The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 11, 1924, Image 1

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    lone VS Heppner At Heppner Sunday. Be There And Watch Our Boys Win The Game.
Bank of lone
State, County and :
City Depository
4 Per Cent , " '
On Time and Savings Deposits .
. - I ' . ; J , -
t . f '
Safe Deposit Boxes '
' ' v . '..,, , .
" 1
' - ' '
Buy Oh Credit? !
lone 14, Boardman 7
Hoard man came to lone Sunday
with the intention of repeating
the winning of the opening game,
but were decisively outplayed by
lone. Roche was started in the
box but his arm was useless and
they made two hits in the first
inning which resulted in 2 scores.
Three hits in the 3rd gavs them
3 more. Dutch Kietmann then
went into the box and put the
side out with the first three men
up. The 5th gave the visitors 3
more thru a hit; a batter struck
by a pitched ball, another hit fol
lowed by an error. The next four
innings' Uutch had the Melon
growers at his mercy and but 3
men faced. him in each inning.
Two hits an an error gave lone 1
run in the 3rd. Two hits, a walk
and an error and 1 more' score in,
the 4th. Boardman players then
blew up and our boys kept the
bags occupied thruout the game,
making 4 runs in the 5th, 2 each
in the 6th and 7th and 3 in the
8th. The ball was pounded to all
parts of the lot and most every
Boardman man took a spree of
making errors and threw the ball
away most every chance. Arch
Cochran finished the game by
making a grand catch of a short
fly after making a long run and
picked the ball off the grass tops.
Bristow went in after Cochran
was disabled and played good ball
making a hit and a score and was
hit by pitcher once and then
thrown out at home by a close
T am in the merchandising game to
I '.v make money, but can't do so selling
Z ii t ' ' -t- t ; .
-on .credit. 1 want your casn Dusinebb
and ani pleased to have a chance to
show goods and quote prices.
Tf you want to buy in large quantities ::
"-i." .-n- i i ...mi t "
mane up your list anu i wm quuie
prices and compare goods with any
competitor; ; ; " .
I Quantity, Quality and - Service
To meet bills for 30 days only, 25 per
cent off on the entire stock many useful
Graduation Gifts. April 15 to May 15.
WM. HAYLOR, heppner, ore.
Swanson's Chop Mill Has
liabv scratch feed, chick mash,
grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult
ry pepper, poultry regulator, etc.
We were all glad to see J. P.
Louy when he returned last Fri
day evening from his winter's
visit with relatives at Custar,
Ohio. He has been somewhat
sick since his return with colds, j
Of course, everyone thought that i
Mr. Louy would bring home with
him one of those pretty Ohio
maids to keep house for him un
der the name of Mrs. Louy. Oh,
well, there are some nice pick
tips around lone and plenty of
school marms who are tired of
teaching, so step out John and
whisper the word into the bob
ed haired ear.
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner : Oregon
Geaning Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
Heppner, Ore.
You will miss a real treat if
you don't attend the meetings at
the Christian church beginning
April 13th with Paul DeF. Morti
more as minister.
Morrow-Gilliam County Base
Ball League Formed
Representatives from Heppner
and Arlington met with Bert
Mason Sunday and organized a
league. Mgr. Shaw of Condon,
was to have come thru lone Out
a misunderstanding took him di
rect to Heppner, so he was not
presant. Bert Mason was elect
ed President of the League and
will also act as secretary. Each
town will he represented on the
Board of Directors by a business
man from each town, said direct
or is not to be a manager or play
er, but a fan who is interested in
the good of the spoit. K. E. Pad
berg has been appointed director
for lone. Bert Mason was di
rected to rtraw up a schedule for
for the season and has submitted
his report to the different teams
for approval.
lone will open the season at
Heppner April 13th and Arling
ton will go to Condon. By the
schedule lone and Heppner will
each have six games but there
will not be a game in the two
towns on the same date. This will
give the fans of Morrow county j
a chance to see . a game every I
Sunday thruout the season which
will end June 2'Jlh with Heppner
playing at lone. . lone will have
games on April 20 27,. I May 18 25,
June 15-29. ; .
Condon, Heppner, Arlington
and lone comprise the teams and
each team will take all home re
ceipts and pay their traveling
Each team will he restricted to
two salaried players and after
May 1, only home players will be
allowed to be added to the teams
that is to include such t-tudents
as may be away at school, or rcg
ular residents who may wish to
get onto the teams, pitcher or
catcher excepted. A suitable
trophy will be awarded to the
winning team at the fnd of the
season and will be uubject to next
year's winner.
Walter Cochran Breaks Leg
In making a Biide to home plate
with the tying run in the 5th in
ning of the game with Boardman
Sunday, Walter Cochran struck
the plate in such manner as to
break both bones of his right leg.
the smaller bone near the ankle
and the other just below the knee.
A collection was taken before the
game proceeded and the sum of
$120 quickly rained. Walter will
be laid up for some time and de
sires to express his heartfelt
thanks for this generous remind
er which goes to Bhow his popu
larity with the base ball fans who
will be very much disappointed
to miss this popular player in the
lone nine,
lone high school boys defeated
the Lexington school kids here
Tuesday afternoon; score, 13 to 8.
Hand us in your news items.
DON'T let there be any guesswork about
the condition of your home, particularly
the outside surfaces.
Know its actual condition by making an examinntion of
the siding, the window frames irn doors, the steps and
porches, the eaves and roof. If winter's storms and last
summer's sun have made inroad on your property, you'll
soon discover it.
Then follow up immediately with Ranmusscn Pure Paint,
which gives you fullest surface protection at lowest possible
cost. 9
Make this examinntion todey. It's YOUR responxibility
to keep your home in piod condition.
Dring your painting problems to ua; we ran offer you
helpful siiggestion;i. P.i'.amussen Paints and Varnishes are
fully recommended and sold by ua.
lone, Oregon
Rasmussen ProJufls
fjr T b t t e's a
Barn and Roof Point
Truck and Trnct Point
Creosote Shinjje Stain
Porch Moor Pnint
Kacolite Enamel
Wall-Dura WaihabU
Wall Pain
Inside Floor Paint
Oil Sf lint, Varnithfta
Floor and Varnish Stains
R as
m u s s e n Product for every surface
A special revival service vii
begin April 1 tit h al th" Christian
church by Paul l)e 1 Alurtiin ir '. 1
Be sure tu hear him.
, Walt Smith h;u seen !.n" uon
ders of a smelt run an I w home
Mrs. Kate Michael, i former
proprietor ol the 1'inn lio'el, died'
in Portland a tew l;tvs ago.
Condon defeated' I ist
Sunday by a ncor of 8 to 2. ,; We
wondered why Uhea tie;'k wa:s
so muddy.
Several thousand hem) of idieep
passed thru lone this week for
the shearing and range grounds
near Heppner.
Prof. Kellogg, principal of the
Lexington high fchooi, a voung
man well liked by the students
of the school and citizens of hi;
town, visited our sanctum Tues
day afternoon,
Mrs. George PJtehi", accompa
nied by Mrs. B. A. Ritchie, lelt
Sun'lny for a ten days vi.iit with
relatives in Portiand. This is
grandma Hitchie'a tint, vinit to
Portland and the wonders of that
city will he a grf at sight to the;
aired lad v. I
Karl Beach, live-wire citizen of
Lexington, was here last Friday
afternoon all drewd up in new
spring clothes. He's the guy who
furnishes the farmers of his com
munity with anything from a holt
to a Harris combine.
The member.? and friends of
the Congregational church are
olanningon buildinga church par
lor in the near 'uture. They have
almost enough money on hand
and as soon as the plans are coin
pleted, building will begin.
Special reduction sale April 15
to May 15. V'm. Baylor, Heppner.
Mr. Amy, the Holt cat man,
was here several days this week
looking after business matters.
it ' .t.,t: i- ! I.-
a . . . , . y I . . . ... !',' i .j ' : ,. '
Old Time Gospel Hymns
Soul Stirring Solos
Services Every Night 730
A Cordial Invitation to All
Beginning April 13, at Christian Church
j Chas. Allinger has been qirite Miss Alice Kietmann of 0. A.
sick the past two weeks. C, is home for the summer.