The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 11, 1924, Image 1

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Notice to Ex-Scrvlce Men
There will be a meetifiar of the
American Lnitlon at the Legion
Hall Saturday evening. July 12,
for the purpose of assisting you
in applying- for National Compen
sation. We have the forms to fill out,
and will have men who under
Btand them to help you. '
Coma whether you are a mem
her or not. Brini your discharge
papers or as much information of
your service as possible.
Thin meeting is also open to
dependents of veterans. Every
one who is eligible come, Lei s
get this work cleaned up. The
American Legion.
fnr rnmfiirt and rent and health and tlx
alinpla life, all In pleating variation! at
Our mrrat will hind ,i "Outlnii in the Perlric Nnrthwaet
mm) Drag.! Outdoor,- and ihn "III Ml "u Hie whole Mary.
A round trip eummer timraion tklu ia
y(jQ effnrde thai wonderful trip Ibrouah the Columbia Kler Coraa.
"ifcf Ut aar eerat arraaaa rw Wanar, aa4 aaaa
J. W. IIOWK, 'Agent,
lone, Oregon.
ini j
You need harvest provis
ions I need cash,
I have the best stock of
grocelies in lone and am
-willing to help you reduce
the cost of living.
My stock has been pur
chased at the right prices
and cash buyers will be
given the benefit.
Inspect my Dollor Counter
and be convinced that my
prices and goods are right.
Buy by the Case and get
the lowest prices.
iJIIIHIilllllllt ',IIM
Mason's Store Broken Into
A thief broke into Bert Ma
son's store Sunday night and
escaped with one dollar in small
change taken from the cash
He had evidently been thru the
store quite often, as he entered
by a window which he pried open
in the Ladies Rest Room, after
tearing off a screen, this being
perhaps the easiest way to break
in. The thief left a hammer by
the sale and was frightened
away, presumably by a mule
that was straying around benind
the store.-
Fred Lindsay and his mother
have decided to leave this district
and will move down the valley to
make their future home.
Mr. Lindsay has rented his
plan to Roy Slender, of Cecil,
Miss Evelyn Ware has been
visiting the past few days with
the family of Mr. Herb Olden
She left Tuesday morning for
her home at Olympia. Wash.
You may reduce the cost of
living by following the advice of
Mason's Adv.
Mrs. John Coctoran, who has
been cooking for Ed Rietman'a
harvest crew arrived in lone this
week to take care of her husband
who is on the . sick . list. . Mra.
Hrnry Clark is taking her place
at the cook stove. '
Lexington Items
Kenneth Redifer Injured I Apartment House Has Blaze I Mr. Heliker Has Accident
Last Tuesday Keneth Redifer
was thrown while holding a
Fresno scraper, used on the ex
cavation for the new school house
at lone. Mr. Redifer's Injuries
while serious, are not dangerous.
The case comes under the
provisions of the state compen
sation act.
When In need of professional
service consult our directory,
page 1
Mr. Tom Lodge, real estate
dealer of Sclo, Oregan, was in
lone, transacting business with
H. C. Wood, this week.
Swanson's Chop Mill Has
Fuller Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen
Doors and windows.
House For Sale
Modern, Newly Painted, four
rooms: bath and sleeping porch
down stairs, one room up. A
bargain for cash. I am leaving
town and muBt Hell. Across the
street from school house.
Mrs. Randall, Ione.Oregon.
The fire bell rang last Saturday
morning, but before any damage
was done the incipient blaze on
the roof ol the Harris Apartment
house was drowned with three
buckets of water deliverer, by
Paul G. Balsiger.
Leave your watch repairing at
the McMurray pastime for Hay
lor the jeweler, Heppner.
You will recieve service and
satisfaction at the lone Market.
Geo. W. Ritchie, proprietor.
Mr. C. It. Gunzel accompanied
by his wife and daughter, made
a trip to Portland, last Thursday
evening, riturning Tuesday of
this week.
The job of delivering material
to the new school housein lone,
has been awarded to 1. (. Troge.
Erne it Heliker got caught in
the gears of combine at A. M.
Zink's place Thursday afternoon.
He was under the bull wheel
screwing up oil cups and was
caught in such a way that three,
tears were made in his left fore
. . a I
arm. Seven stltcnes were .iaen
to close them and in addition to
the cuts the arm was badly
bruised and wrenched.
To complete the witchery of
Kodakery go to Ballard.
Morgan Boy Badly Hurt
Donald Gray, six years old, of
Morgan, sustained a serious
Injury last Saturday, when he
fell off a box and cut a gash in
his right leg seven inches long.
Sixteen stitches were required to
close the cut.
Kodak Enlargement Free
With $2.50 worth of fin
ishing' we give you an 8xlO
Enlargement Free. Be sure to save
the yellow envelopes as you get them.
Portland Prices and Prompt,
Snappy Service.
We Will Appreciate Your Business.
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Hodak Store
. Smith Towne of Spokane, ar
rived in Lexington last week to
accept the position of manager
of the Burgoyne warehouse.
Mr. Towne was formerly with
the American Express Co. He
reports business in Spokane very
Henry Shriever and Lawrence
Reany were in Lexington on
business Wednesday.
Mrs. Mable Ward of Eugene
has been visiting here with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Monkers
Mrs. J. G. Johnson who has
been suffering from a fractured
hip for the past two months
is reported to be better.
Cora Johnson of Gresham is
visiting the Misses Leach.
F. H. Burgoyne recently left
Lexington for a business trip
to Walla Walla.
B. H. Grady and family went
to Goidendale, Wash., where the
week-end was sperjt with Mr
Grady's parents.
Wheat yield about Lexington
ranges from six to fifteen bushels
an acre. .
Th T.Bdiea' Aid of the
Comiregational Church met Wed
nesday afternoon ot this weeK,
at the church.
W. G. Scott has been appointed
local agent for Strauss ft Co., at
Lexington for the coming season
The first carload of 1924 Turkey
Itud wheat in Morrow County
was purchased last Thursday
from H. E. Warner by w. u.
Scott, local agent for Strauss
t, Co. Inc.. successors to North
orn firain Wholesale Co. The
price paid was .981c
Th Missionary society of the
Christian church met at the home
of Mrs. Bruce Grady on Thursday
so many
no coal or wood to lug
one filling laSts for dap
-Steps! how many
of them Pearl Oil
and a good oil cook
stove save you!
Those needless steps
for heavy coal, for
wood and the ashes.
One gallon of eco
nomical Pearl Oil
often lasts for days,
and it is so much
handier and quick'
Pearl Oil's intense
flame is concentrat'
cd heat and it is
odorless and clean
burning too! The
Standard Oil Com'
pany refines and re
refines it for best
results. Avoid dis'
appointment ask
for Pearl Oil by
Charter No. 144. ' Reserve District No. 12.
At lone, i.i the State of Oregon at the close of business June 30th,
1. I.o-itu nnd dincotint. Including rediscount) nhown in Item
nml . K uny .
2 Overdraft cured an! lino-cured . . .
3. L". r. Koveruiuentnecurltle owned, Including those bown
in Item) nuil 35, Uauy . . ... . .
4. other IioiiiIh, warrant ami necurttle. Including foreign
iciivi-riim -lit, ftnte, municipal, corporation, etc. including
thoe aliowii In Item diand SB. If iny ,
5. sim k. neeurltie. claim, lien. Judgment, etc - -
6 Blinking lion. f;i.Ul.; furniture and niture. $1,WJ 29 -7.
Ileal etnt owned other than banking liou
9. i'iwIi on huud Mi vault an I iliw from bank. banr
and trnt rouiparile designated ami approved reaervo
ruteiilM of till Imllk ... . . .
II. meek mi batik out-dde city or towuol reporting oaun auu
,tiier cash Item ... " '
. Total cash and duo from bank, Item 8, , 10, U
TnUl , ( - ...
21.21 4.90
Capital utoek paid In
Knrp'n fund - .
(IH I'mlivided proiit .M3.v ,..-,,.
(In U- current expirii', ltiteret aud toxe paid ..U!).M
Dr.M isli lKlurr. other than bank, mitijett to renerve:
Individual deposit ui.J.vt to cheek. InelildiiiK depoalU dim
the state of Oreirou. county, cllie or otber public fuuda .
llein ami eertliliuite of deposit oilUtandilitf -
Total d-maid deposit, other than bank deposit, mibji-ct
10 rew-rve. Item t. 24. il'i, 26 $I4H.In5.04
Timk ANii Savinh Bkpomit, subject vo renerve mid pya
ble on it 'iiiand or iiliject to notice:
Time certlilc ite ol ileposit outtandlliir
Not,- and bill redleounul Inclu Unit liond or other m
curitieold uud'r peptiri'lHinf ngreenieuU with continent
liabllltte -
Total rJW.l07.1S
Stale of ilreKoii. County of Morrow,. . .
1 .. .... .... .......I.. .m k . .i..,.. niintMi hunk. aolemuiT
awmartbat the nb ire Mtatement I true to this liet of my knowledge
, l 2..nul umIiUP
Mill bellel. , . . ..-.- ..
SuliTibed nml a worn to b 'fora in ! tui tn oar n J my. i-.
V. H. !lobluon. Notary Public.
(X)l!UKrr Att-t: " My commlion expire 2-JO,
XI. Morgan. C. K. uuinel, A. M. unmet, uirecior.
1 1 rj
thousands of homes
"Rasmussen Protected
ti J. .1 ).... i- ,k Pacifie Norlkwaat aniov til
aurfaca protection ot Raamuaaan rut rami, max rap
raaent avery kind ol noma, from th modert cotlaga to ihm
big. handaom reaidene. Tha Uatini quality and baauty
oi Raamuaaan Pur Paint ia aa nacaaaary to ona a th
other. M' racommend it th boat lor you to ue.
lone, Oregon
1 run
Wasmtustn PmJuBi
Earn and Roof Paint Wall-Dura WaahaUt
Truck and Tractor Paint
Creoeota Shingle Scaia
Porch Floor Paint
Racolita Enamel
Wall Paint
Inaid Floor Paint
Oil Staina, Varakhaa
Floor and Varoieh Stain
Thrt'i a Ramaittn Product fttEtySrft
of this week at 2:30 o'clock.