The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 04, 1924, Image 1

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R. W. Brown Badly Burned
Mr. K. W. Brown hud the mis
fortune to be quite seriously
burned Tuesday evening. In
Home way the blitckflmilh shop
took Are, probably by sparks
from the forge and net lire to the
grass and weeds about it. At
Home ten or fifteen feet from the
shop a combine dm per was lying
apparently untouched by the tire,
Mr. Brown attempted to (remove
the draper to a place of safety.
Aa ha lifted the draper the
flames limit l out In the grass,
around it and fanned by the wind
spread bo rapidly that Mr. Brown
was quite severely burned almut'
the feel and anklet before he
could get out of the weeds and
Mr. Brown's injuries, while
quite serious are not regarded as
dangerous, lie Is under the cure
of Dr. Walker.
Mr. Jack Campbell of the
Ostrandcr Lumber Co., arrived
from Kelno, Saturduy, and Wed
neaday moaning, in compuny
with Ham Ganger, motored to
Ilid-away Springs,
Weather Report for June
Weather Observer Mr. 11. E.
Harbison, of Morgan, reports
5 cloudy, 7 partly cloudy and 18
clear days for the montbjof June.
There was .13 inches of rainfall
during the month, and the total
preeipitation from September ls1,
19215, to June 30, 1924. was 4.97
inches. .
Miss Hazel King, (lading last
week in Rock Cieek, near Scott
Brown's house, caught a salmon
trout 27 J inches long and weigh
ing G pounds.
Mrs. Luura Ward and son Wil-
ford, of Portland, are visiting
this wtek-with Mrs. Frank
Young, who is Mrs. Wards niece.
Mrs. Ward is a former resident
of Morrow County.
Mr. and Mrs M. Ingalls receiv.
ed news of the death of Mrs.
Ingalls little niece, who has been
living in Walla Walla. Thyyleft
lone Wednesday tn attend the
funeral at Walla Walla and are
expected back at tfie end of the
You need harvest provis- j
ions - I need cash.
I have the best stock of
grocelies in lone and am
willing to help you reduce
the cost of living.
Mv stock has been pur
chased at the right prices
and cash buyers will be g
given the benefit.
Inspect my. Dollor Counter ;
and be convinced that my
prices and goods are right.
Buy by the Case and get
the lowest prices.
Morrow County
Picnic Sunday
The Morrow County Reunion
association will hold its annual
picnic at Laurelhurst park next
Sunday, westing at 2:00 p. m.
Lunch will be the first thing on
the program and all former
Morrow County residents living
in and around Portland are x
peeled to be there with well
filled baskets. '
Most of the afternoon will be
spent renewing acquaintences
and "visiting." No special pro
gram has been prepared.
N. E. Maris, secretary, an
nounced that no personal invita
tions are being sent out, but he
has asked that all former Morrow
County people pass the word
along to others. Oregon Journal.
Mr. Hubert Lerwill, formerly
of Ashton, Idaho, and grandson
of Mrs. Perry Hopkins of this
city arrived last week from The
Dalles where he has been employ
ed on the highway. Mr. Lerwill
will work here through the har
vest season and plans to enter
the School of Technology at
Pocatello, Idaho, in the fall.
Joe Lieuallan of Heppner is
visiting in lone this week.
Kodak Enlargement Free
With $2.50 worth of fin
ishing' we give you an 8xlO
Enlargement Free. Be sure to save
the yellow envelopes as you get them.
Portland Prices and Prompt,
Snappy Service.
We Will Appreciate Your Business.
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
Local Items
Miss Jtnnie McNabb of Sig
ournay, Iowa, is visiting her
sister in-law, Mrs. Alice McNabb
and other relatives in and near
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelman
motored to The Dalles last week
on business and pleasure.
' c w - li tl I
Air. ana Mrs. ise nowara were
Pendleton visitors the first ol the
Friends of Mrs. Chas. Erwin
will be pleased to hear that ehe
has received much relief at the
Mineral Springs and hopes to re
turn to her home soon.
Fred McMurray accompanied
by his mother and sister Mrs.
Ralph Harris, motored to Idaho
last week. They report a pleas
and trip. Mrs. McMurray re
mained for a months visit with
htr daughter Blanche and son
Mrs. C. B. Bowers has return
ed to her home in lone. She has
been visiting at Mount Hood,
Mrs. Calkins Improving
Mr. and Mr3. John L. Calkins
returned from Portland Sunday
Mm. Caluins has spr-nt the last
50 "lays in a Portland Sanitarium,
where he hai been under the
surgical care of Dr. W. I'. Hoi-
den. Mrs. Calkins h improved
in health, thouith still very weak.
The journey fiom Portland to
lone was made by automuid'e.
Mr. Calkins reports crop con
ditions in the Willamette Valley
much effected by the drouth;
berries in some 'sections are dry
ing on the vines before maturity
and all field cropj are much stunt
ed by the almost total lack of
rainfall in the last two months.
Hyuss For Sale
Modern, Newly Painted, four
rooms; bath and sleeping porch
down stairs, one. room up A
bargain for cash. I am leaving
town and must sell. Across the
street from bc'.iool house.
Mrs. Randall, Ione.Oregon.
Morgan Life
Mr. Harbison and son took a
trip out, near Lexington last
Martin Baurenfiend is busy
repairing Ben Morgan's- combine
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Medlock
and Children, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Medlock, went
to Heppner, Sunday.
James Hardesty and Fred
Pettyjohn are working for Mr.
June 27 Mr. H. 0. Ely brought
in the first load of 1924 wheat to
11 E. Harbisons warehouse at
Morgan. He reports the crop
rather light but finds the quality
E. B. Gorten is suffering with
an attack of rheumatism, and
found it necessary to call Dr.
Walker of lone, last Sunday.
Mr. Gorten says that hot weather
ana rneumatism make a poor
J. A. Harbke took E. B. Gor
ten to lone for medical treat
ment last Thursday morning.
Mr. Gorten has been ailing for
Borne time.
Mrs. Harbke and husband
visited with her father, Mr.
E. B. Gorten, several days last
week. They left for their home
in Portland last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter of
Cecil visited with !Mr. 'Hardesty
and family, Sunday night.
Edith and Margaret Ely visited
with Gladys and Carrie Medlock
last Sunday evening.
The temperature at Morgan on
June 3Uth reached 108 degrees,
and on July J 1st thermometers
registered 106.
and a joy to
make them
preferring in comfort
no overheated kitchen ,
lets "carrying;" leu "watching"
and the whole
secret is in cooking
with a good oil
cookstove and Pearl
Oil. No heavy coal
to lug, no wood, no
ashes nor muss.
Pearl Oil's fast, in'
tense cooking flame
doesnt overheat
the kitchen, and it's
always ready.always
dean and economi
But when you or
dcr, be sure you get
the Standard Oil
Company's clean'
burning, high'grade
Kerosene. For best
results be sure to
ask for Pearl Oil by '
Miss Hazel Ffldman arrived in
lone last Saturday, and will
spend the summer with her
mother, Mrs. C. F. Feldman.
Mis Feldman ha3 bean attend
ing school at San Jose and will
return at the beginning of the
fall term. She has been living
with her grandparents at Sunny
vale, near San Jose.
Notice to Ex-Service Men
There will be a meeting of the
American Legion at the Legion
Hall Saturday evening, July 12,
for the purpose of assisting you
in applying for National Compen
We have the forms to fill out,
and will have men who under-
stan 1 them to help you.
Come whether you are a mem
ber or not. Bring your discharge
papers or as fliuch information of
your service as possible.
This meeting is also open to
dependents of veterans. Every
one who is eligible come. Let'a
get this work cleaned up. The
American Legion.
W. J. Willett formerly of lone,
but no a- engaged in the merchan
dise business at Grass Valley,
Oregon, is in lone Jon business
this week.
Mr. Anderson of the Anderson
Construction Co., of Portland,
arrived in lone Monday evening,
to befcin active work on the
construction of the new school
Swanson's Chop Mill Has
Fuller Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen
Doors and windows.
W. E. Bullard motored to
Hood River, Sunday, returning
Monday with his family, who
have been visiting with relatives.
Wednesday morning Mrs. John
Cochran went to Paul Reitman's
ranch where she will be employ
ed as cook during the harvest
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ball are
being congratulated on the ar
rival June 23rd of a beautiful
baby girl.
The B. & B. store at Morgan
will receive your watch repairing
for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner.
for comfort and rot and health and the
simple life, all in pleasing variation at
Our tint will hand rou "Outiiun In the Pacific Northwest
and "Oregon Outdoor," and they will Ml you the whole atory.
A round-trip eunuacr excursion ticket via
fP efl -jres that wonderful trip throtlfh theColumbU Hirer Cone,
J. W. HOWK, Agent,
lone, Oregon.
thousands of homes
Rasmussen Protected
Thousands of home in the Pacific Northwest enjoy tha
aurface protection of Raamuieen Pure Paint. They rep
resent every hind of home, from the modest cottage to the
bin. handsome residence. The lasting quality and beauty
of Rasmussen Pure Paint is as necessary to one' as the)
other. We recommend it aa the best for you lo use.
lone, Oregon
XBeni end Roof Paint WsHDure Wsshable
Truck and Tractor Paint Well Petal
Oeoaote Shingle Stem Inside Floor Paaat
Porch Floor Paint Oil Stain. Vsmishee
Recollts Enamel Floor and Vsrauh Stains
fiThera Raimttutn ProJact orri5nrae
- i i ,a