The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 11, 1924, Image 3

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    JTVlV I L1-VI1JL
U day
When in Portland
18110 Kiel AlmTa Ilia City. IIANOINd Kvary Nlghl Mull.
dy. A Mil Ml; M KN I'M A rial imu m Kraiilng. I'l
Park Kme Autu l'aialig ima. Ilnp 0. (), Oar an Wahii,ittii HI.
lect Residential & Transient
lull and Yamhill, Portland. Oretron.
rn Fireproof Amtflian Plan
Kiuort m
111UI A 1 LA 11 Ik 1 1 At ,T
ilU. trir,
- lAoruvotvM Iruiii-..
' Portland, Ort.
We Specialize) In
Hides, Pell, West, Kobir, Tillow, Cisrin,
Orrfoo Citpt Root toil Jkins, Horn Hair
Write for 8hlp,ln Tea A lateet I'rlra l.l.l
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
lat HHirH artxul aaaia. emo. aaiiM.
Ilr inliat I'.vaiallii. Iilalio
Ulllrr I'lillil I'll, .l Ml"t Ht.
Tlx I'ni'in I'S' ine lias juat hhuc a
forty ik iHK.VIet cnntiiiniiiB 1M) rec
ls for api'lo ilinlii s tvcry hnunewifs
shouU MmatM. "An o lo a day ke'is
Die dorlur away" and thin book Mis
how it may I (lime in a I.VJ ways. Uj
will Imi sciit frie to any aiMrvus on ap
plication liy U tti-r or phoi.e lo Wm.
McMurray, rieneral I'aawiifr Agent,
W7 I'ittoi k lilni k, IVrtlnml, Oreeon.
The I5ob Slioppc
tVh-n In Porllnnd liava
?nr httlr r'll al the
11 n Viii'i ri:. r
vailiiir. rnilti'tf
t. apaita tlnly
rbnu M.hii I "71
l"tl I lll'lic
I' l'n..n
I'art Sold at
tCtrrvtliifa- fn a l-ill U an ar.f In,
bad A.t . U Lai CarUaaa. On
Auction Sale
Furniture, Aut'imnliilta. TrU'Va pnn't
mix Una iipiMi I unit)', tm r bututdajr,
I I. XI. rlliuip.
171 Ird Ht. Wi.l Rid I 'ort land. Or.
Fuf Wk K. lnraand li.ltainmatk)
wl tl Uiadtlar.
Price 25c a Box
We pay th
K'.l-U Surlti Silt SL.
I'oiin.AND. one
Set of eo.00
Teeth, U
K. yoarftiilaa matartal
and workttianaliipw
Fa'i.lran liaoo of,. Zu r-mia In
tda aama k-ati,.n C. R. In- M 1
liion cor. IwohiiL l'itlo I. tiiai n.
UflDCCC rn-'lvKl nnisnmnt
liuiioLO ' hr"i h"r". t"m ,o
yam vid; !-' lo l"0
If you ar luoklna- fur rumh hoiaaa er
grading atoik d m't ovurlonk tlila op
portimlly to tiny. Yimr pili l euia.
Will tuk In y kind of milk row er
raltl In Hihnnifl. Tlila la Ilia l hora
and mula nun ki t. lwn liv from
190 to 1M lifud to ilio"o fimn. North
I'orllaiid Ilura Mulu Co, Union Stoik
Yards, North Toitland, tirrgon. limplr
i:i. .
WbcQ Yon Have
Suffered Encujh
nd havo aprnt enoiiKli
nuiiiry tor d rtiar iihiIi
i'itua tlmt limn pro.
dui'rit no ti'iult, In
raaa of rlloinurli. Kid
n.v. I.lvrr him! llnM-,'!
trvulila rihI HIII IM VTIHM. Ilirn wrlla
to nia, tnt your ftlliiii'iil, utid i'Iii-Iumo 4
cnta In almni'a fur niV Fraa Hooklat,
whh h will ti ll yuii ilia way l..i. k to Nw
Llfa, llriilltl Hill) l!riilt).a Willi
AuUrr-ia, MarraM, tn Nltur Man,
OI W. Lombard St., Portland, Ur.
Tlraa nii-nlhUI llila impiT.
Old-time Tower of Cod
129 Fourth SI., Portland, Or
TaW'hona llily
TlaTtic stockings,
AM'inilnnl Supiwrtara Aroh
Hiii'lHirta. Htoid far aiaaa
unua blunVa.
UuDavis Drug Co.
I'runa KKparti
179 Third Ht., I'orlland, Or
, ,iiiiiuvr cnnninir.
Tlr a
Cop Retains His Job Though He May Be Ricb
ITnllywnoil, fill. Kvcryliinly knows
policemen nrs akepllcnl, 11 nd Herbert
II. r.eynolila, triilllc tilllctr of Holly
wood, Is no exi'i'pllnii, In the aiiiiiilron
t the polite alullun, fellow nlllcera
recently crowded iirniliitl mid ennttrnt
ulated him on fulling heir lo $.".iki.ihm).
"Mnylio yea iilitl iniiyhi' no," Itcjr
nolds ('iniiini'iih'il, leaving Inirrlmlly
to tiiko up bis duly 11 a illn-cllng trnlllc
olllcer at Ibillywniid'a Imalcat cmner.
ti,Hland. Orer"
VAvnBviLi.ig motor
Oolfliileta Chanaa Halurilay
A'lultl. Waak
4lir, f!imtlnu-
ataltnae, 3ta ; r.raiiluga,
lull i. - Children I'l mull all tlmea
Visit council
Portland Oldent FUR House
FUUbli.h.d 1H70.
Rmodtig Kvpairintf, Stomg.
179 Tnlh ftlrt, nmrnr WaiMnt tm.
unit n turn fro All wurk r'irKiitmi. ham-
Wa iushI..!. in Con.jylal Ovrltnulliif Bod
arrtfiilknu -
OIKS r lining- Ilia wink. Hi lul fur
chronic atuinio h InteMllna atnl hniIiiiim.
I ilali ilujh.ta wmili.U In y mi r own tnwii.
IMu H. Iliimdway, I'nrtliiiiit, Orr,m
Cut, m, hm nil marhlne l fjfl
l.lrnt altltia cailv for Imml
llii"ili' hli'ir, pli-ntlnic and tmMtia
lABItKri riUVfcLIT mpu. bu.
tt'i Mull hiicot l'uiiluml, Or.
Ijiny Mulllvaii, JI21, H llroadwair.
rorllnd. 'I lr.iiina Mitln 1740.
Will lirma you rrllr ll'a Ilia mudrn
niflliiiil Y011 imiliiit MiaMraa K"d lii.iilln
W illi an ttitinfrt narvuua avaiptn In a
liii.kwiiitli Htid afuati-n all iniiim ilrtia
mrllKHla IK.-I, ilt Hwi II.iiiiI ,
hiflh Mini Vi aaliliialoii, 1'urlliuid.
Ailnlnll W. Ilmr, Al.ll.Ktun IIIK , I'mllniid
r.omplate Llna Bottlara1 Supplial
.,MT ,LOWrM A floral resigns
rurllanil l 'vrr.iK & nply i;u , il niaia
-'lrk. lima. rl.inia, i7 ..rriam m.
rnr Mil t'linihlc IMantaa
Vn.ll.nn niita
6e ntist '
Charlra R Vnilln, Rulta :o:fuJ Btllli I
DulMIni, I'urtlan.l, l)irnn.
WAIIAsll. Rma nw. MadlaiHl St.
, , 1 .. . L' . . 1 1 . . - IL Ilk IIhI.., 'I
Ilia l.tit-lln furlliiKl nuiliaa ynu a raitt
manalli-r, All liranilii uf llaiiulir cilltiit
tauflit by rtprt Inatriirliira. rnr full In.
fnrnia.tli.ri w rllx 41 H.Ulii llira. Ii Ulili
I'luuia Main 4;37.
'l'li"a in t w.ka. Rnma far
wbli li-iiriili.!, I'imlllotia aiM-nrcd. Writ
for ralal"ur. IU liuniald rlliaat. 1'urt
lana, v.ilia"ii.
Ufad to titcaaur', 4bl Waalilliatnn Pt
If )otl mri troulikil with Appandlrltla
of riliiniarh Trnulil. wrlta lllxl Company.
Cortland. ii-c"o. (or da Infurmatlva In
(lartnun or Knallali.
1'riitika, Auto 1'runka to oidar.
and 1'ltia, rui-ilanil, Ota.
)"fHtui I'rliilli for I.a
lS Third hlnrt I'm 1 M11I. Orrfon
ft.HtKV Kns VOOO IMII.Y allln
MiiiAU Cioiut ( H'llia. If.' to inn. l. to
ini-aaur. Will outwrar Ihrra onlinary
Nulla. Aafltltaly aim proof, wtar tid
Ura ruiatant w rii fur honing I'lan.
Jul Com h lililf , 1'ortlaiid, tira.
Rralaa, l. r, lili- Crfi-a Mill, Khow
Caaaa, rnli lu-ra' fi-,pliiv l,iea.
".ii.ii .iiii-'t. " ,
Kl Flrat rH r.irtlimd, Orr(on
1 f I. linoowy nsi
Women a Knipliivinifit llufmtl
Italp of all kin. la. 4 " Yniihlll hi real.
Clf Rupt rr.'atir I .utuiintiur Ryatam
FISH IILLlLtf- IllUa " ,M
A piMTM'iV full UM'II Ctmit'ATE
AI.I.SKV lil.lUi.
Your "TEETH SLEEP" While W Work
Uur Itriiillatliitl la our aiartlrat aaaaL
fir. Karna, S.Mi W almi tun Ht , rortland
Fl'-n 111 all Ilura of lu-aiity Work.
1.1 Mullral 1 Hilar . I'ortUndh-non
Th Gaikat Hout 40S Burntld
lui iiiv hptitr puller.; a In ynu up; aa
aitia all Im',,1 nl kair llf ant uf r.Mrii.
Infl 1 atria awlf-ti, o: 3 atarna, tl.AHl
S ilrni. I.' I'ii. I of tH-anty
tiira. .'f. 400 lii-luua b.'J, I'uniiil. dr.
OZY Home Restaurant
If yon fniM onrw, you will rrnni back.
ava ymir oakairca. no rliarv'. Imk
fi-roranara front. ;l4 Ird SL 8. Mi Karaaw
Hatha, atnka, tnllala, Imalna. tioltar.
plpa, vmIvc and flttliig. 1'ilia raaaun
lUla Standard Plumbing ft Htatlng Co,
Raat Dili and Morilaiui Hi, roiiliinil, Or.
tnvnnWte W hnWai mw fiRid rtaiknl jimt rltrnt
VOmillUS ly rouk who know. SI'Kl IA1. itM
ma . Iiinrliann aorvil ilailr that rammi
rnififpri! Ih, alivllM. I'ark Htravt twtwvvn
VdlLlCi 14 w ,,nB,B ,j AIJ,r,
Cantrnlly loraiad: rrnrlirit. hy ll depot
par. t:io'liutvfl dliirli't. Ilntea ranaon Mornacn 6t. at 13th, Portland,
Purity Dairy Lunch Restaurant
Kurth St., Near Waahlnaton Bt.
COODTIIINIiHTO CAT at Reaaonahl Trlra.
jf?T&. r'or rellalil Claanine and Dya
rtrtri' In aervlr anna nan-ola to ua.
ff'amarB Vi a nay retur tioataira. Inform
H 9 atlon od prlca !vn upon ra
uaaL tr alNKIS'g CITY t)YR WORKA.,
Eatahliahed IW. Portlanil, Or
RetTifrri wit hot it Injury to th tltln by Ny-Horn
tHthHtiry, hami'laon rrMUMt NyB-rn Lab
rmtoriM, h9 Mtrun Hlilif.. Kurt land1 Oroirofi.
Foralgn and Domeatlo.
aTafoiir Uroa . Aider HI
According to Attorney C'linrlcs
Knudann, the money wna left Ileynnlds
by Itla father-In luw, Mmigus Ilrown,
In I'hlliidt'lphlii.
Iicxplta a j-t'ur's aepiirullon between
Hcynolila mid his wife, the Ilrown
family la aald to hold g wurm spot In
Its lienrt for lteynoKls, who submitted
to eight blood truiiHfiiHlons to Suva
the life of his slstcr-ln-luw.
WHY ft
tV, 1H4. AluCiui awapapar ayuauiat.)
llertraui sitt at the fragile bit of
furullure that tils landlady had deslg-
nuivd a a writing desk and begun to
"Ueur Hill:
"So fur I huvcu't found life In the
big city so very exciting"
Then be atopped, luld down but pea
and listened Intently. After a fall
uilnule of uculu llhteiiliig, hearing
nothing, be reaumed.
"I left the hotel and am living In
a boarding bouao. Of course 00 man
wants to live la a bourdlng house, at-
Again the fountain pen wns laid
down and itertram lUti-ned, looking I
Intently at the wall In the direction
from whence the sound came. Hie
sounds were faint, but quite surely
they were sobs, lie heard lliem again
low, soft, heartbreaking sobs subs
that would Indues at leant mild nos-
tulgla la the heart of anyoue so fur
from home us was Uertrum. I
"lit girls here aren't anything won-
derful. To be sure I've aeen some
thut dri asid better and looked smarter
than' the girls home. There are a
couple of girls in the olllce, but I
uever cured about lulling buslnees
Just then a succession of sobs deep-
er and more polgnunt thuu the luat
were heard and then a quick, really
aturtling Uiud. Itertram llatened for
the cry er shriek that be thought
ought to follow this- luat sound of
trouble but none came, so be resumed
his brotherly letter.
girl In the bourdlng house that
looks pleaaant and rather pretty that
I've spoki-u to because we alt oppo-
site euch other st table. If I get reully
looeaume I'll get acquainted with ber,
though she seems a bit still and might
not l Interested."
Ilertrum wrote a little more, telling
his brother of bis share of success In
bis work and of his pluns.fnr the fu-
ture and then Ilia soft, low sobbing be-
gun sgaln.
1 gueas I'd better quit. Bertram
wrote. "This old house must ba
haunted or something. Anyway there's
a queer uuiae cuuuug uiruugu wie wan 1
that mukes writing hard. Hope It Will
stop before I try to sleep."
The nest evening Juat as Bertram
bad oiK'tied a new magaslne, lighted
his fuvorlte pipe snd spread out oa
the lounge rnair wnicn was tne oniy
reully luxurious piece of furniture In
his room, the same sort or son. sod-
hlng begun. He closed his book.
Italny night though It wss, be donned.
his list snd coat atid went out, found
a ncarhy public UlTrary, took a book
on engineering from a shelf ana pro-
ceeded to work over most complicated
prohlems of his profciulon.
The next morning at breakfast Ber-1
tram scrutinized the faces of ail tue
boarders In the dining room, and lis
went thltncr euriy sua leu luie so
that he might he able to see them all.
He tried to find one in which lingered
traces of .the sadness that had been
poured lortn iu inui aim, genua aoo-
hlng In the next room Nobody tlicra
could sob like that, he concluded, so
perhaps It reully wns a spook.
Meeting his litnuiaily in tne nan
thnt evening, he nked her whether
the room next his waa occupied and
In thnt way drew from her the Infor-
matlon tliat It was now, ami timi teen
for tlie past two years, occupied by
Miss Clara I'rlnger.
"She sits across from yna at t utile,"
smiled the Iniidlady. "Nice girl and
not at all at uck up teaches school "Course, they ain't no use man tell
high school, I think sends money tng you I never will get them six
home to an Invalid aunt
"She lan't unhappy " began Ber-
"Bless your heart, no," snld the
landlady. "What would she havo to
be unhnppy iihoutT got a good Job,
got her heiilth, and doean't glva a
whoop for the men.
"Of course, of course," said Ber-
tram and went up to bis room.
He had determined to forget all
about the sohhlng and would perhnps
have done an had It not dUturhed his
peace of mind thnt evening. It was
very fulnt, very much subdued and
might tint have been audible to one
poancssed of less acute senae of hear-
Ing than Bertram.
The next morning Bertram scrutl-
nlied Miss Clam I'rlnger rather closely,
IVna tia iiIihi" veil, aim ntitii'nreit to he
happy, but tuere were light shadows
,it,.p lior erne eve, a delicate turn
to her pretty Hps that might betoken
sorrow. Certainly she looked a little
more weary, now, than she did when
i, dr.t oniiia tn iim hiinriiiitff houa a
month before. Without quite meaning
to do so ho naked her if she hfid been
at home the evening before, and she
.i,i tlmt li liml. He asked her If
she Intended being ut home that eve-
nlng. and she replied: "I haven't
.iinno,i nntthlnir." In auch a war that
ii.,eie,.m h.ilillv nalieit her If all would
t,. th movie" with him.
The next night he sut in his room
and tha " sobbing bgan: Listening
more Intently thnn ever, be heard be-
,..n 11,0 .,!, lni nnthetle mono.
tone ofworda. Now perfectly sure
that his neighbor must be absorbed In
soma consuming grief Bertram felt
tbst It was almost his duty to take
tiir out wTien she would consent to
on In Muert ,u at tat, anil In vor
" ' '
wsy try to tukt br uilnd from her
grest sorrow. And lor some rcawm
or other dors seemed to have bo ob-
Ji-t'tlun to being tlius cheered ty bur
fellow boarder.
Then one night as lie lat In Ills room
tie heard tha sobbing agalu. He had
not heurd It (or week, pur tin in be
cause for ever night for a week be
bad tuken Ultra out to s play, tlie
"movies," t lecture, the art museum,
a walk In tlie park and once to dinner
Where they danced. .
Kulluwlng a long pause came more
sobg and then without warning a thud
that seemed to be Just beyond the
wu o( i',ertrain's room. Itertram lla-
tened a second and then quite clearly
nm9 t cr ( )Un, and then silence,
in the minimum of tle Iiertram
was In the hull, found the nest door
unlocked and bad mads his way Into
th room. There he found Clara alt-
ting on her duybed rocking back and
forth nursing her right arm In Uis
tend of the left one.
"Ouch," she said with a pretty pout,
Snd then she jumped up from the day-
bed and offered Bertram a chair In
ier intl room. "Xou fell, didn't
your be asked.
"Tea," anld. "f dnn't -em to
be able lo leuru the trh k. I Ml ymi
trer do a stage fulntT tou havs to he
perfectly limp and then yon can go
down without hurting yourself but It
takes a lot of courage, and this time I
hurt niy arm so that 1 couldn't help
crying out Yoo. beard me, didn't
Itertram bad moved bis chair very
near to Clara on the daybed. He was
looking Intently Into ber eyes, search-
leg them for th tears that he'thought
roust ba there. "And I beard yoa
gobbing," be said with sympathy.
"Miss I'rlnger Ours won t yoa tell
me? Won t yoa let ins help youJ If
my love would be of any help?"
of rourae It would If yon really
mean It," said Clara, looking very
much surprised. "I'd no Idea yoa felt
that way about - me. But really I
wasn't sobbing. That Is, It wssu't real
gobbing you see I'm to be In a pjsy
that the teachers are gluing at school.
And I Iists to take the part of the
unfortunate sister whose lover Is lost
at gea and I hare to aob and then
faint when they tell -ms he's lost
end I've been rehearsing every night
fur weeks. It's so hsrd for me to sob
perhaps because I'va always found
go much In life to be merry about.
"Yoa darling," said Bertram taking
ber Into bis arms. "I wanted to marry
you sny wsy but I'd so much rather
marry a girl who didn't spend ber tva-
nlngs sobbing."
ffQU) e Never Would
Get TnOtt bmOCkert
jt waa B $0 murder. Ona negro
,ll0t ,nothi-r. This Is his verbatim
nuiin, confession, with the names si-
tered because so-called confessions ara
orten repudiated:
weDt to call on Mr. Brown at
Ml hom, 0B Antolns street I knocked
the door tD j ur. Brown said to
.con,, rght in, I'eg Leg,' so I
wen n .
j looked at Brown and I says to
him: 'Ilrown. would y'all mind glvln'
me Dlci, tbcm six smsckers y'all owes
mf w
jrr- prown b Just smiled at ma
and 1.. nTi:
Teg Leg, they aln.'t a cbsnct tn tlia
worij f0, Tuu to get them six buck.'
i kinds bard at btm and I
tJt. -urown. whera for you get that
anpc luuet Ah ain't ever goln' to get
(hmm glx smackersr
reached rlsht Into bis pocket
inij Daug ut a big black gun. 11a
doDa laj jt oa the table and then
h. to me:
yr g-ljeg, I told yon yoa ain't got
.dance to get them six bucks.
xhere's ninh proof layln' right tbers
on tnat there table:
-Well, sir, I took ona squint at
Brown and then I got scared. I reck-
0De( ie might shoot me, so I Jest ored
aa faat aa I could.
smsckers now."
limitation From Milk
Tf Jg tM ,lmt tiere has been de-
T,gea , proCess for making Insulating
pi,cet out 0f n)iik. curds. The curds
ar itirred into a paste with cold
t.r. and coloring matter Is added.
if i0 desired, the result being heated
t0 tne boiling point After the pasta
has been boiled for ten minutes, con
tinned stlrrlne reduces It to a unl
form pulpy consistency. This pulp Is
then taken, while still hot to a hy-
draullc press fitted wltn noi moiu 01
the shnpe In which the Insulation
pieces are wnnted. After being presaed
into this shape the pieces are cdoled
and dipped Into formalin which adds
the needed quality of a preservative,
Th nnxlui't Is said to resist the action
of acids, to be much cheaper than
harrl rubber and to b eaeily Colored
In Imitation of agate, marbla or the
Scientific Canary
There Is a ennnry In New Bedford
thnt drinks water In a slightly dlffef
ent manner thnn most birds partake
of the same liquid. Suspended from
the perch on which the bird stntids Is
chained an ordinary silver 11.111....0.
Thla thimble when In Its reeling posi
Hon He Otlletty In a glass of wstef
below tha perch of tha bird, 1'erchlng
on tha extreme end of his rest, the
canary plnces one foot around the
chain fastened to me inimme ot v.uier.
This he mnks up s short haul and
places the slack under' his foot on the
perch. Two mora move of a similar
oaturt bring the thimble to a position
wnerana csn urina.
r )
Hlllaboro. A t'nlted States civil
service examination will be held here
July 19 to fill an expected vacancy as
fourth-clus postmuster at Aloha and
any other vacancies that may occur,
Hlllaboro. The city of Hlllaboro has
accepted the bond of B. rllmonstin for
the program of paving recently order
ed by the city council, for an amount
of 44,958.43, which Is llS.OnQ less
than the estimate.
rnndleton. Umatilla county dairy
men win noi nave any surplus oairy
cattle lo supply the shortage In Call-
lornia, accoruing 10 rreu ..enmon,
county agoni. umauiia county nas
been shipping In dairy stock to meet
an increased demand from farmers.
flulem. The United States govern-
mi-nt has requested permlasion of thel
state engineer to file on 75,000 acre
feet of water on McKay and Birch
creeks In Umatilla county. It Is pro-
posed to sell this stored water to other
ro,ec'.a locut'd In that section of the
La Grande. Cove begun cherry
Picking lu earnest Monday, according
to announcement of Chrla Stackland,
prominent orchardist. Picking has
en in progress In some portions of
the valley during the past week, but
the heavier fruit has been hardly
nuiin. Air. auu ,vira. iv. 4. .tciMD'
ney and Mrs. S. S. McKlnney, all of
Los Angeles, who suffered Injuries
hen an automobile in which tbey
were riding left the Pacific highway
and overturned Saturday night eight
Ilea north of Salem, are reported to
be recovering In a local hospital.
Eugene. The water situation In Eu
gene was mucn better baturday, the
eather having become cooler, and
leas water Is being used. All the
reservoirs were full last night, accord
ing to employea of the water depart
ment, and the ban on sprinkling and
irrigating was lifted for the present.
Salem. Issuance of blanket bonds
by aurety companies to ball out of Jail
violators 01 me iramc laws is noi
permissible under the Oregon law
sccordlng to a legal opinion prepared
nere oy 1. it. vanwinkie, attorney-
eneral. The opinion was requested
by Will H. Moore, state insurance com
Astorla.-Dr. W. J. Kerr, head of
Oregon Agricultural college, who waa
injured in an automoDiie acciueni near
Astoria on me nigni ot June zs ana
who has since been confined to his
bed at St. Mary's hospital In this city,
was able to sit up tn bed Friday and
... . , , . .
professed to be out of pain for the first
, , ,
KmA nee Inn . ' I it ,1 n I
Eugene. Cascara bark sales In the
Siuslaw national forest have been
largo since April 1, according to a re
port Issued at the Siuslaw forest of
fice here. The total sales have been
97,041 pounds, yielding $4853. Some
small sales are yet being made, it was
stated. The sales this year are said
to have been the largest since the
world war.
Mill City. LeRoy Ledgerwood. man
ager of the Mehama salmon hatchery.
was In the city Wednesday and said
the last of the salmon hatched out last
winter were turned loose Wednesday,
they being three inches long. This
makes a total ot about 3,000.000 sal
mon that were hatched out and turn
ed loose from that hatchery during
the last season
Salem. There were 633 accidents In
Oregon during the week ending July 3.
according to a report prepared by tne
state muuBirmi acciueni commtaatun.
Ul inai louti ooi were uujci iu tot
provisions of the workmen's compen
at Ion act. 79 were from firms and cor
porauons uiai nave reject i.
and mree were irom puunc untitle
noi emiucn to iai lirwc. huh.
Halsey. Farmers from this vicinity
met recently in Albany with farmers
from other communities and set a rate
of pay for farm bands for the season,
Six team threshing outfits will charge
$11 a day, a reduction of $1 from IbbI
year; eight-team crews, $1.1, against
f 15 lust year; and ten teams, f
inatead ot $1S, By the sack, the
charge will be 22 cents for wheat,
cents for barley, and 15 cents for
outs, a reduction ot .01 cent for oats.
Wnges are to be $2.50 per day. Instead
of $3, and man and team $4 Instead
ot $4.50, and Backers unchanged, $3.50.
IYndlcton-Wlth the completion
the hugo McKay dum across the creek
of the same name by the United States
government there will be need for 1200
aettler. on tho Irrigated land in the
HermUton-Stanflold-Umatllla district,
E. P. Dodd, promlnont Hermlston farm
er and business man, told membars
of the land settlement committee of
the Oregon state chamber of commerce
when they visited tha vast Umatilla
project recently. Completion of the
McKay dam, which Is expected to tuke
two or three years yet, will bring the
total acreage of the propect up to
All Slies, Prtca, Tarm. Also t'd and
lU-buIlt Trucks. Writ for Catalog.
th and Burnsld Ptrtland, Or
You Want a Good Position
V?ry wf Tk-i tha AreoonUnry Burin
MnfcttmTnt, Friv.u lrtrUrial, Calculaitur
Oimtorrwt", 8t4iii(rrphU;, Funirutnihiii, or Com
iTMrr'fal Tmehmt' iAturm at
Tha foramoat Uualnaaa I of tha Northwaat
which haa won mor,, Arn.ray Aarda and (iold
MeiU 'han any other act,,,) n Anfrtcm. Herul
for our Huccaaa (Jtitk. r ourth Htreot near ator-
naun, Portland. Ore. Imu M. Walker, Preaklent
Wrongs Thst 8ar.
Do not worry Rbout tne wf-ong pe(
, wll! or mKht do to you Let ,h(.m
do ,her worgt It will glide off your
11a water rollg from ollt!(1 c.nvafl
But tne wroDg yo commt Tour.elf
,av, ugly; Ir,cparaole marks.-Helen
The Antiseptic Orange.
The dscovery of the antiseptic value
of the orange was made soon after Its
introduction Into England, for Caven-
dish says Cardinal Wolsey was wont
to carry "a fair orange, tilled with a
"ponge 01 T'De6" against, pestilence.
Zlne DePit-
As Zlnceblend a compound of xino
snd sulphur is found in large quanti-
ties In Missouri. As smltbsonile,' a
compound of tine, carbon, and ofygen.
Is found in Spain and various parts of
Iha I ' 1 1 ,1 QlDla,
Valuable Imitation Fur.
A process has been Invented In Aus-
traIla tot manufacturing fleeces not
adapted to spinning Into ad Imitation
tur " nave advantages ovtf,
animal furs.
Takea Out Grease. '
When grease Is spilled on the rug
you can remove It by covering tha
spot with a piece of blotting paper and
going over It with a hot Iron. Tha
blotting paper will absorb tha greaatt.
Move for Fuel Economy.
With a view to 'fuel economy ex-
perlmen,. ar, way wU, an alr ,
blower t0 CODlrol lhe draft , oco.
I motives instead of employing exhaust
gleam for lhe purpoge
The Spider's Silk.
The amount of silk produced by
each solder Is so small that a sciential
. comDUted that C3.C22 of the Insects
would be requIrea ,0 proiace gDgle '
pod 0f thread.
Danger in Jealousy.
Jealousy is sId to be the offspring
of live: yet unless the parent makes
... , ,u u, .1. UM
uaaiv iu auauaio iuo vuuu, tiirj vuuu
win not real nit 11 naa poiaoneu 1110
parent. Hare.
Earning Hla Reward.
Patience and perseverance are the
two chief acquirements ot the suc
cessful artist. These shall hereafter
reward him. No great work ot art
was ever achieved without them.
George Sand.
Must Make Use of Material.
If we do not make uae of our newlr
dlgC0Tered materials, we shall only
C(mtinue tQ ,ive gtupluly , , gtupl(l
world. E. C. Llndenian.
Zinc Not Long in Use.
Zinc was known as fur back as 600
B. C, but It has only come Into com
mon use within the last 12S years. It
was first manufactured at Bristol In
Deldy Qtmt 0drf)y 8prea(j
fi . . . . . f .. .
- . . cuant. of ttlr gald l0
- l,ad outureakg of tool anJ mouth
dte, among caUi0.
Fo.llrf. of Ro.k.a
Snake's eyelids are transparent
scales fixed over their eyes, and, being
immovable, XMj give the reptile a
piercing look.
Not Much Different From Humans.
African gorillas live in little villages,
15 build their shacks ot twigs and
branches ot trees, and In many re-
18 gpects resemble the native Zulus.
Woman's Wsspons.
A bachelor says that when a woman
goes gunning tor a husband she arms
herself with a curling iron and a box
of ot mokelea. powder.-Exchange.
Both Begin With a "P."
An optimist looks at tho oyster and
tor . pearl A pessimist looks
at the oyster and expects ptomaine
polaonlng. '
uad for baby' cloth, win kp thar II
w and anowry-wnit untu worn hi
Try tl nd f or youraeH, At yon '
P. N. U.
No. 28, 1924