The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 21, 1924, Image 2

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Brief Resurre Most Importan
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
ind Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
A new high rocord gasoline produe
tlun was established in January
Iluroau of mines reports show an out
put of GDD,325,000 gullons.
Plans fur a compromise to avert an
actors' Btrlko in New York, June 1
are under consideration. The Actors
I'Jqulty associutlon hus threatened the
strike Juno 1 for the closed shop,
An earthquake, described as a local
disturbance of about four minutes dur
ation was recorded on the seismograph
of the University of Santa Clara, Cal.
at 3:40 o'clock Saturday morning.
Exorcises for tho 75th birthday of
Luther Burbank last Friday, although
ho was too 111 to attend, included the
closing of schools, tho children Binglng
IiIb favorlto songs in front of his home
in .Santa Rosa, Cal.
Edwin J. Brown was reelected
mayor of Sealtio, Wash., by a majority
of 4845 votes in Tuesday's election,
according to complete tubulated votes
from all of tho city's 21)4 precincts.
The final voto was: llrown, 40,545, Al
frod II. Lund In, 35,700.
Three persona, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Whulloy and Mrs. Mabel Morso, old
residents of Linden, N. Y., wore slain
Monday night, apparently by n
maniac. Mr. and Mrs. Whalley were
shot dead and Mrs. Morso was beaten
to death with tho bundle of an adz.
' A preliminary Judgment In tho con
troversy between the Egyptian gov
ernment and tho representatives of
tho countess of Carnarvon over con
tinuallon of tho work in the tomb of
Tutankhamen recognizes tho mixed
court's competency to decide tho caso
A legal fight for control of radio
broadcasting Is forecast as a result
of tho suit by tho American Telephone
& Telegraph compuny for a perman
ent Injunction restraining station
WIIN, operated in New York by Mar
cus Loew and tieorgo Schubol, from
Wheat stocks In tho United rilutos
were smaller on March 1 by about 7,
OO0.0UU bushels than they were a year
ago. Announcement Tuesday by the
department of ngrlculturo of stocks at
country mills and elevators ns SO.Mti,
00 bushels and its estimate of 133,
871,000 bushels on farms.
Decision to placo administration ol
tho new soldier bonus hill, providing
principally for paldup llfo Insurance
policies, In tho hands of Ilia Voter
uns' bureau rather than private Insur
ante companies, was reached Wednes
day by a snli committee of tho house
ways and means committee In drafting
tho bill.
Promulgation of a new Irrigation
and reclamation program must nwult
(ho report of the Interior department's
fact finding commission, Secretary
Work Wednesday advised a group of
western senators, who usked him to
lake action Immediately. The com
mission Is silting night and day, he
said, in nil effort to ospodlto its find
Maintenance fur another year of the
regular army at tho present strengil
of 13.000 commlsHlmied officers itud '
I25.0OU enlisted men, la recommended
in the army appropriation bill. As re
ported Wednesday to the house the
measure carries f 22(1.22 1.II'.IS, or Jill.
22l.2i!S less than last year's uppropiiu
(Ion, iiml less than the bud
get estimate.
Taking Its cue from tho Napoleonic
axioms that mi army travels on its
stomach, the Oregon stale chamber
of commerce set about Wednesday to
move tlin tourist armies of the conn
try, nml the industrial legions seek
ing new worlds to comiuer, to the Pa
cific northwest by first winning ihe
generals to tho food of tho region by
serving banquet In Chicago.
President Coolldgo made request of
congress Monday to adopt Immediate
ly ft resolution making effective, the
25 per cent reduction In personal In- ed Monday when the Ataml geyser
come tuxes payablo this year now car- J resumed activity, following nine davs
ried In tho revenue bill, but It met ; of dormancy. Professor Ogawa, w ho
with an unencouraglng response. This was dispatched from the Imperial unl
reaction was especially pronounced in verslty at Kyoto, caused an eruption
the house, where such legislation of tho geyser by plugging up three
wouiu nave to originate and where
reteuuy i urneu uown nu
tempt to eMail! such action.
First Earth-Encircling Airway to Be
ChartedTo Take 5 Months.
Clover Field, Santa Monica, Cal.-
Airmen of the United States army
started around the world from here
Monday to chart the first globe-en
circling airway. Eyes of 23 nations
will he upon the skies between now
and Augu3t as the American aviators
wing their way on the 30,000-mile
voyage In an effort to accomplish that
in which recent attempts of the French
and British airmen failed.
The flight started at 9:32 o'clock,
when, amidst acclaim of thousands,
Mujor Frederick L, Martin of Chanute
field, Ituntoul, 111., zoomed. His take
off was followed immediately by that
of Lieutenant Lowell II. Smith of Los
AngeleB and Lieutenant Leigh Wado
of Cosmopolis, Mich. A score of army
and civilian airplanes followed as an
escort and soon disappeared into the
clouds to tho northward, which for
more than two hours had raised
doubts in tho minds of the flight com
manders as to whether they should at
tempt to dart through them over the
Techunapl pass.
America's attempt to map tho first
world airway will be carried out In
series of flights ranging from 13
miles to SCO miles. The first Jum
was from Clover field to Mather field
Sacramento. Tho second, will bo from
Sacramento to Vuncouver, barracks,
Washington, across tho river from
ortlund, Or. The world cruisers are
scheduled to fly to Seattle where
pontoons will bo installed for marln
landings until tho fliers reach Cal
utta, India.
The beginning of the flight, expect
d by many to bo but a simplo dnsh
of 4V4 hours of ideal weather con
dllions, proved to bo a beginning of
the many problems that the Intrepid
airmen will be culled upon to solve in
their Journey,
New York. drover Cleveland Berg-
oil, convicted during tho war as a
raft evader, has agreed to return to
America to servo his sentence In a
derul prison, It was announced Mon
ny by Norman Hupgood, editor of
learst's International Magazine.
Ilergdoll will return at tho Invlta
Ion of tho American Legion, which
hrough John Qulnn, national com
munder, issued a statement tonight
cclnrlng the legion hud been uc
used of attempting to kidnap Ilerg
oil and it was time to "show the
orld" that tho organization Blood for
w and order.
Tho legions offer was niado by
.elghton II. lllood, a member of the
ganlzatlon, who Bald ho went to
crinnny to carry out a plan mupped
lit by (larland W. Powell, national
rector of tho legion's Americanism
immlsslon, nnd Lemuel Holies, ua
mill adjutant.
'My mission was to Invite Ilerg-
dl to come back to America with
e of his own free will," said lllood.
As long as Ilergdoll was In der
ail)' tho anti (icrinan feeling in the
glon would be strengthened and
oiilil count In American politics.
icrefore, If n plan could bo worked
by which Ilergdoll could be
ronght back to America, it would help
lllood said he was violating no con
lenee ill giving a summary of the
rms he made Ilergdoll.
"Here It Is," said lllood. "Ilergdoll
must come back. Ho must servo his
sentence. The American Legion Is
not so much Interested In Ilergdoll
as In the men who helped his escape
from America. Let's bring Ilergdoll
back and have him make a clean
breast and tell who tho enemies in
our own camp are. Then let him do
his bit in prison. After that glvo him
his money nnd let him go his way."
Mr. llnpgood said Ilergdoll had sold
niitoinobllos and other properties
In (ieiiuany and even selected the
ship on which he wished to return to
Seattle Deficit $20,000.
Seattle, Wash. The deficit for the
engagement of tho Chicago Civic
opera company which ended here
hero Saturday will exceed (20.000, no
cerding to local managers. Fifty seven
individuals and firms guaranteed G7,
ooil. The opera company wus assured
$.i2.000 on the engagement and it was
estimated that the expenses would ap
proximate more than (12.000. Receipts
for four performances hero were (14,
Quake Terror Is Gone,
Toklo.- Terror of a new great earth
iiuake occurring In Japan was dlsnell-
nearby hot springs
Tho eruption
(-followed three hours after his action
There was great public rejoicing.
Committee's Plans Submitted
To the Public.
Endowment Polftes to Be Given Vet
erans - Cost to Be About Two
Billion Dollars.
Washington, D. C The proposed
bonus to, soldiers ot the world war
would cost a trifle more than (2,000,
000,000 spread over 20 years, accord
ing to the majority report of the
house ways and means committee on
the pending adjusted compensation
bill, which was made publio Sunday
The average ex-service man, under
the terms of the bill would receive
adjusted compensation amounting to
(382 in the form ot a 20-year endow
ment Insurance policy for (962. The
amount of the policy would vary ac
cording to the age of the soldier and
tho length ot his service.
After two years loans would be
obtainable for 90 per cent of the
vulue of the policy at the time, the
loans on a (1000 policy, for example,
ranging from (S7.93 in the third year
to (000 in tho 20th year.
The bill, Bays the report, provides
1. The fixing ot the amount of the
adjusted service credit to the sur
viving veterans.
2. The payment In cash of the ad-
Justed service credit to those veterans
to whom (GO or less is due.
3. Provision for payment of the
adjusted service credit to depend
ents of veterans wbo have died be
fore application has been made.
Tho Issuance ot an endowment
Insurance certificate to the remain
der of the surviving vetorans applying
therefor In amount and on the terms
hereinafter set forth.
5. Tho privilege of borrowing upon
such certificates after two years, in
tho manner hereinafter explained.
Security for Buch loans and pre
vention of their being "frozen assets,"
In tho hands of banks by whom they
aro made.
7. The creation of a sinking fund
sufficient to meet tho claims arising
upon tho certificates by reason of
death of the voteran or maturity
8. Estimates for proper appropria
tions to meet the claims of depend
ants and those who are paid In In
surance. Tho basis of the adjusted serviie
credit to the soldier is the same as
In tho bill, which at the last session
passed both bouses, namely (1 a day
for each day of "home service" and
(1.25 a day for "oversea service" not
to exceed, however, in any caso (500
for "homo service" or (t25 for "over
sea service."
The veteran will receive the equiv
alent of a paid-up 20-year endowment
policy for the amount which his ad-
Justed service crelt plus 25 per cent
would purchase at his age, of such in
surance computed in accordance with
accepted actuarial principles and bas
il upon American experience tubles of
mortality with Interest at 4 per cent
per aiimiin compounded annually.
Stock Disease Feared.
Walla Walla, WaBh. There Is dan
ger of the hoof and mouth disease
reaching the northwest through the
medium of wild fowl coming north to
est, according to Dr. II. A. Trlppeer.
We can control every other avenue
f Infection except tho wild birds," he
stated. "These birds, feeding In Cali
fornia, aro quite apt to pick up grain
upon which aro germs and would bring
ho disease with them in their in-
estlnal tract,"
Japan to Honor Woods.
Toklo. Tho honor of being the first
guests to be entertained by the prince
regent and his bride since their wed
ding fell to Ambassador Woods of
tho I'nlted States and Mrs. Woods. A
uncheon was given In their honor at
the Imperial pnlace, March IS. No
other foreigners were guests at the
uncheon, those attending being in
ho main Imperial princes.
Crowing opposition In the senate to
he proposal that the government fl-
nace crop diversification led to laying
aside temporarily late Tuesday the
jNorbeck - Ilurtness bill, which would
. make such provisions. In fuvnr r
proprlation measures.
Men You May Marry
Hat a man Ilk this proposed J
to you 7
Symptoms: Not a bit stylish-
In fact he pooh poohs the latest
J fashions as senseless. Knows
the latest publications and books
J and Is awfully high-brow. He
likes the self-supporting woman
only. Can't stand the girl who
always must take her formal f
Mamma to the show with them.
He always keeps a well-paid Job J
with growing prospects. Nothing
J worries him except wasting J
tune at a bad play or with a jj;
poor book. He is a bit bookish,
out not so bookish that the fond
parents do not worry when he
and daughter go out for an all- 2
day picnic. Mothers fear but J
think him a catch. Daughters
love but cannot fathom him.
He Is the Most delightful mix- J
tore to Himself. ?
Prescription for hit bride:
Get next to some good
books not for their bindings,
but because of their Insides.
He who reads; j
And works by day,
Is Just the man
For whom maids pray.
( by MoClurt Niwipaper SyndlciU.) 1
Have You This Habit?
By Margaret Morison
fTWIE Knocking club had met for
luncheon. There were Mrs. van
Vetchen lirown, Agutha l'liu, the nov
elist; May Hendricks, who wore
knickerbockers most of the time and
smoked during her meals, and finally
Constance Welles, whose engagement
to John Wynne had just been an
nounced. They hud been nicknamed
the Knocking club In college, and
among their special circle the name
had stuck.
"Her husband talks too much," be
gan Mrs. van Vechten Drown, whose
own husband had an impediment In
his speech.
"No." said May Hendricks; "that
Isn't the reason they don't get In It's
his wife, who dresses like a deport
ment store window she's such bad
form, you know."
"I shouldn't care how she dressed
If she wouldn't murder the King's
fcngllsh. Agutba rlin spoke very con
cisely and distinctly.
At this point Constance looked at
her watch. She had an appointment, as
It happened, with John that afternoon.
and here with the Knocking club Just
getting under way she found herself
making her excuses and leaving.
As she and John drove along the
avenue she repented the conversation
at luncheon. To her chagrin John
made no comment. "Don't you think
Dolly Brown Is amusing?" she In
sisted. "I think those three women are like
three old alley eats hugging the dark
corners and squalling at everyone wbo
goes along 1"
Constance gasped. "John, dear, you
couldn't call Agatha Tim an alley call"
"No," said John; "Id coll her a
pampered Persian pussy spitting upon
every passerby I"
"What do you mean?" asked Con
stance. "Take Mrs. van Vechten Brown,"
explained John. "Why does she cry
down a man that ran talk easily? It
dignifies her own husband's not being
able to get through a whole sentence.
When May Hendricks talks about 'bad
form' In others she gives you the Im
pression that she knows what 'bad
form' Is, and you accept her nicotlned
fingers and her tobacco breath. And
so on nnd so on what has Agatha
Tim got but 'King's English,' and
what has Holly Brown got but her
name I" He must have stopped from
sheer lank of breath.
"Then," said Constance, "the habit
of throwing stones at other people Is
really Just pretending that you don't
live In a glass house yourself." The
Knocking club, had lost a member.
(Copyright ly Metropolitan Nyppr
Has Anyone Laughed
At You
You have a weakness for
You are laughed at because
so many folk pour out their 2
t troubles In your copious ear and
you always seem to know why 2
J he or she reacts a certain way!
Well, what of It? These contid- 2
ers wouldn't have told you If t
you hadn't honor, honesty, t X
tight mouth and bit of com-
fort dope. If you like "secrets,"
2 ask to be "In" on things then t
laughter Is pretty well deserved.
X However, people wouldn't ton-
tlnue to tell tou thlnrs If this
were so.
Your get-away here Is: X
Every one likes to be "In" en
things you're only a human X
being after all I
9 Hectare Ktwpr SrsSiciu ) ,
lone Market
Wholesale nd Retail Dealer in
Your Patronage Solicited.
Under New Management
Refurnished and Strictly Up to date. Com
mercial Table First Class. A home away
from home, with best meals in Central
SAM GANGER, Proprietor.
Nice Rooms. Good Service
Farm Implements
Vulcan and Oliver Plows, Superior Drills,
Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps,
Star and Aermotor Wind Mills,
Winona Wagons.
Good Time
to Subscribe for the
Independent Is Now!
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