The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 18, 1924, Image 4

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I'n'iiislicJ livery Friday by
P. '. 11 I.SS.;K. l-.litor-l'ahlislier
Ono ycnr
S'i:c inmilhK
I.nVnti ii: -(r:ti clv3 matter at the
r"Hto(t''-; at lone, Orwcm, umlcr act
of M t :i, is::
I'Yiday, April 18, 1J21
Portland's Teapot Dome
Portland seems to have a Tea
pot Dome scandal of its own just
now and according to the inter
est so far aroused the promise is
. that severa' prominent politicians
may lie called upon to make some
eiribarnssing explanations. The
immediate cause of the explosion
was 1 he letting of the contract
for the building of three bridges
by Multnomah, a figure that was
half a million dollars higher than
othe responsible bids. This caused
a loud protest ogainst the action
of the county commissioners and
a demand for their recall, also for
a thorough investigation of the
"inside" facts of the transaction,
but as soon as this scandal began
to be aired rumors began to tiy
charging wholesale graft in the
county and city business, especi
ally in the matter of taking out
insurance on fireproof public
buildings and furnishing surety
bonds, selling city securities and
the control of official patronage
in the way of jobs, public print
ing and other things. The aver
age citizen of Poilland thinks and
says that the conduct of city and
county all'airs "is rotten," but
how far the promised investiga
tion w ill (ievelop the facts is some
what problematical. The parties
supposed to be involved are
Htrongly ccmnected and iiillu
ential, which means Hint the
wheels of justice are li-ible to be
Thos. P. Kay of Salem, bus an
nounced his can lii'aey for state'
treasurer on the KepuhVun tick
et. Air. K'iy has probably a more
intimate knowledge of slate liusi
liess than any other man in Ore
gon, lie served in the lower
bouse of the legislature in I'.KH!
and 111 J.i, in the stale senate in
11IU7 ami l'.ltill and wai state
trca urer in llll 1 to l'.ll'.l. lie again
s.'i'ved in the legislature in 11)21
and l'.lj;!. The business and l'r
tuiiK'ial all'airs of the stale are at
bis tongue's end and being a man
of everyday business xperience,
also a man who has worked in
dustriously all his life, he is di
rectly interested in every move
tor economy and the safe invest
ment of Oregon luiuls.
Mr. Kuv is a peculiar sort of
politician. He never talks just to
gel volts, but be advocates what
be believes to be riuht even
though every hearer should he
opposed to him. , lie is not afraid
to bi heard on any subject of
public interest and there is never
any doubt as to where lie stands.
He is the author of several pieces
of economic and constructive
legislation and it w as lie who put
a stop to the practice which hud
prevailed in Oregon during all
the previous life of the state, by
which the state treasurer loaned
t,;e money in the treasury and
pocketed the interest.
Mr. Kay's rectrd in all respects
will without doubt bring him
strong support all over the state,
though in his courageous tight for
Oregon's best interests be has
made bitter enemies who will try
to defeat him.
The highest civil duty we owe
to our state and our country in
times of peace is to go to the polls
and vote intelligently. No man
or woman clothed with citizen
ship has a right to neglect that
duty. Inform yourself on men
and measures and see to it that
pou attend the primaries hrst,
then the general election in the
fall. Take an interest in your
country's welfare.
Hiram Johnson's political canoe
has had several bad holes punch
ed in it and when the national
convention arrives it will be even
unfit for his trip up Salt river.
The Japs munt be shut out and
will he. Now for the Greeks.
Celebrates Mirthday Party
The children of Mrs. Kattie
Petteys surprised her Tuesday
iftcrnoon, April 15th, by inviting
a number of old friends to come
in and help her celebrate her 09th j
birthday and enjoyed seeing old i
friends, some of whom she had j
not sepn for years and such a lot
of visiting one seldom sees. The
enormous birthday cake was made I
by her grand daughter, Miss
Norma Swanson.the size of which i
served a generous slice to every j
one present. I be children who 1
were present were: Mrs. Frank
Kngelman, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, !
0. A. Albert and Edith Petteys, !
all of lone, and Mrs. K. P. New-j
ton of South Bend, VVn. !
The friends prese nt were: Mrs.
Augusta Mason; Mrs. Lee Pad-;
berg; Mrs. Emily Mc.Murray;1
Mrs. C. A. Low; Mrs. Jennie
McMurray;Mrs. Bert Mason ;Mrs.
Alice Kellar; Mrs. Henry Clark;
Mrs. Ida Fletcher; Mrs. Paul
Uietmann; Miss Alice Uietmann;
Frank Fngelman and Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Ganger. Mrs. Mc-
Namar, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs.
i- ii i i i- it
kelley. drove down from Hepp-
tier to be pre-ent at the birthday
i .i I i i
party of their old friend.
All went away expressing them-
.. .1 t : i j j . . i
seivea as Having uau a wonueriui
wood time and wishing
Petteys might live to enjoy many
more birthdays and that thev
might be priviledged to attend
many more surprise parties to
ct lebrale the event.
Wc Told You So. What a Pity
Many expressions of sadness
and regret wete heard on the
streets of lleppner last Sunday
oy various citizens over tnetr
home team's deleat. It indeed ,
a sad spectacle and even us
lone fellows f w It. sorry for them.
l'hey are all good fellows, but
seem to get dizzy and confused
when playing bull. They badly
neeil a lew more imported play
ers if they expect to win a game
thisseason. The Portland Journal
says that ,lim Conley and Fred
Roberts, both former Lincoln
high students, are in lleppner
where they play ball this season,
t'onlev will play one of the infield
positions while Roberts will do the
pitching. Charles king, another
Portland boy, will do the receiv
ing. Oil, Min!
The Odd Fellows at their meet
ing last Saturday night initiated
into the order French burroughs,
II, t'i. Kankin, Lester ltritlian
and Fred Uitchie. A good time
was had with a large member
ship present. There will be work
again this Saturday night and on
Saturday nieht April the Odd
Fellows and Uebekalm are invited
to meet with the lleppner lodge
on the occasion of the 105th an
niversary of the order.
Pr. 1). U. llaylor. the Kye
Specialist, will be in llep
pner April 21sl and 22nd. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Carl Harlow of Portland, is here
on a visit.
Mrs. W. S. Smith arrived home
I?. V. Sorenson, the stock buy-
er, was here Wednesday.
Special reduction sale April 15
to May 13. Wm. llaylor, lleppner.
Why buy a tin can when you
buy coffee. Read Mason's adv.
Smoker at Lexington tonight.
IS IfaJf ILifLi
2 bam for
iivis- A BAG
Ygu can roll
100 Cigarettes
Jbr 1ST Cents
Attorneys At Law
First National Hank Building
Heppncr Oregon
When You Visit Heppncr
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
. j M , g f g
. ,
lunch Counter
Public Land Sale
Isolated Tract
Iii'p.'irliiienl, of hit
l.iinil Olliec hi. Tin
.pHI s. Dl-.'l.
Interior. U. S.
DiiIIch, Oregon.
.NO'l'P'i; In hereby ulvcn Hint, iih
directed liv tlii'CoiiiiiiiHHiiini'r of t li'
(iclieriil I, mill olMcc. under iirovlsloiiM
" s,r-(- purniiuiit to the
application of Carroll K. Iliirker
.s,.,'.i N. i,-,.,,.. W(. wi,f ,;;
i"',n' Hi'', " t in- hi-riicm bidder.biit
it not Ii'nh limn J'.Mii) per ii lie. in
I ): vio. k a m.. th,- im, day
of .lune next, nt thin otnee, the foi-
n n 1 1 1 k iraci ill llilin: AW1,. WW1,,
sec si:1, Si'.'i i s i Sec
a, T.
" " -- ' "
will not lie kept open, lint
Ifll'eil ClOHeil HlliMI t low
I'lenciit nt 1 ht hour nuuicil have
Xwl'tl X!iV rillS
'"' Hnieiy pay to die Deceiver the
minium lucrcm
All persniiK Hiilming adversely the
iiliiiM'-ilewrlliiMl I 1 1 1 I nre iiiIvIwmI m
lile I lieicj-hilniN, nr iilijectliiiiH, on r
lielnre the time ilcHigiwi teil fiifHiile
.1. W. UO.WKI.I.V,
lielow we wive you the schedule
oi me tmse Dan games
of the
Morrow-lnlham county
t ut it out and paste up.
April 13 lone at lleppner.
Arlington at Condon.
20 Condon at lone.
lleppner at Arlington.
27 -Arlington at lone,
lleppner at Condon.
May 4 - Condon at I leppner.
lone at Arlington.
1 1 Arlington at lleppner,
lone at Condon.
18 Arlington at lone.
I leppner at Condon.
25 -lleppner at lone.
Condon at Arlington.
June 1 - Condon at I leppner.
lone at Arlington.
8 - lone at lleppner.
Arlington at Condon.
15 -Condon at lone.
I leppner at Arlington.
22 -Arlington at lleppner.
lone at Condon.
2S - Heppncr at lone.
Condon at Arlington.
Morgan Life
A new baby arrived the other
day in the home of one of Mor
gan's families and little A year
old Alice immediately began to
feel a full share of the responsi
bility in its rearing. One (lav she
stood for aw hile looking over ber
sire and lit; all v approached bun
and said: Papa we have a little
sister now and when vu ted the
horses whoa, don't say dam."
This little incident is reported
here so that all the dads in the
country can enjoy a good laugh,
but if after having laughed at
the words of this little guardian
angel you shtmld rellect awhile
on the cesioua side ot the matter
we feel sure that the kingdom of
heaven will have been brought
little nearer,
Mr. (.'line, wife and son. and
Mrs. Streeter and son, were doing
business ii Morgan on Saturday
night, also listening to the radio
at the Morgan store.
Mrs. Harbison attended church
in lone Tuesday night and Hen
Morgan and family and Mrs.
Hauerntietui were church Kuers
there Sunday night.
An Ordinance to prevent, restrain
and regulate minon being on the
streets, alleys or roadways within the
limits or the city of lone, at certain
hours, and piovlding a penalty for
tne violation of tlila ordinance, and
repealing all Ordinances and parts of
unnnances in contnot herewith.
be It Orda'iied By The Common
Council Of Th City Of lone, Oregon
bee. 1. Tl t from and after the
passage of till; Ordinance It shall be
unlawful for my minor under the
age of Kightei i years to be upon any
Street, Alley en- Uoad within the lim
its of the Cit of lone, Oregon, be
tween the hour of 9:00 o'clock P,
M. and the hour of 6:00 o'clock A.
M., unless said minor shall be ac
companied by his or her parent or
legal guardian, or upon written In
struction Bign 1 by his or her par
ent or legal guardian to perform
aonie necessary duty or business for
such parent c; legal guardian, such
written instruction or notice must
state the nat-re and character of
such necjOHsai . business, and upon
request of the City Marshall or other
Police Officer such minor must Im
mediately deliver the same to said
Marshall or other Police Officer, and
Maid Marshall ''! Police Officer must
retain possess n of Biich written in
strument until he shall ascertain
whether or noi the same -was signed
by said mir r's parent or legal
guardian, or t at such duty or busi
ness was abs lutely necessary, said
minor upon tl performance of such
duty or busii ss must immediately
return to ills or her place of resi
dence or abode.
Sec. 1. It I'hall be the duly of the
City Marshall or other Police Officer
on duty at the hour of 9:00 o'clock
P. M. to gi ,' a signal, by giving
three ta of the fire bell, which
said sirnal shall be a warning to all
iiicli Minors that it is time to pro
ceed to vacalB the Public Streets,
Alleys and Ho.ids.
Sec. 3. An, minor found ;;uilty
of the violation of any of the pro
visions of th ' Ordinance shall be
doomed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, shall
be fined In a sum not to exceed
$25.00 and I - default of the pay
ment of any fine assewed hereun
der, shall be ::aprisoned In the City
Jaii one day l,.r each ?2.00 of such
Hue imposed.
Sec. 4. In as much as this Or
dinance is necessary for the imiiied
ia'.e preservation of the public
health. peace and safety of the City
of lone. Oregon. Therefore an emer
gency is hereby declared to exist.
and this Ordinance shell be In full
force und effect upon It a passage by
the Common Council and approval
by the Mayor.
Sec. 5. All Ordinances nnd parts
oi uriiinances yi coniuct herewith
aiv hereby re!e::le.
Passed by the Common Council of
the City of lone, this 1st day of
April, 1924.
Approved hy the Mayor of the
City of lone, Oregon, this 1st day
of April, 1924.
F. H. ROBINSON, Recorder.
43 St
Paid Advertisements
For County Clerk
To tlie Kepnlilii'iin voter ot Mor
row enmity: I dereliy announce that
I will he ii cimillilitte for the imniinii
tlon of Conntv I'lerk nt the I'rimurv
Khv t ion to he held May ID, .iU.
1av M. Asiikhhon,
I Inetinilietit )
For County Judge
To the Kepnlillenn voterH of Mor
row county: I herehy iiliiionnce luy
w'll a ciiinliiliite for tlie tionilniitiiin
lit your hiinilx fortheolliirof County
.llldire lit the primary election In
.Mny, llli'l. My experience of ninny
yearn n county coiuiuiKHioiier make
me ronvclKiint wild t he tlutiex of t lie
otllce I Meek, Mini I kIi.iII grently ap
preciate your Hiipport at tlie pri
mary mill for nil pant favorn, I dunk
you klnilly.
U. A. Bi.kakman, lliirdiniin.
For County Commissioner j
To the Voter of Morrow county:
I liereliy announce invnelf iih a
candidate for tlie olllce of County
CominiNxloiicr for Morrow countv.
Oregon, at the Itepuhllcan prlinarv I
noiulnatlm; election to lie held on
May III, Itn'-I. If nominated and elect-1
ed I pledge to give my dent anil care
fill attention In tlie future an In the
piiHt, to tlie btiHiut-HH of tliin olllce, i
l. 1'. lUVWMoN,
( lllC'llllllhCllt.l j
For County Judge
To the Votern of Morrow comity :
I liereliy announce iiiymlf a can
dldiite for the olllce of County Jiulife
on tlie lirmiHTiitlc ticket, at the pri
mary uoiiiiuutliiK election, Friday,
May Hi, l!i:'.
It. I.. Bi:mik.
For County Judge
To the Itepulilican oterx of Mor
row county ;
I liereliy ant ncc that I will he
ii fin the in m i mi t i hi for
County Judye. at tile prliniirv eicc
I Ion. to lie held May lti, hi.'l Purlin:
my pn-Mcut term, my policy ha heen
to obtain etllcieiicy in pulillc m-rvlce.
with economy and falnc-M, unit It
noinlniited and elected, I pledge the
Kiiiiie In the future.
Wm. T. Cami-uki.i,.
For County Judtfe
To the Itepulilk-an Voter of Mor
row county :
llavitnr divided to hoeoiup n en it
(Dilute for the ottlce of Countv Judin1
of Morrow county, Onirnii. at the
primary elevtlon to lie held May lit.
lii.l. 1 tiUe thin import unit r In nu-
liuunrltn." the nuine anil if llotnlniited
and elected I will lionextlv, faithfully
and lintmrthilly ierforni tin- duties
ot the olllce to the tn-Mt of my ahllltv.
II. it, MllltllAN.
For Joint RcpreKntativc
I lu-rehy announce inyw-lf an n Ile
ptlhllciitl CKiididiite (or Joint. Kcpiv
eutatlve for i'miwillu and Morrow
count lew In tlie column Primary
Klivtlotl. mih. ft to tlie will of the
Kcpublicnn Totera In xucli count Un.
Wlt.UAU 11. llAKIitTT.
VMonobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the
Machine that needs good Lubrication
Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as
F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them.
no trouble to demonstrate.
j Elevator
iCoal and Wood !
Flour and Feed
best Lump Coal,
1 16-inch Cordwood,
Rolled Barley,
Whole Oats, ...
i: Mill-feed,
Heavy 7-foot Cedar
F. 'H. Robinson
Attorney and Corruslor at Law
Will practice in all the Courts
Morgan, Oreon
Now bookinir orders for S. C.
W. L. day old chicks.
$14 per 100 at Ranch
$16 when shipped
One-half cash when, booked
and I ten days before ship
ment. Rhode Island Reds and
Barred Rocks 16 and 18 cents
each. Order early to jret best
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of tlie Stat"
of ree,on. for Morrow County.
In the matter ot tin- Kntate iif A.
T. Wood, lieceaMcil.
Notice In liereliy tiiveii. That the
ui.ilcrxltfncd, dan tiled ln-r linn! nr.
count in I'.xecuirlx of the K.Mutr of
A. T. Wood, deceaxed. In the couutv
( otirt of the Stn'e of Oregon. Iiir
Morrow county, ainl that Sat u riliiy,
the hull day of May, H1J4. at ti-e lioiir
of :::;i o'clock p. m.. of Kuid d.n-, in
t he county Court room in the county
C-'iirt IIuum' at lleppner. 'iivumi,
ii- the time Mini place et lor In arim;
mild account and any oiijiviionn
tl .-n to, and the net tleinent of mild
Kxivutrix of tin- liiHt Will am) Ten
tauicnt of A. T. Wood. Ifci-iMnvd,
I''. A. Koiiinhon.
Attorney or Kiiit.
Hate of first ptilillcntloii April li,l-C(
lute ol Inct publication Ma y " 1 --4
Walt Smith and L P. David
son spent Sunday in Pendleton.
We acknowledge with thanks,
those who have paid on subscrip
lion the past two weeks.
Leave your watch repairing at
the McMurray pastime for Hay
lor the jeweler, Heppner.
Frank Enirelman sold a piano
this week to the Juniper Com
munity Hall.
Company j
ton, . . $13.00 t
fir or pine, 12.90 t
44.00 j
35.00 :
21cts ii
Notice Is Hereby Given that
School District No. 35, of Morrow
County, OreRon, who beinsr the
lefal owner of Block 1. in Sperry's
Third Addition to the City of lone.
Oregon, did on the 1st day of
April, A. D. 1924. file with the
Common Council of the city of
lone, Oregon, its petition, asking
for the vacation of that portion
of Third Sereet adjoining the
property line on the North Bide of
said Block No. 1, of Sperry's
Third Addition to the City of lone,
Oregon, the same lying and being
between said Block No. 1, Sperry's
Third Addition to said city and
Block No. 7, in Sperry's Second
Addition to said city and more
particularly described as follows,
to wit:
Beginning at the Northeast
corner of said Block No. 1, in
Sperry's Third Addition to the
City of lone. Oregon, running
thence North 20 feet, thence West
200 feet, thence South' 20 feet,
thence East 200 feet to the place
of beginning.
That by order of the Common
Council of said city duly made and
ntere.i herein. Tuesday, the 6th
day of May, 11)24. at the hour of
:00 o'clocic p. m at the Council
Chamber in said city, is the time
and place set tor the hearing of
said petition and objections there
to if any.
Said petition now being on file
in the office of the City Recorder
of said city and subject to exami
nation at any time.
Dated at lone. Oregon, this
2nd day of April, 1924.
43 5t City Recorder.
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Office: Odd Fellows Building
Heppner -: Oregon
The B. & B. store at Morgan
will receive your watch repairing
jjfor Hylor the jeweler, Htppntr.