The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 07, 1924, Image 4

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Change r -ivr to the
brand tliat never
change and you'll
never change again.
I'uhllslicil livery Friday by
P. P. 11 l.S'S.;K, I'.tlitiir-Pulilishcr
One year $1.50
f'ix rnontl' 75
Thine month BO
Kntered as wond class mattar at the
postoflico at lone, Oregon, under set
of March :i, W.I
Friday, March 7, 1924
C. V). Sperice, that remarkable
apostle of radicalism and xloom,
who as stale marKet agent bom
bards th country newspapers
with dismal bulletins, must in the
very nature of things smile oc
casionally probably when he
cashes his monthly salary check
and expense account. Condon
Globe Times.
This ollice has received several
commendable letters irom parties
living at Ileppner, praising us for
the stand we are taking against
the school unit plan as fathered
by our illustrious county superin
tendent, assisted in ttie propa
ganda work by the two Ileppner
papers. Thi se letters unmistak
ably show that even at Ileppner
there is strong opposition to the
unit plan. We need no new
schemes in school consolidation.
We need no more taxes, God
knows. There are dozens of far
mers in Morrow county today
who are merily holding onto their
property by their linger tips, so
to speak. You should crush this
school unit bugaboo Mr. Citizen
and Do It Now.
Will Oregon Allow Another Freak
Effort at freak legislation have
not reached a climax in Oregon -a
one house legislature based on
occupational representation is to
be submitted to voters. Tim law
making body under this system
would be composed not of repre
sentatives of counties ami dis
torts but of groups, such as skill
ed labor, common labor, woman
workers and various occupations
such as mining, lumbering, etc.,
apportioned in proportion to the
number in "iidi class. ,
Oregon's latest acquisitions in
freak legislation are the state in
come tax and the school law
abolishing all sectarion and pri
vate schools for pupils between
the ages of six and sij.teen.
Oregon has the mot highly de
veloper system of freak and po
litical legislaiion of any state in
the Union, ai d the number of
citizens participating in elections
is declining every year. Oregon
is week in industrial production.
-The Manufacturer.
Basketball I Vain to Pendleton
The lone Hasketball team left
for Pendleton this Thursday
morning where they play in a
tournament composed of Wheeler,
Gilliam, Umatilla and Morrow
counties, for three nights. The
boys played llermiston Thursday
night. In order to boost and
cheer the boys to victory, the
girl's team went also, convened
there by auto bv Walter Smith
and Kobt. Harbison, under the
protective guidance and care of:
their most illustrious coach, Miss
Tillotson. They were the Misses
Helen Halsiger, Elanor Swanson,
Inaz ( lark, Norma Swanson.Irene
levin and Gladys Lundell.
In order to help defray their
expenses, the ycung Misse's put
on a raffle of two beautiful neck
chains which netted them $30.
Their food sale Wednesday at the
Mason store totaled over $10.
Notice Im Hereby (liven, tbat sealed
bids will lie received by the under
Nlgucd, until the hour of 7:30 o'clock
p. in., on the 17th day ol .March, 11)24,
a nil Immediately thereafter publicly
opi ned by the .School I'.ourd ufHchool
District Mo. 35, Morrow county, Or
egon, nt the Clerk's ollice, In lone,
Oii'gou, for tin lumie ill IkiiiiIh of mild
iliHtrlct In the niiiii of tl(l,()")i), mild
bonds to be In di'iioinfinitloiis of $.",00
each, to bear date March I, 11):'4, mid
to mature serially as follows:
1,000 on March 1st, ill each of the
years I0L'7, He's und liC'U.
1,500 on March 1st, In each of the
years !!), 11W1 und 11132.
2,000 on March Is;, In each of the
years 111.13, I034 and 1035.
2,500 on March 1st, Drench of the
years lll.'Ki. 11137 and 103H.
3,0(10 on March lt, In each of the
years 11U!) to 11)42 inc.
,'),5(K on .March 1st, In each of the
years IH43 and 1014.
Said bonds to bear per cent In
terest, payable scinl-iiniiiially on the
llrst days of March and September,
principal and Intercut payable at the
Klscal Agency of theStnte of Oregon
lu New York l.'il.v.
All bids must be unconditional and
accompanied by a certllled check for
The approving legal opinion of
Messrs. Teal, Winlree, Johnson & Mc
culloch will be furnished the success
ful bidder.
The Hoard reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Morgan Life
Measles, measles, all one can
hear is measles, Virgle Morgan,
Donald Witzle and Eudera Hard-
esty have 'em.
Miss Smith of O. A. C. is going
to hold another nctrition meeting
here March 5. She is also going
to treat the school children to
hot lunch.
The farmers are all wondering
P I.I - L ..i i.
i we wuuiu pour a iuun ui wat
er in the rain guage if it would
do the wheat any good.
Howard Hardesty is amusing
himself plowing for his father
tiie past few days while out of
school on account of measles. His
dad is building a fence.
Several of the Morgan boys go
to Pendleton to play basketball,
returning home Sunday.
Everyone is plowing and mak
ing garden this spring weather.
Al Troedson returned home last
Sundry from the springs, and he
claims to be feeling line.
Harvey Medlock is building a
chicken house as a few speckled
hens have been bought from Pat
E. H. Gorton has received a
package of real tobacco from his
friend Lue Meineke in Oklahoma.
He is now busy smoking up.
Lue Meineke has sent to his
brother in-law some sasafras
Cecil News Items
Will Thomson of Los Angeles,
visited ois old friends in Cecil on
Monday before leaving for Ilep
pner to visit his brothers.
' County Agent Morse was call
ing on the fanners of this vicini
ty last Friday.
Fred Pettyjohn, wife and twin
sons, were calling on Geo.Krebs,
wife and twin suns, on Monday
tit The Last Camp. No need to
say a lovely time was enjoyed by
till the wee boys.
Wilfred Cecil who has been
working for J. Osborn at Fair
view ranch, returned to Heppner
last Saturday.
T. W, May and wife of Lone
Star tanch, wvnt to The Dalles
Wednesday where T. W. goes to
seek medical treatment.
C. I) Sennett of Portland, was
nt The Willows a few days ago
and will visit with his son-in-law
Melville Logan for a few weeks
before leaving for his annual trip
to his gold mines at Helena,
Ed Farnsworth and wife of
Monument, have been visiting at
the home of Karl Farnsworth at
Khes siding.
Congratulations are extended
to K. V. Tyler and wife of Khea
siding on the arrival of a fine
bouncing boy on Feb. 27th. Dr.
McMurdo of Heppner ps in at
tendance. Lee Padberg had business at
the county seat Monday.
To youhe's worth
$2,500 in Prizes
THE du Pont Company is offerinf 2,500 in mar
chandise prizes for team and individual scores In an
International Crow-Shooting Contest. .Sportsmen in the
United States and Canada ars eligible.
The crow is a destroyer of growing c ops and of gain
birds. He is a menace and a nuisance. Get him I
Send for two, free booklets telling all about the crow.
It cosib you nothing to enter the contest. Write today
for full information.
Ed Ilolmqtiist is back from The
Dalles and now ready for farm
I Rev. Head was in Portland for
several days this week on a busi
ness and visiting trip.
Mrs. Earl Blake is at Corvallis
on a visit to htr husband who is
attending ti e 0. A. C.
Frank Engleman has been quite
sick the past several days with a
severe attack of heart trouble.
Examinations of applicants for
appointment as postmaster of
Hoard man has been ordered by
the postoflice department.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger
and daughter Elva. are spending
the week end in Portland. Their
son Wendell, will meet them there
fnp a nhrtrr vUit
. ...
hll.s McLean of Portland, who
was in pardnerslup with Dwight
d siMlhi
f Surface
j Cg-T with
ST in V77C3. 1 R UWU
iWvljliil'ilif! Old paint will not protect against 1 winter weather. DeUyill nacJtate
Vffif4l "penaiv repairs or retraildiDg. I
Pint with Raemuaeea pus Paint I
11iMW!,W' befor bad damag. j I
1j!l'1iis;!lfit,,"'i1' Raemuieea Para Paint has prawn I
:i::'! i: '? 'MMaLM- iUelf the least costly in I
'''"A; 'grfjir 11 the long run. Tha right 8
'I'l'.fiV ciccrfV ll proportions of white
XittSS' ll le,'' wni,e !
oLvdocts I oirpp",y !
VrO. Pai ll eompoonded by ex-
i i 4 Ro p.iot 1 P" no anderetead f. jt
' Ba . t,aetT , how to make paint i -
' Trac cWiOg 1 withataad waatara I
Creo"1 ZT V V weaUwr that's Raa- 1
1 l V, forth c gajaat II maaeen'a. It endaree 1
' '.''i: 'i-V gcoVi' .MHak 1 tha longest and goes iJ'.J
"i 1 .u.l-0T ;t 1 thefarthoet. j W
V"1 VJl pa,pol 1 Sea Ite fill toss
It fwvdwflvr
" Bert Mason
Meisner. has leased his holdings ,eave'wilh Ione independent of
of 2133 acres to Mr. Meisner for ,.il...:.hia ,aa,..A
period of four years.
WANTED -Some good
mules not under 1200 lbs., and to
soli some sood young mules.
Leave word at the Lundell garage
at Ione. Elus McLean,
Sporting Powdtr Divitin
Laxton McMurray still suffers
greatly from his back and is only
out of the house occasionally,
Ralph Harris is running the pas
time and seems to be quite pro
ficient with the duties involved.
Feeling tired and weary, Ed.
Bristow thought he was taking:
the measles, so hiked to bed for
a day or so. A little Christian
science used in his case, would
have relieved the srsuish and
. Henry Collins, the, big- wheat
buyer of Pendleton, has (.gain
been elected president of the Pen
dleton Round-Up. This is most
ivfati t ui ntr nnu'a tn It1 mil 5 17 n ann
fof u mean8 free fof him
. c k;o nZ ...k
to the biggest show on earth
LOST-March 1st. on lone Ella
Road leading from Bert Mason'i
gt e conUinin- a$20go!d
niM mmM .k.
C. W. Barzee.
EGGS for hatching, thorough-
bred White Leghorns and R. I.
I Reds. winter layers, at 75c for 15.
Mrs. Ward Graves, 2 miles west
Elevator Company
Coal and Wood
Flour and Feed
I Best Lump Coal,
16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90
Rolled Barley, ..... 44.00
Whole Oats 44.00
Mill-feed, -35.00
Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts
Moriobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the
Machine that needs good Lubrication
Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as
F. S. LANG CO. RANGES.' Come and see them.
no trouble to demonstrate. .
To tlie IU'piililic.'in votern of Mor
row county: I licri-byiiniioiiiut'tluit
I will Ik- h i'iinllliilo for tlie in tin in ti.
tlou of Coiinlv Clerk at tin- I'ritnur.v
Election to be held May Hi. 1"M.
Uav M. Andkiihon,
I liieuiiilii-nt.)
For County Judge
To tlie Kepiilillcnn votern of, Mor
row county: I hereby aniiouiu'e my
self h cuiiilltlnte for tlie nomination
at your IiuikIh fortlieotllceof I'ounty
Jndite at tlie primary election , In
May, WJi. My eperlenee of many
year as county commUnloner inakiu
me conversant wit li tlie dutlea of the
ollice 1 aeek, anil 1 Hliall greatly ii
preciate your aupport at the pri
mary mill for all piiHt favors, 1 thank
you kindly.
U. A. Bi.kakman, Hardmnn.
Popular Priced
Smart Style, Modish Millinery
: Cox Millinery Parlor :
(Cox Kealdence)
So. Main St. Right on Highway
Arlington, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner -: Oregon
The Board of Directors of the
Ione National Farm Loan Assn.,
met in the office of the see trtas.
last Saturday. Those present were
W. J. Blake. C. F. BerRstrom and
R. J. Warfield. Approval of the
loan of Ivar K. Nilsnn vna al.
lowed and bills that had accrued
were ordered paid.
".arlson Rrns nt floneoKum,
" J W V W - 'V. i , J ,
are the latest purchasers of one
or ineoWRal. water tanks from
Piul Balsifter. Since 1395. Mr.
BaUiffL'r haa maniifaptiiri ii J
so'd to farmers of Morrow i n.infir
over 500 of these tanks, and of
this number, each one has proven
durable and lasting.
ton, . . $13.00
Attorneys At Law
First National Bank Building
Heppner Oregon
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Con'uslor at Law
Will 'practice ' in all' the Courta
Cleaning Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
Heppner, Ore.
When You Visit Heppner
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Office: Odd Fellows Building
Heppner : Oregon
Morgan. Oregon
Now b'ookinir orders for S. C
W. L. day old chicks.
$14 per 100 at Ranch
$16 when shipped
One-half cash when booked
and I ten days before ship
ment. Rhode Islann Rds and
Barred Rocks 16 and 18 cents
each. Order early to get best
For Sale. -2-year old Shetland
pony. Gentle for small children
to handle and ride.
B. F. Morgan,' Morgan, Ora,