to discover that he's In Ioe. Is still the same old muddenlng, nerve wrecking process thut It was be fore the petting party made us so frank and spontaneous. Yestitrdny's quarrel, like yesterday's kiss, and yesterday's dinner Is burled with man's dead past; and nothing so aggravates him as to hute a woman dig them up and try to perform an autopsy on them. The saddest sight on earth is that of n bachelor sitting alone before the fire and musing over his collection of old beer openers. In spring fllrtstlnns, as ln gambling, the. "cheerful loser is the only sure winner. (ft fcr ll.l.n Rowltsa ) 6; he Younrf Lady Across tho Way Farm Implements Vulcan and Oliver Plowa, Superior Drills, Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps, Star and Aermotor Wind Mills, Winona Wagons. PAUL G. BALSIGER IONE, OREGON Good Time to Subscribe for the Independent Is Now! ttfj The young lady serosa the way ssys her father preaches and practices the strictest low enforcement, and no mat ter how many cases of Scotch whisky he buys, he wouldn't sell a single bottle for love or money. Advertise in THE INDEPENDENT It Reaches the People (8 by McClurt N..Mfr Syodlottt.)