CUE 1 DAWES lira EXPECT VALUATION REPORTS Republican National Convention Comes to End. Lowden Declines to Run. Convention Hall, Cleveland, O. President Coolldge was nominated Thursday by the republican national convention in a proceeding which was actually a ratification meeting. Only dissenting votes from Wis aonsin and North Dakota prevented the president's nomination by acclam ation and making It unanimous. Nominated by his personal friend. Dr. Marlon Leroy Burton, president of the University of Michigan, the ' president received solid blocks of votes from all the states on the final rollcall except from those mentioned. Before the first and only rollcall was half completed the story of his victory had been told, as Btato by state the votes of solid delegations from east, vest, north and south were thrown to his support. CALVIN COOLIDGE t. .'vention Hall, Cleveland. O. Chales G. Dawes of Illinois, the ''Holl and Maria" general, was nominated for the vice-presidency by the republican national convention Thursday night after it once had nominated Frank O. Lowden, ex-governor of Illinois, and he had refused to accept the place, The convention was later adjourned President Coolidge's nomination was accomplished with only a ripple of dissent from Wisconsin and North Dakota, but the nomination of his run nlng mate came only after the con vention had once chosen Lowden am! hud been forced by his declination to choose another the "Hell and Maria general. After a short race with Herbert Hoover, who came Into the ballottlni: after the declination of Lowden Dawes galloped oft with tlis nomlna tion. Motions to make It unanimous ami by acclamation were disturbed only by the dissent frotit Wisconsin and North Dakota. In a brief and spectacular fight In which William Butler, President Cool idge's campaign manager, had said to Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, "It CHARLES Q. DAWES must be Hoover," and Senator Reed had replied, "I can't be done. It must be Dawes," the Dawes supporters. after the declination of ex Governor Lowden of Illinois, marshaled their forces and put the general across for the nomination. 48 MEN KILLED BY SHIP BLAST San Tedro, Cal. Two premature ex plosions killed three officers and 45 men of the battleship Mississippi Thursday and Injured s score of others, and the menace of death still hounded the crippled dreadnought as she left her dead and Injured behind and headed out to sea to protect har bor life and shipping from the peril of a third and imminently expected blast, The first explosion occurred at 1 P. M. while the Mississippi was en gaged In target practice off San Clem ente island, 45 miles from here, spread ing death among the SS men in No. 'I turret. Officers said the prtmature blast might have been due to a sailor giving the signal for the electric flush igniting the charge in one of the tur ret's H inch rifles before the breech was properly closed, or it may have resulted from a "flare back" caused when a fresh charge was being loaded into the breech. As the stricken ship reached the goal of its race for surgical assist ancethe hospital ship Relief, just in side the breakwater here a second blast rocked the vessel. The charge In the damaged turret's second 14-lnch rifle exploded, hurling the steel pro jectile out to sea. Embassy in Japan Acts on American Boycott Toklo. The boycott on American made motion picture films, duo to re sentment because of the recently en acted exclusion of Japanese immi grants from America, has been brought to the attention of the Japanese gov ernment by the American embassy here. The direct cause of the embassy's action was a complaint from repre sentatives of the American film com panies at Kobe, who reported that the boycott movement was progressing In western Japan and asked assistance in combating It. At the same tlmi tho boycott here was breaking dow'i. The police have announced that full protection wll be given any theater showing Amer lean films and have warned "patriots,' as the most active supporters of tb boycott term themselves, not to use intimidation as a weapon for gaining the assent of the theater owners to plans to bar American pictures. The leading Toklo theaters plan t continue using the American films. Tax Refund to Be Prompt. Washington, D. C Taxpayers who paid the full amount of their Income tax on March 15 will not have to wait until December for the refund of one fourth of the amount, as seemed like ly as the result of the failure of tho do ficiency appropriation bill In the re cent session of congress. Director of the Budget Lord has ap proved an arrangement by which the treasury will pay the refund out of another appropriation. The deficiency bill carried an appropriation of $16, 110,000 for refunds to those who paid the entire amount of their tax on March 15 in advance of the action ot congress In the new tax law granting a 25 per cent cut on taxes on Incomes of 1923. Congress In the annual treasury department appropriation bill appropriated $105,000,000 for tax re funds In connection with the settle ment of disputed tax cases. Under the arrangement which has now been made the treasury will draw upon the $105,000,000 fund In refunding amounts due to taxpayers who paid In full on Murch 15. Two Bombs Shake City. Harrlsburg, III. Two dynamite bombs exploded early Sunday, blinking the entire city, and causing the partial destruction of two houses and break ing the windows of several other ad jacent homes. No persons were Injur ed by the explosions. The bombs were thought to have been sent by persons opposing re cent liquor rulds in Saline county, III. Biby Drowns In Pail. Albany, Or. The nine months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fltzwnter of Stuyton was drowned Saturday after noon when it fell Into a pail of water setting on the porch. Mrs. Fllzwatcr left the house to attend to some duties in the yard. The child crawled after her until It was attracted by the pail. The Infant fell head first into the con tainer and was dead when Its mother returned to tho house. Isabel, S. I). A tornado which struck Clad valley, in Ziebach county, west of here, lute Saturday, caused probably a score of Injuries. Property damage may run over $100,000, ac cording to word received here today. Storm Leaves 12 Dead. Johnson City, Tcnn. Twelve known dead, four seriously Injured, more than a dozen houses, barns and mills de molished and thousands of acres of furm crops ruined, constitute the toll of the most disastrous cloudburst ever recalled In this section. It appeared to have Its center near Hunter, on Little Stoney creek and Blue Springs creek, where a house, H which two families lived, went to pieces, taking nine lives. Commerce Italy Likely to Act This Summer on Railroad Values. Washington, 4). C. Valuation re ports fixing the final values ot Import ant railway systems ut the United States tiro expected to bo issued by the Interstate commerce commission this summer. The valuation work hns progressed to tho stage where a num ber ot reports on large systems may be completed in tho next few months The field work of the bureau ot valuation, Involving Investigations made In the field by engineers, land appraisers and accouutauts, has been practically completed. Records ot the bureau ot valuation show thut the underlying reports which are made the basis for tenia tive final valuations huvo been com pleted as to approximately S5 per cent ot the total steam railway mile a?e In the country. Tentative valuation reports buve been completed as to 22 per cent of the mileage. Valuation of rullroads begun In 1913. when congress made an Initial appro priation of $100,000. In thut year the commission had 31 employes in It bureau ot valuation and expended $10. 372.91 .for valuation work. By 1915 the expenditures had in creased to $2,183,296. and the num ber ot employes hud increased to 1291 Expenditures and the number ot em ployes Increased until 1919, when ex pendltures totaled $3,560,098 and tin number of employes totaled 1530. In 1920 expenditures decreased to (2.983,021 and the number ot employes dropped to 990. Tho following year the expenditures were $2."33.0U0 ami the number ot employes 926. In 1922 expenditures further decreased to $1. 595,000 and the number of employed declined to 585. At present the bureau of valuation has approximately 250 cm ployes and congress has authorized un appropriation ot $647,000 fur the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1925. Valuation of the ruilrouds was start ed In 1913 with the general cxpecta tion that it would be completed In about three years. The magnitude of the undertaking was not rcullzed at thut time. The work is now in It tenth year and it is estimated thut two or three more years will claps- before final valuations have been made on all the railways ot the country, al though officials directly in charge ot the work decline to give an estimate at this time as to Just how much long er it will be before final valuation re ports have been completed. When the reports have been IhkumI the final values found will have to lie brought up to dote, the final values being fixed as of June 30, 1915, 1916 or 1917. Many ot the final values fixed by the commission will be contested in the courts by the railroads and lit I gallon will delay the final establish ment of value as a basis for rate muk ing. t Where Shall We I I Fly the Flag? V Japanese Seek Entry. Seattle, Wash. Immigration In spectors examining 23S Japanese who arrived hero Monday aboard the Ail mlral oriental liner President Mi-Kin ley with passports from Japan, found scores who claimed long years of res! dence In this country could not speak a word of English, according to of ficers of the immigration station. Advices received by the department In Seattle asserted that 2700 Japan- ese will seek entrance to the United Stutes through this port before July 1, when the Japanese exclusion act be comes effective. Dozens of brides and bridegrooms were among the pas sengers. Warship Hits; Floated. Norfolk, Va. The battleship West Virginia, which went aground soon after leaving Hampton rouils for France Moniluy, wus pulled off the mud bunk, where she had held fast at high water and proceeded to Lyun Haven roads to anchor for minor repairs. Minn sweepers and tugs pulled the ship free. Abourd were members of the navy contingent ot the American Olympic team, whose departure bus now been delayed through the crock ing of a condenser head and the los ing of a tower when tho West Virginia struck In a dredge channel. Stolen "Treasure" Lesd. Reno, Nov. Six bars of bullion. stolen last Friday from a railroad at ficrlueh.'Washoe county, Nevada, und supposed to bn worth $0000, were really 97 per cent leud, according to a dispatch received from a special agent by Chief Klrkley of tho Reno police. Ono man, under, arrest here, confessed the theft of tho "treasure" and It was being searched for In Hun Francisco, Sacramento and other places. The vulun of the bars Is $60. St. Paul, Minn. Magnus Johnson, Minnesota's "dirt farmer" senator, was renominated on tho farmer-lubor ticket by an overwhelming plurality In Mon day's statewide primary, returns avail able at 10:30 P. M. showed. He de feated two opponents, By DOUQLA9 MALLOCH WtlKRE hull w fly the nt? .buve The ranks of msrchlna ment Ah, yea. becauee that flnr they love, Would die to eave ea-Mn. But nut alune the soldier lad The flaa ehnulil proudly bear) Let none pararie the land he made Unless the tluf la there. Where ehall we (ly the flag! upon Our ehlpe that (o to era, Whoae flaming guns will light the dawn For all humenltrT Ah. yee; and peaceful merchantmen. Eaet, West, and ev'rjrwhere In ev'ry port or ev'ry eort Let men behold It there, r Where ehall we fly the flag ? dleplay The etanitsrd ot cor alrrer Above the Judge', brow ot gray, L'pon our atlileil eplree. Tea, over ev'ry altar rati And ev'ry Juilit. e chair Because we need no court norvcreed That dors not want It there. Where ehall we fly the flaa? that all The flag; may Irarn to lovet O'er ev'ry college, irreat or email. And ev'ry achnol above. Te. over ev'ry teacher's desk With children In hie rare, Fnr In thle room our huile will bloom We want no treason there. Where ehall we fly the flag? that you And t may umteretamt Cur bleaalnsa and our duty, too. To home ami (lo.l and land? The freateM wealth, the highest wage. ut moriaie anywnere i O'er fertile bill end buey mill. Oh, let ua fly It there. Where shall we fly the flag? with theee I The treaeurea we pneeeea. Our tlbertlea. our luattrlee? I What better place, ah, yea. j What bettr place our love to enow, Our loyalty to wear? I Where'er we roam, when we come home. Oh, let ue And It there. Where shall we fly the flac? that each May underetnnd and aee; Tee. all who toll, or trade, or teach, 1 Whoever we may be? j O'er marching men, o'er sturdy ehlpe, I Bchonla, churchea, ev'rywhere, O'er mill and mart and In tlta heart. Oh. let ua fly II there! tfi by Mcl'lure N'.wtp.per Syndtrete ) ' lone Market GEO. W. RITCHIE, . Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL IONE, ORE. Refurnished ami Strictly Up to date. Com mercial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. ' SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service Reflections of a Bachelor Qirl Bn MllZN ROWLAND Farm Implements i Vulcan and Oliver Plows, Superior Drills, Fairbanks Morse Engines. Myers Pumps. Star and Aermotor Wind Mills. Winona Wagons. PAUL G. BALSIGER IONE, OREGON THE Wift Who Insists On Cheering a Man Up Whert He Is Feeling "Sorry for Himself' Is Just a Spoil sport The first tiling a bride tins to learn, after the honeymoon, is thut she Is no longer a fascinating mystery but mere ly an accepted "fact." Hut. after all, FACTS are the only thing which a man values, respects and ellng to. At ten, a hny regards girls ns pests; st twenty as a mystery; at thirty as s dimger; at forty as a divine dispensa tion; and at fifty, as a rejuvenator. The first sign of advancing age Is a predilection for the "todilla"; the older and futtcr a dancing man, tho more violently he takes it. Temperament Is a "gift" If you liar It yourself and a "curse" If you art married to It. Because, then, you never know whether you are going to huvo bouquet, klesea, or the cream. Jug thrown at you. A girl la not really in love until aha discovers that a kiss ran be Just as satisfying and thrilling In a 1013 Flivver as In a 1024 Twin-six. Never try to break the heart of a mon of forty-seven. For If the woman of the moment falls hlm, there are still his philosophy, his work, tils golf, his tobacco, lils clubs, his books and an other woman to console him. (Copyright by Helen Rowland.) 1 YZ'K e.i . e loung Ladr Across the War Good Time to Subscribe for the Independent Is Now! The young lady across the way . toys Iff mighty nice, of coarse, to own your own home, but It'a cheaper to rent and not huvs the tuze cost jrou anything. (C MeCiure N.wneip.r Syn4lcl..) , Advertise in THE INDEPENDENT It Reaches the People