The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 28, 1924, Supplement, Image 6

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    County Unit Election Deprives
School Patrons of Representation
Home novum merit of schools
is one of the principles of Ameri
can institutions which the county 2g h inni Bt 5.30 ,eiock.
with almost entirely. Even in Ihe
election to 'determine if Uie sys
tem shall he adopted in the conn
Don't forget the progressive 3-
course dinner on Friday, March
The first course at Tucker's,
the second at Paul Balsitjer's and
third at Troedson's with an eiht
ty,- the people are deprived of ' proram at the Conre-
ine.r nn .no nave u.e .m. Katim,a church -all for th sum
ternuned by a majonly vote of
those direaily concerned. ;of " ct'"18 lor ,llllN; ch,l,lr(,n
As an illustration of how this under 8 years, 2-r c -tits,
might work, suppose that every (Jet your tickets at. Tucker's
district in the county outside of which entitles sou to the cupper
PendleUi and Milton-Kreewater D;.oirra,
shouldcastamajoritv voteaiiainst y'
the measure, thus evidencing their Swa "chop Mill Has
disapproval of the county unit. .
In the face of this disapproval Baby scratch f".' '. chick mast,
the measure could s-'11 he a lopt- km', oyster shell, charcoal, poult
ed by a favorable vote in lh' t u pe.iper, poultry reKiilalur, ec
cities mentioned, The injustice j
of permitting the voters ol the
cities to deternvne vhat shall be
done with the schools of the rest
of the county will be nppatiiit to
nil fSiiHi'iullv whfjn sclioiiU ,)i the .'
cities mentioned are not effected I.1".51'
by the proposed measure. '
This illustration is not int-nded
as an implication that residents
of Pendleton, or the other large
towns in the county, have any in
tention of doing an injustice to
the rural districts, Inn is used
merely to illustrate one of the un
fair features tf the county unit
Another feature of the e
To Whom It May Concern
All Mock .-fen in or ar.iu id Ihe
(llenh A. Hail placet), i high' mile,
ill b t ik n no and odd lor
Glenn A. Hall.
The B. & B store at. Morgan
will receive your watch ivpairinu
I'or Haylor the j -weler,
WANTED -Som- ".od work not ii'.der 120(1 lbs., and to
sell some wood oug mules.
Leave word al lh. Liruiell garage
(lion at lone. I'll LIS Md LAN.
that is a departure from estan- ,.,.0 , , . ,.
lished principles is the matter of LOGS '""""
qualifications of voter. Herein bred Vl;ite L -gpio ns and 1!. L
fore no one could vote at a school Red-, wi.iter la.v is, ;,t 75c 1 rlo.
election on the question of ap V;t Ward Graves, J ni,e. vest
Droving a budget or n'tihurizing ()- li)u,
indebtedness, unless he whs a ' . .
property owner or head of a fam
ily. In the county unit election
the bars are taken down and any
voter in the county, regardless of
property or family qualifications,
can vote on the adoption of the
county unit, a measure that ef
fects the title to all real anil per
aonal property owned by every
second and th'rd class district in
the county. Boardnian Mirror.
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Conuslor at Law
j Will practice in all the Courts
When You Visit Heppner
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
TV T7 T-T T7n,-
Office: Odd Fellows Building
Heppner : Oregon
Professor William J. Sly, of Llntleld
College, who spent last summer In the
Vli11 liot t ffi Villi In a In .n n Hfh
Alice Hccan Hlce. the author of "Mrs.
Wiggs," un 1 others, states that be
found all the orphanages clean, the
children wdlbehaved and passionate
ly devoted to the American Relief
workers. After the Tuscania tourists i
,l.nd visited the orphanages and as
they were leaving the Near East, they I
assembled on deck one day and con
tributed J12.000.U0 to the Near East ,
Relief funds.
An odd color was added to the
Frank Kngleman pastime build
ing this week by Henry Clatk,
the painter-its yellow.
Wtfnriell nnd Arlene Balsiger
and Lillle Alienor, are here this
week from Willamette Universi
ty visitiim their parents.
Morgan. Oregon
Now hookiiiu' or lets t'or'S,
W.-L. day old chicks
" $14 per 101) 4i t Ranch'
$16 when shippe 1
One-half cast wh n booked
and i ten riavs before ship
ntent. liiiode Islam- ll-dsnnd
Barred Kocks l(j and 18 cents
each. Order early lo g-t hest
W. S. Smith returned Monday
from a quick trio to Huhbar,:
where he closed a large real es
tate deal.
Man Pays Road for Ride ."l
He Took Thirty Years Ago
I'nlontoun, fti. "I low much H thj
fare helwis-n Uroensburg and Scott-
dnler . ."
This ipiciinn wax asked by a man
as lie npiieared before the, ticket' win
dow in the local l'i nnxylvun'u railroad
dcmt. When informed by Aitent W.
It. Jacobs that the fare was M cents,
the st ranker remarked, "1 owe Ihe
coaipanv thl money; I Just want to
pay my del ls." '
Later lie explalm-d that about thirty
years Hv'o'he heat the conductor out
of the ride betwi'en Ihe two towns and
that the matter prejed upon his mind.
bays Bandits Were Kind.
New Vol k. The Chinese bandits
who held up the Shi lilun)! pxpress
unit kidnaped the passengers were
kind men. aci'onlln.' to Miss l.ucy Aid
rich, an American, who has returned
from a tour of lviroe. Miss Aldrich
u-iiu niiiiui.r tl.,. i.teirlvmi lull she saved
her Jewels by throwing them behind
nick, she said.
f!en. Kit ch'e hid some buiinesu
to look after in Heppner Tuesday
("has Devin who lives at Mt
Hood where he owns a larpe danc
hall and store, was here Tuesday.