The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 16, 1924, Supplement, Image 6

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t Paid Advtrtliementi
For County Clerk
To the ltepuhllcan voters o( Mor
row county: I hereby announce tha t
I will hp a candidate fo the nomina
tion of County Cli-rk at tin- I'rlmury
Klectlon to lie held Vla.v 1 Idtt.
(Jay M. Aniikknon.
llllCUIUlH-llt )
For County Judge
To the Kepu lil loan voters ol Mor
row county: I hereby announce my
self a candidate for tin iioinlnatlcin
at your hands for the otflce of County
Judire at the primary election In
May, 11(24. My eipericnce of many
ycarH as county commissioner makes
me conversant with the duties of the
otflce I oeek, and 1 Hhn.ll greatly ap
preciate your support at I lie prl
mar anil for all past favors, I thank
you kindly.
U. A. Bi.kakman, Hardman
For County Commissioner
To the Voters of Morrow county:
I hereby announce myself iih a
candidate for the otflce 'of County
Commissioner for Morrow county.
(in'K'in. at the Itepiilillcau primary
nominating election to tic held on
May Itl, l'.U4. If nominated and elect
ed I pledge to (five my Is-st and care
ful attention In the future an In the
pant, to the business of this otllce.
For Joint Representative TT PftKmen
I hereby announce myself as a Re- " XI XvODlIlSOIl
publican candidate for Joint Kepre- , , . .
sentativc. for Umatilla and Morrow Attorney and lOnUSlOr at LiW
cotiiitlcH In the coming Primary
Klectlon, nub ct to the will of the ,... .. .
republican voters In hiicIi counties. Will practice in all the COUrtl
A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Dr. F. E. Farrior
j Physician and Surgeon DENTIST,
Office in Masonic Building Office: Odd Fellows Building
Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon
Heppner -: Oregon
Keep Taxes Down
When You Visit Heppner Vote NO
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant on the Unit School
Good Meals Best of Service! . .
Lunch Counter MeaSUfe
For County Judge
To the Voters of Morrow county :
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the otllce of County .1 in I lie
on the Democratic ticket, at the pri
mary nominating election, Krlday.
May lfl, itKM.
It. I,. Bkniik.
Wrestling Match
For County Judge
To the Republican Voters of Mor
row county ;
I hereby announce that I will be
a candidate for the nomination for,
County Judite, at the primary elce-!
Hon, to be held May 111. Ill'.'4 IMirlnn
my present term, my policy has lieen j
to obtain etllclency In public service
with economy and fairness, and if'
nominated and elected, I pledge the
same In the future.
Wm. T. Cami-hh,!.,
For County Judge
To the Republican Voters of Mor
row county : ;
Having decided to become a can-
lldate for the otllce of County Judge
of Morrow county, Oregon, at the
primary election to he held May HI,
llt-4, I take this opportunity in an
nouncing the same and If nominated
and elected 1 will honestly, faithfully
and Imtinrtlally perform the duties
of the otllce to the Is-st of my ability.
M. It. Mohiiam.
FOR SALE-Barley or Chop,
njjire of E. L. Padberg.
and Dance
At Juniper Community Hall
Saturday, May 17th
GLEN HADLEY of Boardman
Both of these men are good wrestlers
Dance Follows The Match
Best of Music
Supper Served at Midnight
We Cordially Invite You All