1 x . Western Union Telegraph Co. VS lone, Sunday, March 16 VOLUME XII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 NUMBER 40 Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35.000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON IMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMIIMMIMMIIMI There is a Reason WHY My Cash Sales for the past month were double those of a year ag'o. I have the largest assortment of goods in Morrow County. They are the best that money can buy. They are priced ror Cash Business. r Service is our motto. 1 Buy where your dollars brings the most in Quantity, Quality and Service. WHY BUY ON CREDIT AND PAY MORE? BERT MASON IONE :-: OREGON MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI BASE BAUSUNDAY Western Union Telegraph Co. v$ lone The Western Union Team have issued a challenge and the same will be the first regular game of the season, Come out and sup port the boys. lone Student Gives Talk 0. A,C. Corvallis, March 12 Miss Catherine Jones, of lone, was one of the principal speakers at a banquet for all members of the college Y. W. C. A. held in the college tea room last Thurs day night. In her talk, "Three Points Lead Outward." she gave a discussion of how Y. W. C. A. links the campus first with the community, then with the nation, and finally with other nations. More than 100 faculty members and students attended the banquet. High School Girls and Boys En joy Good Time at Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Will Ganger of Pendleton, entertained the six basketball girls and their coach at a dinner party last Friday evening. Those attending were the Misses Genevieve Tillotson, coach; Gladys Lundell, Eleanor Swanson Helen Balsiger, Norma Swanson, Irene Devin, Inez Clark and host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Miss Clark is a neice of Mr. Ganger. Mr. and Mrs. BufTington of Pendleton, entertained the lone boys with a "big feed" after the games Thursday night. Those present were J. Clifton Tucker, coach; Carl Kay, Nolan Page, Carl Linn, "Clarence Linn, Virgil Colvin, Carlton Swanson, Ray Barnett, Edmund Bristow, Rob ert Harbison, Mr. and Mrs. BufT ington and son, Gail. Mr. and Mrs. BufTington were former residents of lone. THE New Pastime IS NOW Open For Business New Tables - New Equipment I will carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Calljand see me Laxton McMurrey, Prop. JM Steel O raoaeu ju ana it, laterpiuar rlarv es ters have already proved, by the way they stand up in the moat severe service, that they will give a lifetime of service. A remarkable achievement, but a logical one, for Holt has used in these models all-steel construction, anti-friction roller bearings, positive ana simple lubrication, safety-release snap clutches, and many other long-life features. Long life is insured at no sacrifice of any other desirable quality. These all steel models are light-weight, light-draft, easily handled and remarkable grain- Ho! MANUFACTURING COMPANY SPOKANE WASHINGTON that insures lifetime ervice avers. Operating costs are low; a small crew handles the entire outfit Model 32 for 1924 is an even bettei machine thaa aver before. It now has a 40 inch draper, bigger motor, air cleaner, stronger wheals, increased leveling ca pacity many other new features. It is the first real combined harvester of its size 12 ft cut 20x31 inch separator. Model 30 offers the same qualities in an 18 ft cut machine. Write for full information about either or both of these machines, or about other sizes and types of Holt Harvesters. The Oregonian lays that the Heppner Farmers' Elevator Co., is listed among the violators of game laws on record at the state game commission office ss the re sult of a fine of $25 at Heppner Monday. The corporation enter ed a plea of guilty to a charge of failing to report furs purchased in 1923. The McDevitt Bros, from the lone country, were in Boardman Wednesday and hauled two truck loads of lumber which is to be used in building the Community Hall out beyond Carty's. They expect to dedicate the hall on March 17. Boardman Mirrow. We call attention to the an nouncements of It L. Benge and Wm. T. Campbell for County Judge and L. P. Davidson, for County Commiasioner this week. All these gentlemen are ex ceptional fine men. and they auk your dus consideration of their respective claims for the office they seek. Judge Frank Robinson expects to leave Saturday for Portland to be gone for a few days. Accord ing to the number of letters he receives from Portland written in a feminine hand, we surmise there Boon will be "two hearts that beat as one." It is quite natural with some, to seek out a life com panion as one neari the boundary line of age, and from the various trips the Judge has taken to Portland in the past, it is pre sumed he has at last found and won, the winsome one of his choice. Walt Smith left Tuesday for Portland and Salem on business matters. Frank Engleman and Henry Hainer served as ballast ns far as Portland. J. H. Cochran left Wednesday for Soap Lake, Wn., where he remains a month for the benefit of his health. Mrs. Cochran ac companied him as far as Yakima, where she will visit with her daughters, the Meartames H. R. Holman and G. R. Reese. They traveled via auto. Letter received by J. II. Hry- son, from Mr. llelicker at rort Lauderdale, Florida, states that the family will leave there in about three weeksforlone, going via the Southern route by auto thru Texas and California. An order of ham and, and a line up for dinner, is now George Ritchie's order at the hotel. It's measles at his home, with Frank GrifTiin wearing an asafetidasack around his neck. A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon WANTED Some good work mules not under 1200 lbs., and to sell some good young mules. Leave word at the Lundell garage at lone. Ellis McLean. Carl Troedson and "Swede" Colvin are at Morgan this week loading out 8 cars of grain for R. E, Harbison. If financial conditions do not improve pretty soon, said Carl Troedson, "1 am going to Hep pner and get a job booting the wooliesover the range." During this lovely weather, it would not go amiss if the Mayor would see that rubbish on Main street and toe city park is clean ed up. Do It Now. You Can Now Enlist In The Navy Word has been received from Washington by Lieutenent D. E. Barbey of the Portland Navy Recruiting Station, that enlist ments in the navy would be re sumed for a short period. All recruiting was stopped on January 10th as the .navy was at that time in excess of its com plement. It is expected that re cruiting will be again discon tinued in about three weeks, and only young men who can furnish exceptionally good character recommendations and who can pass a rigid physical examination are being accepted. Peter Hauernfiend. the grand old man of Cecil, was here trans acting business Tuesday. Eleven candidates have filed for sheriff of Umatilla county. It is probably a good paying job. John Wilks and Ray Klake of Grass Valley, merchants, were here Sunday on business matters. The 0. W. R. N. have a work train here putting in new tele graph poles and adding new wire service. LOST-March 1st. on lone Ella Road leading from Bert Mason's store, purse containing a $20 gold piece, small change etc. Finder leave with lone Independent of fice and receive suitable reward, 0. W. Barzek. Radio Concerts On Your Farm Free of Charge Our demonstration car goes everywhere within forty miles of Heppner, and will give you and your neighbors a fine evening's entertainment. All Leading Makes Handled MAURICE A. FRYE Everything Electrical Phone 472 HEPPNER :: ORE. Everybody Helped Build This Huge Skyscraper There has just been enstalled a battery of 121) hugh electric flood lights around the 26-story Wrig ley building in Chicago, an il lumination which makes this big skyscraper visible for 15 milts. And, by the way, that is the magnificent building that every one of us folks has been helping to pay for by chewing gum. Leave your watch repairing at the McMurray pastime for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner,