The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 23, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Government
ind Pacific Northwest, and Other
Thing Worth Knowing.
Purchasa by the government ot the
Cupe Cod canal tor ll,CO0,0UO would
be authorized under a bill passed
Tuesday by the house, 149 to 132. The
measure now goes to tho senate.
One death resulted Monday right
from the most general flood Virginia
has experienced In many years, when
William Lucas waB drowned at Fred
erlcksburg whilo trying to reBcuo a
small boat,
A Blight carlhquako shock was felt
lu Munich, Bavaria, Tuesday. The
center of tho disturbance is believed
to liuvo been In tho mlddlo Alps. The
tremors wero noted only lu the upper
stories ot houses.
A. Stuart MucLaren, tho British avl
ntor attempting tho eastward 'round
tho world flight, arrived In Bombay,
India, Tuesday at Naslrabcad, in Hen
gul, British India, about 200 miles
northeast of Calcutta.
Flvo miners, entombed slnco Satur
day afternoon In the Black Iron mine
of tlit Kmplro Zinc Mining company
near Oilman, Colo., wero rescued
Tuesday night. A drift was driven
through virgin granito to tho stupe In
which tho men were confined.
Sale of vessels by tho shipping
board under its interpretation of the
"nrlvnto competitive bid" provisions
of tho shipping act, was assailed Mon
day by Representative Davis, demo
crat, Tennessee, prosecutor for the
house committee Investigating the
Haw sugar In the New York market
Hold Tuesduy at 3 7 8 cents a pound
for Cuban, cost and freight, a new
record for tho yeur. it was tho low
est prlco since February, 1923, whon
sugar sold at 3 cents. The present
weakness Is dun to a poor demand for
refined sugar.
Tho resignation of Premier Poln
care's cabinet, announced Tuesduy
for Juno 1, effectivo Juno 4, passes
tho application ot tho experts' repara
tions plan, so far as Franco Is con
cerned, to tho succeeding government,
along wllh all other problems Involv
ing questions ot policy.
Congressional Investigation ot tele
phono rales and service throughout
tho l.'nlted States and of the organ I
Cut Ion of ho American Telephone
Telegraph company and its relutlons
with other corporations was proposed
Tuesday hy llepresentatlvo O'Connor
democrat, New York.
A motion to enter Into close rola
tlonshlp with Pacific university, one
ot the oiliest educational Institutions
In the Vn II ed Wales, was unanimous
ly adopted by tho board ot education
ot tho Culled Presbyterian church.
which Is holding Its uiiiiual meeting
In Chicago. Tho university Is located
at Forest Grove, Or.
F. K. Cahlll, admitted embezzler of
between JTUOO and $15,000 from the
Broughton National tmnk of nyton,
W'uxh., was sentenced to servo nine
months in tho Yakima county Jail
when he pleaded guilty lo charges ol
embezzling $H!5 from the bank April
1 and ITU February 7, before Judge
Webster in federal court Tuesday.
After eight years of alcoholic dry
ni ss, the province of Alberta woko up
wet Monday. Last November tho vot
ers ot the province decided to aulistl
lute government sale ot liquor for pro
hlliiilon, which was decreed by the
people In 1915, and became effective
tho following year. The act adopted
In November was proclaimed to be ef
foitlve Monday.
The colonnade of tho hall of fame,
overlooking tho Harlem river from
the New York university campus, was
the scene nf Impressive ceremonies
lain Tuesday at the unveiling of the
busts of ten Americans -nine men and
A woman who achieved fame In
fields ranging from literature to
statesmanship. The ti n are: John
Adams, Phillips Brooks, Samuel L.
Clemens (Mark Twulu), Peter Cooper.
James Buchanan Kadi, Joseph Henry,
Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson,
William Thomas Green Morton and
Allco Freeman Palmer.
Falsehoods Blacksn House,
In Turkey, when any man Is the
author of notorious falsehoods, they
blacken tho whole front of bis house.
Elaborate Preparations Made by Villa
gers for Entertainment,
Mlnato, Japan. The three United
States army airplanes arrived here
Tuesday from Yetorofu Island on
their flight around the world.
This little village of Mlnato has
been in a state of tenso expectancy
awaiting the arrival of tho American
army filers. For the last three weeks
tho villagers have been preparing for
the reception of the airmen. They
even assisted In placing buoys in the
bay to aid the aviators In landing.
Monday ulght the mayor and city
elders, many of whom are grizzled
fishermen, met for a final discussion
of their plans to receive tho visitors
When It was reported today that the
fliers were ready to hop off for this
place, everything was in readiness for
their reception.
In honor of tho Americans th
school children learned to sing "Amer
ica" and "Columbia, the Gem of the
Ocean." The English words to these
songs wero received from Toklo last
The governor of Aomorl prefecture
in which Mlnato Is situated, has plan
ned a dinner for tho aviators. The
curious countryside was thrilled by
the visit of the blrdmen and great
crowds flocked to Minuto.
Tho arrival at Mlnato from Yet
orofu, about 354 miles by air, of the
American army filers marked the com
plete conquest of the earth's circum
navigation by air. Americans, Britons
and Portuguese have flown across the
Atlantic, British aviators have flown
from England to Singapore and Hal
Ian have left the flight across south
ern Aslu and up the China coast to
Japan, while Japanese and Americans
have crossed their own countries.
Washington, I). C.-Tlie question as
to whether senate action on American
world court membership should be
attempted before adjournment of con
gress will bo considered ut confer
ences to bo held within n few days
between President Coolldge and re
publican loaders of the senate.
Interest In the whole question ol
American world court membership has
been revived by the recent presenta
tion of a new world court plan by
Chairman Lodge ot tho senate foreign
relations committee.
Three distinct plans are before the
foreign relations committee and Sen
ator Pepper, Pennsylvania, a repub
lican member, is understood to be pro
paring a fourth, designed as a com
promise, The proposal for conditional
American adherence to the existing
permanent court of International Jus
tlco us mado by President Harding
and Indorsed by President Coolldge
has been before tho committee for
morn than a yeur ami in addition to
tho plan for u wholly new court there
Is pending a proposal by Senator
Swansea of Virginia, ranking demo
crat le member of tho committee.
Tho conference between the jinjsl-di-iit
and republican leaders may be
held prior to Wednesday's meeting of
the couiinillen.
Mr. Coolldge believes that the sen
nte has disposed of Its major IirIhIii
lion with tho exception of farm relief
and Musilo Slumls, and there have
been Indications that ho is disposed
to urge uctlon on tho world court
question. Some ot his advisers be
llcvo that a plan so drafted us to re
uive hi partisan support could be put
through easily before adjournment.
Dolsy Nears Shanghai.
Hongkong.-Cnptiiln Pelleller Dolsy.
French aviator who is attempting a
flight from Purls to Japan, hopped off
t Canton at 7 A. M. Tuesday fur
Melbourne. Aviators Molntyro and
Goblo Monday completed an S.100
mile flight around Ausirulin, accom
plishing tho feat In 111) flying hours
The flight was undertaken to survey
the coast for defense purposes.
Plane Made Noiseless.
Dayton, t). Noiseless airplanes.
long a dream of aviators, betiime a
reality when McCook field fliers an
nounced successful tests Monday of
a device that eliminates the drone of
the engine. The silencer, an exhaust
muffler attached to the engine, oc
casions a loss of 3 per cent of the
engines power, engineers at the field
Miss Young Going Home.
Fort Wayne, lnd.- MIss Clara Kim
ball Young, actress, who collapsed
during a performance at a theater
here four weeks ago, left Monday for
her home in l.os Angeles. She will
spend a few days with her aunt In
Chicago on her way west. She was
operated on for an abdominal tumor.
Since then her recovery has been
Measure Is Upheld by 313-to
78 Vote. .
Change in Attitude of Some Law
makers Attributed to Message
of President,
Washington, 1). C Tho senato Mon
day overrode President Coolidge's
veto ot the soldier bonus bill.
The measure now automatically be
comes law, tho house having taken
similar action.
The vote was 59 to 20 to overthrow
the veto, or two moro than tho neces
sary two-thirds.
Several republican organization
leaders Joined with a strong demo
cratic lineup in upsetting tho veto the
lust moment.
Thirty republican, twenty-seven
democrats and tho two farmer-labor
senators voled to override the veto.
Seventeen republicans and nine demo
ends voted to sustnin the president.
President Coolidge himself made an
eleventh hour effort to' stem the tide
of support for the bill. He summoned
soven republicans favoring it to the
White House but was unable to swing
over enough votes to accomplish its
Washington, I). C Soldiers' bonus
legislation moved a step nearer enact
meut Saturday when tho house, by an
overwhelming vote, passed the bill over
the veto of President Coolldge.
The vote was 313 to 78. There were
more than 50 votes to spare over the
necessary two-thirds.
The bill, providing 20-year endow
ment Insurance certificate to war vet
erans, has now advanced to the final
stage. Passago by a two-thirds vote
In tho senato will place tho measure
on the Btutute bouks, thus ending four
years of agitation.
Although on ordinary Issues Repre
sentatives Longworth and Mudden
could bo counted upon almost to carry
tho house, their Influenco was negli
gible. The bonus sentiment was tin
strong that It was Impossible to check
Those voting to overrldo the presi
dent's veto Included 160 democrats,
145 republicans and two Independents.
Thoso voting to sustain the president
Included 57 republicans and 21 demo
Twenty-four republicans and two
democrats who voted for the bonus on
March 18 voted to sustain the veto
Tho first while child bom In British
Columbia, Thomas Eraser York, was
one of the 400 pioneers, some of whom
resided In the province as early as
1850, at a reunion held last week In
Victoria, II. C, under tho auspices ot
tho British Columbia Historlal asso
ciation. Associations of tho Native
Sons and Natlvo Daughters held their
conventions ut the same tlmo.
Murk Buto of Nanalmo, pioneer ef
1S57, when ho arrived In Victoria on
the Prince ltoyal utter a five-months'
voyage, was ono of tho speakers ut
the banquet, replying to the toast of
Mayor llnyward. Mr. Bato is 87 years
of ago mid will leave for England In
a few weeks, where ho will attend the
British Empire exhibition. Michael
Finnery, 91 years of nge; Mrs. P. T.
Johnson. SI years young, and James
It. Anderson, S3 years and tho oldi st
resilient In Victoria, were among the
old timers who gathered to talk ef
the early mining days when a suck of
flour packed on a man's back for
203 miles along the Cariboo trail sold
at Williams Creek or Burkervllle for
Thoso attending tho unique celebra
tion came from all rarts of British
Columbia, Washington, Oregon and
California, and nil had resided In
British Columbia prior to 1S71, when
the separate colonics of Vancouver is
land and llfillsh Columbia united and,
ns a single province, became a unit of
the Dominion of Canada.
Dollar Exchange Basis.
Athens. The minister of national
economy Sunday hinted that the dollar
bill will base value of exchange of
the drachma on the Athens bourse.
Instead of tho pound sterling hitherto
used. "The dollar Is the world mone
tary base now and has superseded the
pound," said the minister. The Creek
government has contracted with the
Schroeder works at Toulon for the
construction of two submarines of
600 tons each.
X Men You May Marry
.', Has a man like this proposed
t to youf
5 8ymptoms: Mysterious. You
X never know whether he will
JjJ show up for a date or not. You
X never feel certain of him. You
S can't make out Just what his
X business Is. When you do he t
j keeps mum about It He Is only
V .t.- -.1 1 I - . .11-. I . O
s on wiicu lie is luineu ui quue
flippant with others. He walks
.5, stiffly In one piece has sort of
T a starey eye, seems to be look
.j. Ing In at Asia. He likes you he
' says 'cause you don't bother
4 him with 1,001 foolish questions.
j Ue is the question mark of
X your life's sentence.
X Z) PrecrPtl"' 'or bride-to-be:
yj Forget the question mark,
X Head mystery tales, get your
questions satisfied there.
To have Is not to behold.
X ( br MoClur. N.wipap.r SyndlcaU.)
Reflections of a
Bachelor Qirl
A MAN always lets somebody else
do his worrying for him but t
woman doesn't need any help.
This Is nn age of self-made men,
machine-made laws, home-made
drinks and home-made beauties.
It Isn't until nfter flie smashup,
that a man decides that It requires
something besides brute force and de
termination to run a motorcar or a
It doesn't tnke so very much love
to "make the world go 'round," If you
have plenty of money to oil the axis.
"Leisure," to a married woman, Is
that sweet "pause In the duy's occu
pation," when nobody around the
house can think up anything else for
her to do.
Yes, Mllllcent, the difference be
tween the way In which a miln tries
to "persuade" you of something be
fore marriage, and the wuy In which
he will try to "convince" you of some
thing nfter murrlage. Is us great as
the difference between the way lie
talks to a toddle-top, and the way he
talks to a balky flivver.
Every man fondly hopes to and
woman who will "understand" li Ira.
and who, at the same time, knows
nothing of the world and Its wicked
ness. A compliment from a husband
would be as precious as pure radium,
If be didn't always hand It to you
w rapped In the cotton-batting of "good
A man's love Is not dend, until he
begins to think of bis wife, merely as
the person who disturbs bis morning
beauty-sleep, and his after-dinner rev
eries. (Copyright by Helen Rowlind.)
he Younri Lady
Across the Way
The young lady across the way says
the man In charge of the filling sta
tion seems to 1 a very nice young
fellow, and she feels suit every gallon
of gasoline she gels then he Is va
duty contiilns the fulf two quarts.
tr McClur. Niwr Srolc4t )
Long Chant Oddly Endtd
A man who declined to give bis
name called police headquarters la
Newark. N. J., and said John Stelner,
wanted for murder, could be found oo
l certain trolley car. Th search for
Stelner had lasued for four years and
had extended,. tlw Pacltlc cosst, so
a down men were sent out In the pa
trol. They boarded the trolley car and
found their man. Five detectives
bound for headquarters for duty wert
riding In th same car with the man
wanted for murder, but he wss not
recognised by any of them.
lone Market
GEO. W. RITCHIE, . Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Your Patronage Solicited.
Under New Management
Refurnished and Strictly Up to date. . Com
mercial Table First Class. A home away
from home, with best meals in Central
SAM GANGER, Proprietor.
Nice Rooms. Good Service
Farm Implements
Vulcan and Oliver Plows, Superior Drills,
Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps,
Star and Aermotor Wind Mills,
Winona Wagons.
A Good Time
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Independent Is Now!
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