The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 28, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resurre Most Importan
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and Pacific North went, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
An earthquake was felt at Batna,
Algeria, Sunday, says a dispatch to
the London Dally Mall. A girl was
killed by the collapse of a and
several liullilings were- damaged.
Howard Hohs, Arthur Tolnby mid
Herbert Gilbert, each 8 years old, wen
drowned at Iowa City, la., Tuesday,
when tho ieo on Willow creek gave
way with them. They woro playing
on the ice.
Submnrlno No. 43 of tho Japanese
navy collided Tuesday with tho war
ship Tatsuta ten miles outside Sase
bo harbor and suddenly sunk In 2ti
fathoms; of water. Four officers and
40 men weru uboanl. Kescuo work lu
A hill authorizing tho expenditure
of $7,500,001) for tho improvement of
r (Kids nnd trulls, inclusive of bridges
In the national parks nnd inonumentH,
under Jurisdiction of the Interior de
partment, was passed by tho house
Monday nnd sent to the senate
Portland holds 3 1 tli place among
tho cities of tho United Slntes In
postal savings deposits, according to
Information received by Postmaster
Jones from Washington, I). C. De
posits in Portland office total approxi
mately Jl, 250,000, Mr. Jones said.
Its central locution, virtual hub of
railway systems of tho country, ample
hotels nnd market advantages are said
by the Chicago Association of Com
merce to bo contributing factors to
ward Chicago having become tho lead
ing convention city of tho United
Chlneso coeds aro bobbing their
hair as a result of seeing pictures of
Amerlcun Rlrls, writes Waller licit,
ll'-O graduate in pharmacy, to his sis
ter, .Mary licit, sophomore nt the Ore
gun Agricultural college Mr. licit Is
teaching In tho Canton Christian col
lege, ('anion, China.
Kfforts to secure tho repeal of sec
(Ion 28 of tho merchant inarlno net,
which provides that lower railroad
rates may bo granted on exports and
Imports carried to or from foreign
countries In American ships, was
Hiithorlzod by the directors of tho San
Francisco chnmber of commerce Men
Tho New Jersey legislature adjourn
ed Saturday after republican senators
bad attacked Governor Silzer, demo
era!, for presidential aspirations. The
occasion for the attack was a message
from the governor urging the leghda
lure nut to adjourn until it bad dc
"something tor tho relief of tho pen
Congress Appropriates $10,000,000 for
Washington, T. C. Disregarding
parly lines, the house Monday night
adopted a resolution to appropriate
510,000,000 for the purchase of food
supplies for destituto women and chil
dren In Germany.
Sent to tho senate by a vote of 210
to 97, the measure stipulated that the
foodstuffs were to bo bought in the
United States and transported to Ger
many in shipping board vessels.
Three hours were devoted to debate,
after which a gcoro of amendments
were offered. Only ouo, by Repre
sentativo Jones, democrat of Texas,
which provided that the supplies
should be purchased wherever possibl
inrougn tanners organizations, was
adopted, ICS to OS.
A amendment by Representative
Fitzgerald, republican, Ohio, would
have sought to prevent expenditure of
any of tho appropriations until a sol
dler bonus bill was enacted into law.
It was thrown out on a point of order,
while an amendment by Itcproscnla
tlve Underbill, republican, Massachu
setts, to withhold tho appropriation
until tho German government spends
mi equal amount for tho sumo purpose,
was rejected, 10S to 81.
Itepresntalivo Fish, republican, New-
York, author of the resolution, and an
ex-service man, led tho fight for adop
tion, while Representative Conally,
democrat, Texas, directed the uttack
against the measure.
Representative liurton, republican
Ohio, declared tho resolution to be
constitutional, while an opposite view
was taken by Representative Tucker,
democrat, Virginia. Tho Ohio mem
ber said it afforded an opportunity for
"charily" and needed relief. Mr. Tuck
r Insisted It would tend to consult-
date the German vote, but would mean
nothing as a relief measure because
but 2 1-5 cents per day was available
for each of Germany's 2,500,000, chil
li ren.
Tho resolution, Representative Mc
Keown, democrat, Oklahoma, said at
tempts to excuso tho United States
lack of a foreign policy" nnd instead
or relief, Franco should bo made to
adopt "u proper course" towards Ger
many or "pay her debt to the United
States." On (ho contrary, Representn
tivo I.n Cuardin, republican insurgent
New York, declared tho bill would do
more good In fivo minutes thun the
league of nations In fivo years."
A warm appeal for tho resolution
was made by Representative Cooper,
republican insurgent, Wisconsin, who
said that although Germany might
have sufficient food, It was destitute
of money with which to purchase It.
Cattle Raisers and Shippers
Present Evidence.
O. P. Huff, Oregon state treasurer
and member of tho state board of con
trol, died Tuesday morning at tin
Kmaiiuel hospital following a linger
lug Illness. Mr. lloft, who was (15 years
of age, had occupied (he pest of stale
treasurer since 1 It t S and previous In
this had served for 15 years lis labor
Secretary Hughes, who lias object,
ed to several features of tho lending
Immigration Mil, has advised congress
thai his department would approve a
rewording of (he proposed amendment
ui'pl.iing to Asiatics so ns to admit to
this country "an alien entitled lo enter
Itie United Slates under the provisions
of an existing treaty." Previously a
broader wording bad been suggested
Selection of Curtis IV Wilbur, chloj
Justice of tho supreme court of Oil j
lloniia. to succeed Kdwln lVnby m
secretary of tho navy was approved
Tuesday by the Semite In nn executive
session of less than 10 minutes. There
was said to have been no di lute on
tho n Iniitlon nnd no rollaill asked
when (he motion lhat he be confirmed
was made by Senator Lodge of Massa
chuselts, the republican leader.
A suit for $21,000,000 from the Shell
Oil companies for alleged patent in
fringement in the recovery of oil from
sands and shale win filed In the Uni
ted States district court Saturday by
r rank Navln of I.os Angeles, on Inven
tor of oil recovery processes. Accord
ing to Philips 8. Khrllch, attorney for
Navln, the suit it the first of loo or
Inoro to be filed against oil companies
In the United States on like grounds,
which will demand the return of hun
dreds uf millions of dollars to Navln.
Washington, D. C Immediate- can
collation of the gentlemen's agree
mint with Japan regarding Immigra
tion would be Justified, In tho opinion
of the house immigration committee,
which Monday submitted a formal re
port of tho Johnson immigration bill
modified to meet some of tho objec
(Ions to Its provisions, raised by Sec
rotary Hughes.
I ho committee agreed to givo w ider
latitude for the admission of Japanesi
coming to tills country for business
purposes bill declined to yield on Its
contention that u'lens, generally, who
were Ineligible for citizenship, Bliould
not be permitted to enter.
Asserting that terms of tho "gen
tlemen's agreement" never have been
disclosed, tho committee said It gives
Japan, Instead of tho American con
gross, control over Japanese Immi
grants. While It lias been In force,
It was added, the Japanese population
in (he United Slates has steadily In
creased, hi Its endeavor to find a solution
of the oiiosiioii, tho committee de
clared II had been hiindlcaped by n
"Lu-k of Informal Ion" us to the pro
visions of the gentlemen's agreement.
ih ciss to whli li cannot be had w ith
out Japan's consent.
M.icDoruld for Parley.
London.- Premier Maclionald told
a questioner In the house of com
mens Monday that he bad no informa
tion concerning reports that the Uni
ted Stales house of representatives
had asked President Coolldge to call
another conference for consideration
of disarmament, except what
ho read in the newspapers. "Until
the proposal, If there Is one, is In
my bands." he asserted, "I cannot say
wluit 1 could do beyond welcoming It."
Reds Would Sign Pact.
Geneva.- Soviet Russia lias notified
the secretariat of the league of tui
tions that she will sign the mutual
guarantee pact and disarmament
treaty reronip' nihil to all the powers
b.v the but lei,.io nsseiublv. The onlv
Approximate Reduction of $15 Car
Is Asked Lines' Side of Case
to Be Presented.
Portland, Or. Cattle raisers and
shippers of the Pacific northwest Sat
urday began their fight for lower
freight rates on stock shipments from
tho producing centers to distributing
and consumption centers on the coast.
Formal hearing of their complaint
was started before W. II. Wagner, ex
aminer of the interstate commerce
commission. The complainants are
the Cattle & Horse Raisers' associa
tion of Oregon, Northwest Livestock
Shippers' Traffic league and Portland
livestock exchange. Intervening with
them are the public utilities commis
sion of Idaho, the Idaho Wool Grow
ers' association, the Cattle & Horse
Growers' association of Oregon and
the Oregon Wool Growers' association
Arthur M. Geary, as attorney for
the complainants, is conducting the
case for the growers and Bhlppers.
The railroads against which the ac
tlon has been brought are the North
ern Pacific, Oregon-Washington Rail
road & Navigation company, Oregon
Short Lino railroad and the Spokane.
Portland and Seuttlo railway.
Tho approximate reduction asked,
although tho voluminous tariffs show
considerable variation, amounts to
about $15 a car on shipments from
Idaho and eustern Oregon to Portland,
Seattle and Tacoma.
Addltionul new rates aro asked, in
cluding a double deck rate on hogs
from eastern Oregon, which it is said
would save from $00 to $70 a car, a
reduction of from $30 to $40 a cur on
the double deck rate on hogs from
Idaho and tho establishment of rates
for diversified farmers providing for
a deck of sheep above a dock of hogs
or ubovo a deck of calves.
Evidence was Introduced to show
tho high cost of production and the
heavy freight rates paid by the live
stock Industry.
Samuel L. Nowton, rnte expert of
tho public utilities commission of
Idaho, during the morning hearing pre
seated u detailed study of the traffic
situation. Ho testified to the material
volume of shipments and based his
figures mainly on tho Oregon Short
Lino railroad, taken as an example tor
conditions existing on tho other lines
Ho contended that tho cost of ship
ments on tho lines under fire, from the
interior points to Salt Lake and points
in Colorado, Is considerably less than
the rate charged on shipments to the
Pacific coast, although the distance is
(ho same and tho comparative con
ditions of haul equal. The cast bound
rates, he showed, average about $20 a
car above tho rates to Portland, Se
attle and Tacoma.
Tariff Increase Asked.
Washington, D. C President Cool
Idge was urged by the Washington
state delegation in the house Saturday
to Increase the tariff duty on sodium
nitrato under tho authority conferred
upon li 1 m In tho flexible provision of
the Forduey-McCumber tariff act.
Tho tariff commission recently com
pleted un Investigation of the duty on
sodium nitrate as tho result of an tip
plication for the maximum 50 per cent
increase possible under the flexible
provision made by tho American Nitro
gen Products compuny of Seattle Sub
mission of a report to the president
has been withheld pending the out-
i'iiih of mandamus proceedings dlrect
d against tho commission by the Nor
woglan Nitrogen Products compuny.
House Gets Flood Bill.
Washington, 1). C A bill directing
preliminary examination of the Col
umbia river from Marlins bluff to the
mouth of tho Lewis river, with a view
to flood control, has been introduced
by Represenlatlw Thomas 1). Sihc.U,
halriniin of the houso committee on
flood control.
The project was placed before the
omuiltteo by Representative Albert
Johnson of the southwestern Wash-
ngton district.
' Senate Mostly Absent.
Washington, 11. C Senator Curtis
f Kansas had tho senate all to him
self for a whilo Saturday. When the
gavel fell calling tho body to order,
he was tho only member present. It
was 15 minutes before Insistent rlng-
C'PAnjir' MTTTt rf
Salem. The city council will hold
a special meeting this week to con
sider the new tariff filed by the Salem
Street Railway company, looking to
an Increase In the city fares from G to
7 cents.
Forest Grove. Earwigs are report
ed to have appeared here and Bteps
will be taken to eradicate the pest
which has wrought so much havoc In
the larger cities.
Salem. The Malh6ur Railroad com
pany, which is constructing a line be
tween Burns and Seneca, has notified
the public service commission that it
has withdrawn its application for a
certificate of convenience and neces
sity. The railroad will confine its ac
tivities to interstate commerce.
Haines. It has become known that
many homestead land entries within
the La Grande district, of which Baker
county and the Haines community are
a part, have lately become vacant and
reverted to the government. These
lands are again subject to homestead
filing under the various acts of congress.
Baker. Interest in the old Oregon
Trail is becoming stronger and strong
er among citizens of cities and towns
along the trail in Idaho, according to
Walter E. Mcacham, president of the
Old Oregon Trail association, who re
turned to his headquarters here from
another speaking tour in tho gem
Salem. Members of the state tax
commission, through I. II. VanWinkle,
attorney-general, have filed in the
Marlon county circuit court hero a
demurrer to the complaint In the suit
brought by the Standard Lumber com
pany to test tho constitutionality of
tho state income tax law now in oper
ation in Oregon.
Salem. Baker, Kelly & McLaughlin,
who have been heavy dealers In straw
berries during past seasons, this year
will barrel more than 300 tons, as
against 200 tons last season. This
was announced by officials of the cor
poration here. The work of barrel
ing tho berries jvIU require about six
weeks, and morf than 150 persons will
ho employed.
Oregon City. The Oregon Iron &
Steel company has sold to Antone
Schlelss, a dairyman, 150 acres of land
near Stafford, Clackamas county. The
new owner has begun clearing the land
and will plant It to orchard. For some
tlmo Mr. Schlelss has opirated a large
dairy on the Iron Mountain farm near
Oswego, but this farm Is to be con
verted Into a golf course.
Forest Grove. Prune growers of
Washington county will meet at the
Knights of Pythias hall In this city
this week to discuss the marketing
situation and hear prominent growers,
bankers and officials of the Oregon
Growers' Co-operative association on
tho proposed new organization of
prune growers. Tho Forest Grove
chamber of commerce la back of the
Salem. Tho Oregon Short Line
Railroad company has filed with the
public service commission application
to establish tri weekly service on Its
Ontario-ISrogan branch. Under the
present schedulo dally service Is now
being maintained on this line. In
event the application is approved there
will bo round-trip service on tho On-turio-Hrogan
branch on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Brownsville Another Fourth of
July celebration with round-up, par
ades, games nnd races wll' he held at
the llttlo town of Crawfordsvlllc, situ
ated about Boven miles above Browns
ville. Tho celebration will last two
days, July 4 and 5. Officers elected
lust week wero Duncan McKercher,
president; Elmer J. Henderson, secre
tary; J. G. Dennis, treasurer; Grant -
Plrtle, Mac Moss, I. E. Wimer, James i
Smith and Walter E. Frum, directors. !
Forest Grove. Portet C, Starred,1
local contractor and builder, was the
successful bidder on the construction
of the new Masonic temple, the con
tract for which was let here Saturday.
Ills bid was 116.267. Tho plumbing
went to Norman Armes, Forest Grove,
at $S02.35; the heating was secured by
Rushlight & Hastorf, Portland, at
$1823, and tho wiring was awarded to
R. C. Walker, local electrician, for
$i!00. The building bids varied from
$16,267 to $22,S00.
rendlejon. Will Wyrick, who has
3000 acres of wheat In the Nolln dis
trict, declared Saturday that hli
Jenkins wheat has been d imaged some
by the heavy frosts that have prevail
ed lately. The wheat l, a spring var
iety that was planter! last fall, and the
mild weather of this winter has caused
It to make a growth which farmers
say Is phenomenal. The wheat Is now
In the Joint. Mr. Wyrick declared that
lone Market .
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Your Patronage Solicited.
Under New Management
Refurnished and Strictly Up to date. Com
mercial Table First Class. A home1 away
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Nice Rooms. Good Service
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Vulcan anrl Oliver Plnw. .SimprJoi- Drills
Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps,
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A Good Time
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Independent Is Now!
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