The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 23, 1924, Image 3

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1 lu-VllJLy
Select Residential & Transient
16th and Yamhill. Portland, Oregon.
Modem Fireproof American Plan
TViirk RePublics
lrucKS Fatreois
We Specialize In
Hides, Pells. Wosl, Mohair, Tallow, Casein,
Ortjon Grape Root Goat Skins, Horse Hair
Writ for Shipping Tan latot Price Liit
Portland Hide a Wool Co.
Branch at jPocetallo, Idaho
Removed without Injury to the akin by Ney-Born
Depilatory.' Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab
oratories, 619 Morgan Bldg.. Portland Oregon.
See Yellowstone and
Southern California
These two wonderlands have been
reproduced In charming Illustrations
by the Union Faciflc and bound In
book form with adequate description.
Both can be easily obtained and will
prove extremely entertaining as well
as Instructive. Write (or copies to
Win. McMurray, General Passenger
Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Ore
gon, who will forward them freely to
any address upon receipt of request,
Gold and Silver Plating.
Send u your old Silverware, Reflector!
and Musical Instruments tor repair and
resllverlng. We save you money. B. L.
Koote, SSiHt Washington St., Portland.
Muttons Kcnllnnlns-. t'earl-IMcut Kalae.
Wide Hemstitching, Bmbrtililery, Button
Holes. All work guaranteed.
Smith Pleating and Button Workt,
823 Morgan Blag., r-ornanu, ure.
When Yon Have
Suffered Enough
end have spent enough
money for drug medi
cines thHt have pro
duced no results. In
casea of rltomach, Kld
nev. Liver and Hnwel
troubles and HHKIIMATIBM. then writs
to me, stute your ailment, and enclose 4
cents In stumps for my Free Booklet,
which will tell you tna way duck to
L.He. rtenitn and Happiness wltn
Address, Marcell, the Nature Man,
Ot W. Lombard 6t Portland, Or.
Please mention thla paper.
Set of tfO.OO
Teeth, f U
We guarantee material
and workmanehte.
Painless extraction of
tjxrth. 20 years in
the tame location. V. 8. DENTISTS. We Ween-fog-ton
cor. Second, Portland, Orefon.
We Wreck Autos
and Trucks.
Parts Sold at HALF PRICE
Write ir Call
Everything fmm a bolt to an engine. Grand eve,,
cor. fcaat Salmon at., I'ortiand.
Paths, alnks, toilet, bunlns, boilers,
pipe, valvea and flttliAje. prices reaaon-
Standard Plumbing k Heating Co.
Eaat Slh and tloniaon Sts. Puriland, Or.
Electric SIGNS Cenersl
(sumstss rrse Slans traded Annwhars
Burntlda s' Clsvsnib : fonlsii.Or4u
Plumbing Supplies and Pipe
Sld Direct to the Public.
We aara yon money. WriU u, for prices today
184 Firat SL. near Yamhill. Portland. Ore
The truth ws tall
About what we aell
Not only thia, but
Wa buy only good can
Wa buy them at the right pdea
Wa faithfully and honestly recondition.
Wa stand behind them squarely
W sell on easy terme
Wa take your car aa part paymtnt
Wa have SO cars to aeiact from.
Used Car Dept.
411 Burnaide, Portland, Ore.
Norway to Celebrate
Chrlstlanla. The nine hundrHth sn
BlTersary of the olBolal establishment
of Christianity In Norwsy Is to be
celebrated during June.
It was In the year 1024 that the first
acceptance of Clirlstlno doctrines and
their embodiment In the religious lsws
took place at the little stone church
of Moster, situated on an Island In
the sea channel between Ilaugesund
sod Bergen. .
Portland, Oregon
Completa Changa Saturday. A Jul it, Wwk
day Matloee, Sue; Ereniogs, 4oe. Cootiua
otn 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 renta til tlmea
Portland's Oldest FUR House
EjiablUhad 1870.
Remodeling, Repairing, Storage.
129 Tenth Streat, naar Waar.inff.ofi.
All Sizes, Fricei, Term. A I bo Utd and
he-built Trucks, Writ for Catalorr.
tth and Burniide,
Portland, On
The Best of Everything
Imported Groceries and Deltcactea, What your local grocer doea
not carry WE HPECLALlZti IN. L. Mayr & Co., IW Fifth
Street, Portland. Mail Orders Solicited
Out, Mm, hem and aaarbiae I AA
pleat skirts reedy lor band. ayiswtj
Hemstitching, nicotine and rocking.
H fifth St. PorUaad. On.
Pleating Embroidery
HematiU'hinr. Buttons Covered.
166V4 Tenth St., Portland
Saaitary Beauty Parlors Wa fii yra aa,
si nakt all of Hair Oooda af year
combings. Join our School of Beauty OulWra,
400 to 414 Causa Bld Faoae Breatwsf
SSOS, rortland, Or.on.
Beats cut for beds. Bwanion'i Auto
Top Shop, 706" Williams Ave.. Portland.
Larry Sullivan, B. Broadway,
Portland. Telephone Main S740.
Rebuilt second hand batteries, f 10 00.
46 Urand Avenue, Portland.
Nartbwsat Welding Supply Co., SS lit it.
Adolph vy. liarr, Ablugton Big.. Portland.
Cnmnllt. Line Bnttlera' SuDDIIaa
Portland .leverage at epiy Co., tsi otara
Clarke Broa., FlorllU, 387 Morrlaoa Bt.
For all Chronic Ulspasea, Madison Bldf.
Charles s. wollin, suite soi-soi sievena
Building, Portland, uregon.
Do not throw away your old feathera. We eleaa,
dve and remodel and match aamoiea. New Flow-
era and Feathers made to order. U0 yeare estab
lished. We auarantee a 1 work. Hartneea f eeta-
ar riowet Shop. HaH'-i Waihlntton St.
WASASH. Rooms SOe.
KM Madlaon St.
Fertilizer! 126.00. Red Ash Seed Co.,
IP.rtllli.a With Uratrta "
Teaches trade In S weeks. Bom pay
while learning. Poaltlona secured. Writ
for cataJogua. IS4 flurnalda street, Port
land, Oregon.
Made to meaaure, 467 Washington St.
If you are troubled with Appendicitis
or Stomach Troup e. write Mill company,
Portland, Oregon, for (rea Information In
Garman or Kngusn.
Miller Paint Co., 1"J First 8t
prnra-r.TO trunk MPfl-'co.""
Trunks, Auto Trunks to order. Third
and Pine, Portland, ore.
Scales, Klerflc Codec Mills,
Cases Antrhers' Illsitlliv Cases.
.74 uiisan St., Portland, uregon
Tel. Broadway 4017
(Oka. For reliable Cleaning ana uye
h?m in aervtre eend parcel to tie,
fl We nay return tKMtajre, Inform-
L ZAM aiion ana pnow wisuti
1WST ou-at.
Established 1890. Portland. Ore
Poralon and Domeetle
Kafoury Droa.,rJl Alder SL
The I.ut-ile method makea you a real
mar. filer. All branches of Beauty culture
taught by expert inatructora. for iuii in
formatlnn write 41 SeUlng-Htrech BWg.
Phona Alain an.
Nestle Permanent
Wave Specialist
All Beauty Work
Mjnel Beauty Shop
96 Tenth St.. Ground
Flour, new Stark. Tele
phone HK (lie. Thla
guud for lo.OU.
(2s $7.50 S
Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
We are the eld reliable firm that hae alwayi
Ktood for equare dealinv. We guarantee all ateca
aa npmefited. Wa rent by the day, week off
month; with or without earneea. Call, tnu off
North Portland Horse 4 Mule Co., Union
fttock Yarda, North Port. ana, Oregon.
Empire OltM.
Will brtnc you relief. It a the mtxVrn
method. You cannot Doaeeei mA healt
with an Impaired nervoua eyaiem. Ire.
Durkworth and Masten, all modern druf
If mftncMiN ufi, Zi6 riwetiana uio
Fifth nd W aahinnton, Portiund.
Marceiiino Facial and Scalp Treatment
Our sWvi will miliary you.
Tl'. ... .n.a .u.lw.. M. Oal.r,
Opp. Central Auto Park, 201 Terminal
lea., wpeiatra.
900 Years of Chriitianity
The anniversary will be accompanied
by many festivities snd ceremonies
of historical Interest, and It la
pected that ths king of Norway wlti
Then the Tragedy,
"De Lawd mile yon an' me an' dt
rjowahs," said Charcoal Epb, rami
natively, "an He dldn' n.aae no mis
takes ootwell Bt stshted yon so' me."
Acraal V Phata
Why She "
Rainy Days
(t. 1114, McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
Sue Stowe was a matchmaking sis
ter. For some reason she seemed to
fear lest her brother Martin should be
left filoomlng alone on the family tree,
a withered and crabbed dried apple of
an old bachelor, so she began when
she was eighteen and he was twenty
two bringing home every girl she
knew who was, according to her own
ophilon, the kind of girl that Martin
might like. Her possible ststers-lu-luw
were numerous and varied. But
to Murtln there win a monotony about
them that Is, until he met Edith
Nicholas. Edith was different. By
this time Martin was twenty-five and
Sue was a senior In college. Edith,
also a senior In college, came "home
with Sue on a holldny and fnc four or
five days the progress of the friend
ship between Edith and Martin seemed
to be following the line of a glorious
crescendo that would broaden out Into
renl and glowing love. Sue always
liked to think of love In this way
as something glorious and ennobling
that transfigured those It rested upon.
She was quite convinced that when
Martin did become actually engaged to
Edith he'd give up some of his "hor
rid little" tricks, like dumping his
pipe Into the open fireplace, regard'
less of whether or not there was t
fire on the hearth entering the house
by way of the kitchen entry and car
rying on long and hilarious conversa
tions there with the old Irish cook,
who retained her County Cork brogue
In spite of her twenty years In the
Stowe kitchen,
All was going beautifully aa far as
the friendship between Martin and
Edith was concerned and Sue was
watching for Indications of the bud
ding of real love. But the powers
that rule the weather had other Ideas.
Martin and Sue snd Edith had planned
to motor along the Itlver road to a
little tea room where they might sit
and watch the setting sun and drink
tea. Sue did hope that Martin wouldn't
ask for Ice cream It was so crude to
eat lee cream when convention dic
tated tea.
But It began to rain by two o'clock,
and by half-past three, when they had
planned to set out, there was a steady
We Just can't go," Sue told her
brother when he came Into the living
room through the kitchen entrance.
"Gosh," said Martin. "I left the
office early Just to go. The rain won't
kill you. It's good for you "
Edith smiled as wlnsomely as pos
"Oh, I Just can't endure to get my
feet wet and I think It's so dismal be
ing out In the rain." She had rather
wanted to have Martin remark that
her feet weren't much to get wet or
something to that effect But, Instead,
he looked at her as he might have
looked at his own sister.
You can wear rubheri and a rain
coat, can't you?" he asked. "We'll be
dry In the cur you'll only have to
make a dash for the tea house-
"Oh, let's Just stay here where It's
nice and comfy, and have a hand of
dummy bridge," suggested Edith.
"A man doesn't like to play bridge
In the afternoon," he said. "I'll be run'
nlng on buck to the office and get
some more work done," and before
Sue could make her protestations ef
fective he had disappeared again
through the kitchen passageway.
It must have been cleverly ar
ranged by fate, for Just aa Martin
Stowe was going down the street he
encountered Mardy Hale. Mardy
Huie was walking and she looked
very gay and debonair In spite of the
downpour. She wore a navy blue rain
cout and a ralnhst stuck with s bit
of a red quill, and she carried
dainty blue umbrella with a red
handle. Mnrtln even noticed that her
rubber sandals fitted her oxfords to
perfection. The rain had brought out
the delicate rose tints In her face and
the mist had made her blue eyes
bluer rhsn the hreast of a blue jay
Martin recalled that on other rainy
days he had seen this same girl walk
lug aa now, perfectly dressed for the
Inclement weather and apparently
not the least bit Inclined to give up
her unusual occupations because of
the rain. 80 somehow a very peculiar
thing happened. In the niche In his
mind where Martin had for s few
days been keeping a rarher hary
Image of Edith with the limpid
brown eyes and ash blonde hair the
vision of this rainy-day girl now ap
peared. When Martin returned home for
dinner Instead of experiencing ths
thrill that he had the night before
Just to sit next to Edith he glanced
at her, critically, as he might have
at his own sister. He thought her
eyes were dull and her face pale for
lack of outdoor air. She had prob
ably stayed home all day because she
didn't want to go out In the rain.
It was not difficult to arrange an
Introduction to the rainy-day girl. It
happened one rainy morning on the
street corner when a neighbor, Mrs.
Hawklns, who knew them both, pre
sented Martin to Mardy Hale.
! Martin railed on tils rainy-day girl,
choosing s rainy day for his call. Lie
found her about to go out and at
ber suggestion started out on a walk
through ths spring mist with her. It
was Just a pleasant sort of drlule,
all warn and buiuld, that broiucbt 00
alt sorts of fragroncles from the
earth and trees and hedges.
When he suggested thut she permit
hlln to take her out to the River
road tea house some afternoon In
his car she suggested that they go
the next rulny day.
"There Is never a crowd on rulny
days and I like It."
Mnrtln was delighted. He thought
reseutfully of the time he bad spent
with Edith Edith whom he had
come very near to liking Edith whom
he had nearly kissed. How much
sweeter would be the kiss of his rnlny
day girl and how wonderful to have
the first kiss all misty with rain. Per
haps on their wny home he could get
her to take a little stroll down by the
river and there under the protection
of some tree or other he could have
that kiss all cool and frugrunt and
rain covered.
Mardy lfale agreed to the wnlk by
the river and Just as Mnrtln hud
pilot d her under the protection of a
graiult'iitlierly old elm tree and was
about to start the preliminaries of
the kiss the patter of ruin became
louder and Just as he hrul put his
arm around her trim little rnln-
coated shoulders and was about
to snatch the kiss he coveted the rain
descended so forcefully that elm
leaves nnd branches did not hold It
back. The kiss that Mnrtln had
thought of as being humid was actual
ly very, very much saturated with
rain and there were huge drops of
rain glistening on Mardy's nose and
fresh pink cheeks as she looked up
at him and smiled.
"I wouldn't have let you do that
If It hndn't been raining," she said.
"But somehow It seems different out
here" Mardy hndn't a very definite
Idea of whnt she meant nor had Mar
tin, but both were delighted with the
little speech. To make the kiss quite
all right Martin asked Mnrdy to mar
ry him, nnd before they had got back
Into his wnltlng car on the Itlver road
Murdy had said she would.
I hope we shall have a rainy day
for the wedding," said Mnrtln, a week
before Mardy was to become Mrs.
It won't so much-matter now,"
laughed Mardy. "I have s charming
golng-away frock. You know, Murtln,
I reully rtilnk I ought to confess. The
reason I always went out In the ruin
Is because all lust winter and spring
I dldu't have anything decent to wear
except my rulny-duy outfit. So when
ever I went anywhere I chose a rnlny
day." She saw the look of disappoint
ment In Mnrtln's fnce. "But, of
course, I like rain," she fibbed. As a
mutter of fact she disliked going out
In the ruin as much as Edith.
Winnelago Indiant Were
Fond of Fancy Clothes
As clothing the early Winnebago
wore s breechclout, moccasins, legglns
and robes of dressed skins. Simple
fubrics of bark fiber and rushes were
probably also worn. The advent ot
the French trader added to their dress,
but at all times we find both men and
women combing their hair straight
back, parted In the middle and tied
behind their heads in braids, lutel
decorated by ribbons, writes the Wis
consln Magaslne.
Thomas Anderson, whs spent a win
ter trading with them on the Rock
river In WK, said that they were the
most filthy, most obstinate and bravest
people of any Indian tribe. When the
French came they added blankets to
their garb, white for winter and bright
colors for the summer.
In the governor's reception room In
the state rnpltol at Madison the sur
render of the noted Chief Red Bird,
which ended the Winnebago war In
lS'JS, Is cleverly depleted. Red Bird,
the prisoner, Is pictured as having ont
side of his fuce painted red, the other
Intermixed with green and white,
clothed in a Yankton suit of dressed
el Ink In. perfectly white and aa soft at
s kid glove.
It consisted of a Jacket, ornamented
with a fringe of the same material, the
sleeves being cut to fit his finely
formed srms nnd the legglns also of
dressed elkskln, with a fringe of the
same material and enriched with blue
On his feet he wears moccasins, and
on each shoulder, In plnre of an epau
lette, Is fustened a stuffed red bird.
Around his neck hang strands of wam
pum of vnrlous lengths, and he holds
a war pipe in his hund, ornamented
with dyed horse hair and feathers of
birds. Here we have the Winnebago
Chinese Moviet Ancient
The prince of Wales, addressing a
convention of motion picture produc
ers, called attention to the fact that
ths Chinese over 8.0H0 years sgo had
motion pictures and exhibited them at
entertainments, says the Detroit News.
The Chinese bad two funns of motion
pictures. In one the pictures were
painted on long rolls of paper similar
to the photographic films of today and
these were slowly drawn out In a lantern-like
box where they were viewed
through s slit or eye port.
A commoner type and one of prob
ably much greater antiquity was made
by arranging a number of pictures on
square or oblong wooden or paste
board disks, stringing these on two
endless ropes Mir twine and moving
them round two end cylinders. The
disks were often placed one on the
other four or five deep.
Optical Illusions similar to those
made In the modern projection theater
were obtained by Chinese showmen
long before the Christian era by care
fully regulating the speed of the mo
tion pictures and the lighting of the
I theaters.
r. . j . .
,?Mff Vf Tff Tf VTfVeVfvf TV
Lui uiubA a
.A. ....A m. A A A .4V.afc.aa. A J. jS. -A. A A
John Day. The Elllson-Whlto Chau
tauqua will bo In Prairlo City from
July 6 to 10. An excellent program
has been provided for tho season nnd
full support has been pledged to the
cause by neighboring towns.
Whoeler. The town of Brighton,
which was virtually destroyed by fire
April 7, has practically been rebuilt.
New structures are rising constantly.
Twenty-eight buildings went up in
flames, but most of them havo been
Pendleton. The orectlon of a club
house and the creation of an artificial
lake nt Meacham as a memorial to the
lute President Harding is a plan that
is being fostered by A. F. Alexander
ot Walla Wulltt, 0110 of tho publishers
of the Up-to tho Times magazine.
Eugene. Tito now stngo terminal
hotel being orectod on Willamette
street, botwoen Fifth and Sixth
avenues by W. E. Powell and Mayor
E. II. Parks is expected to be opeu
ed to the public about June l!i, ac
cording to tho announcement ot the
Gaston. Gaston Is to have a tourist
free nutomobilo camp. Postmaster
Porter has donated the use of some
acrengo on the Tualatin near the con
crete brltlgo on the highway at the
north end of town nnd tho work of
clearing away tho brush Is being done
by Interested citizens.
Baker. Ono of the most unusual
cases filed here recently was that of
Claudo Officer against E, E. Augustus,
for $1025 over the payment of shoep.
Oficer bought tho band of sheep he
now owns from Augustus and lit the
tlmo of delivery a count was made
which he said to bo wrong.
Salem. There were 154 arrests
with fines aggregating more than
$2S00 during the month of April, ns
tho result of the activities of tho state
traffic officers. This was set out In
a report prepnred here Saturday by
T. A. Rutfety, Inspector for tho law
enforcement bureau ot tho state motor
vehlclo department.
John Day. Leet Vaughan of the
John l)ny high school has mailo a rec
ord killing during the Inst two weeks,
having to his credit 1300 squirrels
Tho bounty received will nHHist him
materially in his expenses next year
while continuing his high school
courso. Ha is tho smallest youngster
in any high school in Oregon.
Prinovillo. Fire Suturdny destroy
ed the Motor Inn garage, with an
estimated loss of )5000 to building
and contents. The garago was operitt
ed by Major W. A. Ruray. Tho loss
was partlully covered by Insurance
The origin of the fire was a mystery,
as workmen had left tho building less
than 15 minutes before tho alarm wus
Oregon Clty.-Mrs. Grant B. Dlmlek,
wifo of ex County Judge Dlmlek, fugl
tlvo from Justice, Saturday afternoon
filed In the Clackamas county circuit
court stilt for divorce, Sho churges In
her complaint cruel and Inhuman
treatment, forgery nnd disgrace to her
self and asks that she ha uwarded
one-third of tho large estute owned by
her husband.
Hood River. The npplo growers'
association, which has opened a free
employment agency for berry growers,
has announced that wages will bo paid
this season as follows for strawberry
harvest handB: Ten cents a currier of
six hullocks for pickers, with a bonus
of 2 cents a carrier for thosa who n
main throughout the season, and IK
cents a cruto for packers, with u 4
cent bonus.
Salem. Members of tho stato hoard
of conlrol will hold a special inni-lliig
hero this week when some ucllon
probably will bo taken on tho pur
chasii of a alto for tho proposed new
statu training school for boys. Pur
chase of a slto has been bunging fire
fur moro than two years hecuuse of
the Inability of the board members t
agreo on a tract sultulilo fur tho Inst
Sali m.- Acting In compliance wll
an order Issued by the state fair board
ut Its May mccllng, all gales leadliii
to tho fair grounds have been provh!
ed with locks and will remain close
to the public until the foot and moul
disease now raging In tho state dl
Cullfornla Is under conlrol. As
further precaution ngulnst tho foot
and mouth menace a fence Is belli
constructed aruund tho cumpln
Brownsville. Without I'nilo Sum
Burger, llrownsvlllo Is hardly llrowq
vllle or Mr. Burger has been Identi
fied with the city for a half centur
nnd more, and was. when he went
away, one of the oldest men in It, huv
Ing attained BS years. Mr. Barger has
gone to Vancouver, Wush,, whero he
will spend the remaining days nt. his
llfo at the Knights of I'ythlna home
recently erected and dedicated. He Is
ono of the two living charter members
ot the Brownsvlllo lodge.
You Want a Good Position
Very well-Titk the Accountancy & Ruftinetis
Matmsciuetit, Private Secretarial. Calculator
ComtoiiH'tor. SL'tioKntphic. rciiinunahip, or Com
mercial Teacher' Course at
The foremost Kiiflint'sw t'ollfKe of the Northwest
whir!: htm won more Accuracy A ward a unu bolu
Mnlals tluui any othvr school in Aim-rioti. Semi
fur our SucctfHS ('huiIuk. Fourth StivtM mnr Mor
rison. Portland. On. Immc M. Walk tr, Prettident
Jlfttr every meal
A pleasant
and agreeable
swetl and a
Good lor
teetb, breath
aad dlgestloa.
Makes tbe
next cigar
t-le belter,
m. PtRF ECLvW 1 v
Lake a Gc d and Silver Cache.
The sacred Lako Guntavlta, In Co
lombla, Is credited with having been
tho dumping placo ot huge stores 01
gold nnd silver articles, thrown In by
the Indians so they should not fall
lulo the hunds ot their grasping Span
Ish conquerors.
Titian Home Monument.
Tho homo nt Plevo dl Cndoro 11 1
which tho great painter Titian wail
born has been proclaimed a niitiomtil
monmnent by tho government, as hns
boon tho birthplaco ot the poot anill
dramatist Count Vlttorlo Alflerl tti
Astl. Scientific American.
A Python's Long Fast.
A monster python, nt tho Londorl
zoo recently broko a two nnd a hull
cur's fast by devouring a pigeon. Hi
elebrnted tho feat by eating three!
more nt ono meal. Snakes havo notor I
Imisly erratic, uppetltes.
Irrigation on Large Scale.
Irrigation In South America Home I
times demands storing of sufficient I
water to supply the people and eropt
for a period ot thirl y months.
Idt aa atMirl you otir I rim a by mail Special
lervke aivn mini onh-rn -
Truaa Kinvrt 17.1 llnnl St., Portland, Or
'.HI W St.. II. two. n jr, , ith.
I iMk' '' -Huits. SI4 8S )r.--.. 7 50 I
Leuica Hilk IIm. Sl.uo. A.k our Keel
elsl Payment Plan anti free plmu, alter. Men I
tiua this au.
Old-time Power of Cod
129 Fourth SI., I'ortiand, Or. I
Telephone tl,ly
Mrs. A uilivy Savin
Have You a Cough?
Here's How tci Oct Rid f the
Cough and lit liuilu the Poiy
Portland, reg A lew years
ai!o I cniclit a IihI cold which
settled nn my him; i and in the
bronchial tnln v I li.'el a severe
couh. and lici.tnie $ Irel that to
fix weeks I cnld nut lie down,
would have to mi up in a nmrris
chair. I tinctured hot did not Kit
any hell- r. I w.h .ill in tilivsic.illy,
and licf.iii mvsi If 1i tliink there
was tin help liu inc. when I was
advw-d by one nl tnv (Inctnri to
take Dr. IVrrc's (,,hh it Medical
Discovery. J his ineiln uie imi com
pletely rcli' yed trie nf toy trouble
that 1 in irr lirfi any return
of it. My limes and binni.lii.ils are
strong and never iive tuc any
trouble." Mrs. Audrey Savin, Wi
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No. 21, ,1924