Methods To Increase Taxation In Morrow County Is Not Desirable. Less Taxes And Better Wheat Prices Is The Slogan nt n VOLUME XII ION.E, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1924 NUMBER 37 Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35,000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Qeposit Boxes IONE, OREGON The School Unit Plan Means More Taxation nmimmHHnttmimHititniiiMii iAre You Ready for Plowing Season YOU Plow Shares or Land Sides. Plow Bolts and devices. Your Harness Repaired. MAY Collars, Pads, Bridles. Curry Combs, Brushes. Leather and Rivets. NEED It was a beautiful day for the Teachers' Institute which was held at lone last Saturday, and the teachers of the county were here in all finery and wearing broad, happy smiles for the great event. In the morning an ad dress was given; Mr. Smith, who holds 'down a high priced job i with the state superintendent j being the orator. In closing his ! address he admitted that the unit plan as fathered by our county superintendent, would cause a little more taxes upon our people for a time," The teacher' ate their dinner at the lone hotel, w here one could have heard them discuss higher I salaries, etc. I The afternoon meeting was a discussion of the school unit plan and propaganda of that meeting is being broadcasted throughout the confines of Morrow county'. During the day, the county superintendent passed around a paper for signatures to place her pet tax burden scheme upon the ballot. It was met with coolness and indifference by many of our citizens. Mr. Smith stated there will be more taxes. The people know there will be, and are against the measure. What high salaried position is to be acquired by the county superintendent in case the school unit is put over, is one of the questions being asked by the taxpayers. The citizens of this county did not elect the present superintend Murdered Kelso Woman Was Cousin of lone Man Mrs Olive Hutchinson who wss murdered by her husband at Kel-j so. Wash., Feb. 3, was a cousin j of VV. Osborne, the battery man j of lone. I She was very well liked around j Pendleton and Pilot Rock, where she had lived with her grand-j mother seven miles from Pilot Rock. She has a brother Willie j Sprague now with the grand- j mother. The man she married was very jealous of her, and they j had been married only 9 months j up to the time of the tradegy, and seemed to be getting along j fine together. Crazy jealously is j the reason given for his act. De- j ceaa'd had an aunt and uncle, j Mr. and Mrs-. Sam Osborne, now j residing at Pendleton, and twoj cousins of the same city, Mrs. M. j K. Long and Mrs. Howard How-: ard. Mrs. Hutchinson was about 20 years of age. She was hurried at Pilot Rock last Saturday. She was born on the ranch of her grandmother, Mrs. R. Dick, and when but two years old, her parents moved to Washington, and shortly afterwards the fath er deserted them and the mother died. The grandmother then took charge of the child. Lexington Defeats lone The high school basket ball team was defeated last Friday night at Lexington by a score of 16 to 2. The game was slow and consisted of mostly defensive work on both sides, The lone boys had an off-night in both the That strapping big new Overland engine has everybody talking. It is till sinew and power. It sends you zooming up the stiflesr climbs as nimbly as you please. This is Overland Power Dem onstration week. Come in take an Overland out and prove to yourself that it is the most automobile in the world for the money. Champion $695 ; Sedan $795, f. o. b. Toledo. Cohn Auto Co. HEPPNER :: OREGON ent to devise ways and means toj basket shooting &nd passing, increase their tax burden, but i hey hope to have better luck in do expect of the individual that tt e game with Wasco tonight. THE See my special Mule col lars before buying. Remember you get a cash discount i of 10 percent on above items. Why buy on credit and pay more? BERT MASON IONE :: OREGON , MMMt MMMMMMMt Montana to Jail Cows if They Eat Lcco Weed Helena. Mont. A cow, or any other animal which becomes addicted to the narcotic habit In Montana, may be ar rested and confined in the mute Mini tiirlimi until pronounced cured by tli: physician In charge, according to u new Cute law. The new law, legislators lay, la the remit of a clerical error niii'le In the rloslnt daya of the session. An amendment. Intended to strengthen the iintl-narcotlc law, was tacked onto the hiw providing for the condemnation of stock driven Insane by the etitlng of loco weed. attention be given strictly to the educational advancement of the boys and girls of Morrow county. Taxes in Morrow county have gone the limit unbearable for many, and it's up to you Mr. Taxpayer, to go to the bat. Elevator Directors Confer The directors of the Farmers Elevator Company.C. E. Carlson, C. J. Anderson, C M. Schriver, Paul Ilietmann and E. L. Pad -berg, met last Saturday and de cided to secure an expert to de vise some method for fixing the break in one of the walls. More housing space for coal was order ed erected and other business matters discussed. New Pastime Kidnap Trial Changed A change of venue to Fossil in the case against 0. A. Chaney, 11 V. Sinclair and H. Styles who are charged with kidnaping one Frank Smith, was granted by the circuit judge at Condan last Sat- A surprise birthday party was I urday. The courthouse was filled given Miss Hazel Brown Wednes- with klansmen and opponents. day night by a number of her in- Judge Parker explained that the timate friends. A few presents evidence was aubmittfd by afii were received ana a good time davits, and tnat th're would be lone Rebekah's at Lexington The lone Kehekahs went up I" A- T . . ' . .... T I .. .. III 10 LiexiiiKi"!' iiirsuay evening and put on the work for the Lex ington lodge, there being two candidates for the degree, Mrs. Delia Mobley and Miss Lee, the work being put on in very line shape. After lodge, the Lexing ton ladies served a fine lunch and all went home feeling like they had spent an evening well worth while. About 21 members from lone lodge were in attendance. IS NOW Open For Business New Tables New Equipment An Old Timer in a Big City The Oregonian says that Frank Engelman, merchant of lone, is in the city on business and is at the Imperial. He has been at lone for many years and knows Willow creek from one end to the other. lone isn't much of a place, but it is a great shipping point, nearly a million bushels of wheat having been shipped from there during the past season, and there are still tnousantls of bushels that have not left the hands of the producers. I will carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Calljand see me Laxton McMurrey, Prop. enjoyed. Wnlter Kubanks has been off no public hearing. The three men were indicted at duty at the Bert Mason store for j the last tenn of circuit court at several days on account of sick-1 Condon and charged with kidnap- ness. EGGS for hatching, thorough bred White Leghorns and K. I. Reds, winter layers, at 75c for 15. Mrs. Ward Graves, 2 miles weit of lone. Man, Eighty-One, Prefer Prison. Kansas City. Kans. "I'd lota rather he In prion in Kansas than free In California." declared eighty-one-year- old Mile Lnnrierhack, n paroled Jr nner Lauderback deliberately vio- j lated hl parole so be could leave hit home In California and be returned to prison In K arums, he told penitentiary officials. ' I Live Steam Trapt Sixty Wemen. Nyack, N. Y. Eight women are dead and a nunibw He in hospitals, seri ously bnrned, aa the result of a col lision between a nwtorbus and a heavy toad roller. The bn, which contained ffl women, struck the roller and knocked oft a steam valve. The , paaaengen were trapsed In tht isg repor -.Z. ' :'"' I ing Frank Smith, beating him on the head and holding him in jail at Arlington and Pendleton. Fix Up Vour Tax Returns i Deputies from the internal rev- Rev. Judson Brown, pastor of entie office at Portland will be in the lone Christian church, made1 lone next Tuesday and Wednes aspeechfortheKuKluxKlanatjday, Feu. 20. 27, to assist tux Hardman Tuesday night. ' payers in the preparation of their The judge of the court at'GoM- S federal tax returns for the endale, Wash., has paroled Floyd ! 1923. Their headquarters will he Graybiil to his father at lone. ' at the bank. For Sale.-2-year old Shetland pony. Gentle for small children j to handle and ride. Some Fighting lloat i When U. S. S. West Virginia, I moKt powerful fighting craft in! the world, takes to water in near j future, she will be propelled by four 8000 horsepower General FJeetric induction motors, i feet in diameter, weighing C2 tons, , and among the largest ever built. Power that would be sullicient to supply a city of 100,000 popu lation will be derived from thesf. motors. Radio Concerts A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant lleppner : Oregon On Your Farm Free of Charge Our demonstration car Hoes everywhere within forty miles' of lleppner, anJ will give you and your neighbors a fine I evening's entertainment. B. F. Morgan, Morgan, Ore. Boost for L. P. Davidson for County Commissioner, the man who has always made good. Adv. The trimming and topping of trees on west Main street is an innovation that should be carried out in general over the city. It lessens the danger and probable destruction of the tree in case of a severe wind storm. "Memory brings back lo irie," remarked an lone fisherman last Saturday, "When I stood up in Sunday school and sang 'I want to he an angel' when what really wanted was to go fiHhing. All Leading Makes Handled J MAURICE A. FRYE The Campfire Girls of this city entertained their friends with a1 party given at the Christian church last Saturday night. All, present report a good time. Kverything Electrical Phone 471' IIF.ITNFU : : OKB. Millions Arc Starving, Says General Allen In a letter just received al Oregon stale lii'uiliii;irleiu (or tin Anierlrun committee for re lief of (leriiiiiu children, "li Cor belt hml'liiiK, Portland, iiinotiK oilier thuiK" Major ;cn etnl Il-nry T. Allen, former 'iiiinriiiiiii-r of Ami' troops In Hcrinutiy and now minimal chairman of Hub relief work, Hit lit : "My survey of (lie eviiliaie I. in ciiiivliii cil ni that Merre lury Hoover Is fullv JustifM In aayint; Hint 20,iiiiii,ilon (ii-rinmia are now In aerlou riiinitir Aa la alwiiva the rase in sin-li emer Bcmli's. Hie most ui iiii- nutter Iiik la to lie tmltirl umolli; Ihe children iiml the iisci-tt Tim cflililluiOil of (.eiliuillV is now Ki'u.'cly niermietl by l.u k of proper food iiinl iloihlni' and iliaeHHea ri-.'llltilm tMrn-from." Kemember the big dance this j Saturday night. Co. n H II 11 H n u