The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 04, 1924, Image 4

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Published Every Friday by
P. 1'. HAULER. Hilitor Puhlishcr
One year ....$1.50
Six month 76
Thin months 60
bntxieti qh second clutm rnattor at the
pnxtoflice at. lone, Oregon, under act
of March II, 1S"!
KriJay, April 4, 1924
Senator McNary's Good Record
Washington, April 2, (Special.)
Of the entire number of Sena
tors now in office the three who
have shown the Kreateat atten
tion to the interests of their con
stituents and who have been
most consistently in their seats
are Senators McNary, Capper and
Shephard. Such is the statement
of Assistant Secretary Henry M.
Rose of the U. S. Senate, who
has custody of the roll calls of
the Senators and he bases liis
statements on the retords of the
roll calls during the terms of the
Senators. So far as senator Mc
Nary is concerned, his record is
almost perfect. The only time he
was away from roll calls since he
came 10 me senate was uuriiki
the time of the death and funeral
of his wife some years ago, and
later when he was confined to
his hotel by the grippe.
Official figures tell the story of
Senator McNary's devotion to
Oregon the United States.
He has not missed a single roll
call or been absent from his desk
during all the sessions since this
congress met in December.
The senatorial snookers at
Washington are beginning to raid
Calvin Coolidge's Mel(l)on patch.
The appointment of Jefferson
Myers as State Treasurer to suc
ceed 0. P. HolT, deceased, is an
admirable one and is cheering
evidence that Governor Pierce is
at Inst using brains in making
official selections.
Possible developments in the
campaign for the U. S. Senator
from this stste include the with
drawal of K. K. Kubli from the
race, which is freely predicted
around Portland. If that happens
and with Kugene Smith in the
field as an anti-Klan candidate,
the nomination of Geo. Baker
seems an easy possibility.
Kxcavatory in the vicinity of
Los Angeles have been digging
up human skeletons supposed to
be ten to fifteen thousand years
old. Skeletons juntas old as that
have been found in the closets of
politicians around Washington
and the "digging" has been only
fairly started. Most of these
skeletons have been preserved in
Since our last review of the
political situation in Oregon, an
other candidute for Congress has
appeared in the Portland district,
Walter G. Lynn having announc
ed his desire to serve the dear
people at Washington. Walter
has been a representative of the
Union labor interests and was
elected to the legislature on the
republican ticket from Portland,
but was defeated in 1922, .
Harry M. Daugherty has re-
. signed the position of U. S. At
torney General at the request of
President Coolidge. Mr. Daugh
erty may not be the best man for
that position, and it may be for
the best interest of the President
and the Republican party that he
retire in order thai uo clement
I 'aid Advertisements
For County Clerk
To till! ltepiilillcan voter of Mor
row county: i hereby announce that
I will lie a vamllilate for the miiniiia
tlon of County Clerk at the Primary
Klectioa to lie held May Hi, V.iH.
(JaV M. Amikhhon.
1 1 ncu in lien t )
For County Judge '
To the Republican votert) of Mor
row county: I hereby announce iny
nelf a ciitidliJut for the iioinliiatlon
at your hamlH fortheolllceof County
IihIkk ut the primary election 111
May, llllM. My eiperieiice of inanv
yearH rh county coiniiiiHMioner miikt'H
me converKiuit with the dutleH of the
olllce I Heck, and 1 hIih.I1 Kreatly ap
preciate your Mitpport at the prl
tuart anil for all pant favors, 1 thank
you kindly.
(J. A. Bi.kakman, llarilman.
For County Commissioner
To the VoIitm of Morrow county:
I hereby announce in.VHelf in "n
candlilaU' for the otlice of County
CouinilHHloaer for Morrow county,
Ori'Kon, at the Ilepubllcan primary
iioinlimtliig election to be held on
May Hi, l!i.'4. If tioinliiated iui elect
ed I pledge) to (five tny beHt and care
ful attention la the future iin In the
paHt, to the litiHlneHH of thin olllce.
1.. 1'. Daviiwon,
For County Judge
To the Votern of Morrow county :
I hereby announce niyMelf a can
lldnte for the ollice of County .ludire
oil the Democratic ticket, at the pri
mary nominulliiK election, I t-lil ;iv.
May 1", l!K!4.
I!. I.. Hk.nuk.
For County Judge
To the Itepubllcati Votern of Mor.
row ciunty :
I llerebv nnniiiiiiei thut I u-lll t.u
v..iiiilfl 11- l.fl LIU' IIIMII lllll I Kill HIT'
County , I uilce. at the primary Hit-
1 mil, 10 ne ueni amy in, iti.'i. During
111 v iircMenr lerni ini im .v in. i...u..
to obtain efllclcncy in public service,
with economy and (mIi'iu'mm, and If
linllilllll ti.jt .iliwtMit I 1. 1. . I...
Name In the future.
W.M. T. ('A.MI'IIKI.l..
For County Judge
To the Hiiiibllcau VoterH of Mor
row county :
llavluir decided to become a can-
ilhiatc for the olllce of County Juiluc
of Morrow county, Oregon, at the
primary election to be held May Hi,
l!KM. I take thlH opportunity In 1111-
tioiiticiuir the name and if liomltialt-il
and elected I will hoticHtly, fnlllifully
and Itutiartlally perforin the ilntii-H
ol the olllce to the bent of my ability.
M. it. Mono an.
Latest Styles
Co to
(Cox ICecldeiice)
So. Main St. Right on Highway
of personal interest ean be charg
ed in the future attitude of the
department of justice, but so far
as developments up to this time
are in sight, Daugherty is a white
robed angel in comparison to the
pack of hounds that have been on
his trail.
W. B. Gilbert. Robt. S. Bean
and Chas. E. Wolverton, three
federal judges, united in handing
down a decision at Portland .last
Monday declaring unconstitution
al the compulsory school law en
acted by vote of the people of
Oregon in 1922. The decision is
clear cut and is in line with the
expressed opinion of many of the
best lawyers ot the state before
and since the passage of the bill.
The Governor ha announced his
intention to appeal the case to
the U. S. Supreme Court. It has
been claimed that this law had a
strong inlluence in retarding the
growth of Oregon and the de
cision of the court will be wel
comed by a large part of the peo
ple of the state.
Dr. D. R. Haylor, the Eye
Specialist, will be in Ilea
pner April 21st and 22nd. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Swanson's Chop Mill Has
Baby scratch feed, chick masH,
grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult
rp pepper, poultry regulator, etc.
Lish Sperry has a crew of men
putting down a cement sidewalk
on his property on west Main St.
Fred Nichoson is to start next
Monday to drill a well for Dell
Ward south of town.
The Collins Co. have shipped
from lone 12,3000 sacks of associ
ation wheat the past ten days.
The Loren Hale home is being
Notice Is Hereby Given that
School District No. 35, of Morrow
County, Oregon, who being the
legal owner of Block 1, in Sperry's
Third Addition to the City of lone.
Oregon, did on the 1st day of
April, A. D 1924, file with the
Common Council of the City of
lone, Oregon, its petition, asking
for the vacation of that portion
of Third Sereet adjoining the
property line on the North side of
said Block No. 1, of Sperry's
Third Addition to the City of lone,
Oregon, the same lying and being
between said Block No. 1, Sperry's
Third Addition to said city and
Block No. 7, in Sperry's Second
Addition to said city and more
particularly described as follows,
Beginning at the Northeast
corner of said Block No. 1, in
Sperry's Third Addition to the
City of lone, Oregon, running
thence North 20 feet, thence West
200 feet, thence South 20 feet,
thence East 200 feet to the place'
of beginning.
That by order of the Common
Council of said city duly made and
entered herein, Tuesday, the 6th
day of May, 1924, at the hour of
8:00 o'clock p. m., at the Council
Chamber in said city, is the time
and place set for the hearing of
said petition and objections there
to if any.
Said petition now being on file
in the office of the City Recorder
of said city and subject to exami
nation at any time.
Dated at lone, Oregon, this
2nd day of April, 1924.
43 5t City Recorder.
Bad Convicts Escape
Six of the toughest characters
in the Oregon penitentiary made
a sensational escape last Friday
morning, the most sensational
since the escape of Tracy and
Merrill on June 9, 1902. They
broke a lock from a door leading
into the basement, then sawed
a bar in one of the windows,
crawled thru into the front yard.
which is under the eyes of the
turnkey, also the bookkeeper and
warden's ollice, mounted the
steps to the guard's post and
jumped from the wall, the guard
being at the other end of his beat
watching the railroad gate. One
of the escapes was captured the
same evening nearTurner, south
east of Salem and another one
was apprehended at Stayton.
Morgan Life
Glenn V. Payne of Hillsboro,
one of Mr. and Mrs. Harbison's
son-in-law's, drove up last Friday
evening for a rabbit hunt in the
Rand and sage district just below
Cecil. He was accompanied by
Dr. Rossman, Theodore Wells,
Jack Glascoe. Alvin Batcheler
and Ashford Mitchel. all of Hills
boro. They returned home Mon
day afternoon taking along with
them for good luck, the left-hind
foot of about 150 jacks.
Miss Marjory Smith, nutrition
expert of extension service O. A.
('., gave demonstrations in salad
making on Tuesday afternoon
which was appreciated by the
ladies of Morgan. She will be
with us again May 7.
Noah Pettyjohn, wife and chil
dren, also James Hardesty, wife
and son, visited with Mrs. II. J.
Streeter Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Harbison is loading out
several cars of wheat with the
help of Bauernfiond. Medlock,
Funk and Jim Hardesty.
Fred Pettyjohn and wife and
S. Edwards attended the lecture
at the Baptist church in lone last
Sunday night.
Bert Palmateer, wife and son,
and H. O. Ely, wife and daugh
ter, took a trip to Hermiston last
Sunday afternoon for an ailing.
Cecil News Items
H. J. Streeter and Arthur Tur
ner ate busy these days running
a catapiller for Mr. Osborn. They
are plowing a 700 acre tract for
Mr. Thomas of Dotheboys Hill,
spent several hours in Cecil Sun
day discussing the latest topics
of the day.
W. Pope of Cecil, left for past
ures new some where in the lone
district where we learn that all
the cooks are widows.
Clyde Ahalt a government trap
per, was here Wednesday.
We are pleased to learn that
Mr. Mavof The Lone Star, who
has been in The Dalles hospital
for several weeks, has been able
to be taken to his daughter's
home in Hood River. We sincerely
wish him a speedy recovery.
Wld Palmateer of Windy nook, I
while traveling between Morgan I
and Cecil last Saturday, found a
111 m
ta4K..tteci lit 11 - It ir.ii,i,wa;i
lone Am. Legion Hall
Saturday Night, April 12
j& Dance starts after the picture j& j&
"Maim Street"
One of the Greatest Screen Pictures
Dance TicKets $1.00
Admission, 25c and 50c. "Main Street" is a great picture
Remember the place - IONE
rolling pin. He is anxious to find
the owner, but 83 yet no 'Maggie' j
has turned up to claim the pin.
no it re.-ts trom its labors at
LOST Brace and bit between
baseball grandstand and Harris
building. Return same. Reward.
Hallick Stance.
A special revival service will
begin April 13th at the Christian
church by Paul De F. Mortimore.
Be sure to hear him.
Bert Mason has a word to say
to the buyer this week. Read his
An Ordinance to prevent, restrain
ami regulate inlniui being on the
mr. -t:i, ulicys or luuclvwiys within the
limits, of the City ol lout, ut reitiun
hours. 11 nil providing- a penally for
the violation of this ordinance, and
reiii aliiiK all Ordinances and parts ol
Ordinances In rontlio. herewith.
lie it Ordained lly The Common
Council Of The Cily Of lone, Oregon.
Sec. 1. That from and the
passage of this Ordinance It Khali he
unlawful fur any minor under the
aite of tlfchtccn yearn to lie upon any
Street, Alley or Koad within the lim
its ol the City of lone, be
tween the hour of !i:oil o'clock 1.
M. and the hour of 5:U0 o'clock A.
M . unless Raid minor shall he ac
companied by his or her parent or
li'Kal Kuardian, or upon wri.ten In
struction signed by his or her par
ent or U'Kal tsuardlan to perform
some necessary duty or business for
such parent or legal guardian, such
written Instruction or notice must
state the nature and charader -of
such necjcssary business, and upon
request of the City Marshall or other
Police Officer such minor must im
mediately deliver the same to said
Marshnll or other Police Officer, and
said Murshull or Police Officer must I
retain possession of such written In
strument until he shall ascertain
w hether or not the same was signed
by said minor's parent or legul
guardian, or that such duty or busi
ness wa absolutely necessary, said
minor upon the performance of such
duty or business must immediately
return to his or her place of resi
dence or abode.
Sec. 2. It shall lie the duty of the
City Marshall or other 1'ollce orflcer
on duty at the hour of 9:00 o'clock
P. M. to give a signal, by giving
three tains of the fire bell, which
said sirnul shall be a warning to all
such Minors that it Is lime .0 pro
ceed to vacate the Public Stmts.
Allejs and Uoads
Sic. 3. Anv minor for lid juillty
of the violation of nay of the pro
visions of this Ordinance shall he
doemcd guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction (hereof, shall
he fined In a sum not to exceed
KM). 00 and in default of the pay
ment of any fine assessed Hereun
der, shall Ihi Imprisoned in the City
Jail one day for each I2.U0 of such
fine imposed.
Sec. 4. In as much as this Or
dinance is necessary for the Immed
iate preservation of the public
health, peace and safety of the City
of lone. Oregon. Therefore an emer
gency Is hereby declared to exist,
and this Ordinance sh:-ll be in full
force and effect upon Its passage by
the Common Council and approval
by the Mayor.
Sec. 6. All Ordinances and rnrrs
of Ordinances In conflict herewith
are hereby repe-led.
Passed by the Common Council of
the City of lone, this 1st day of
April. 124.
Approved hjr the Mavor of (he
City of lone, Oregon, this 1st day
of April, 1924.
. BERT MASON, Mayor.
K. H. ROniXSOS. Ilecorder.
43 St
Come - Good Music
starts at 7:45 Sharp
starts at 9:45 Sharp
Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the
Machine that needs good Lubrication
Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as .
F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them.
no trouble to demonstrate.
Elevator COmpany
Coai and Wood
Flour and Feed
Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00
16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90
Rolled Barley, 44.00
Whole Oats, 44.00
Mill-feed 35.00
Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts
A Foot! Sale on Saturday, April
12, also some fancy articles and
apron at Paul Kalai-fer'a store.
Dorcas Society.
t iiiMinitiMiM
The B. & B. store at Morgan
will receive your watch repairing
for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner,