The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 04, 1924, Image 3

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    PORT! A1MH
I Vi 1 SI-mU
Select Residential & Transient
ltth and Yamhill, Portland. Oraron.
Modern Fireproof American Plan
L. 11. riirLLlUillll
SHIP TODAY--A Check Tomorrow
Mutual Creamery Co.
The National cioltre Treatment Corp. of Maeon City, Iowa, with branch
offices at Portland, treat (loltre on a Guarantee of Satisfactory Reaults or
money refunded. For Information write to:i Chamber of Commerce lililg.,
That Fit-None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St '
We Specialize in
Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Casein,
Oregon Grape Root. Coat Skint, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping; Turn A latent Prioe Lint
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
ii ranch at Pocntcllo, Idaho
At less thin H Price. Mil! orders promptly filled
Pacilic Auto Wrecking Co. Ki&AND
Rs?movri without injury to th skin by Ney-Rorn
Ifeliiletory. Sampla on rtHUft. Ney-Born Lab
ora.Uris, 619 Morgan bkijr.. Cortland Oregon.
See Yellowstone and
Southern California
These two wonderlands have been
reproduced in charming Illustrations
by the Union Pacific and bound in
book form with adequate description.
Both can be easily obtained and will
prove extremely entertaining as well
as Instructive. Write for copies to
Wm, McMurray, General Passenger
Agent, Plttock Block, Portland, Ore
gon, who Will forward them freely to
any address upon receipt of request.
Gold and Silver Plating,
Rend ui your old Silverware, IWIectnra
and Mimical Instruments for repulr and
resilvei Ina;. We eve cm money. B. L.
Foote, 3bt'.j Washington St., I'm Hand.
Tenches trade tn 8 weeks. Some pay
while learning. Poult) on a secured. Write
fur catalogue. 234 JHtirnalde street. Port
land, Oregon.
Bat ha, sinks, toilets, basins, bull era,
pipe, valves and fittings. Tricus reason
able. Standard Plumbina ft Heatlna Co.
East tith and Morrison 8t. rortlund, Or.
Claris Bros., Florists, 3S7 klorriion Bt.
Set of
We guarantee materia
and workmsnship.
Painless extractloa of
Twin. V. 20 years If
the ssme locution. V. 3. DKNTISTS, 246 Wash
ington cor. Second, Portland, Urtwon.
Fatshlished 1 hS7 (37 years), surpassing In
Its effiM't. Your driiggiat will supply you
at thirty-five cfnta, or oddrees labora
tory, ti 49 Ksst 2:nd Streut, Los Angeles.
Sample free by mail.
Treated by Skilled Specialists
THE astounding growth In my practice
In treating Pile and other redtal and
colon dteorderi hsi required larger and
better equipped oBce in my own new
building and an Increased itaJof skilled
It hai aleo given me an unlimited experl
enee which enable me toGUARANTEE
to cure eny cae of Pile by my non-urg.
cal method or refund the patlent'i fee.
Thrr. I. no eonfntment ind
trutmend mT !. t.k.n at pr
todf tnoftconvmlcnttoptcMnl.
Mr ht t. aniMier.fe.
Writ, ted.? for m FREE
!J, DEAN.M D.lnc
STrt ao nei-ofrri touirr moum
- fORTlAKO.Mt.EC0)e
Discover How to Make
Wsshlnirton. While congress for
the last two years hns been In the
midst of sensatlonul and startling In
vestigations, the Deportment of Agrl
tulture hat been quietly conducting
one of Its own.
Two picked men have been deep In
the task of solving the mystery of
what makes the boles In Swiss cheese.
Their efforts were crowned by suc
cess and they were able to make the
PoMltnd. Ortton
Cdmplttt Chants flstttrdsy,
Adults, Wuk
40c. Cnntimi
Matlass, 90o ; Kninfi,
l to 11 p. m.
Children 10 runts sll t1n
Porlland'L.?SuF7R House
Rodelinf. Repairing, Storage.
129 Tenth 3tr..t. n..r W..himlon.
Cut, Mum, hem and mac hint
of sat skirts rssd lor bind.
Hatmatiti'Mtiir TiicotineT mil tnrkinff.
89 Si Fifth 8t.
Portland, Ore.
Pleating Embroidery
Hemstitch inr. Buttons Covered.
Tenth St., Portland
All work guaranteed
Smith Pleating and Button Works,
923 Morgan Bids., Portland, Ore.
BsnJUrjr Beauty Parlors We fii yon on.
we make all klode of Hair Goods of 7m
eombinas. Join our School of BesutT On I fur.
400 to 414 Deknm Bldf., Phone Brosdwsy
S0f, Portland, Oregon.
All machines taught ana repaired.
Yamhill, Portland, Ore.
Rebuilt second hand batteries, $10.00
it urana Avenue, roruana
Northwest Welding A Supply Co., 81 1st St.
Adolph W. Harr, Ablngton Big., Portland.
Camnlete Line BDttlers' auoolies
Ij..-....... Jl D,.li. P.. 141 iltarL
Do not throw away your old feathers. We clean,
dve and remndal and match samples. Now Flow
ers and Feathers made to order. yaare etal
Imhfd. W rtisrantM all work. Hartness Feath
er ft Flower Shop, jfrtiH Washington tit.
WABASH. Rooms 50c. 2(M Madison St.
Just arrived, two carloads of horses. Hnve
160 to choose from, rnni nf In weight
from 1300 to lfino pounds, and from four
years old up. These norses are lor rent,
sale or exchange. We take In en t tie,
ho rues and mules. North Portland Horse
Mule Co., North Portland. Ore. Phone
Empire 0121.
Made to measure, 467 Washington St.
If you are troubled with Appendicitis
or Stomach Trouble, write Hls Com pan,
Portland, Oregon, for free Information In
German or English.
We have taken over the following trucks
from the Portland Motor car company
and Automotive Brokerage company,
which must be soli at ome in i-onjuni-
tlon with the bank s truck. PaikHMl.
Nash. Republic, Musters, Geary, White.
Winther, Kissel, Fenerai, Dorige delivery
Comet and other rnakea. All slrea, in
eluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit
Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland
AL8. all kinds, new and ustd. At
nlumbiiig auMflles, hardware, bldg
Daoer. oaints. varnish. Write or
call. Dolan Wrecking A Const. Co.
East atn ana cieimont, rortisna.
Miller Paint Co.-Wallpaper
We Invite you to call and Inspect our
line of Wall papers ant paints or ahti
for our free catalog. Select what uu
want from our line and save money.
172 First til., Portland, Oie.
We have hundreds of plans st $10.00 and up. Bend
us a sketch of the home you want and wa will u li
mit similar spaetrnea plans. No obligation except
to return plans 11 not suitable.
rVilrnlne and Drafting. 611-11 Couch BviHdlnc,
Portland. Uroe-oa.
For iwiubio cieanm and uye-
Inf aprvlro Mnd parcl. to u.
w. pay return intorm
atton and pncea sivea upon re
r.iUbu.h 1890. Fortland. Or.
SS Japanese Pongee 1. M. M. 78
Kafoury Urns., lit Alder SL
Dress, table and art linens, handker
rhiers Irish homesnuns and twetds
Fvarvthin that rornwa from if NuhI
directly Imported. flpe:tal attention givn
mall orders Kathleen connwiy, isi' iMtn
BL, bet. ilurriaon and lamniii sta.
Why Not Buy
a good re-bullt used car from Pirant
and sftve a lot of money pay 1-1 down
or trade your old car as first pay
ment, take 11 months on balance.
Juat as easy to buy In Portland where
you get choice of W cars, all mnka,
all models we have good tars from
IQ 00 up.
Write Us Today
about the hind of a car you like bet
we'll send uu a list of cars, p rites,
Utn and Burnalde Portland, Ore
Holes in Swiss Cheese
cheese both with and without holes.
News of their discovery lesked out
somehow, and a large cheese company
Immediately hired them away from
the depurtmenL
The experts took their secret along
with them, bearings on the agriculture
appropriation bill dlsclood, and the
mystery, as far as the public la cob
cerned, remalna unsolved.
Wall Paper Specials
Bedroom paper 10c, ISO, Mr, Double
roll. Beet duplex oatmeal, 46c bolt. Wash
able kitchen pa pen 4&c double roll, Tap
estry p&pera Sfic, 6uc, double roll. Flee
ample book on request.
SMITH'S wall fACin nuuoB
101-10 Second Street
Portland. Ore.
Hotel Portland Hotel Multnomah
linger .Buiiaiug
Mary Elizabeth Shop
Facial end Scalp Treatments,
Marcelling, Permanent Wave,
rhllrirvn'u Hair Cuttlne. Hair
Pyuria. Tourlit Booth Sun li e
Zi Ceutl.
This Summer?
For Special Rates
and Information
10S Third Street, PortL-wl. "r - i
208 Wesh. St., Between Ui and 4ta.
I ariiac' cau-Suits. tu n Dimms.
LaUICJ Ak about our yKS phote offer. We
aleo offer SPECIAL C. O. D. Plan.
Guaranteed Dental Work
Extracrlnr Adeolutely Palnleea.
Vi7 moderate prtcol. All work
done without pain,
When You Think of Teeth
Think of
IU Morrlaon Pt. Cnr Ind St., Portland
10 Yeaia1 Suoceaaful Practice.
Sumner Shingle. Mill
Practically new. Capacity SAM. 8 hours with I
men. Holt propniitton. Dtetrabi. location or .
million feet cir at 11.76 per M. S mll.1 from rail,
puy ae cut. For partirulart adclroM R. 8. Thomaa,
1210 G.rfl.ld Ave.. Fortland. Ore. i'eiitive Har
vain. Save Uii. for reference.
Million Desert Firms.
Chicago. Since last year another
million people have left the farms and
moved into cities, the Sears Roebuck
Agricultural foundation reported Sat
urday, adding that the population has
increased during the same time about
1,400,000 which means there are 2,400,
000 more persons to feed and t mil
lion less producers of food.
"This condition," the report says,
warrants industrial and commercial
leaders doing something definite and
concrete to help the farmer get on bis
Farm prospects for the coming sea
son show decided Improvement, a sur
vey Just complotcd shows.
Woman Filer Injured.
Jacksonville, Fla. Mabel Coby,
stunt flier, Sunday received serious in
Juries when she fell from an airplane
to which she had Just leaped from a
speeding automobile at Fablo Beach,
near here. She succeeded In seizing
the ladder banging from the plane, but
lost her hold GO feet up.
Salem. The United States employ
ment bureau located here for the lust
year will fee retained, according to a
telegram received Saturday from Sen
ator McN'ary at Washington. Senator
McXary Indicated that he had confer
red with the federal bureau of labor
and that he had been advised that the
department has no Intention of abol
tubing the Salem office at present.
Banker Goes to Prison.
Hillings, Mont. Bert Rarey, vice
president of the defunct Hardin State
bank of Har Jin, Mont., was sentenced
Monday to from three to six years in
the state penitentiary. Ho was charg
ed with having misappropriated (lDuO
from the bank.
Wauhlngton, D. C The baker of a
loaf of bread receives a larger part
of the price you pay therefor than
any other agency entering Into Its
ThlB Is the result of an Invest Ign-
tlon by the department of agrlcul
lure between October, 1922, and
March, 1923, which showed bakers
margins over the cost of flour ranging
all the way from 4 cents on an 8-cont
loaf in New Orleans, to 6 cents on a
10-cent loaf In Chicago.
the producer received for the flour
content In a loaf approximately Hi
per cent of the retail price of the loaf
whereas from S to 7'i per cent on
each loaf went to pay the costs of
transportation, elevator handling, flour
milling, baking and retailing.
"The retail price of bread will bo
little affected by changes In the price
of flour Inasmuch as the cost of tho
flour entering Into the bread Is rela
tively small when compnred with the
other Items of cost," the department
"Lower bread prices depend upon
. , , ,, . . ' .
mm. nw ""
mouuon memoas; uigner yieios 1"
; barrel of flour and larger volume of
business by Individual bakers. By such
efficiencies It may be possible to re
duce the bakery's cost and to some ex
tent his profits per unit of output."
Bell-Rlnger Loses Job.
Notre Dame, the famous cathedral
of Paris, Is doing away with Its wom
an bell-ringer, and substituting elec
tricity, The cathedral's official bell
ringers for generation! have been
women of one family.
Not Very Recent
Old Style Where there Is a
there Is a way.
New Style Where there Is a will
there Is a contest. Judge.
for the
(&, 1J. ay McClun N.wipap.r Syudloate.7
"Misfortune's child that's what I
am," Patty said, her tone plaintive,
though her eyes danced. "Born on a
Saturday and you know: 'Saturday's
child must work for its living' and
then named Martha, which nienns bit
ter, the same as Mary and Muroii."
"l'ou shouldn't know so much," from
Antony, reflectively: "Things unknown
never hurt us and the knowing is
such waste effort"
"Tony you have brought lailness
the level of art," Patty Hung at him.
lie nodded, sighing a huge sigh that,
however, ended In a suppressed giggle.
Checking It, he went on: "Pursuant to
the Indicated program, whut new woe
eats you right now, Patty? Have you,
like Cleopatra, 'No men to govern In
this wood?' And does that make your
only woe?"
"Young fellows shouldn't ask liuner
tlnent questions. 'Specially when they
are consecrated to the ministry," Pat
ty retorted, with a bewitching grimace,
"Tell me how d'ye like that prospect,
old dear? It quite fascinates me In
gown and bands you'll be Just too
sweet for anything. And won't the
mite boxes expand, and the missionary
efforts thrive?"
'They sho'ly will when I'm a cu
rate," Antony retorted, sticking out
his chin. "Whether or no you can
keep a secret, here's one due shortly
to break. I'm cutting college cold "
Tony I You mustn't! With all the
honors waltln for you to yank 'em
In?" Patty protested. Antony's face
lost Its merry mockery. "A fig for
'era for all the muddle and meddle of
It I I'm dead tick of the whole thing
specially at the price."
What price?" Patty asked, her
mood changing to match his. Tony's
Jaw set. "Dad's freedom," be said.
I found out this morning byway of
a slant. My benefactress may yearn
to be my stepmother or else covet the
governor as an article of 'bigotry and
virtue' but she shan't have him
that's flat. I'm not going back after
Easter I shall leave here in a day or
so, to seek my fortune. Depend on It,
though, before going I'll beard the
lioness In ber den and tell her she'll
get back all I've cost her-wllh inter
est, to say nothing of gratitude but
that 1 feel myself unworthy the high
calling she has chosen for me so I'm
going my own gait"
"Does tlnd know?" Tatty Interrupt
ed, anxiously. Antony shook his head.
"Nor ever shall," he suld. "The old
trump would carve himself Into mince
meat for a scapegrace such as I am.
When I think of what he has endured,
what be meant to go on enduring for
such a lummox, I get murderous."
"Things so unequal to the same
thing ought somehow to be equal to
each other," Putty propounded, sol
emnly so solemnly Tony laughed.
8he frowned at Mm, running on: "I
know that's not mathematics; but I
know, also, It Is equity. Take Mrs.
Benchly and yourself, for Instance If
he had Just enough money to contrive
comfortably en, sited he a real benefi
cence to all about her. So would you
If you bad a million It takes genius
absolute, I sin sure, to spend that
much doing good with It, without do
ing harm"
"Flatterer 1" Tony ejaculated, turn
ing away his eyes, "I might make a
mess of things," he went on, after a
hard breath. "But, honestly, I'd try
not to. Being human, I'd love money
for itself If I got It by fair, clean
ways so It stood for something done.
I'd love It better, I think, for the serv
ice I could wring from It that re
mindshow shall I choose a way to
make It? Quickly 7 I'm wavering be
tween becoming a movie Idol or a
heavyweight champion."
"Tou could be either, of course,"
from Patty, with mild Irony. Tony
rose, expanded his chest, flexed bis
arms, bent in a half-circle backward,
then picked up his sole spectator, ant
ber upon his pslm and stretched his
i "t the full arm's length
from him. "You weigh, I think, ex
actly a hundred and nine pounds; but
If you stsy put five minutes you'll
weigh a hundred and ninety."
"What has that to do with the
rase?" Patty aaked, as she slid down
upon the rug.
"Nothing Immediate," Tony re
turned, carelessly, "Only, do please
remember not to quarrel with me at
least not until sfter the honeymoon,"
"It csn't shine for us until the Hon
est Is paid. I'm going to help," Patty
" ?' "Nw 1 !nnw
I why I'm Saturday's child It's so I can
work for a living, and something be-
,I(Min(j neVer kirk about doing it
"Oolng to morry me no matter how
I feel about It?" Tony laid, his besd
the leaxt bit aside, but his eyes very
Patty nodded, but put on a look of
amazement, saying: "Dear me I Didn't
you know that? Why else would I
bave takes such pains to bring you up
"Patty I You're the light of the
world I Not another like you any
where, from Tony then, with a
quick change of mood: "Will you
stand by me no matter what I dor
"Anything np to burglary or writ
lng free verse," Miss Pstty flung back.
gaily. Tony caught her In a hard em
brace, kissed her eyes, her balr, ber
red, red lips, then loosed ber, saying,
with a bard breath: "Dear I don't
deaen-ve what I took but. please Ciod,
taking It may help rue to deserve It.
Notwithstanding the lioness nixed
her wildest, Tony vanished that was
the only word for !i. Even his father.
Major Wake, had no inkling of Ills
plans. If Patty Rayne was wiser, she
kept the knowledge a deud r-cr.-i.
Oddly enough, though, she begun to
read the sporting pages of all the pa
peri she could lay eyes on with avid
Interest. Thus, after three months'
drawing blank, she was rewarded by
several mentions, at first brief uml
casual, later overrunning the half-column,
of a new and promising aspirant
for ring honors. He had umrutgcil
somehow to keep himself dead dark,
save for private exhibitions, to the
men higher up, until he whs mutch
for a weighty purse, offered by u club
beyond reproach. His managers had
not haggled over division of It indeed
they had accepted almost an appren
tice share for their man. Nobody "in
the know" wondered much at that
evidently the unknown was some
body's protege, out for a reputation.
Even as a good loser that would be an
As to the boy's making good It wns
unthinkable. So said every dollar of
the educated money which went up
against his chances In scads, mid nt
Juicy odds. Patty reckoning the odd
she had somehow taught herself nil
about such things, smiled softly then
caught her breath hard. Slmn:e.
she a gentlewoman born, and not die
least sporty In taste should be so en
grossed with the coming light hut
women, It Is well known, live und die
by the rule of contraries.
Patty didn't sleep the night of the
encounter, until radio hromh ust :
"Muggsy Bean knocked out In eleventh
round Young Hardcastle, new cham
pion gets a wild ovation," There tviii
a lot more but that was enough fur
Tatty she went down on her knees,
burled ber face In the plllotv, anil
cried hard and happily for ten min
utes every tear a prayer of .thanks
giving. Mrs. Benchly came in state three
days later, saying fawnlngly to Dud :
"My dear Major Wake, what do ymi
make of this?" exhibiting a draft for
Tony's expenses, figured down to a
"01" said Dad, Ids head high;
"Nothing except that the boy has
made good. I was sure lie would-
sure I never troubled to ask him how."
Mrs. Benchly waved away the draft
he would have returned: "Do put It
to some other good use," she cooed
but Dnd was adamant. When they
had got rid of her he turned a puzr.led
face to Patty, asking plaintively
"Money cun you guess bow he did
Patty laughed: "By a happy com
blnatlon good friends, and a g""l
Bunch which they backed fur the
knock-out. Muggsy Bean got a hard
one but Sister Benchly's Is harder.
I'll let Tony tell you the rest of It
bell be home next week."
Enormout Profit t Made
by Dealer in Antique
The proposition that antiques In
crease In value Isn't all nonseuae.
You hear some wonderful stories as
you buzz around heckling these poor
dear Innocent antique dealers. One of
them told me this story, and he men
tioned enough names and circum
stances to make Its verification sure
and easy:
In his travels be came across an
old negro woman who had In her eahln
the must part of what be thought wns
a genuine very rare Seventeenth cen
tury Amerli an-bullt court cupboard in
oak. He bought the piece fur SIU,
Then he communicated news of bis
find to one of the largest museums in
tbe North. They sent an expert to
see It and the museum paid the dealer
I'J.oUO fur It. The dealer's profit, If
you let me save you some Inirle.iie
arithmetic, was 1-,-tlW. Nut so lull,
not so bad I A very fair Increase, you
muat admit.
Just the other duy I received from
a dealer, also In the South, a photo
graph of a tnllboy mude In Auierh-n
In the late Seventeenth century, at
blch time It cost prohuhly ten
pounds to build. The dealers price,
I wa relieved to learn, Is only x.i.ism,
and he will doubtless get It, or over
near It
A year or so ago a highboy made
In Philadelphia tn the Eighteen! h
century sold at a New York auction
for 4,I,W.
And I could go on and on from here
with atorles of Increases Just as won
derful as those. Of course, and ih-
vlously, your profits are not always
quite so staggering. Sometimes j
are forced to be satisfied wllh tin
Increment of $1,000 or 85 cents or l-a
or even minus. We draw the veil
Saturduy Evening Post.
Sitter Civet Her Away
"You remember a few weeks ngo
when all those meteorites were full
lng? Well, Jack and Edith were nut
on the lawn and Jack told her
every time he ssw one shoot he would
claim a kiss."
"Whut did Edith do?"
"She blushed snil ststniuered that she
hoped none would shoot."
"The Idea 1 Did she keep that senti
ment all the evening?"
"Hardly! Later on, when all fhe me
teors had been exhausted, we heard
ber asking Jack If there was any
chance of the moon shooting." Boston
Fixed It to Suit Him
Man What will you be when you
grow tip?
Boy A eoldlerl
Man But you might get shot te
Boy Who would shoot me?
Man The enemy I
Boy Then I'll be the enemy I .
Chew it after
every meal
It tlmalalcs
appetite and
aids digestion.
II makes your
food do yon more
Oood. Note bow
II relieves tbal stully feeling
alter hearty eating.
Diamond Jubilees.
There are two diamond Jubilees
one when you aro married 75 years,
and tho other, later, when you get the
last lnntullment paid on tho ring.
' First Tea In Europe.
When tea was first drunk In Europo
nobody thought of mixing It with milk,
though It was cuHtomnry to servo It
with suKiir or BUKiir candy.
That's the Main Trick.
IllnekHtono nlonii enn teach you how
to practice law, but many, many books
are necessary to teach you how to
dodge It. Dululh Herald.
Mrs. I I. Ellis
How About llie Kidneys?
rortlanit, Ores;. "I am glad to
recommend Dr. Pierce's Amtric
(kidney and backache) Tablets as
a sale and reliable remedy to be
piven to little children who are
afflicted with weak kidneys. My
little daughter (between live and
six years of ak'c) was troubled
ftrratly, especially at niejit. The
doctor said he cnulif tin nnthinir
(or her, but that she iuii:'it outgrow
it. I then derided to jjivc her Dr.
1'icrcc'a Aniiric, just one half a
tablet each uiK'tit, until one bottle
had been taken. It strengthened
the organs n that we have had
no furl Iter trouble with her. I (eel
sure that Dr. Pierce's Aimric is
a safe remedy to be given to chil
dren, if (jivci! in'cll!i,'entlv." Mrs.
L. I. Kllis, 717 K. 4Sih St.
Help weakened kidneys by obtain
ing this "An-uric" of Dr. Pierce's
at your nearest tlruij store, or send
10c (or trial j.k i. nt tablets tn Dr.
Pierre's Invalids' Until in BulTalo,
N. Y., or write (ur irce advice.
Many Women Executives.
According !o estimate mora than 15.-
000 women In tho United Ktutes fill
poHlliniiH us Industrial superintend-
onto and factory inunitgors.
Moslems Detest Bells.
Bells aro never used In Mohamme
dan mosques. Tim Mtwlein ritcn do
trmt bells, under tint delusion that they
cause tho assi nihlano of evil spirits.
Bean Beetles In Higher Altitude.
Mexican bean beetles In Colorado
have begun to live higher. Four yiuirs
ago they wi re not found higher thun
C.0O0 feet nbovo ea level, but now
they have reached 8,231 feet.
' Saxophones.
Saxophones, which nro now so pop
ular Willi the mimical public, nro very
sensitive instruments; a sudden
draught of cold uir may cause them
to go flat In tone.
Sufferings of Mind.
Even as the Hinngth nf the mind
surpasses that of tho body, so also
tho sufferings of tho mind aro inoro
severe than tho pains of tho hotly.
Good Evidence.
Hewitt "What makes you think
that Cruet Is Insane?" Jewett "Ho
has had his life Iiihuiuiho made pay
able to his mother In law."
used for beby'e clothes, will keep them
weal end snowy-white until worn out.
Try II and see loryours.ii. si
ualneee College Pisces Graduates In
Good Positions
Unroll any tlm. of yr Write for free
auca cntHlos. Fourth and Yamhill,
Portland, (In-K'ia.
P. N. U.
No. 14, 1924
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