The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 07, 1924, Image 1

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    Tell The School Unit Propagandist To His Face What You Think Of His Bugaboo Scheme
Bank of lone
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
On Time and Savings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
There is a Reason
My Cash Sales for the past
month were double those of a
year ago.
I have the largest assortment of
goods in Morrow County.
They are the best that money can
They are priced ror Cash Business.
Service is our motto.
Buy where your dollars brings the
most in Quantity, Quality and Service.
New Pastime
Open For Business
New Tables New Equipment
I will carry a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Cali'and see me
Laxton McMurrey, Prop.
Lottie Lucile Ritchie was born
September 19, 1901, near lone,
Oregon, and passed away March
3, 1924, at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. John Ritchie, in lone,
age 22 yrs. 5 mo. and 14 days.
In 1922 she was united in mar
riage to George Alvin Wolke. To
this union was born a son, now
being 3. months of age. She
eaves to mourn their loss her
husband and infant son, a mpth-
er, 6 brothers. 4 sisters and two
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon from the Christian
church, Rev. Livingstone con
ducting the religious services be
fore a large number of relatives
and former friends.
The funeral arrangements were
conducted by the sisters of the
Rebekah lodge of which she was
a member. x
We wish to thank our many
friends, relatives and the sisters
of the Rebecka lodge for their
kindness shown us during the
illness and death of our beloved
wife, daughter and sister.
George A. Wolke,
Mrs. John Ritchie and family.
Married Men Win, 14 to 9
Roche's bashful youths were no
match for the benedicts in Sun
day's game. Some very good
playing was shown by both teams
an J plenty of old heads at the
game have shown up to insure
the best team that lone has ever
opened the season with. ,
We now have Roche, Werner,
Arch and Walt Cochran. Dutch
and Vic Rietmann, Eubanks, and
Bristow of last year's squad, and
Fern Lewis has just returned.
Ray White of Lexington, has
shown up well in practice and
will be a good addition to the
team. A. Hairier was in the game
and showed that he had played
ball. Several other new men are
showing up in good form and we
are assurred of a real hitting club.
Next Sunday will find the reg
ular team lined up against the
best of remaining material and
we can get a real line on the
strength of the regulars. A
second team should be encourag
ed to give practice to the regulars
and they probably could get a
few games with some of the
neighboring teams.
It appears as if we will be oblig
ed to get games with Sherman
and Umatilla county teams, as
Heppner Fports do not seem to be
getting in shape to entertain us.
Lew Davidson To File For Office
After a great deal of pressure
being brought bv his friends over
the county, L. P. Davidson has
finally decided to accept the nomi
nation for County Commissioner
for another term.. Wa are glad
to note his acceptance, for he has
always made good.
M. R. Morgan For County Judge!
We are informed that M. R. I
Morgan of lone, will probably be
a candidate on the republican'
ticket for County Judge of Mor- j
row county. Mr. Morgan has;
long been a resident of lone and
is, well known over the county.
He is a strict and careful business
man who believes in a lower tax
ation schedule, good roads and
good schools and a close observer
of what is best for the public
good. Should he consent to be
come a candidate, he will make a
thorough canvass of the county.
As Judge he would be a careful,
conservative man. The county's
business would be handled as
economically as conditions would
permit and the welfare of the
taxpaying public would be his
first consideration.
Mr. Morgan is a stockholder of
the lone bank and chairman of
our school board.
Council Meeting Tame Affair
What was supposed to have
been a little strife and a few
heated arguments at the council
meeting Tuesday night, was In
reality like a love feast-a few
bills allowed and an ordinance
passed. Thedanceordinan'ce was
brought up but no one seemed to
possess the nerve of asking for
its passage, so it died on the
table, which seemed strange as
three members of the so called
moral squad were present, but
sat mum. So the large crowd
present were surprised and per
plexed over the outcome. Bristow
and Bryson, members, were not
present. One claimed sickness
and the other probably compelled
to stay at home. 'Nuf said.
What is the Value of
the Railroads?
Cast Cloom Aside
Bert Mason, merchant of lone,
was in town Monday on business
before the probate court. Mr.
Mason says times are pretty good
in lone, his cash business last
month being the best he has had
since 1920. Mr. Mason thinks
this hard times talk is largely a
matter of habit and a mighty
poor habit to get into. Heppner
Odd Fellows Have Big
Time At Morgan
Last Saturday night at Morgan
one of the most successful get
to gether meetings of Morrow
county Odd Fellows was pulled
off with a large attendance, eood
team work and a most pleasant 1
gathering of the brethern everj
held in the county. A note of the j
occasion was furnished us by a!
Morgan party which follows: j
There were about a dozen Odd j
Fellows and some few Rebhkah's i
from Heppner.among whom were I
Geo. McDuffee and wife, A. M.
Phelps, 0. 0. Edwards and wife, j
Adam Knoblock and wife and R. 1
Benge and wife; also about 13
from Lexington who brought
their candidate, Leon Gay of
Rhea creek, with them. Among
the Lexington brothers were: M.
D. Tucker, Tom Barneit, Harvey
McAllister, Geo. Peck and Clark
About 20 Odd Fellows and some
Rebekah's from lone were pres
ent among whom were EJ Bris
tow, Frank Griffin, Chas. Nord,
Geo. Ritchie, Edison Morgan, R.
Turner, Otto Rietmann, L. How
ell, Walter Rietmann, E. R. Lun
dell and Rev. Head; MissTillison.
Miss Ruby and Vra Engleman,
Mesdames E. R. Lundell, Corson,
Moore, J. E. Swanson, Sperry,
Verda Griffin.
There were also about24of the
Morgan members present as well
as a few from other lodges in
Washington and Oregon.
team was picked from the best
material in Heppner, Lexington,
400,000 Mile of'Trurk lit only $10,000,000,000
000 a Mile
Tlio Department of Agriculture
eacimatea tliat the average cost of
h mile of Improved highway to
day, la about $36,000.
00,000 locomotive lit only 920,000
Locomotive rust au average of
about fiO,000.
2,400,000 PivlKtit Cam at only SI,-
000 ouch
The averaa eoxt of a freight car
today In about $2,500.
37,000 PaKteiiKtfi-Tniin Van at only 5700000
IIHM each
All ateel paaiienKer-lraln cura now
coat from $30,000 to $35,000 each
Materials nnU 8iipilleii
Railronda have to keep on band
mllllona of, ton of coal, rails, ties,
tplKua, and all other material re
buked in niHiutenance and opera
tion. Working; Capital
' 110,000 Huijoim ami Terminal,
Yard, KIjtiiiUh, KoiiikIIioiim-m,
Kho, Machinery, Water Knppl),
Power I'lniitn, Klerutom, Dock",
Coal I'll, aiid ul! other ileum, In
cluding atlinliilNtrntioii
In over 1,000 citlea and towns,
tatloni and terminal fncllitlea
coat over a million dollars apiece.
The ahopa and machinery engamd
In t'le repair of equipment consti
tute un en rmoua Industry in
ll-eiimelven, imploring nearly
400,000 men.
Vl't ibove property la believe I io
bo worth fully $10,000,000 00
and could not be dupllrute.l f r
an; w'pere near that amount today.
TIiIn Totals
Anil a viiliint Ion rccoicnljlnir nil
the eleiiirntN of value HMired
to the ordinary rocrty-iwiicr
would lie far In evcc of thU
The tentative minimum valuation of the railronda at (he end
of 1019 wan found by the Interatate Commerce Conimhuiion
to be IMH.imki, (MMUMio. TIiIh valuation wan bawd mainly on
ci Ht of labor, materiala, equipment, etc., on June 30, 1914. The
nlimquent Investment from January 1, 1920, to Decern her 81,
1923, brings thf Interstate Commerce CouiuiIhxIoii vnluatlon
for rate-making pmpoain na of December 31, 1923, ap to about
Kai'h render can judge for hlumelf the fairnewi of lh con
tention that the Intcratntc Commerce Commission valuation
ahnuld be reduced by from $7.000,000,VVtt to lO.WUV.tMIO.QIlO.
Such a cnnflHCHtloii of values would In sffnet bia denial to the
railroads of their chief uieana of keeping; pac with th devel
opment of tlio rounry.
I air recognition of nil I road property value la cmcuU.i for
adciiiiiU! tvn.iiiK Hior ami credit for further npankn.
C. K.
Omaha, Nbrauka
February 1. 1124.
Union Pacific system
Lekali's, down stairs, where each
and all took an active part, but
failed to eat up all the luncneon,
and went home feeling badly
"stuffed" up,
There were nearly 100 people
Weather Report
The weather report of R. E.
Harbinson, Observer for Morrow
county at Morgan, for the month
of February state the total pre
cipitation of rain was 0.84; clear
days 4; partly ckudy 10; cloudy
15; wind west. Total precipita-
The ition since Sept. 1, 192;?, 4.19 in.
The Dorcas Society will have a
progressive supper some time
during the last week in March,
so watch for the date and sharp
en up your appetites.
For Sale.-22 Thoroughbred
Black Minorca young laying hens.
See T. C. Troge, lone.
The American Legion at Hoard
i n. mA m ii k iman ,re 10 Put on a comedy en
T " -'-" titled "Let's All Get
fered the degree upon four can
Under the good of the order,
we had a most interesting speech
by Rev. Head, also good talks
from A. M. Phelps. Frank Griflin,
R. E. Harbison. Geo. McDuiree,
M. D. Tucker. Tom Barnett and
Mrs. Moore, Mrs. E. R. Lundell
and Miss Vera Engleman.
Supper consisting of all kinds
of eatt were served in the ban
quet room by the Morgan Re-
while a ladies' society at Grass
Valley are putting on a stunt en
titled "Clubbing a Husband."
lone should follow suit by put
ting on a play entitled "Clubs are
To Whom It May Concern
All stock seen in or around the
Glenn A. Ball placeon Eightmile,
will be taken up and held for
U03t Glenn A. Ball.
On Your Farm
---Free of Charge
Our demonstration car goes
everywhere within forty miles
of Heppner, and will give you
and your neighbors a fine
evening's entertainment.
All Leading Makes
Everything Electrical
Phone 472
Leave your watch repairing at
tKll MeMilrrav nantima fnr lis,
Ifbr the jeweler, Heppner,