The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 21, 1924, Image 3

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Return Postage Paid
On Replated Articles
Auto Lamps and Spotlights Resilvered
174 Emt Oak, cor. Union Ave., Portland, Ore
That Fit-None Better
WDr. Harry Brown
149 Third St
We Specialize in
Hides, Pells. Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascari,
Oregon Grape Root. Coat Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Taja a latnt Price LIU
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
Branch tit l'ocatel.o, idaho
All Inn rvn etrnw mti,ttA
InalRt on hnvlng the collar
with the "fish" Label If
your dealer does not handle
thla brand collar, write to ua
S3 Union Av., Portland, Ore.
At lea. than H Price. Vail order promptly filled
Pacific Auto Wrecking Co. Unmi lsum
Belvue Poultry Farm
Phone Tabor 3039 47th and E. Davis Street
To farmers and other. We are buyers
of Urge or small quantities of poultry,
) Upbeat market prices paid. Cheques
mulled mme duy ns shipment arrive.
No commission deducted, .References,
West Cob at National Hank.
Removed without injury to the akin hy Ney-Born
Depilatory. Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab
oratories, 619 Morgan Bid., furtland Oregon.
See Yellowstone and
Southern California
These two wonderlands have been
reproduced in charming illustrations
by the Union Pacific and bound in
book form with adequate description.
Both can be easily obtained and will
prove extremely entertaining as well
as Instructive. Write Mr copies to
Wm. McMurray, General Passenger
Agent, Tlttock Block, Portland, Ore
gon, who will forward them freely to
any address upon receipt of request.
Clarke Broa., Florin., 21)7 Morriaoa St
Gold and Silver Plating.
Send ua your old Silverware, Tteflectnrs
and MuKlcul Inmrument for repair and
resllverlne;. We anve you money. B. 1
Foots, Washington tit., I'urtland.
Bathe, mnks, toilet, bnslna, boiler,
pipe, vaivea and fltilng. 1'ricea reaaon
aiilr. Standard Plumbing Heating Co.
East till and Jlontsou Sta. PortUnd, Or.
I KSBs r
:;a. 111,1
My New Offices
ABOVE la pictured the iplendid new
J quartera now occupied by myaelf
and large staff of experienced rectal
These office, located directly oppcult
the Court House, in the center of Port
land, are among the most modern and
beat equipped medical office, in the Welt.
Www ire aufferlnl with Mm or other rectal Itla
ease tome tot eaammitlnn tn.i tot mv non-aura
f m,nihkhtoOUARANTEED
L ft m fnti .our oi ro tea
wtll ht rcturdfd.
Write TODAY fee fey
I illuatreted Booe
Farmer Sees Red Fox
Wlnsted, Conn. A rural mall box on
Routs No. 8, In an Isolated section, has
been robbed severnl times this winter
of packages of metit. which were car
rted sway by nn anlmnl whose foot
prints were seen In the anow. Fred
Helmer, who went without his meat
more than once becnuse of the thefts
kept watch the other dny from a se
cluded diatant point after the rural
mail carrier hot! placed a package of
The National Goitre Treatment (w ( , 1 "tJN 1
office, at Portland, treat Ooit ' on "SuJrw nfClty.', !owa' wl,h brllnch
money refunded. For Informal on write to 2i phmiSall,J,c.,or)' R""1" r
Portland. " wr'1' 10 wl Chamber ot Commerce Uldg.,
bJ Ke 1
v" w u i rKULJUL.ll
. pn'tland, Or.roa
' 1 " 11 CblM"" 10 rente HI tltnee.
- . wwt. Nodi,
; Eggs
P m.rk.t
u1,R?,dentla, & Transient If . 1
16th and Jamhili, Portland, Oregon. 14 fall
Modern - Fireproof - American Plan 1111161
Out, seam, hem and machine or ...a.
pleat iklrta rdy for band. w Ceaul
Uemititrhinir. nicotinic and ttirlrlng.
54 Fifth St. Portland, Ore,
Pleating Embroidery
Hematiu-nin. Huttons Covered.
KM Tenth St., Portland
Sanitary Beauty Parlor! We fix 70a ap,
we ui.ka all kinda of Hair Goode of your
eombinga. Join our Srhool of Beauty Culture.
400 to 414 Dakum Bldg, Phone Broadway
roruana, Oregon.
Ail machines taught and repaired.
Yamhill, Portland, Ore.
j KorthweilJValdini Supply Co., SS lit Jit.
I Adolph W. Harr, Abinf ton lilg., Portland.
Complete Line Bottlere' Supplies
Farmers' Coyote TraDDinsr Corresnond-
ence Course. Complete. reliablP, reaaon-
aoie. rree 1'iaiin. inrftiiihie tscenu
Trappera' School, Boise, Idaho.
Do not throw iwiv vnur old fMthora. Wa rlattn
dya and rmo(iel and mutch tamples. New Flow-
and FHthen made to order. 20 years ettab-
iiinea. we guarantee all work. Hartneas Xmih
tr & Flower Shop, SstiW Waahington St.
T7nltme mnrhine. fimt class shttDe. used
Hnon iime. iiiu ius. ju point type worm
11200 00 will sacrifice for 9450. OH, terms
to suit. American Type Foundry, Fort
land, Oregon
WAHASTf. Rnrnns 5iV204 Msdlwn St.
Teaches trade in I weeks. Borne Dft7
while learning. Positions secured. Write
Tor catalogue. 234 iurolde street, Fort
land, Oregon.
The North Portland Horse A Mule Com.
cany has 2f0 head of horses. These horses
are for sale, exchange, or rent, with or
witnout narneHs. we take in cat tie,
horses, or mules In exchange We rent
by the day, week, or month. Wm are
equipped to deliver to any part of the
country on good roads, with our own
trucks. Union Stoc k Yards, North Port
land, Oregon, hmplre 01 21.
Live county weekly modern equipment
electrically operated. Neur largest towns
on lower Columbia River. Ill health com
pels owner to sacrifice, will sell 2-story
building enxTfl ' living rooms ana piani
or will sell nlnnt and lease hulldinar. Ad
jacent country growing rapidly $3000.00
will handle thin, balance on terms. Ad
dress K co Amerimn Newspaper Asso
ciation, 420 U. S. National Bank., Bldg.,
Fotiana, ore.
Made to measure, 467 Washington 8L
If you are troubled with Appendicitis
or Stomach Trouble, write lllzi company,
Port and. Oregon, for tree Information in
German or Knglinh.
We have taken over the following trucks
from the Portland Motor far company
and Automotive Hiokerage company,
whlrh must be sold at once in conjunc
tion with the bank's trucks, Packards,
Nash, Republic, Masters, .enry, White,
Winther, Klusel, Federal, Dodge delivery,
Primft and other makes. All sizes, in
cluding dumps and hoists. Terms to suit
Cor. Grand Ave. and Salmon, Portland.
Leuonf given firing flon.-z:5 Znd St.
Miller Paint Co. Wallpaper
We Invite you to call and Inspect our
Una of Wall Tuner uiid 1'tiliitH or lend
for our free culalog. Select what you
want from our line and save money.
First bt., 1'ortland, Ore.
Ftab!lhPd 1014
Native Kxprt In
Repairing and Wash. Cleaning of
459 Washington St., Corner Thirteenth
l'urtland, Oregun
.ark For reliable CWntng and Dr
&aKi? inr aervita send parcela to as.
B 3n we pay return poatare. Inform-
mJZB lion mn pnees given upon re-
Established 1890. Portland. Ore
We have hundred! of plana at SlO.tlO and up. Send
oa a aketch of the home you want and we wtlt sub
mit similar apecimen plana. No otiliaatigo except
to retura plana If not au'Ubie.
O. M. A K E R S
Dealrnlnr and DrafUiui. tU-12 Couch Baildlac
fortland, Oregon.
Belvue Poultry Farm
e7th end E. Davie. Portland. Ore.
We have the finest variety of Breeding
Stork at r.avonabla pritea; alag Baby
Chlckena, tor enle.
Toncred Impenul Leghorn.
Ttaneya Ktrain Hhode Inland Reda
Mi-Connria titrum l:la. k Mlnorcaa.
rJhepparda Strain Anemia.
Klxhela Ktraln White Korka.
White Pekln Du ke and Urake
Established 17 CU year.), aurpaamns In
ita effect Your drugiciet will aupply you
at thirty-five centa, or addreaa Labora
tory, 619 Kat 22nd Street, Lot Anselea.
Sample free by niaiL
Rob Mall Box of Meat
meat. Soon afterward he saw a rtl
fox trot up on Its hind lege, with front
feet against the mall box support
pick out the meat bundle and run off
with It
Helmer will replace the old mall hoj
with a larger and more secure one.
The greatest recorded rainfall
catch In the Hawaiian Islands for the
year 1923 wss C2 Inches,
Happenings of
to Folks of
$50,000,000 Loan Turned
Down By Senate
Washington, D. C The senate, tie
spite President Coolldge's indorse
ment, refused Thursday 41 to 32, to
authorize the proposed loan ot 150,
000,000 to farmers of the spring wheat
belt to finance their start in the
poultry, swine and livestock Indus
In disposing of the proposal, car
ried in the Norbeck-Burtness bill as
the first ot several special agrarian
relief measures, the senate divided
along geographical rather than party
lines. The result showed 23 democrats
and IS republicans opposing, and 20
republicans, 10 democrats and two
farmer-labor members supporting the
Leaders of the farm bloc Insisted
that the result of the fight for the
Norbeck-Burtness bill did not Indi
cate the senate's sentiment toward re
maining relief bills. Many opposing
votes, they asserted, were based on the
opinion, expressed by Senator Glass,
democrat, Virginia, and others, that It
was "an attempt to put the United
States treasury In the mercantile busi
ness," and further on the objection
that It was designed to assist a sharp
ly delimited area.
Auto Fees $3,225,487.
Olympla, Wash. Motor vehicle
license collections for February total
ed $509,211.35, bringing the total col
lections for the new license year so
far up to $3,225,487.50. According to
the report ot State Treasurer Babcock.
this is within $670,110 ot the total col
lections for 1923 of $3,898,597.77.
During February King county con
tributed $122,033, bringing Us total to
$938,587: Pierce county added $29,
811 to Its score, making a total of
$344,984, and Spokane paid In $117,-
040, reaching the mark of $298,030.
One county has already exceeded its
total record for last year, Cowliti
county stacking up $48,094, as against
$40,934 last year, all told, and dealers'
licenses have already passed the old
mark, with $03,007 as against $02,422
Clarke county scores $S8,915; LewiB,
$102,499; Thurston, $79,888; Grays
Harbor, $130,793; Pacific, $29,712;
Snohomish, $177,243; Skagit, $86,782;
Whatcom, $127,106.
Brown's Majority 4998. ,
Seattle, Wash. Official returns an
nounced Thursday in municipal elec
tion held here Tuesday showed that
Edwin J. Brown, mayor, lacked only
two votes of getting a majority of 5000
over Alfred H. Lundln In the mayoral
ity contest. All officials elected In
cities, towns and districts will assume
office June Z.
John E. Carroll, high man for the
council to which he was re-elected for
a three-year term, reported that he
did not spend a cent in the campaign.
Freedom of City Asked for Dog.
Salem, Or. Pupils In the primary
grades of the Sllverton schools Tues
day voted that "Bob," beautiful Collie
dog owned by Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Brazier, should have the freedom of
the streets of that city. The request
in the form of a resolution, will now
go before the city council there for
The vote was taken by the children
following a public ceremony at which
the dog was presented with a silver
medal purchased by the Oregon
Humane society. Robert Gootz, super
intendent ot the Silverton schools, pro
sided at the ceremonies, while the dog
and Its owners, Mr. and Mrs. Brazier,
occupied a conspicuous place on the
Colonel E. llofer, president of the
Oregon Humane society, gave the
principal address. Ho scored the or
dinances in effect in many cities In
Oregon which bar dogs from the
streets, and providing that they must
be in custody ot their owners or
guardian at all times. Formal pres
entation of the medal was made by
members of the Salem Women's club.
"Bob" came Into prominence recent
ly, when he walked into his owner's
restaurant at Sllverton after being
lost in Iowa more than six months
ago. His toenails were worn off as
a result of his long walk, and It was
estimated that he covered more than
3000 miles on his return trip to Ore
gon. The animal was lost while Mr.
and Mrs. Brazier were en route to
Indiana by automobile to visit rela
Portland to Hold Rose Festival.
Portland will have a Robs Festival
this year.
This was decided definitely Thurs
day at a general business men's meet
ing st the chamber ot commerce
No details ss to the program or the
actual financing were settled, but a
committee was named to appoint s
group representing all ot the civic
interests, which will handle the 1921
the Northwest
Wheat Tariff Rate Increased 12 Cents.
Washington, D. C. An Increase of
12 cents a bushel in the tariff rate on
wheat was ordered last week by Presi
dent Coolldge. The new rates will be
come effective in 30 days.
Acting under the flexible provision
ot the tariff act and on the basis of
the tariff commission's recent lquiry,
the president at the same time order
ed an increase of 26 cents a hundred
pounds In the duty on wheat flour
and a decrease ot GO per cent in the
ad valorem rate on mill feeds.
The new rate on wheat will be 42
cents a bushel as compared with the
present rate of 30 cents; the new
rate on flour will be $1.04 a hundred
pounds, as compared with 78 cents,
and the rate on mill feeds will be 74
per cent ad valorem as against 15 per
The increases will become effective
in time to be applied to the flood of
Cnnntilan wheat that will descend on
the United States about the middle of
April each year with the opening ot
navigation on the Great Lakes.
The advance in rates was sought to
aid particularly the hard wheat grow
ers ot the northwest, but the result
ant Increase in the price ot spring
wheat is expected to be reflected in
the market quotations on winter
wheat raised in the middle western
and other states.
Railway Denies Charge.
Washington, D. C. Representatives
of the Northern Paciflo Railway com
pany denied before the house public
lands committee Thursday charges
that the company sought to obtais
title through erroneous claims to 3,
000,000 acres ot national forest land.
Alexander Brltton, counsel for the
railroad, asserted that although the
land grant act had given approximate
ly 44,000,000 acres to the road, less
than 4,000,000 acres were received
prior to completion of the transcon
tinental line and that other land was
available only as a basis upon whlck
to issue bonds.
Congress, he said, intended the land
to assist In financing the road's struc
ture and the railroad's purpose was
the "strictest construction" on the
act which recognized Its rights.
Hoof and Mouth Disease Better.
Oakland, Cal. Improved conditions
in the epidemic of hoof and mouth
disease among livestock of the San
Francisco bay district Friday made
possible pirns tor lifting the provision
al quarantine on nine California coun
ties. Four counties will remain under
strict quarantine and 10 others under
provisional quurantlne for some weeks
yet, officials said.
The restrictions on six counties,
however, will be lifted in a few days
In the lust 10 days there have been
practically no additional cases of the
dlBcase reported. Somo 3000 Infected
cattle and hogs remain to be destroy
ed before the work of stamping out
the disease is completed.
Labor Meeting Called.
A stato-wlde conference on distribu
tion of harvest workera will be hold
In Portland on Saturday, March 22.
Growers ot fruit, hops, grain and
vegetables and all employers of large
numbers of short-period workers will
receive invitations to take part In the
discussion ot efficient methods for
this distribution. The invitations will
be In the name of the seasonal em
ployment commission of the Oregon
department of labor, consisting of C
II. Grnm, A. W. Jones, C. A. Kells and
Louise F. Shields, and In co-operation
with the United States employment
service, W. II. Fitzgerald, Oregon
Plan Drive on Crows.
Astoria, Or. Crow legs are the
latest natural resources ot Clatsop
county to attain a definite commercial
value and Clatsop county nlmrods for
the next four weeks will be busily pur
suing the elusive marauder.
In an effort to rid the county of
the black flyers who have been de
stroying nests of game birds, robbing
poultry yards snd damaging crops
the Astoria Rod and Gun club ha
offered a prize ot $75 to the person
turning In the largest number of crow
"supports" In the period betwee
March 14 and April 13. Besides the
first prize merchants of the city have
contributed to a fund, from which
bounty will be paid for each pair of
limbs turned In. The crows may
shot, poisoned or dynamited, the only
condition being that the owners of the
legs be killed in Clatsop county.
Longvlew, Wash. Half of Huntiti
too Rock, massive boulder on the Cow
lits county road about a mile and
half from I-ongvlew, will be blasts
away. Dan H. Walsh, assistant engi
neer for the Long-Boll Lumber com
pany, said recently. Material from
the rock will be used In construction
work. A total of 100,000 pounds of
powder will be necessary to destroy
the rock. About 40.000 pounds of
powder will be used in the first ex
WWW W V TTff f fTlffflff ..Iff,
Salem. Oregon's bonded indebted
ness, as set out in the annual report
of the state treasurer which Is now be
ing completed, aggregates $00,246,830.
Eugene. Oakrldge, the town at the
present terminus of the Eugene-Klam-ath
Falls line of the Southern Pacific
Railway on the west side ot the Cas
cades, now has a fullfledged chamber
of commerce.
Salem. The state of Oregun has uo
funds with which to finance the pur
chase ot ton flax pullers as requested
by growers of the product In this vicin-1
Ity. Tills was nnuouncoti by Governor
Pierce Friday.
Salem. T. A. Llvesley, local hop
dealer, has started the erection of a
home in this city to cost approximately
$65,000. This will be the most preten
tious home In Salem, and will occupy
an ideal site on Falrmount hill.
Pendleton. A saxophone band of 25
pieces has been launched In Pendleton
and will hold its first rehearsal this
week. F. T. Ruble will direct the or
Albany. The largest building opera
tion to be announced fur Albany with
in the law few years assumed form
Friday at a meeting of six Albany phy-
iclnns and laymen who project a hos
pltal posting approximately $00,000 for
public use of Albany and Linn county
Nyssa. Susie, a very respectable
Airednlu, appears to bo In a cltss by
herself and somewhat jealous of the
alleged record of Patsy, a Silverton
dog, who rocently gave birth to 11 tall
loss pups. About two mouths ngo,
Susie had a litter of 14 pups, of which
four had tails and 10 did not.
Seaside. Seasldo voters expressed
their desire that tho city own its own
water system by piling up a sweeping
majority In fuvor of the $100,000 wuti'r
bond Issue at tho special election held
here Friday. Official announcement
of the vote slated that 247 ballots fuv
ored the bond issue, with 28 against.
Salem. Eastern Oregon soon will
have n full battalion ot Infantry of
the national guard, according to on
nouncemcnt made by Adjutant-Generul
White, lie has received reports from
Baker and La Grande that those titles
have Infantry companies practically
ready for acceptance by the govern
Oregon City. Two carlouds of
Clackamas county Guernsey cuttle
were shipped this week to Idaho as
foundation stock for the dairymen of
that slate. Mrs, A. I. Hughes made
tho shipment of heifers and two-year-olds,
one carload to C. II. Kagleson of
Boise, the other to O. A. Atkinson of
Eugene. Claiming that tho speclul
road tux levied in road district No. 31
In the western part of Lane county
was not legul, tho Occidental Lumber
company has begun suit In circuit
court against Lane county and Sheriff
SlbkelH, as tax collector, to enjoin
them from collecting the speclul tux
In this district for 1922 and 1923.
Sulem. Tho Eugene-Hosi hurg stutt
line, with headquarters at Euitene, had
net operating Income of $2,263.04 dur
Ing the year 1923, according to the
annual report of tho corporation, filed
with the public service commission
hero Friday. Operating revenues of
the company aggregated $35,750.38,
while tho operating expenses were
Eugene. Tho farmers along the
cast Bldo of tho Long Tom river ami
between Bear creek ond Fergueson
stations west of Junction City, in tin
northern part of Luno county, are or
gnnlzltig a drainage district ond pro
pose to reclaim several hundred ucn
of low land that Is overflowed every
winter when the Long Tom gets out
of Its banks.
Overproduction of lumber which ha
been current slnee the first of the year
Is reflected In tho report of the West
Coast Lumbermen's association, just
compiled, for the first 10 weeks of
1921. During this period It shows
production was 13.98 per cent grenle
than for the same period In 1923, whll
orders were 11.38 per cent less tha
In 1923 and shipments were 6.83 pe
cent below tho 1923 totul for the same
10 weeks.
St. Helens.- Lumber shipments for
the week ending Friday exceed 6,000,
000 feet, Wllh the exception of a 1
000,000 foot consignment for New
York, all of it was destined for Cull
fornitt ports. The steamer Wahkeem
finished loading a 1.000,000 foot cargo
and departed Wednesday for Ha
Francisco, and the steamer E. II
Meyer left Thursduy with 9SC.0OO feet
for San Pedro. The steamer Multno
mah, after taking 600,000 feet here
went to Prcscott to finish her cargo,
and the steamer David Meyers was
laden with about 2,000,000 feet whe
It departed Saturday.
Cleanses month and
teeth and aids digestion.
Relieves that over
eaten feeling and acid
Its l-a-s-t-l-n-g flavor
satisfies the craving for
Wrlfjley'a Is doable
value In the benefit and
plcusarc II pi-vi:cj.
S.oecf in ita Parity
e flavor lasts jii
Reversing the Order.
giving a party for tho young
folks, It is soon demonstrated that the
old folks aro to bo seen mid not heard
Water Breaks Concrete.
Concreto can be broken up by use
of water In a special tool under threi
to five tons per squuro Inch pressure
, Quite So.
Popular songs would bo leas bojec
tlonnble If sung only In tho hearing ol
those with whom they nro popular.
' js. v
i 7 . i
A distinguished citizen, honored
politically and professionally, Dr. R. V
Pierce, whose picture appears above.
madu a success few liavo equalled, lllf
pure herbal romedics which havo stood
the tost for fifty years aro still anions
tho "best sellers." Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is a blood medicine
and stomuth alterutlvo. It clears the
skin, beautifies It, Increases tho blootl
supply and tho circulation, and pimples
nnd eruptions vanish quickly. Beauty
Is but skin deep and good blood Is be
nonth both. For your blood to be gottd.
your stomnch must bo In condition
your liver active. This Discovery ol
Doctor Pierces puts you in fine conill
tlon. with all the organs active. Ask
your nearest dniKglst for Doctor
Plerco's Golden Medical Discovery.
In tablet or liquid form, or send la
cents for trial piickngn of tablets to
Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel In Buffalo.
N. Y.
Holland Leads In Cocoa.
For 200 years Holland has been e
leading factor In tho cocoa Industry
Today Amsterdam ulotio has 13 fat
torles engaged In tho manufacture oi
cocoa and chocolate.
Numerous Laws.
'Our laws have become so numeroii
that it often ciihIs a man a htindre i
dollars to get a shilling's wortli oi
Justice, und misses of It ut last."
William Manning, 1798.
Big Mill Deal Closed.
Everett, Wash Four local lumber
men liuvii purchased a large Intorea'
In the North Puelfie Lumber compan;
mill ut Burnett on Durrani Inlet, neat
Vancouver, B. C, It wits unnouueeil
here. Tho consideration was said li
bn $750,000.
ualneao College Places Graduates In
Good Poaitiona
Knroll any time ut yt-iir. Write fr fre.
auffffltf catalog. jruurlh and Yamhill
I'urtland, Oregon.
Set of tjQ,
Teeth, PO
We ipiiraiit materia
and wurlimarmhip.
Puinlrwi eitrnctinn of
Ir'h. ir. yfra b
the same lorntlon. D.
sj. DhN I Ls IM, 'iiti'ft Wub
IngWfi eor. Betwnd, furtland, Omuon,
Save On Your
Pine new end aernnrilinnd, hlai k and eral-
vanlied, leirr end hep wire, eMlmnmi"!
parlied wire, farm toola, drug aawe, bluck
amlthins tool and euppii".
101 Front SU i oi Hand, Ore
P. N. U.
No. 12, 1924
H is the floret product of Its kind In the m
H world.' fcvery woman who line ued 1
B II knowe this statement to be true, fl