The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 16, 1924, Supplement, Image 5

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    Supplement To The lone Independent
lone, Oregon, May 16, 1924
Marcellus Williams
Meets Death
Last Saturday morning in com
pany with Kobt. Malhiaon, he was
coming to lone and when on the
first turn near the top of the south
lone grade, they met Eugene
Myers who was going up the grade
with a 4 horse water wagon and
owing to the fact that the team
was near the center of the rodd
and unable to make the proper
turn in passing, Mr, Williams at
tempted to pass on the left of the
team and though there was plemv
of room, he was unable to com nil
the ear and the front wheel
climbed the bank and turned the
car over, crushing Mr. Williams
and pinning Mr. Mathison under.
Mathison was able to work him
sell from under the car and pro
ceeded to raise the car from Mr.
Williams, but it was found that
he was breathing his last when
removed. The car was a light
Ford delivery and contained two
crates of eggs and two cans of
cream and not an egg was broke'
nor a particle of cream spilled.
Mr. Mathison was not injured ex
cepting a slight cut from glass
while getting Williams out of the
wreck. The car was but little
Mr. Williams was in his 74' h
year and was born in Tennessee
and migrated to Oregon when a
young man and settled in the
Willamettee Valley, where ha lost
his wife and young daughter.
He came to Morrow county in
company with his parents and
other members of the family an
settled on Jordan Fork, in 1883,
and followed farming for many
years and accumulated one of the
best farms in that region; be re
tired from the farm about 20 vrs
fO and moved to Portland whi re
he cared for his aged parents un
til their deaths and had since
spent most of his time visiting
among hii relatives. Hesufferert
a stroke of paralysis several
years ago and had never fully
recovered and had Buffered sev
eral slight attacks during recent
years and it is thought that he
might have had another attack
which caused him to lose control
of the wheel as he had just re
turned from a trip to Portland
and had made the drive in one
day and was very much weaken
ed. Marcellus Williams was a man
who made friends wherever tie
went and was one of the most
highly respected citizens of the
county and will he long remem
Bro. Johnson gave an address on
tne topic , "Why should professU
onal men, farmers and business
men, support the Sunday school?
After a brief intermission, the
people now grouped by Sunday
schools, joined in singing a hymn
after which an offering was tak-
bered by his former neighbors. n 'or expenses of the assembly
ne leaves iwn waters, Mrs. nam, Hnn- tne benelii of the Am. S. S.
Mathison of lone and Mrs. Hall
of California; two brothers, J. A
Williams of lone and Joe Will
iams of Portland. The remains
were shipped to Portland and
placed in the Portland Crema
torium Tuesday,
Union. The amount received was
$10 55 and the total of expenses
was stated to be $1.65.
The roll of the Sunday schools
was called, each responding with
the concert recitation of a scrip
pure text and a statement of the
enrollment and average attend-
Sunday School Rally j- 90 75; Ione
At InnP Kapt. 40, 30; lone Christian, 106,
WM 50; lone Cong. 50, 40; Morgan
w . (o j o u iii ii Union, 50,40; Fairview Union,
Minutes of Sunday School Ra ly 28 25 Rh Unjo(j w 30
held at lone n May 11. 1SH4, MrW w Head of tne jone
mi I hi r r j aii.iiiiiuj t t A ii..ii ...
u""c: "T5 -' Congregational church gave a
canSUhdso School Union, Rev. ,,... ,,,, ,.,Lf ,u u,,Hoo
Mr. Smith. S. S. Missionary,
The meeting wan called toonier
by Mr. Smith at 10:30 am, the
Rev E. B. Johnson of the lone
Baptist church. Hmn No 23
was then sung alter which the
classes assembled for the study
of the lesson, led as follows:
Bible class Mf. Ellis, of Rhea
siding. Y Ming People, by Mis
Tillson, of lone. Ju iior and In
termediate, Mr E 'wards, of
Morgan. Prima y Dept., Mrs
L'iren Hale.
A summary of the attendance
showed 74 adults; 22 young
peopl-; 56 Junior and Intermedi
ate; 16 primary; 5 officers and 18
teach ts Total attendance, 191.
At the close of the teaching
perio'1 thescool was ca led to
order ind after tin singing of
bvmn 11, 'he closing exercises
were conducted by the Morgan
Sund iy school under the direction
of Bro, E'twards School was then
dismissed to reassemble at 2:30
p m A picnic lunch win then
spread and heartily enjoyed.
Reassembling after adjourn
ment. the people joined in sing
ing hymn's 11, 5, 6; several short
prayers were offered bv members
of the assembly; Bro. Smith gave
a short talk on the work of the
Am. S. S
school can do for the community.
The audience then joined in sing
ing hymn 19, then dismissed.
Sec. Morgan Union School.
Baby Falls Into River;
Kicks Its Way to Safety
Chippewa Kails. Wl. I'lunglng
frnin m niilniuil bridge here to tlia
Chippewa river, 25 feet below, Mnrylln
Jenn Anderson, three and halt
nmntliK old, kept herself ullont by em-
. ploying biilh tut) kicking tactic, anil
gurgled with delight when Anally h
huh rescued uninjured.
Mm. K;irl Anderson, her mother, be
came fulnt a "he waa carrying Mary
Un across tli bridxe and the baliy
dipped from her anna, dropping Into
tbe river ltt feet from idmre.
Aipiircnily Mnrylln thought It
her dully liath. for lying on ber hack,
she kicked vigorously, keeping alloat
and hy cluince lieudlng lowurd shore.
The luiliy uiuile good progress, and
when aim reiicheil shallow water,
Leonard "Irani, tlfti-en years old,
waded In and carried tier to safety.
She had unallowed but little water.
Grocer Killed by Thief m Store.
Pittsburgh, I'a. A burglar whom he
found In hie More shot and killed
Chailes W. Illley of thll city and
escaped Hlley had been sleeping be
hind the counter to catch thieves who
visited hl store several t'tnea In a
Union and two little I few weeks.
gins irom morgan men sangi
Precious Jewels, after which Down with the school unit plan.