o o PORTI ANn A VA A ttLU Eggs We want your eg- ahlpmenta. W. par caih. No dla eount, prompt remittance. W. will pay the Up market price the day your shipment arrives. PAGE & RON, PORTLAND. ORE O I g Mallory Select Residential & Transient ISth and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modem Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE C. G. APPLEGATH Real Franklin SERVICE Lur.g, Throat, Liver. 1 New Location-262 Return Postage Paid On Replated Articles Auto Lamps and Spotlights Resilvered OREGON PLATING CO. ELECTRO PLATE ItS 174 Fa.t Oak, cor. Union Av... Portland. Or. GLASSES ; . That Fit-None Better CHARCES REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third SL PORTLAND, OREGON We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Casein, Oregon Grape Root. Coat Skins, Horse Hair Writ, for Shipping Tan. ft latest Price Llit Portland Hide & Wool Co. 101 UNION mNUl SOUTH, PORTLAND, 0M00N. lrnnrh at 1'ocatello. iiiano BUY THE B:Sf liUivih COLLAR MADE All long1 rye straw stuffed. Insist on having; the collar with the "Fish" label. If your dealer doea nut handle this brand collar, write to ua direct P. 8HARKEY A 80N 83 Union Av., Portland, Ore. AUTO PARTS FOR ALL CARS At leas than H Price, Mail Hern promptly filled Pacific Auto Wrecking Co, "tlanu'"; "SUPEIIFLUOUS HAIR Rwnoved without injury to the skin by Njr-Born letilstury. Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab oratories, 610 Morgan Hid if.. Portland Greyon. See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands have been reproduced In charming illustrations by the Union Taclfic and bound in book form with adequate description. Both can be easily obtained and will prove extremely entertaining as well as instructive. Write for copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, PIttock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. TOBACCO CURE ' (Cuaran- Ited) Wriir HillKBORO CHEMICAL CO. HILUSUUko, oktGON Gold and Silver Plating. Rend us vour old Silverware, Reflectors and Musical Instruments for reiIr and resllverlng. Ve save you money. B. L. Foole, 3S6!4 Washington St., l'oitland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trad. In I weeks. Horns pay while learning. Positions secured. Writs for catalogue, land, Oregon. 234 Burnelde, street. Port- PLUMBING MATERIAL naths, sinks, toilets, bnslns. boilers, pipe, valves and fittings. Prices reason- bl8tandard Plumbing Heatlnq Co. East lith and Morrison Sts. Portland. Or. COT-rLOWEBS k rXORAL"T)E8IONS Clark, bras.. Florists, 287 Murritna HI, Dependable Used Trucks At lesst 5ncr of the resale value of a U'.ed ttuck depends on the firm mak ing the sule. .We believe that sutls-fl,-d eti"'nies rnnke the bent sales men. Our us'd trucks are worked over accotdingly. Wt cnrl't afford to ilf, oth.-rwiee, I you can t afford to buy on nny o'her bals I he list be low represents rt-al value: 1-ton fTievrolet, esaress body, rub. llithts 1-ton P.eo. Ilehts Stid starter $ 560 J-ton Kepithlic. A-l condition $ oco 2S-ton I'alr1"t. a bargain $1750 SU-ton Ktumlard, dump A hol't ,1100 W'rlte or come and see us. Cash or Urms. Badley-Smith Motor Co. 21 North 9th St, PORTLAND. OREGON Nitrogen Wall Makes T.nndon The lonj-nrcented explan- atlon of the blucness of the sky as be- lng due to the well understood action of the sun's rnjs upon particle In the atmosphere is -h:tl,er,s.'.l. according to the Dully Muir CopenhageB cor respondent, by Profess -t Vigard, of airlstinnla university. Professor Vignrd claltns a discovery ugKestlng that the Mm.phere or tne, . -art.li outsit? jV J'l" '.r'!!un! l-,l,utl?--" OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE PeMiand, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complet. Chang. S.turdaj. Adults. W.ek day Matinee, 2oe; KTeaiBgl, 4Uc. Contieu 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 rutin ill time. Eggs Hotel Portland's Oldest FUR House EsUbliihed 1870. Remodeling, Repairing. Storage. 129 Tenth Street, nar Waihini ten. Expert examination free Ail work guaranteed. Ken It'le prices. We specialize in Complete Overhauling and Cylinder grinding. , ANDERSON ft MAYER GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP MovHd to New Larger Gnrage, 8th and Hoyt. Portland iROOT AND HERB REMEDIES If taken in time, nrevent operations for Diabetes. Catarrh. Asthma. Kidney. Rheumatism, blood. Stomach and all f niHlr dinorders. Bladder Troubles. I The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmles. as no dm as or notson are used. J Composed of the choicest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im I ourtcU by us from iar away oriental countries. Call or Write (or Information C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon Kstab iBhed 23 Years in Portland. PLEATING SPECIAL Cut, seam, hem and machine $1.00 pleat skirts ready for band. Haniatitc bin? nicntintr an ft and tudtlnf. EASTERN KOVELTt MFG. CO. 85 H Fifth Hi. Portland, Or. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hem.Uu-hing. Button. Covered. STEHHANS UBM Tenth St., Portland ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary B.auty Parlors W. fit yo ip, w. mak. all kind, of Hair Oootl. of your combing.. Join our Sc hool of n.autT Oultnra. 400 to 414 Dckum Bldg, PUon. Broadway 6002, Portland, Oregon. AUTO KNITTING INSTRUCTION All machines taught and repaired. 42i Yamhill, Portland, Ure. BATTERIES Hebullt second hand bntterles, ,10.00. 46UrandAvenue, Portland. Rm7.tMa WET.niNO nrJTTINO Northweit Welding Supply Co., 88 l.t St. riMPRA ANH KODAK REPAIRING Adolph UUarr, Ablngton lilg., Portland. r.nmnl,t, I in Rnttl.ra SoDOIlea Portland Heveiage at Sply Co., 431 Stark Farmers' Covote Trapping Correspond ence Course. Complete, reliable, reason- able. l-'rce Plans. Iiifallllile Scent. Trappers' School, Boise, Idaho. FEATHERS AND FLOWKNS Do not throw away your old feathers. We clean dv. and remorinl and match aamtlle.. New Flow era and Feathers made to order, IM year, estab lished. We ifiiarantw all work. Hartnea. Keath- er ft Flower Shop, ;lxtWi Washington St. COP) SALE Unltype machine, first class shape, used short time. 460 His. 10 point type worth I12M.IH) will sacrifice for 15o.ito, terms to suit. American Type Foundry, l'urt' land, Oregon. HOTELS WABASH, Rooms UK. 204 MsrilsonJIt. Just arrived, two carloads of horses. TTnve 150 to choose from, ranging In weight from 13oo to lfW'O pounds, and riom rour years old up. These horses are for rent, ale or exrhnnire. We tnke In cattle. horses and mules. North Portlsnd Horse & Mule Co., North Portlsnd, Ors. Phont Emplrs 0121. NEWSPAPER MEN LOOK AT THIS" l.lve county weekly modem equipment electrically operated. Near lurgpnt towns on lower Columbia Hlver. Ill health coin pels owner to sacrifice. Wlil sell 2-slory building 40x7(1 7 Hying rooms and plant or will sell plant and lease building. Ad jacent country growing rapidly $3000.00 will handle this, balance on terms. Ad dress K co American .-Newspaper asso ciation, 420 T'. cJ. National Hunk., Bldg., Portland, tire. ONION SEED FOR SALE Oregon Half-Clobe yellow Panver onion seed for sale by grower. C. L. Johnston, Sherwood, ura, SURGICAL CORSETS Made to measure, 4C7 Washington St. lf you are troubled with Apnendlrltli ne Rtnmarh Trouble, write Ills Company. Portland, igon, for free Information tn German or r.ngnsn. BANKERS' AND BROKERS' SALE. OF USED TRUCKS Wa have taken aver the following truck from the Portland Motor Car eomjwtny and Automotive nrnkerage company, which must be sold at once In onJunc- tlnn with the banks trucks. Puckanls, Nash. Republic. Masters, deary. Whit Wlnther. Kissel. Federal, bodge delivery, Comet nnd other makes. All sites, In cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit, CHAPERON MOTOR CAR CO. Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland 35 1 SAVED ON P.UII.rilNO MATEKI- I.S. all kinds, new and ujei. Atno umblng sui-piles, hsrdware. mug. naner. paints, varn sh. Write Per call. Dolan Wrecking A Const. Co, cent. East Sth and B.lmont, Portland. CHINA STUDIOS Lvaaoiis given tinig none, !5 lintl at. " Miller Paint Co.-Wallpaper TV's Invite you to call and ltope t our ni of vall Papers and mints or set for our free catalog. Select what you want from our litis and save money. 17J First St., Portland, ote. oi rATINfl. HEMSTITCHING. BUT TONS. SCOLLOPING, PEARL-PICiOT EDGE WIDE HFWSTITCHINQ r.MBROIDERV BUTTON HOLES All work gnarnn'eed Smith Plestlno snd Button Works, S21 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Or.. rl r AN1MG AND DYCINC j&K For re'LDi. Clesntnr snd Dye- in servlc. send psrcels to ua 3H W". pay retain poiteg,- Inform. nvfLI ation sad pries, given upon tiaSr ENKE S CITY DYK WORKS. F.atabnshed ISM. Portland. Or. GOING TO BUILD? We hare hunrlreH of plant at 110.00 nd up. Snd am ktch of th hom ru wnt and wilt iut- mtt dtnilar iptrf mn plant. No obiigmtion icf t W raturo pUuit If not tuitabw. O. M. AKER3 Dsslgnlnf as. Drafting, tll-ll Ceush Bslldlag. FeeUAnd. Oregea. Sky Blue, Sayt Professor up as If In a balloon, whose wall cn gists of a solid mass of crystalline par tlclet of nltrogea It It this, he sitys w,ic), gve, the sky Its Hue color, and it also account for several other tihetioKiena, Including the fact tha radio waves follow the contour of the eattb Instead of flying from It at a tan A losti.e- UieiDselve la tu SILK SHOP 33 Japanese Pongee 2. M. M. 79 Kafoury Bros., Alder St. PORTLAND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Meat Market In established Industrial locution. Modern equipment including complete cold storage plant. Illness corn pells owner to sacrifice. Terms consider ed to right party. Address J. J p., 3S8 r-essendt?t. Street. Poillund. Set of HQ.OO Teeth, We guarantee material and workmanship. Painless extraction of tMith. 50c. 20 years in the same location. U. S. DENTISTS, 24V Wash ington cor. Second. Portland, Oregon, Save On Your Pipe, n.w nd secondhand, black nd gal vanized, bony and hop w!r, galvanised barbed wire, farm toola, drag aws, black- nothing toon ana supplies. ALASKA JUNK CO. GET OUR PRICES 201 Front St. Portland, Ore. BELVUE Poultry Farm Phone Tabor 3039 47th and E. D-vls Street PORTLAND. OREGON. To farmers and others: We are buyors of large or small quantities of poultry, lliffheut market prices paid, i CHEQUES mailed same day aa shipment arrlvts. No Commission Deducted. Iteferenc.s, West Coast National Bank. Kill 1,200 Crows Million. K in. am u result of two nights' hunting Uenrge Chirk, Ired Spencer and Kay Uillett of Milton and Summit townships marketed wun tne county clerk of .Marlon county l.uo row heuds ami received a check from tha county for $1-0. "Pasteur," a piny hy M. Sncha Gultry, which deals with Uie lire or the great French bacteriologist, lias already been produced in London. Makes New Auto Fuel Mulhelm. Frans Fischer, a local rhemlst. has succeeded tn producing a benzine-like fluid from coal "ga that 1 reported to be satisfactory for use In motor cars, lie baa sold Ms patent to the Austrian government. Turkeys for Export The Italians breed turkey by the thousands, but they are Intended chief ly for export, very few being eaten In tbat country. Wine Thirty Year Old Troy. O. Two gallon of wine, one of bluckherry and another of grape, estimated to be about 80 year old. were found In an abandoned and all but forgotten cellar near the home of stlce Cyrus McCordy hy city wuter department employee. Justice Me- Ctin'v. a wheel-chair Invalid, turned the ind over to Sheriff Montgomery Spltlnmn. Justice renders to every one hi due. Talcum Kill Bab. Owosso. Mich. Inhaling talcnm nowder cnnsetl the death of the ten 1 . . tit T tll-t.A. iionths-oia e''"u UI 'cin- fi-eenvllle, at the home of Jesse I.ee of Klsle. The child was playing with cun of the powder. Huston, Tex. When the refused to accept his attentions, Louise Floiiuet, pretty divorcee, w:is shot and killed hy (ieorite Vexonet, a French aviator. The Frenchman then commltteed sui dde. Priceless Gems Taken From Statues in Church Ovletln, Spain. Thieves broke Into the bishop's pnliice and ciirrieu away the lewels of the win or utvuiionun. w-Hcli were a Rift from the Asturluns i America In WIS. The crowns of both the virgin nnd the child, which were udorncd with 8,040 precious stoues, were stmeo. It's a pr love letter that can't cre ate a sensation when read In court. Tikhon Accepts Old Calendar. Moscow. After correspondence Ith church olliciiilf, In Constantinople anil Athens, An lililsl.op Tikhon bus Is sued a iri'litiiiullon 'accepting tiie tjreiiorlmi rnloucliir, which was adopt ed by the civil nuihorllie of Itussia several months ngo. "Movie" Imitator Hangs Himsslf. Chicago.--Frederick Hoach acciden tally hanged himself wllh a necktie In the tittle of his homo while Imitating a s.-ciie In n "Wild West." Peanut Flour. I'eniiut flour Is slightly uperlor t meat a a growth producer, experi ment on rat Indicate, Shepherd's Harvest Time At lauiliing time l the shepherd's harvest and no troubl should be spared st tills season In getting the biggest percentage of living lambs, thriftily growing, ind the mother's condition such as to keep the young families doing well from the jump. It may be mutter of deepest mystery to the beginner with sheep to go to his sheep lot some morning end find half dozen new lambs, some large snd others smaller, with apparently no mother to claim the moat of thm. A GIRL AND A P1UXCE ONCE upon a time there wns a peas ant c-lrl who wns so beautiful that a prince fell In love with her. Kvery day he rode by the place where she was tending her father's gouts and ut last he told her who he wag and asked her to become his wife. "Oh, but I could never marry a prince." said the pretty girl, whose name was NItn. "And, besides, your family would never let you marry me." "Then I will leave my father s pal ace and give up the kingdom and live with you,'' said the prince. "I shall uiurry no one but you." "No, thift would never do," said Nltti. "You could not become the hus band of a peasant girl any more than I could marry a prince. No, you are not good enough for me," she salt!, with a toss of her pretty head. "lou cannot plough a field or make a harness or take care of the gouts "You Are Not Good Enough for Me." or milk the cdws. No, you won't do Zor my husband and I won't do for you as a wife, so good-by." Nlta did not give the poor prince any time to reply. She ran off toward her home so fust over the rouglr stones be could not follow, and home he went, a very snd prince Indeed. "Whnt is the matter with you?" asked his father that night as the prince, with hanging head, refused to eat his supper. "I am wishing I were good enough to many N'ltu," replied the sad prince. "Nlta!" exclaimed the king and the flueen. who had never heard of the peasant g'rl. "Who In the world la Nlta?" asked the nucen. "She 1 a peasant girl and she know bow to tuke care of goats and I don't. "What'sinaNamer By MILDRED MARSHALL Facta about yens roM I It. Klateeri UHBfi wb.se It wa. derived; ait afteABcet rear kicks der, lucky Jewel RECENT discussion of Iretta sug gest Lulu as an Interesting parallel study. Lulu Is also the result of modern spelling. Its correct form 1 Loulou, a version which originated, and Is still a fuvorlltt In France. Its popularity Is attributed to the Provencal Lora de Sades, beloved of Petrarch, whose gtory Is considered on of the world's greatest romances. Sh I the lady whose praises are sung by the great Italian poet lu his "Itlme" or sonnets. She Is Montllied with Lora de Noves, an Avignonese luily who died of the plague In i:il, und who wa already married to Hughe de Sade In 11117 when Petrarch Is laid to have first seen her. The romantic nature of the French caused the nnme of tho lovely heroine to find extraordinary vogue In that country. However, lAirn or Laura la scarcely euphonlu to French ears, and she became Laura, and finally Loulou. Jet Is Lulu's tullsniunlc slotie. It Is the symbol of sorrow, but according to an old superstition, It will protect Its wearer from sorrow, since It has an almost unique power among gems of becoming a part of the very body and soul If gti-irded with jeulou care. Fri day I Lulu's lucky day and 4 ber lucky number. t by Whe.l.r Syndtcat.. I no ) til ( r UcCIW. Sy.aie.t. LULU and she won't marry me," replied the prince. "I am not good enough for her. She said so." feasant girl indeed I" suld the queen. "She would marry you soon enough if we should penult such a thing." Then, because she was a wom an, the queen wanted to know what was lacking In her son that this girl did not think him good enough for her husband. "She said that even though I had servants to do the work I ought to know how It should be done, that a good master must know bow to rule his servants, and that I did not know anything at all," the prince replied. "She has some sense," said the king. "That ound sensible, and I should like to know why It Is that you don't know how to do something A son of mine ought to be able to do anything. Tou don't take after my family or you would be able to plow a field." "Indeed '." answered the queen, grow ing angry. "If he took after my fam ly he would be nblo to do everything. It Is yours, lire, he resembles, and not mine. Can you make a harness, on, or not?" "Of course I can't," replied the prince. "I don't know how to do any thing. No one has ever ttiught me. I am not good enough to be the husband of the peasant girl." "A son of mine should be fitted to become the husband of any one, cried tho king. "Go to work and learn how to do all these tilings." It did not tnke the prince long to learn, and one day he proudly showed to the king nnd queen harness he had made, and then one day he asked them to look at a field ho had plowed. "We will find the peasant girl now," said the queen, who had not forgotten he had spurned her son for a husband. "We will show her our son can do any thing her people can do." So they found Nlta and showed her the harness and the Held the prince bad plowed, and the praise which Nlta gave the prince for his work quite won the hearts of the king and queen. When they found thut their on wa ready to give up the kingdom to marry Nlta, the king said that the kingdom needed people with good sense to rule It, and now that hi son had become such good and sensible man, all that was needed was a prin cess quite na sensible, and he for one gav bl consent to the marriage. The queen, not to be outdone, gave her, and tnat night the merry-making In honor of the wedding of the prince and the peasant girl made the welkin ring. by McClur. N.wapapar Syndicate) 3 i QheWhy 11 I Superstitions I B H. IRUINQ KtNQ FALLING OUT OF lU'D THAT If a child doe not full out of bed before It Is six months old It will never be a bright and successful person, but "will be a fool" Is a com mon and widespread superstition. Ap parently the superstition Is a survlvnl from the curious custom of simulated rebirth practiced by the amionla and found today among some savage tribe. Also It linger today In some remote part of Furnpe. Among t lie (Jreek the ceremony una practiced us a means of adoption nnd any tlreek who wua supposed to he dead and who turned up alive hud to undergo It before he could Bguln he reckoned a among liv ing men. As a ceremony of adoption It prevailed among tka barbarians as well sa among the Ureeks and such Is the use mudo of It today, lu certain European regions. Hut there are Indication that the ceremony was ulso In a nulure of an Initiatory rile nnd a such It survives today among certain African tribes where, until a )oung child baa under gone this simulated rebirth he or she Is not considered as being really capable of taking part as meiiilier of the tribe, or of being Initiated Into certain trlhul mysteries. A study of the ritual of these various ceremonies of simulated rebirth show purls which may be coritldcred analogous to a child fulling out of bed. With re giird to the supposed dead Greek and with regard to adoption the reason for the simulated rebirth Is easy to see. Hut Just why the African child should be Iiicapnble of full velopment as a member of the lribe uulll he bus under gone the rebirth ceremony, or the New England child should not be expected to amount to much unless he falls out of bed early In the game assuming that we are right In regarding the ha ter superstition us s rebirth survival It Is more dlfllcult to Suy. Possibly the rebirth ceremony or accident Ig gup. posed, through sympathetic magic, to add by a second birth to the physical and mental powers ven the child it It first birth. t AfnOur. Ntwapapsr Bradlcat.4 Whlddja Mean? "Pa, how did those prehistoric mon ster look?" "I really can't remember that, sonny. Ask your mother." WllLilS sAJtzr every meal A pleasant and agreeable weet and a l-a-sj-t-l-n-a benefit aa well. Good lor Iretb. breath and digestion. Makes tbc next cigar ir-1 lavic belter, Solarlan to be Shipped. Vancouver, Wash. G. W. Mlukler, Inventor of tho solurian, an Instru ment that ho believes will revolution ize the study of the earth's movements, received a letter from Olierlln collego, Ohio, asking him to ship his model as soon ns possllilo unit Inclosing a check to cover costs of getting out a pam phlet describing tho solurian. Mr. Minkler studied the earth movo ment fur years and worked out his In vention in loss than a month. After several attempts to form a company to manufacture tho Instrument ho de cided to turn his patent rights over to Oborlln colle'go with tho under standing that tho solarlan Is to he manufactured in sufflctunt quantities to supply tho demand, Tho Instru ment will bo moderately priced and should bo In every high school and t'oltcgo where an earth gloho Is used, Mr. Minkler stated. Mr. Minkler was a student nt Ober lin collego from 1SCU to 1SCS uud was a member of tho Lincoln Wldoawukcs, who worked to elect Lincoln presi dent. 11 is 73 years old and has lived In Vancouver for "5 years. The solurian model will bo shipped next week, ho said. Mrs. Fr;d Dcwitz i You're a Young Woman or Even in Middle Life Here Is Some Good Advice For You Salem, Oreg. "While bringing up my family I depended upon Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to keep up my Mrciictli. It was especi ally benclicial In me during the try iiil,' months of expectancy, rebcviiiK mc of luniM-a and (iiicliug tn niv nt-rves, and I do believe that I wnul.1 nut have ciuiie thru the critical time t.f bit- mi ci-oly and ccuniiuiably as I did had it nut been fur l r. Pierce's Favorite Piest i iption. 1 have given the Trcrriptit.ir tn lov daughter. aim w hen tin y had need of 3 special tonic and nervine and tiny h.ivi: iilwajs been licm litcd ami nlrcnglli incd liv in UM-. IK. I'ictcc'i lavKiilc Prescription it truly a woman's tin-dicine that I lake pica Hire mi reeniiniicnilimt." Mrs. rrcd Dew it, '-'' N. C.ii-il.d St. Send I lie In l)i. I'icicr'b Invalids I Mel in liiilfalu, N. V., for trial I -1. jr. Write . r ficc advice, For Home Talent. First. Charlady -"They tell me tho League o'N'allotiH Is a good Ihlng, Mrs. 'Arris." Sot und Charlady -"Well, let's hope that they'll 'live none ' tl i fur- Honrs In H !"- Punch. An Ear Full. Dodd "I notice Unit lu telling about Ihnl li-di you caught you vary I ho also for ililferetit 11:1, niT-i." ltodd "Ves. I never tell a loan mnro than I think ho will believe." Chinese Relish Their Ginkgo. PIIh of tho ginkgo treo are roasted by the Chlni Ho, Mini being similar to aliimml'i, aro served as u confection or an appetizer at bamiimis unci din ners. Bu.ln... College Place. Qraduate. In Cood Poaitlon. Unroll any time of year. W'lt. for fres uec.ss catalog. Fuuith sail Yamhill. Portland, Oregoav P. N. U. No. 13, 1924 . p 1 1 it i M la needed In .vet yilepsronentolhouae- M M keeping. Mually eooil lor tow, ' '.Wl 9 linen. theel. and pillowcae. g I