Republican County Ticket Strong One. McNary, Sinnott And Helen Walker Given Big Vote. The Eagle Yet Screams mmit VOLUME XII IONE, ORECON, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 NUMBER 50 Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS S35.O0O.OO State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON MIMMMIMIHCMMMMMMItMMMMIMM Md WHY Buy Tin Cans ? c o F F E Coffee in fancy tins cost yuf rm 5c to 10c .per pound more than bulk coffee. Try my bulk roast coffee. You can save money every pound is sold on guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. BERT MASON IONE OREGON This Is A Republican Year Strong County Ticket Out Republicans of Morrow County To Win in November Below we give you the Official Republican Vote of Morrow County from U, S. Senator down: Senator: McNary 537; Baker ICG; Kubli 33 and Stallnrd 32. Representative: Sinnott 4"8; Cochran 275. 1 Sec. of State: Kozer 672. State Treas: Kay 437; Sever 109 and Campbell 165. Justice of Supreme Court: Belt 249; Westbrook UO;Knowls 315. Atty. General: Van Winkle 265 and Kuykendall 396. Dairy, Food Com,: Mickle 3u6 and Miller 323. Public Service Com.: Corey 478 and Service 189. Circuit Jugde: Phelps 708. tiep. of Morrow and Umatilla countiess: Barratt542 and Shum way 224. Dist. Atty. of Morrow county: Notson 688. County Judge: Campbell 341; Morgan 273 and Bleakman 190. For Commissioner: Davidson 674. County Clerk: Anderson 767. Sheriff: McDuffee 743. School Superintendent: Walker 436; Shurte 89; Clarke 80. Coroner: Case Col. The-county school unit measure was defeated by a 5 to 1 vote. For President: Coolidgu 510; Johnson 133. The democrats pave Binge for county judge 194; 45 votes Mc DufFee and Lieuallen 37. ' They gave Helen 'Walker for superintendent 43 votes; Shurte 12 and Clark 92. For president, McAdoo received 172. tllHItllllMIMIDIIIIMIIHHMIIHIIIMimillllX Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere lone Student Honored 0. A. C, Corvallis. Catherine thanks and appreciation to the Jones of lone, has been elected friends of Marcellus Williams, to Scribe, women's local journal deceased, and the kindness andji-tic fraternity. Pledges were sympathy expressed at the death i announced at women's convo- of our beloved brother. J, A. Williams and wife; J. S. Williams and wife; Mrs. F. Hall and R. C. Mathison and and wife. ' On his return from Maupiri from his tete-a-tete with a real nice looking ex-school teacher and u play with the finny tribe ol the Deschutes, some of bis friends had the audacity to remark that Frank Griffith was swelled in the head on relating his experiences of the bin catches made and how school teachers change with age. The swelling was in the ankles and knees from contact with the boulders tht' line the river. cation. Scribe considers progress in the field of journalism, scholar ship and activities in choosing its pledges. Those pledged have been prominent on the Barome ter and other campus publications. Miss Jones is a senior in home economics. Church Burned After Stormy Klan Meeting Half an hour after a stormy congregational meeting in the First Baptist church at Hastings, Nebr., on the night of Muy 16th, the building burned to the ground. According to officials, the blaze was of an incendiary origin. The meeting woa called by the church deacons to allow the con gregation to decide on the advis ability of permitting an alleged Ku Klux K'an lecturer to hold a series of revival meetings in the church. The building was valued at $40,000 with $17,000 insurance. Born: To Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Jeppesen of Burlingame, Calif., May 10, 1924, a fine little daugh ter, given the name of Laura J. ' s, A few fish for the wife and baby, was the catch made by Lish Sperry and Raymond Shaver on the Deschutes this week. F. A. Lundell was at his ranch in the Gooseberry district several days this week superintending the building of a 30x56 barn. Seven cayotes were killed last Friday morning by Harold Ahait and John Cochran on the Halver son buttes southeast of town. Swanson's Chop Mill Has Fuller Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen Doors and Windows. The lone hotel building looks greatly Improved with its new coat of white paint, T- 1 G&exv&llzx Ml-$'.cel Harvesters -for stationary HsresMng, too The All-Steel Model 32 not only stands supreme as a combined harvester, but is an excellent machine for handling stationary threshing as well. Wherever, because of conditions or custom, it is considered preferable to thresh from stack or shock, Model 32 offers unique advantages. It can be pulled into place and is ready for work without any setting, lining up or blocking. It all-steel construction and open design minimize smut explosions and fire hazard. Tne powerful four-cylinder motor provides steady threshing power. Above all, the Holt system of separation and cleaning insures a first clasa threshing job. Model 32 can, if desired, be equipped with detachable bundle feeder and straw stacker, for stationary work. Its performance in stationary work is operate, that is built for service and particularly appreciated by Model 32 owners who do cuiiom work. They have equipment that will handle any job, that will last a lifetime,' that is economical to backed bv service. Write for information on Model 32 (12 ft. cut) or Model 30 (18 ft cut) or larger size Holt Harvesters. 33 W 4" v .. v l cr sr rr -si -rt. MANUFACTURING COMPANY SPOKANE WASHINGTON -- i??hit4 04mrr B. A. AMY, Special Agent, Motel Condon, Condon, Ore, Primary Day Was Quiet Primary day passed otT i i a very quiet manner. Saturday the re publican farmers came to town a happy and joyous bunch. It was a day of happiness to all good republicans of the county. The Klan element of lone were busy but they went down to de feat by intelligent, patriotic, and law abiding men and women who voted for honest and tried can didates, and not those who were favored by the nightgown squad. The city ticket was renominat ed after having to write names of J. il. l!rj son an lone Heals Arlington Arlington sent a reconstructed team comprised mostly of High school boys to lone last Sunday and met a disastrous defeat by a score of 9 to 3. At lington scored one run in the 3rd inning and lone tied the score in their part of the 4th inning, with another in the 5th, and from then on the game developed into a farce. For the ClIi inning, our boys walked and ran the bases for G "core1!, for cing a change of pitch ers, Conley succeeding CttinplHI; in the j finally ;-t'ipped the slushier. JudiM Arlington scored two more rur s Big Time At Juniper Canyon The dance and wrestling match at Juniper Community Hall last Saturday night was attended by a very large crowd and it is said that the very best of order pre vailed and everyone had a most enjoyable time. Manager John McDevitt, let it be known in a timely speech to the vast crowd, that an officer would always be present on these occasions, and that all should govern themselves with respect, etc. lone School Closes Friday ol lhia week, the lone llobmson. For Mi.yor, Mason T'J;j .n the 7lh ntnl lone niaue 1. then school closes lor the summer Conncilmfti three year, Bristowj Dutch done tne heaving in the ' vacation. The nrhool year that 77: Walt Smith 85 and G.;o. W. 1 7Ji, 8th and O h, looking like a is closing has been a very sue- ! Ititcliie 75. Councilman for two j big leaguer, di-;pl ing a wri(ier. , etv.sful and h.-.nnoniousone. Most ! years, P.ryson 21 II conli r, K. j t'ulss-irtrm-iitol hook, up bhoota of the teachtrs have worked to- H. llobinson 31) S- liool unit, yes, i and puz.iors. gcllipr for the past two years and ill; no, lt'l. Oh Htij it just suited i II il Arlingt'in wM a lirsi- it. is t be regretted that the same to a T. Among the few Klaus piiehcr un-l at least one or teach u.g force could not be kept Senator McNary Renominated by A Three to One Vote and Daker wept in a big, two fisted manner I men of lone, are s".ver,il who are i highly respected, good, i-it 'Z -n h, i but their 'affiliation in this organi zation is a set ha 1; to lio-ir old ! friends who regret the mi.-guid-'ed course thy arc pur-uiii.g, and i we among others, rcg-(.t that the (principal of their order ca-.its a shadow over their friendship, i The power of the dinky Klan in two good fielders to steady their boys in th" piti"li-'i. t.v fan. ia much Ui'lJlJiiei' comes would have been ireMe.l U better game, here Sunday. lone Arlington H ii Ceo. KitcSie, Mrs. Kail HroA-n Morrow county is now feeling the ' and Mrs. J. W. llowk, drove to (after afTects of a powerful ca- Hood River Monday morning to ; thartic, properly administered in attend the Odd Fellows Itehekah , the year of our Lord, May lGth, ' invention to which Mesdarnes 1924. Henceforth, this organi-1 1'.rown and llowk are delegates, 'zatioh is in disfavor by the people K. It. Lundell and wife ami M. It. . of lone, and to some of its mem. ! Morgan: J. K Swanson and wife Beat Cccbran for Congressman bera. they may in time realize 'and several others from this vi By a Two to One Vote the benefits of tood citizenship. ' einity are alao present. Nick Sinnott for another year. The senior class hart their graduating exer cise this Thursday evening, Prof. N. II. Cornish of 0. A. C, being their commencement speaker. The class this year has the honor of being the largest ever graduat ed from lone High school. They are as follows: Gladys Lundell, Inez Clark, Eleanor Swanson, Carlton Swanson, Carl Linn, Ray Harnett, Vivian Fletcher, Susan Liebig, Nolan Page, Elvin Ely, Robert Harbison, Carl Ray, Irene l.Vvin, Helen lialsigur and Dollie Musgrave. v The li. & 13. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Hay lor the jeweler, lleppner,