The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 18, 1924, Image 1

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    Ex-Public Officials Of Gilliam County Opposed To Autocratic Power Given By School Unit Law
Bank of lone
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
On Time and Savings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Buy Tin Cans ?
Coffee in fancy tins
cost you from 5c to 10c
per pound more than
bulk coffee.
Try my bulk roast
coffee. You can save
money every pound
is sold on guarantee
of satisfaction or your
money back.
lone Takes Opening League ! Oregon Receives More Money
Game From Heppner 8 to 3 Than Neighbor States I
A large delegation of lone
boosters followed the lone bovs
to Heppner Sunday where they
( Salem, Ore., (Special)-With
"tax reduction, farm relief, law
enforcement atid Oregon (level-
took the long end of the score by topment" as his campaign slogan,
outplaying the county seat team, j S. Senator Charles L. Mc-
Heppner scored 1 run in the Mary last Friday tiled with the
first thru a hit by Conley, after I secretary of slate his declaration
two men were out, followed by candidacy for renomination in
wide throw to first base. The j1'113 May republican primaries,
only other time they came near! Senator McNary is completing
scoring was in the 8th when they i '1' seventh year- in the senate,
earned two runs thru a 3-bagger ancl during his term of oliiee has
by Paul Aiken, followed by a hit , accomplished more for 'Oregon
by Roberta. Spec Aiken wen out tllan any other senator in its
and then King made a hit which history. In fact U. S. senator
allowed Heppner their 3rd count. George II. Moses, republican
lone made 3 scores in the 3rd 'fader in the senate from New
thru a hit by Lewis which was Hampshire, declares that Senator
followed by two strikeouts, then McNary "has accomplished more
Eubanks and Werner each knock- during his tensure in ofiiee than
ed out a 2-bagger, a single by any western senator."
Cochran and 3 runs crossed.
The fifth found Vic Itietmann
and Thornton poking the ball for
singles and Eubank's second two
bagger brought in 2 more tallies.
A walk, two wild throws and
an error gave lone one run in the
6th. Three hits coupled with
several errors counted 2 more in
the 9th.
' Eubank was the main hitter,
having made three hits. Thornton
pitched a good game and made .
two hits which he converted into!
runs. Arch Cochran put a chill'
into Heppner fans by making a
couple of good catches in the
early part of the game and Dutch
Rietman slamed one to the cen
ter field which gave Anderson a
chance to show his ability.
Heppner management put a
much needed rule into effect when
they cleared the field of specta
tors and the rule will be followed
by other managers.
King evidently lost his head by
being struck out twice and then
was thrown outafter laying down
a bunt and thought he was wear
ing boxing gloves, but was very
promptly quieted.
Bert Johnson of lone, umpired
and had an unusual number of
11: ---.i";. ,.
r iff . 1 f , to.. - - . hU'iT V .It
,'i imiii ii i i.i ijiiiii. i ii jy mmm an 3
5 Passenger Sedan
Wow $1695
Now you can afford to make that
dream a reality! To own and drive
this luxurious sedan, powered by
the same type oi engine used in
Europe's finest cars. Silently glid
ing sleeve valves instead o! ham
mering cams and clicking poppet
valves. -An engine that bnprooet
with use I An all-season car youH
want to drive season after season.
For no Willys-Knight engine has eocx
been knoton to wear out
Since Senator nlefMary entered
the senate Oregon has received
appropriations from the govern
ment totaling the giant sum of
It has received $i),255,7C2 (or
its rivers and harbors, which is
$0,500,228 more than Washington
received, and $.j9.G17 more than
California received during the
corresponding period.
It has received $0,808,000 for
its reclamation and power pro
jects, which when reduced to an
very close decisions to make and I irrigable area basis is approxi.
the game was carried out without I mately $17 per acre for Oregon,
which is $23 per acre more than
Idaho received, $19 per acre more
than Washington received, and
than Califor-
a hitch. He will umuire for Hep
pner and lone all season.
Heppner has a lot of good ma
terial and will be able to make a '$14 per acre more
creditable showing when they get nia received,
going, but their young pitcher It received $11,138,107 for its
found the lone farmers to have 'public-roads, forest roads and
the ability to connect up with j trails, which is $1,091,251 more
most everything he had to offer than Washington received, and
and some of the old heads of the$U350,9l2 more than Idaho re
Heppner team lacked their usual iCeived.
pep which
gave lone quite an
County Unit Law Opposed
Pendleton, Or , April 15 A
recommendation that the pro
noun! in liitrtnt fhrt ,nntu unit
school law of Oregon in 'Umttilla'16"!1''0? f "l"''
county, which will be voted on in
In addition, Oregon received
during the seven years Senator
McNary has been in the spnate,
an appropriation of $307,900 for
agricultural relief, $30,000 for an
aeroplane service for forest pro
tection and $30,000 for the ex-
Cohn Auto Co.
Heppner -:- Oregon
p -oducts until they could he sold.
He also dratted, introduced and
is now championing the McNary
Haugen bill.
He has introduced and has
pending a bill to perpetuale the
country 's forest resources and
which will materially reduce tax
es by doubifng the state's revenue
from the sa'e of timber from its
national forests.
i the May primary election, should
To meet bills for 30 days only, 25 perit
cent off on the entire stock many useful edyes'er,ifyl jhe communication
, . : says the club favors the principle
orauuation outs. April id to way id. of the ia but is opposed to c-n
tranzation or authority. Members
HEPPNER, ORE.'f the dub are ex public officials.
rr The measure must also be put
On Your Farm
Free of Charge
Our demonstration car goes
Everywhere within forty miles
of Heppner, and will give you
and your neighbors a fine
evening's entertainment.
All Leading Makes
Everything Electrical
I'hone 472
Kevival services in progress at,
the Church of Christ here are at-
ton will be in the box lor lone and ' trading wide interest, Paul De F.
if his past performance is any Mortimore, the evangelist, pre
pointer to the result it looks as if jsenthni Ihc gospel in a forceful
lone will make Condon go some and convincing manner. Thereare
to win. Thornton has made thru; tfood crowd in attendance each
cessful in passing in the senate ; starts for lone uwi won each cvcn'iifj. This Friday night's topic
his hill appropriating 000 for ' " ,'8V margin and has : is especially for young people and
is called "Samson and Dcliliah."
Services Sal u .day nij'ht. Sunday
an all day meeting will be held.
Attend the Big Came Sundjy
Morrow Gilliam League battle
is now on and Condon started the
season by trimming Arlington 17
to 2 at Condon Sunday, while
lone was taking Heppner down
by an 8 to 3 score. The real bat
tie will be pulled on the lone
diamond April Oth, when Con
don comes down to try for the
lone has beaten Condon three
out of the last four games whieh
they have played on the lone
diamond and the total score of
the four gamo was Ccndon 1 1
and lone 10. This game will give
the winner quite an advantage in
the percentage column and will
be fought to the finish. Thorn-
Within the last few days Sen
ator McNnry also lias been sue-
a lori-st experiment station to be
located iri Oregon.
During his term in odice Sen-
eight strikeouts to his credit in
; on;-game, II! in the second and
sent H Heppner boys back Sun-
Swanson' Chop Mill Has
P,abv scratch feed, chick mash,
grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult
ry pepper, poultry regulator, etc.
The Klans of lone dressed up
in their hood d regalia, present
ed a purse of money to Rev.
Johnson at the Baptist church
last Sunday night.
Joe Bowers has decided to live
in lone. No big cities for him.
John Louy is yet quite sick at
the hotel.
A new line of Ladies' and Men's
Oxford's just received.
Bert Mason.
on the shelf in Morrow county.
Private gain and selfish interests
Physician and Surgeon ! at the taxpayers expense seem to
Office in Masonic Building j be the purpose of some at the
Trained Nurse Assistant i county 8e8t- Aak our "hbor
if he desires our schools placed in
autocratic hands and his taxes
increased to be spent by this ap-
Heppner : Oregon
Cleaning ' Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
Heppner, Ore.
pointed power as it sees fit.
"Hap" Wood has a new 2-door
Ford sedan. He has now opened
an office in the room opposite the
telephone central.
Swanson's Chop Mill Has
Baby scratch fee 1, chick mas!',
grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult
ry pepper, poultry regulator, etc.
- ator McNary h;is done more for ! lay. The lone boys are hitting j Dinner wili be served at the church
theagricultural, horticultural and ' the ball in great shape and will I and an afternoon service in which
livestock inierests than anv man keep Cupie working all the time. the evangelist will discuss "The
1n the senate. As a leader in the , Come out and see a real ball) Church of Christ," will be a
tariif bloc he secured a protective 'name and boost the honn boys. feature.
tariff on farm products including: Ihey are trying hard to put up a;
eggs, prunes, walnuts, filberts. real game and need the Kupport'
meraschine cherri-.'S, cream, but-'of every fan in the community, j
ter, butter substitutes, cheese, I Owing to tlie extra expense i
fi.,.uu aixKi itntoa mid ii l.i- nun. the team has licen nut to. thev I
modilies! He secured appropri- are obliged to charge entrance Oregon- Washington highway and
ations forexpertstomakeastudvifeesto all high school students " "c' ,""l.u "u"
of the walnut, pear, apple and as it will take all possible gate Ju' "e
brocoiii and cranberry industries, receipts to 'carry the team thru
appropriations for lro: t stations.
and broadcasting of market re-1 The Heppner Herald edited by
ports. Unsecured an amendment j S. A. l'attison, has gone out of
ChtH, liraum, a traveling sales-
; m in ol Pendleton, was arrested
iiv otTw-i'i' T.ieiuilien ntur Mnrinn
illast Friday forspieding on the
itraum plea 1
guilty to the oflence and was
. 'fined $20.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cochran
returned home Tuesday from a
to the war finance act authoriz- existence, being taken over by ; Htay at Soap Lake, Wn., where
lone high school team defeated ing the advancement of funds to the Crawford's of the Gazette-
the Condon team at Condon this t the farmers and bxestock men j Times. This leaves but one paper
Wednesday by a score of 7 to 5. 80 hat they could carry their i at the county seat.
Mr. Cochran went to take treat
ment for kidney and stomach
trouble. He is some improved.