The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 23, 1924, Image 4

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Published : very Friday by
P. P. H.iSSl.l: :, h'ilitor-1'ublisher
sunt' KirnoN:
One yeiir $1.60
Six months 7G
Thioo months ... . SO
Entered as second class maltar at the
postiillieo at Ion. , Jreson, under act
of Xln: u :i, l,s7
i rickiy 1 1 ..y 23,1924
, iw- in
ft , '
The Next President
Who was Geo, T. Cochran?
And Baker wept.
Hello, IHen Walkor? You was
a dear jtood vote M'Ucr.
The Fanner and Citizen be
lieve in Senator Charlie McNary.
And Baler wept.
Now all together win the re
pulilican National, .Stale and the
Morrow county ticket in Novem
ber. It can and will be done.
A. R. Shmnway of Miilon, Ore.
secured Hie election for repre
sentative fiom Umatilla anil Mor
row counlieH, showing that he
was a foxy old politician at that.
Shurnway is a strong man, having
repiesented tliese two counties
before and his former record has
briuht spots on every pane.
The Brent Cyclopean head of
the Morrow county Klan resides "ltd Cancer of Pen
in lone. He looks ,,uile hn.-ard ' ,11,'lon- father a,ui hrother of Sanl
ml ml since he heard of Geo. i (!a,,Kl'r' were here Monday niht.
Cochranjrlorious.h feat. Oihers!Tu,,8,iaylhey Wt for the J?hn
of il.. tril,, .,,,,1 ilir vma. 1 Dhv ci"'try for a visit to their
thizers, a;t as though (hey had
the epizootic. Funny how those
dizzy spells come on we tinder-
stunt! that the Cyclops is due to
have one in i .lime.
The l.Miri'BNDl'NT made aih an
canipaicn auai r.t-t the school unit
me.isure and for Helen Walker as
county superintendent. We k i,m
we were ri;:ht in both i list ai-e s.
If we have etuned our illu; !v:ou;i
county siiperintendi'tit any mei.tal
ant'uisli, we are sorry, but we .o
praise her for I lie slan t :-he be
liev d wasriht Helen Walker's
vote w;u a clean cut one, also the
Vote rc'islere I mrunst tin
school Imn i'o id, till of wbic
ii tit ;
keep.-) us
tickle so.
la tK'hiiiji as our nbs
Lurm Crowd At lone 1 rack
And Ficlil Meet
The annual track and Held meet
rif tint I!m,er (ilnmliii. Aihiilic
I ...i, in,, u-ik iiehl iit !,,..,, i,t 1
Saturday. The meet whs well
attended and the events were
close from start to finish; many!
of the events furnished thrills lot !
the crowd because of their close
and I'M'iiinir finish. Fossil won
the meet w ill) oS points; Wasco'
was second with -IS; lone ha I 10.
and Lexington o. Jack Meyer of!
Wasco, wits hinh point w inner j
with 'Ji! o I points; Nolan Page of
lonu was second hie liest with 1:!;
3 4 points a id David Don of Fos-j
lit third wil:t lit points.
The winners of lii st place in the !
ditferettt ev enls were tts follow s::
1(10 yard iladt, Pimeol lone; mile
run, l'ownsendof Fo:.sil; L'.'O vd. 1
hurdles, KelMiy of Fossil; biu.t j
put, Liy of lone; ITJO jard dash. t
Pane of lone; discus throw. Jones
ol Wasco; wo yani itusn, i.uthet
of Fossil; I'-'O yard high hurdles,
Carl Linn of lone; broad jump,
Kelsay of Fossil; javelin throw,
Meyer of Wasco; half mile, Luther
f Fossil; pole vault, Meyer ol
Wasco; high jump, Meyer, Wasco,
and Lion of Fossil tied for lit st.
Half niila relay won by V uaco.
Coming to
The Dalles and Pendleton
Dr. Mellenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years.
W ill lie lit
The Dalles on Saturday, May 24,
at The Dalles Hotel, and in Pend
leton on Sunday, May 25, at the
Dorion Hotel.
Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
No Charge for Consultation
1I Mcllellt nlll It 'll, ivjriiliir Krnilli
n U' ill nii'illrini' ninl Kiii'imy nuil in
liiTimi'il liv thcKliilc uf Oregon, lie
linen nut u'H'l'iit fur elirunii: uppi'li
iirl in, ynli Hi iiiii'H.iilrt'rH of Hliiniiii'h,
luliHils or illll'llllillH.
Hi1 Ihim to IiIk crcilit wiiinlci'l'ul n.
xilltn In iliwiirti'-i uf l lir hi runnel',
liver, liowel.-l, IiIomiI, nkill, nerves.
Iienrt. kidney. Iiliiililer, hcil well inn.
i-iilnrrli, weak Iiiiikh, rlieiiiniitiHiii,
Hi'lnlien., U'K nicer unit tee till nil-
Ili'luw lire tin iinineH (if ii few n(
ninny wilimieil pialeiilH In Ore
Kun: Mrs. .1. V. II.i.vneH, North I'owiler,
Orciri in. unit re.
Mr. Allen Will In dim, Mnlhenr, Ore.,
hen rt troiilile; liiuli lilooil preHHill'i.
I 'no.sjorooH, AHtorln, Ore. iippemli.
II. Ilrcuucller, Silverlnn, Ore., nicer
of the Htoinneli
Mi'H. (ii (iillnuiti, Coipillle.Orc
tf.'lll NtollCH.
Mix. M. I;. OnrHon, Silver) on, Ore..
Iiluh lilooil prcMKiire.
.Mi'H. . I. M. Ilowcix, Toleilo, Ore .
Hull HtoneN.
AnyiiHt. I'j-iekHon, l.nieHlili. Ore.,
.hliie.v troiilile.
Keineinlier nliove iiilr, Hint con-
IHiillnllon on tills trip will lie free
iiiiillhnt Iiih trentnient Ih iliffi'retit.
Miirrleil women init-t lie neciinipu
lileil liy tlielr h iimIhi m Ih.
AiMreHH: l!ll I'.nulliiirv llli! Lin
Anp;eleH, California.
M. II. Morjian wishes to express
liis thanks to those who cast theit
votes for him last Friday, anil re
Kardless of defeat, he is happy
over the fact that so many of the
citizens of Morrow county did
consider him worthy of the judite
ship ollice.
A car load of cattle by Fred
lin n.i. ml nnd n K.mrln ilpclf lnuil
of ,,1(,(,p ,,y J()lin q,,,,, wm,
shipped from here to Portland on
"Rusty" Cochran has been on
the clerkii.R force at the Hert
M:iH)n store tliis week.
Mr. and Mis. John L. Calkins
who went to Portland with his
brother, C. H. Calkin, who un
derwent a serious operation by
Dr. W. U. Holden, at the Port
land Sanitorium. is slowlv im-
proviiur, Htnl J. L nnd wife are
expected home within the next
three weeks.
Monjan I.ih
Momun scliool closed last Vri
day with n line program and the
children all done line, showing
they had been well trained, Tlu
llol 'h..v was enjoyed by th
entire neighborhood, having the
usual picnic dinner with lovely
ice cream.
Franklin Ely went to Arling
ton Sunday last to meet Miss
Gladys Perrow of Portland, who
is spending n few days visiting
at the the 11. 0. Ely home.
Il is still hot and dry at Mor
gan and all predicting rain.
Mrs. lien Morgan is Ht Hood
Rieras a delegate to the lie
bekah convention.
Ih i't Mason and Ollie Kineadt
are fishing on Crooked river and
the Deschutes and other streams
this week.
Horn.--To Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Kietm:um at the llet.oner hosni-
U ast Saturday, May 17, 1911.
a line boy, Riven the name of
Van Edward.
Go to the
Ball Game
Sixty Thousand Children Train
ed; Thousands Encouraged
to "Carry On."
How America rescued 250,000 peo
ple from certain death, uaved 16.0U0
orphans from blindness, restored 14,
159 orphans to home lite and self sup
port, gave medicul aid to 22,000 peo
ple allhouKh twelve physicians died
while fighting typhus, clothed 505,
200 refugees, accomplishing these re
sults. In spite ol obstacles that would
have daunted anyone except an Anglo
Saxun, Is told in the annual report
of Near Kast Kelief which has re
cently been tiled with Congress.
Moving 20,000 children a distance
of hundreds of miles until pructlcully
all the Armenian children are out ot
Turkey; feeding, cothina-, housing,
and' training 00,000 children, ytduat
lng hoys and girls at the age of 10
to make their own way us mechanics
(or ruilwuy shops, instructors In nurs
ing, scliool teachers, skilled artisans
and farmers, giving faith, hope, and
courage und the will to fight back to
self support to thousands of people
all theHo are but u I'uw of America's
achievements In the Near East last
A fund of nearly $0,000,000 was
raised and expended at an overhead
cost of $678,0UU.
These and other facts are found i:i
the annual report, copies of which may
be secured on application to the Near
East ltelief, J. J. Handsaker, Slate
Director, 013 Stock Exchange, Port
land. "The achievements, great as tiny
are, give us no sense of pride," states
Handsaker, "only a sense of grail
tude that we have been able to do as
much as we have and of regret that
w could not do more. Last year at
one time our Near East Relief work
erg were surrounded by dying men,
women and children at five relief sta
tions at once. A heart broken relict
worker took down the orphanage sv;n
from his overcrowded orphanage be
cause there was no further room nnd
children continued to come pleading
for admission.
"Admission to orphanages was re
fused to 6000 children at one time.
Due to lack of funds it was found
necessary to discontinue child feeding
in Constantinople although there were
ix inches of snow on the ground at
the limn."
At the present date there are at
least 500,000 people homeless In
Greece, people who two year ago
were Belt supporting and self respect
ing residents of Turkey. A third of
a million people ure slowly starving
to death although the people aided
by ilia Creek government to the ex
tent of its ability and by relief
agencies are attempting to fight their
way back through unspeakable din
courngements to self support.
The report closes with urgent recom
mendations from 15 prominent Amer
icans recently in the Near East that
the work be continued until the chil
dren now in the orphanages are
brought to self support and that th
needs of the hundreds of thousands of
other helpless children in the Near
East be urged upon America. Among
those signing these recommendations
are John 11. Kinley. editor of the New
York Times, Ex (lovernnr Allen ol
Kansus, Dr. ("avert. Secretary Federal
Council of Churches, lllsimp Cannon,
M. E. Church South, Mrs. Alice llegun
rf" . JH ill
This little Cast rrfunte ii one
among more than .1 miiliun who fled
from Turkey to Crc;ce att year.
Near East Bunt.le Day May 21
Near Hum Relief Pundit I lay it
Wednesday. May Wi. On this day
the people of Dreg. n ur asked to ,oi
tribute otitKrowu. rut of ilute, and east
off clothing for the t0,000 chlldtvu In
American orplianiig.'s nnd for the r00,
COO people liomel'!- In llreece.
It 1 ulmeet InipoKHihle In the midst
of our prosperity to r.alije that chll
drn on lh other side of the world
are clothed in rugs und even starving
to death. (Hie third of a milium peo
ple are slowly starving tilt hough the
government, relief ugcuiie and the
people themselves are doing every
thing possible to bring them tail, to
a condition of self support. To such
people n suit ot warm clothing is often
Iht difference Let wen hopeless dls
roursten.ent and the sill to flht on.
Ths clothes are not Tven away if
the person ni'iilyl"- is able to render
sny kind of service In exchange. The
need is imperative tor uhi1 garments
of sll kinds, coats, dresses, sweaters,
lockings, etc.
Local churches are cooperating In
this ilundle Day or bundles may be
lent directly to ths Near Kaat Helisf,
43 Slock Exchttuii.
... VK-. '
fe W.'k "A
v Mmmmwm
' -AW ,ir 2J
8S f-i-
, Goodrich
Independent Garage
Williams Motor Co.
,' -Uii. -' -JJr Vi
MAY 22
SEPT. 15
Omaha .
Cleveland. el $...-1. i2
Toronto ... )t .
PhU'detphia i1(.4ii
Now York.. i4f.
Boston .... t ( "
Kaniiai City ?i ;'
8t. Loult Ki.o
Chkaoo ...
Detroit o-i.iH
Cincinnati., i
Crrcif'onlIr(c farrs to other important
cntjr.s. Ktiuil return limit Oeiuber 81
l'.'L'l. Lll'pnii dtup-over prlvlUgea folnf
and ri'iuinlii.
A ulilo trip to Ye11nTtrm at vmaU
fltlduu.tml c.'St will asfutdtheexparicvae
uf it luo Uiiio.
Onll it tr ph-w nnd let tia iimk all
ytnir Hrrar.i'iitPt.ts. It roito no mora
and wlil nave yuur valuubt Uhm.
J. W. liowK
Gcnvral lani-tiuvr Atnt
t'lHtUnJ. Divilnn
I. L. I lowanl litiys Ranch
I. L. Howard purchased this
week of Mrs. J. T. KnappwiberK
her 417 acre ranch, located or e
mile west of lone, at a consider
ation of $K?,5i0. This big deal
was maile by our live wire real
estate atttrt, W. S. Smith. ' Mr.
Howard tiureson making asheOp
ranch out of the property.
Geo. Ritchie, our popular meat
market man, has been taking a
a loud of fatted hois to Pendle
ton every week lately where he
receives a very good price.
Swanson's Chop Mill 1 las
Fuller Taints. Oils, Glass, Screen
Doors and Windows.
J. S. Lieuallen of Heppner.was
here the past ten days at the lone
hotel on visit to a friend.
i a mm
i f kip
1 i mm
It' 1 B0UND TB"'
v, a '- ft il summer
i a-1
Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the
Machine that needs good Lubrication
Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as
F.' S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them.
no trouble to demonstrate.
iiCoal and Wood!
Flour and Feed
i Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00
16-inch Cord wood,
:: Rolled Barley, .
; Whole Oats,
Mill-feed, ...... 35.00
Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts
Public LuiJ Sale
Isolated Tract
1 t'i hi rt i.ifi. t of the Interior. 1,". s.
I.uihI Ollice nt Tin DitlU'H, Ort'ifou,
April S. I'.Ul.
NOTI1 T. i lieieli.v liiven tl.itt. hh
iliriK'teil liv the CiinitiliHsiiiiter of the
lieiiernl I, ntiil ollice. iimler provision
of Sec. iM.Vi. It. S , J i l tH 1 1 i 1 1 1 to tin
iiiiliciitlon of ('nrroll K. Hiirker.
Serinl No. OJ.Ir' we will offer nt
.ulilic siile, to tin- hliilicnt lilililer.lmt
nt not Icms than i.m per ncre, nt
1(1:10 o'clock u in., on the litis ilny
of .1 line next. Ht this ollice. the fol
IiiwIiik tract of SW SW!j,
S.v. S. SK'i SVM, SV Sv. 3, T.
d S.. It. I-;., If, I
Tin kith will not lie kept open. hot.
j will In iliH-liireil cloKeil when thost
pn'sent nt the Hour mimed Imve
cenxeil lilililini; 'I'll perNi.n inn k Ititr
the lildltest lihl will lie required to
liiimeilintely my to the Iteeelver the
iiiiioiint thereof
All persons cliiliiilntr nilvernely tin
i.liove-ileserilioil In in I lire inlvlneil to
Hie their chimin, or objections, on or
before tlu time ilcxlunnted for mile.
J. W. lMiNM-I.I.Y.
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Office: Odd Fellows Building
Hcppner : Oregon
Leave your watch repairing at
the McMurray pastime for Hay
lor the jeweler, Heppner.
E. L. Padbernan l wife and the
Mt sdaniesJ. B. Black well and B.
F. Morgan, are in attendance at
the Odd Fellows convention at
Hood River this week.
Walt Smith went to Arlington
last Saturday to escort Mrs. J. P.
Knarpenberjj of Portand, to lone,
where she transacted business
matters the first of the week.
To fish in a scientific manner
and catch the bir ones, is always!
the bran of Ld. Wetherail, so in
company with Fred Raymond,
j they leave next Monday for tre
Deschutes river for several days.
And Cochran also ran
fir or pine, 12.90
. . . . 44.00
Morgan, Oregon
Now bookinit orders for S. C.
W. L. day old chicks aftr
May 20th.
$12 per 100 at Ranch
$14 when shipped
One-half cash when booked
and I ten days before ship
ment. June hatches $10 and
$12 per 100 is ordered at once.
Attorneys At Law
First National Bank Building:
Hcppner - Oregon
Cleaning Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
Hcppner, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner :- Oregon
When You Visit Heppner
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
p, H. RobinSOIl
Attorney and Conuslor at Law
Will practice in all the Court