PHOT! AMH I Ji I J-iTLllL t'Mallory Select Residential & Transient lata eod Yamhill. Portland, Orefon. Modern Fireproof American Plan KAI MOIIFHAIK C. G. APPLEGATH IMPORTED Ship Your Cream to MUTUAL CItKAMEKY CO., Portland. W Specialize In Hides, Mil, Wool, Mohiir, Tallow, Ciscira, Ortfo Clip Root Cost 'lint, Horw Hair Write for KMi-pli Teaa a letaal I'rlM Hit Portland Hide jl Wool Co. IN VhfON Arthbl NO IK, rOITllhl, QUIM. Uranrhat I'urataiia, lilahv suriau luous hair PnMvr1 without it Jury tn tha ikrn by Hwy-Htrrn tlilalory. M u..tli t.i, i-tUt, Ny-im l-tab-ffVturiM, LIU ldurn Hltta.. I ortlnyl Orgut, See Yellowstone and Southern California These Iwu wonderlands have boon reproduced In rhurmlng Illustration by lb Union Pacific and bound In book form with adequate description. Iloth can ba easily obtained and will prov extremely uiitarlalnlug aa well a instructive. Writ for cople to Wm. MrMurray, C.eneriil Passenger Agent, I'll lin k iiUx k. Portland. Ore too, whu will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. ""PLEATING ItLMSTITCHINO- Hutlotia, ri-i-ll"iliig, I'eurl 1'lrot Mg. W'lita lit-matlt. hiiia Pnil'Mi'dtiry, Uullon fi'ilee All wnrk guarantee'! Smith pleating an Button Worts, Ul Marfan Bldl , Portland, Ora. sinarrt en. isrwsrrrm zrm tttnvwnAl VVutd Portland. Or. THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 7 Wari H . ln..t, trd and HI, I irliar' .t.-hn. SUSS I '-.. 7 SO. I.SUICJ t.,lk uu A.i .,, , Hpa. awl I'avriwtit rian arl lira) ,bi.u vffar. Ma Stan tftta a.1. Set of co nn w Teeth, Wa auaraMaa naWial ami aoifcirianahlii. 1'alr.iraa aitrartMHi af - trm air rvra in ha aama Weallon. II rKN1 Is IS. Waak lrctHi n. hn-und, I'tllaml, tlrtiixi. I)Kl(;S 15 Y MAIL i.AI k. 1AV1H I'Ht il COMCAST Trviw r irtR. 171 1 hittl hi.. 1'urtUnd. Orm iln Yea Have SutTered Enough n1 hv npf-nt punugu AHtny fp UrtiR intsl Ihatt l4V lfi- tin n. ti "tttt, in (i nf Ktum U, Kill- y. ith'i Mftir troul.lf hihI l;IU t i ATtHM. Ihen wrllf m int, Niiitf nnr ftini-ni. hP fh-ln4 4 enta In muni)-) for mv Fr Booklet, hi,h will t. il sin fin. war Li. h tu .N w Lll, llr.illl, Hliil II,., .t.U r.,N H h M ARC 1 1 L Mif4ACLC M INF HAL Ar, Mrrfi. Ih Njiltirt ln, 01 W. Lfmhjrd fti., Portland, Ort. !! ItirtitMIl thta ..tMT. DIVINE HEALING IXSTITUTK Old-time Power of Cod 129 Fourth St., I'ortlund, Ort Ti-lrl hone US'! EXPERIENCE AND CUARANTEE AS s 4rvrlalit I hsva y't to trrst the Oiv uf Tilra (lint will not glvt wsy to my non-oiralonl iratmrnf. Hcnr, my uitiiualitirj GUARANTEE of CURE or HE REFUNDED. My "l.itanii ate the moat ikillful to b found; mv new olli. n In my own new bulldiiid, the l.irt! and hue riulppJ; myownnew hot l,wftuhdnlni,lcon Tenlent iiul cotntortulile fur out of town pstlents who come to me from many . list anil Canada tor rut a I md colon treat- W- I fnr rR EC V Q'traiad b..k. CHASV- DcAN.M D.lnc 3 in nNII WTN-OPPOMTI fOURI HOUSE V rSINriANO.OrtEGON 1."M!W I Wills AH to Housekeeper and Cuts Off Family Camden, N. J. Ei-Juatlce Cliarle Grant Oarrlaon of tha Suprama court of New Jcrio.v, who (llfd nt Morchont Yllle, N. J., left Ida ntlra CHtat to Ma hnusokoeper, Mlaa Winifred Dallln of Wlldwood, N. J. Tha pergonal eaUta wag eatUnated nt f,T0,0C0 and th Yalu of th real calnt waa not r it forth. Th will left nothing to Juatlc Darrlaon'a widow or to njr of thalr OFFERS A MARKET for your produce 1'itMlend, Orer.ia VAUDBVILLB HIOT0 FLATS Compl.le ltiri H I ii I il r . AJulli, Week day Matinee, lllii F.r.nlim, 40e, ctl one I te 1 1 p. in. OfiHdr 10 eenle all tlroee. Hotel Portland' Oldest FUR House K.1. 1,11.1... 1070. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage. 1 71 Tenlh Strut, iff WaaMweten. The Best ol Everything fmtwtwl OnwaHf am. !)ell.tarla. What your tnral frnrar dp rv.t r.rrr W K rll'W IA1.I.K IN, L. Miy-f V. I'M K.flh Hirrwt, portlati'l. Mttll OHsti KoltriUNl PLEATING SPECIAL ('tit, sautn, lirtn simI miu'Mn CI ft A ., u t adllla rrurlv fur ImlHl. iluinillti'llltirr. Iilfiitlriir anil ticrtltlg IASTIHN MOViLTV M0. CO. H unit hubui rrllitiiil, Ora. INFORMATION u DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery llaniamrriiiia-. ttuttona ('vvarad. yfV'iM.vs lH Tanlh at.. Fort land ATTINTION LADirg Sanitary Uaatity Parlor Wa fit you up. turn iiiuka all kliiila ( Hair H'k,.I uf ynur rulnblMKa. Julh nur Hi IiimiI uf ltrHUty Mil ium, 4iio to 4I In hum Kills. I'UulM) llnMiilwar sao, I'uriiun.l, uni,n. AUTOa WITHOUT D)IVCM Lany Hulllvan. 111 H llruadwajf, I'oriiaiiil. l'liiliuns Main SMO. ATTEftlta !(t,uiit iwrnnil hanrt riattartas, $10 0. IS tiranij Avnma, rnrllatiil. CHIROPRACTIC AOJUSTMINT Will brli you rii,-r. Il'a lli mmlM'ii mithx1. Vimi iMiuiiit (MMiaaaa vkhS health with an InibMlri-il nrvoua avatmn. Ifrv. Iiiukwnrth alitl Xlitati-n all mnili-tlt drug. ifi tlir-lliml llr.-tl, 'ib HWi'tluliU iilOg., Klftlt alul WttMliltiKtini, rurllMtnl CAMERA AND KOOAK RCPAIRINO Ailylph W. Ilarr, Alilngtuti Hlg , I'lirtland. Compiat Una Bottlara' gupphat I'm lliilifl llrvoiuiia ai HH Co , 411 Htsrk cut a floral resign CUrka llroa., Horula, 21 Murrlaou Ht. or.'aoram avaTtM" . ' Knr all riit..iik- tilaraars) Mtillann lllitg Df NTIT Clwiilia R VoUn, Bulla 70S-70J Selling Ilullilliig, I nr t In li.l, Orrgnn. KKATMKMH AMI IUiWKHH I hi rwrt lhM away yimr ultl feathara. Wa e'aan. ara mn4 rm.!l and math aamulra. Naw r , ra and I Mlhra Iwk to urlr. VI yaara eatab llahMt. WaaiiarantMallwiirk. Ilartnaaa laalfc ar A KWia, .shop, tt Waahinrton Ml. MOTKUH WAIlAMll. RimmaSlie. t"4 Maillaon Bt. VirlllHtra Itt.oa Krtl ili i4 Co. Vamoiitar, W li. "frrtlllta Mlh llmlna THE l.rt ll.K HKAt'TY W'IHKIL" 1 ha l.urlln niflh1 malira you rl mHrrrllrr. All limln h,-a of lleuilty rultura tmiKht hy airt lliatrui tiira Kur full In rnimatli'il Ktlla 41 Belling -lllrach iildg. Mi, ma xiuiii .n. MOLCR SARSia COLLeGB 'I'rwtltea trniia In a wrt-ka. Fnma fwy whlla leainltMf. I'lialtlnlia aartlrrd Wrtta f,if rataliiaua. 134 ltuuiaiU btiaet, l'orl land, Ori'K"ii. auROiCAu const t klada to himaure, il Waaliltigtnn fit. ""if ihi are trfiiil.lrd with ApinrilrllU nr Htnniarh Triiilila. wiila lllas lsnmpany, rortiatiil, origiin. tur Ciaa liifurniallua im Carman or Kugllah. PAINT AND WALLPAPER Ulllrr I'allit Co, 1,3 Kllat Ht. PERfECTO TRUNk WfO. CO. 'Irniika, Auto Trunka tu oidar. Third nd I'liia, I'ortland, tra. RYDER PRINTING CO. Irnttilfi Printing fur l,eB 11 Third hlin l I in tin ml, Orrgon USED cah'reciters Rralaa, KlnltKi ..!!. Mil, a. Bho Caaaa, lint' hrra' Pluplnv t'litr,. imXIiH THAUlNi) Ct. IM First ft rortliiiid, Oregon Trl. Illtnadway ;tn PLUMBING MATERIAL Hatha, alnka. Inllrta, taalna, tinllars, pica, valvta and fuuiiga. 1'iuea raaaoa a I Standard Plumbing t Haatlns. Co. Faat (th and Mnrrlann n Portland, Or. C LEANING AND DYEING aMS I'or Iwltalila riaanlaa and Dr. PtO .k ln aarvlra aand uareala ta aa. ii.'-jn Waparrvlura pualaaa, Infona. M k v M atkn and pneaa aivaa aaaa ra- 3"Pl uaat, kney tUKKS CUT DYR WORKS.. I'auliliahed IKO. Portland. Ora SILK SHOP Foratgn and DomattiO Kafoury Itrua., Jhl Aider Ht. AUKIE PILLS Foe Waak k irinara and Innammatioa of tha IIMdar. Price 25c a Box W pay tha 1'oatacc WINKLER'S PHARMACY K!H-M North Hi.ih St, . PORTLAND. ORIS l7i0 Sir" M DR, R. W. D0NOHUI COHNKR ftmiNil AND MUltHlMOH SICNSEKVICZLVC TtuvtovAurr' Cltctrlc SIGNS Caneral atlmataa free Slana Erected Anpwher urnslda at eleventh s Portland. Ora. HORSES and MULES Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Wa are tlia old rellahla Arm that liaa alwava atiiwl fur aiuara ilfalme, H a truarantHa all atwk aa rratttNl, Wa rint hy tha flay, waak or mnnth, aitk or withoot harnaaa. Call wnta or North Portland Horse a Mule Co., Union stock Yarde, North Portland, Oregon. Empire 0121. thro children or to hi brother, Mud ley M. Oarrlaon of New York, former aecretary of war. Th widow, Um. Anna IL Oarrlaon, who ha home at Palmer Lak, Colo, had lived apart from her buaband for fifteen year. Illuitriou Dead Th number of pertonf burlod In Wtmlntr abbe t approxlmalel L200. tttitt Door to ivtrythtnf in Town " 1! w E rKVrvk e.e pahn HOtUMION Vr Dtw r.l:.. Whirieeom. find eooked iort rlrbl lOfHeilUS by Hooka who know. HFf.UALKAe - - , lunrheon MrvaH daily that cannot (ifetoril he earwlled. Park Street beiweee WaehinaUia and Alder, WHOLESALE PIH REEVES, INC. Cotfch DECKER BuaiNEa COLLEOE Al.lHKY ULIKJ. Vour'i'TEETM SLEEP" WhlielrVe Work Our Itaputalloii la our graataat aaaet. Dr. Kaana. K, Waahlnglon Ht., Portland AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Kiprrla In all llnaa of llaainy Work. 130 Unllial lllilg , Portland, Oregon. "POR WOMEN BY WOMEN Woman's Kniul'ivmarit Hnraau Walpof nil klnda, 4Q Yamhill Hlret Oregon Luggage Co BfirriAM'Rirffl on TRUNK., IIAOS, BUIT- CAMrJI. 110 KlltO Ht.. Nail llui.i' ia Thaatae HAT ' 5U S3 CAM JgrCILI YCllllW rftlTg ROM I M'y Oilirtttara I VUAIJ SSS A Morrtaua, oppoalta Olda, WorUnaa a King Hotel Portland Hotel Multnomah linger Building y Mary Elizabeth Shop Karlal and Bralp Treatments, Marcelling, permanent Wave, Chllilrana Hair Cutting Hair I ying T'lorlat Hoolh Hervlce t Cenie. Portland, Oregon. I'lumbing Supplies and Pipe Sold Direct to the Public. We eare you money. Write oa for pricae toaay MESHER PLUMBING SUPPLY COMPANY U4 riret St. near Yamhill. Portland. Ore WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS I'arU Sold at HALF PRICE Write or Tall DAVID HODES CO Inc. Everylhir-e fnan e holt to aa ebftns. (rati An., tar. Lai Mm V, ruaaa, Ort MANLEY AUTO CO. LATE 122 HUPM0BILI A mr used by a Portland attorney and waa recently turned In on a aiwrt Hupmo- tile; we have rmdiiiunel thoroughly and will guarantee; It la painted a deep blue with fendera and hood enameled blark; haa spring bumper, epotllght, auto liidhleiii ealpa, J4 in enae, nartap, etc.; car may he Bean In our uaeo ear dept. or will err a nee demonstration by 'phone ei'P'iliittnaiit, price Ills, terwe given, alao irauea. MANLEY AUTO CO., Uee Car Dept. 431 Burneide. Portland, Or. Auction Sale Fiirnlture, Automobiles, Trufka Ton"t ml an this opportunity. Lvary Haturday, I p. M. rihaip. CITY AUCTION CO, 171 Ird Ht. M'aat Bide Portland, Ore Farm in Family 108 Year Little ItiK-k. Wuahlngton count; farm land la worth keeping, or at least thai I the belief of It. M. Morton, who !! near Karinlneion. Ilecorda how hla fnrm has reniitlnrd In the poaae- alon of the family since 1813, or 106 year. The land waa acquired by the Uortona eighteen year befor Ark an aaa waa ailmltted Into the Vnlon. The rireaenl-day Norfolk Jacket la a reproduction of the chain-mail bao berk. Rural Girl Beat Bacramento. Girl atudenta In rural schools far turpaaa th UilUe rec ord of their urban eleter, ccord' Ini to Dr. Herbert R. Stola, itat su- pervlaor of phyalcal cducaUon, in ht annual report. Athletic proficiency in sport during th last few year ha been particularly marked tmon th girl atudenta generally, aaia m rector. dl A light lunch may b th rult of a blond hair In u butter. Insure Againat Blindnea Llttl Rock, Ark. The atute aecr tnry ha Juat granted a charter to a Fort Smith cwnpnny that will Inaur pereon agulnat bllndneaa and dear neaa. and It ll (aid to be the only con ccrn of th kind In the world. Senator r-uuila Thompson of Fort Smith Is president of the new concern. German Plan &how Economy. Munich. (ieruiiin ninniifiicturera. Iliulletl by punt war reKUliitlnna, err niaklnx very -few nlrpliinea. Ncverlhe- It'SM, a machine built In Munich re rently flew from Unsnrln to lUienot Aires, Arutfiitlim, 2ti tulles. In one third of the train lime for the dla t unco tnd at a coat for eaaollne equa to the price of railway ticket. e e e a The famous roada of Italy atlll mark th glorloua days of the mighty Roman empire. The greut Applun way waa built In 812 li. C, and I still wonderful rond. e a e The grnnd total of mileage over Im proved highways aided by federal roada appropriations Is ;n':!0 nilles, This lueuna that the motorlnt can now travel a distance equivalent to th circumference of the earth over high ways which have been uaalated In (heir construction by government funds. aaaaaaaAaAASAaaaaaaaaaaaaA T?f eee ff fee e f f ee ee f f ee f ?tt STATE NEWS t IN BRIEF. f fffffffifffffferf reefffff Newport, Whon the new lluk of Hin Hooaevelt highway bi;twen Otter iTwk uud the Hllelz river 1 com pit' t ed It will open to the tourist one of I ho really beautiful scenic routes of the alute, Huloiii. The automobile caravan ol lh Oregon state grangn, which was to huva started on a tour of the stale from here Monday, has been postponed Inderinltoly, according to a telegram received by local grangers Saturday. Hulem. The Salem school board Hut urduy sold $220,000 of bonds, Issued recently, to Freeman, Bmlth & Camp company of I'ortlund ttt f 100,696. The bonds will bring ' premium ot ::1.20. There were eight bidders fur the bonds. fialem. The work of obtaining data for the biennial' budget of estimated xpenditures affecting state Intuitu Hons and departments was started i ru under the direcllon of Carle Abrama, who recently waa appointed smrelury ot the budget commission. Freewater. According to Commis sioner Hean of this city, the county court at a recent meeting aet a stand ard ot wages to be paid by Umatilla county for the remainder ot the year as follows: Fur man and team $S a day, day laborers 3 a day, teams $2 a day, Hood River. The center of gold mining activity In this section centers around Spirit luko, north of Steven son, Wash, In Skamania county. Otto Fiest, who Is packing for miners en gnged In the region of Mggerbead mountain, aaya that 200 clalma will b worked this summer. Eugene. The state highway com mlsalon haa Ita portable paving plant at work on the new aectlon ot the Pa ilflc highway just north of Cottagt Grove and will move It from ther to the overhead crossing at McVeigh I'oint, between Eugene and Goshen. the approaches of which will be paved. Mill City. Several million ot sal in on which have been In the ponds ol tin) hatchery at Muhama for several months, have been released Into the river and the hatchery will now be placed In readiness to receive the new eggs, which will be taken from the salmon at the racks near Detroit next fall. Medford. Miners have staked min ing clalma 17 milea from Rogue River. between tha town of Gold 11111 and Kogue River, and are now mining the sites. Owing to the extreme low stage ot Itogue river bedrock Is easily reach ed and mined for gold. Rcgue river ia now the loweat ever aeen by real dents here. Salem. Sam A. Koier, secretary of state', haa announced that he will go to Salt Lake city, Utah, early next month where he will attend a meeting of the secretaries ot state from all sections of the United States. A number ol Important mattera wilt be discussed Mr. Koier will give an address during the convention. Hood River. Reports from Steven son, Wash., and Cascade Locks are to the effect that work on the interstate bridge, to crose the Columbia river be low the Cascades, near the site ot the mythological Bridge ot the Gods, will be resumed In August. Borings for s Pier on the Washington bank, It is stated, will be started next week. Salem. Attorney-General Van Winkle Friday sent to Stanley Myers. district attorney ot Multnomah county notice ot appeal to the United States supreme court of the so-called com pulsory school bill case. The neces sary bond accompanied the appeal notice. The appeal Is on the case brought by Hill Military academy of Portland. Pendleton. Severol initiated petl Hons have been filed with the county clerk during the last tew days. One aska that the elate Income tax law he repealed. Another would repeal the law creating the public service commission, and a third would make compulsory the workmen's compensa tion law In practically all hazardous occupations. Astoria. The majority ot the log glng enmra In the lower Columbia river district are planning to close down for the summer holidays on June 28, and will reopen about 10 days later. The Intention waa a few weeks ago to start the midsummer shutdown about the middle ot June, but alnce then there has been an Improvement in the lumber market, and as a result the demand for logs has increased. Snle'm. The time for paying the second Installment ot the atate Income tax, which under the law la. June 20, haa been deferred until July 20, ac cording to announcement made at the office of the atate tax commission here. Mombers of the commission said the time for paying the second Installment ot the tax waa deferred because ot a suit now pending in the supreme court in which the constitu tionality of the act is under attack WORLD HAPPENINGS OF GUBI WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Item. COMPILED FOR YOU Events of Noted People, Govtrnaseate and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Kaowlng. The engagement ot Miss Margaret Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Watson of San Francisco, and Herbert Hoover Jr, was announc ed Tuesday. President CooIIdge doe not feel that an extra session ot congress was made necessary by the failure of the senate to pass the deficiency appro priation bill. Isaburo Yoshlda, formerly coun sellor of the legation at Pekln, has been named counsellor ot the em basay at Washington, tha Japaneae foreign office announced Saturday. General Archibald Jack, general manager ot the United Railway of Havana, the employe of which are on strike, wa shot and wounded late Monday as he left bl office In the central station. Second Lieutenant Harold D. Hail and Corporal Ralph W. Lehman ot the marine corps were killed Tuesday in an airplane accident In Stafford eoun ty, Virginia. Hull waa from Crockett, Tex. Lehman waa from Mayodan, N. C. The Rome chamber of deputlea Sat urday by a vote of 3C1 to 107 adopted a reaolution expreaalng full confidence In the government ot Premier Musso lini "for the work it ba accomplish ed and in its program for the future." The speech from the throne was alao approved. Belief that the peak ot the agitation in Japan against American enactment ot an immigration law barring Jap aneae bad passed, was expressed in well informed circle in Toklo, Mon-j day. The active phase ot the agita tion. It was agreed,, cannot continue more than two or three weeka. - The house ot delegates of the Amer ican Medical association In conven tion in Chicago, Tuesday adopted a resolution calling for the repeal of those sections ot the national prohi bition act which interfere with the proper relations between the physician snd his patient in prescribing alcohol medicinally." The first ot a doten or more in vestigations to be conducted during the recess ot congress opened In Washington, D. C. Tuesday with the reaumption ot bearings by the bouse committee Investigating the shipping board. There will be practically no let-up In the committee's delibera tions during the entire summer and tall. Plan tor expenditure during 1925 ot $4,500,000 for new conatructton and repairs on the Great Northern rail road between the Rocky mountains and the Pacific coast were announced In Spokane Tueaday by Ralph Budd. preatdent ot the railroad. He said it would Include rebuilding ot the Colum bia river bridge at Wenatchee at a cost of $1,000,000. Immediate conversion ot an initial group of 13 shipping board cargo ves sels to Diesel-propelled types Is plan ned by the board whoae experts have been studying for several month a program which eventually will Involve an expenditure ot $25,000,000, author ized by congreaa for thl purpose. President CooIIdge baa signed the bill providing the mean. Nine persons are reported to have been killed and a score ot bouse washed away In Mercer and McDowell countle. Weat Virginia, Monday by a flood following a beavy rain dorm that reached the proportion of a cloudburst. Section ot Norfolk t Weatern railroad branch Hues and atdetracka to a number ot mining operation were washed out. Following the unanimous passage of an emergency reaolution presented by the New York delegation to the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs' 17th biennial convention in Los Ang eles. Cut.. Monday, telegrams were sent to chairman of all political con ventions urging them to Include lit their platform a plank indorsing America' adherence to the world court and further urging all parties to provide tor all possible co-operation with other cation for world peace, llUUteb Fap-eols All Slsea, Prices, Term. Also ITaed and Re-bullt Trucks. Write for Catalog. BADLEY SMITH CO., Sth and Burneide Portland, Ore. You Want a Good Position Very wall Take the Ao-ountaney A Boatneaa Manairement, Private Harratarlal. Cakulator Comtometor, Stenographta, Penmanahlp, or Com mercial Taacheri' Court at The furemoat Hualneaa (Villeee of tha Niirthweat which haa won mure Amiracy Awarila and Ookl Meflal. than any otnr a,;,,,.,' 'n ncrVa. fur tmr ui-cei Catalotr. 1 1 jrii, .,irrt near Mor. riaon, Portland. Ore. laaar M. Walker, freaident Human Nature Varies Little. Console yourself, dear man and brother; whatever you may be sure of, bo sure at least ot this, that you are dreadfully like other people. Human nature has a much greater genii! for Sameness than for originality. Lowell. Longest Word., More than two months ago the longest" word was stated in this col umn to be "antidlscstabllshmentarlan. Ism." Last week a read in the West dug up a mate to it. His word Is 'antltranssubstantiatlonalism." Grit. Wall of th Pessimist. Dr. Alfred Russell Wallac says than "man has shown no Improvement, either in intellect or morals, from the days ot the earliest Egyptians and Assyrians, down to the keel laying of the latest dreadnaught." 1 Old Mathematical Work. The Rhlnd manuscript, now in tha British museum, is the oldest Intel ligible mathematical work extant that has ever been deciphered. Mrs. M. Ettner ' j-eav ; 3 ) I A Are Your Days A Pleasure? Health Will Make Them So Salem, Oreg. "For some year I have used Dr. Pierce's Golden . Medical Discovery as a spring tonic and have never found it to fail in cleansing the system, stimulating the blood and giving a feeling ol healthy life. At one time I was weak and run-down, felt all wont . out and ready ta go to bed, but the help I got from the 'Golden Medical Discovery' brought back to me a feeling of strength and new life. I ahall alw-avs have a sood word to say for this wonderful remedy tor 1 have always found it good when a tonic was needed. I nave also used the 'Pleasant Pellets' for the stomach, liver and bowels, and can say they can be depended upon to clear and regulate these organs." Mrs. M. Ettner. 475 South 18th St. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice or send 10c for trial package of any of bis medicines. Didn't Want to Shsr Daddy. I naked Lucia bow ahe would like the dork to bring her a baby brother, and she replied: 'No room here for a baby brother. My daddy haa all he can do now to read the funnleato me." Chicago Tribune. Travel Not. It i laid that moat ot Tokyo' criminal belong to the Intellectual classes. When In Tokyo, therefore, beware ot the stranger who beings to quote Homer to you. Boston Tran script. When Moving a Heavy Chest. When a heavy chest or box Is hard to move try putting an old window shade roller or broomstick under one end. By doing this the heavy article can be rolled quite a distance. Virtu of Courage. Courage I a virtue that the young cannot spare; to lose It is to grow old before the time; It Is better to make a thousand mistakes and suffer a thou sand reverses than to run away front battle. Henry Van Dyke. Properly Situated. Occasionally the right man in the right place occupies quarters in a building where the windows are nicely titled with Iron bars. Exchange. Robins Numbered In Millions. It Is estimated there are 22 million robins in the United States, which Is a larger number than the Eugllsh spur row, tholr nearest rival. Is needed lit every department ol hooee. keeping. Equally good lor towo' ble Unao, eheate and pillow P. N. U. No. 25, 1924 I i e