The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 15, 1924, Image 4

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Published Every Friday by
P. P. UASSUM. litlitor-Publishcr
One year $1.50
Six months .75
T1""""1 mn",hii BO
Entered on second cIhus inHtter at the
ptistnnVe nt lone, Oregon, under act
of Mnrrh 3, ls"!t
" Frid.rFebruary"l5ri924
Now that Mr. Anderson, former
superintendent of the anti-saloon
league in New York, has to go to
prison, the warden ought to be
kind enouRh to place him in a
"dry" cell.
Governor I'ierce went into office
by deception, by giving false
promises to the people and he is
following the same course in his
effort to hold his prestige. But
the ordinary voter is "getting on
to his curves." as the ball fan
would say, and are about ready
to "bat him out of the box."
Do not crow immoderately when
your political opponent is tarred
with the stick of corruption, be
cause there is a bare possibility
that your friend may have been
reached by the same smudge and
then your shout of glee will be
turned to a wail. Graft and ava
rice are not exclusive to any po
litical party. Let our united de
sire and demand be that dishones
ty shall be unsparingly exposed
and punished in whomsoever it
may be found. By this method
only can the present "system"
be broken up.
Governor I'ierce has decided to
call the state emergency board
together and ask for a deficiency
appropriation to replace the state
prison industries which were rie
atroyel by fire last July. The
statu authorities should carry full
insurance on every industrial
plant which is operated by con
vict labor. If it is known inside
that the state is not going to lose
by a fire, there will not be so
many "accidential" burnings.
The official who divs not know
the psychology of those (ires is a
mighty poor criminologist.
Ward Irvine is retiring this
week from the position of private
secretary to Governor i'ierce. It
has been common knowledge fur
many months that Irvine was not
in harmony with the Governor in
several of his polities, but he
hesitated to quit, and the Gover
nor didn't like to usk him to quit,
on account of the close relation
ship between himself and the
Portland Journal, whose editor is
Ward's father. The Journal,
however, has been hitting the
Governor a slight tap on the wrist
lately, showing that all is not
peaceful in the Democratic family.
The U. S. government placed a
premium on dishonesty during
the world war by the manner of
giving out cost-plus contracts and
dishonesty corrupted every man
or woman w ho was employed un
der such contracts. Through the
riot of careless governmental ex
penditures incident to that war,
our people became money -mad
and the country is suffering today
from the effect. Graft and dis
honesty in high places form a dis
grace to our official life, while
robberies, theft, forgery and
bootlegging, so common in the
ordinary walks of life, are but
another form of the same disease,
Not all the evils of war spring
from the results on the battle
field. In fact, it is possible that I
5 ' ' ,
. V-' '
A t,
those are the least. The dead we j
mourn and honor in memory; the :
wounded we care for and protect
from any danger of want; the;
widows and orphans resulting
from fatalities are fully provided
for and in tlis way the direct in
juries of war pass awny without i
serious damage to the nation;)
but the moral evils which come'
to us through the exigencies and
influences of war, reach through
the succeeding years and into the
next generation with most bale
ful effect.
It will take forty years of care
ful education and training to re
store the pre-war sense of honor
and responsibility in this country,
and unless it can be done, our
great nation will bj sadly weak
ened. No Indorsement
Fred L. GilTord, head of the
Ku Klux Klan in Oregon, is au
thority for the statement that
; there will be no indorsement by
i the Good Government League,
'the political adjunct of the Klan,
t for United States Senator in the
May primaries.
"If there is any indorsement,!
it will be aguinst my wishes,
was his statement.
Mr. GilTord hasgalhered around
him a group of mwn that will act
us a steering committee. It is the
duty of this committee to carry
out the political desires of their
chief. Their inlluenc together
with the iniluence of the friends '
of both M-ivnr Milker mi! t.niitnr i 'teiiienilier almve ilate, that con-
oi tioiii major isakir a.KKvimtori,,,,!,.,,,,,,, (M1 thlH trp w, w (w
McNary, whose names were also, and that Iiih treatment U iliiieivnt.
presented on the floor of the' Murrled women mu-t be mvoinpa.
,; fit' . . i liii'd b.v their liiiMlianilM.
IU(V:.IH VI IIIL- VIIIVIll V1W t 1 M llll 11 b j
League in Portland recently, is
thought to be sufficient to eT
feclively block the endorsement
of Speaker Kubli. who has been 1
the principal seeker of the' in-. have been busy rolling barley the
dorsement of this league. I last few days.
The advantage that will accrue! Mr. Harbison's son-in-law and
to Senator McN'ary from such an ; two friends from Hillsboro.spent
arrangement is obvious.--Oregon ;the weekend hereon a visit, and
Acquitted of Murder
The jury in the circuit com t at
John Day last Friday acquitted
Claude Amis of first degree mur
der for the killing of Carl Mink
lei at Monument last Nov. The
trial lusted four day sand attract-
ed many people. The defense
based a plea of temporary insani -
ty and that Minkl.i had broken!
up the home of the defendant, j
The jury, however, made their
decision on the grounds of self
Judge Robinson was in
pner Wednesday attendi:
& to
some legal business.
from the M g Cj
factory fMsyi . Cti lr
wuai two things have mane R p bt fvf
us to give you this 20 reduction ,: uxedol
1. M reduotion in the cost ol K ar.. Mky
Burley tobaooe and In paoki g. ma.
terials, as well.
2. The consolidation ol three of' eur ' la
plants Into one. (Mr. Ford I B; y , tt
be In the tobacco business bi at U
right about oenaolidation.)
Tuxedo Is always Fresh. Every pa iav.
Coming to
The Dalles and Pendleton
Dr. Mellenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
past eleven years.
i win i. t
'The Dalles on Monday, March 3,
1 at The Dalles Hotel, and in Pen-
leton on Tuesday, March 4, at the
Dorion 1 lotel.
uince Hours tu a. ni. to 4 p
No Charge for Consultation
Hr. Melleiitiilii ft rruuliir Knidu
ii le In tni'illi lnc mill Biirrry anil In
liri'iim'il hv ihi'Hlnli' ol Oifiton. Mi
iIim'h in il upiTiit lor elironlc iiii'ii-
lil l in, HHll HlDIII'M.lllci'rKof Htllllllll'll,
tunsllH or ihIi'UoIiIm.
Mr Iiiim to IiIn credit wonilerful re-
XllllS in lllsi'llSI'H o( till' HtOllllK'll,
liver, Iiowi'Im, lilooil, nkln. iiervi'H.
Iicnrt, kliliiey. Iilmlrier, lied welting,
cnliirrli, uenk Iiiukn, rlit-n i mi t Imiii.
Heiiillen, hx uliei-H mill rectal nll-
Itelow are tile iimiieM of n few of
IiIh inmiy MiliHlled ialii lltH In Ule
pn: Cornel JoIiiihoii, WcHtun, Ore., ap
peiiilicitix. Vui; l-.rlilkxon, UaJfiMlile, Ore., kiil-
liev iroulili
Mi'h. I.i-iui Lincoln, Canyon City,
Ore., heart coiniilalnt.
' A- 's"iltli, ontnrlo, Ore.,ulcorH of
U'oim Kurd, WiihIioiiuuI, Die.,
W. II. Kellenilonk, Kstucaila, Ore,
liluli lilooil preHHiire.
Mih. K.l. Sclo, Ort.,Knll
K. C. MclioliiM, Lelianoii, Ore., ni-
'11 llraillmrv IUiIk.,
Aiiki'Ii'm, Callfoniln.
Morgan Life
Bert Palmetter and Frank Ely
returned home last Sunday.
All of Hal Ely's friends are so
glad to note that he is out again.
John Grav of Fourmile, was in
town Monday last, and says his
little folks are all getting along
Pauernliend & Balcomb have
started the building of a garage
"'"ar their store, and soon will be
''y to care for the trade here,
Morgan farmers are thinking
that spring has arrived they act
so anv way. as some have started
plowing and sowing.
Martin and Este Hauernfiend
were culling on friends here lust
Satureay evening.
Erdorr Hardesty came home
lust Friday evening to do work'
by T.
To the liepiibllcan voter of Mor
row county: I hereby that
I will be a canillilnte lor the nomina
tion of County Clerk at the Primary
Klectlon to be hehl May lti,
iU M. Aniikukon,
I Incumbent.)
For County Judge
To the Kepnblicaii voter of Mor
row county: 1 hereby announce my
self a cnmiiilate for the nomination
at your iiiinil fortlieolllceof County
.Inilut) at tin prlmnry election tu
May, )!C4. My experience of ninny
year iih county commlMHioner make
ine conversant wit h the (Hit lea of the
ollice I Keek, ami 1 hIiiiII urently ap
preciate your wnpport at the pri
mary ami for all puxt favor. 1 thank
you kindly.
(i. A. Bi.kakman, llardmuu.
at home while her mother took a
Fred Griffin was in Arlington
Monday where he secured a lady
cook for his home.
Rev. Brown, pastor of the lone
Christian church, is reported to
have accepted a charge at Con
don and will leave here March 1.
The Campfire Girls wish to
thank the citizens of lone for
making their food sale a success.
They are proud to say their sale
netted them $28.
The get together meeting of
Morrow county Odd Fellows who
were to have met at Morgan on
Feb. 21, has been postponed un
til Thursday night, Feb. 28th.
Accompanying George Ritchie
and son Lonie, to the Sorenson
ranch last Sunday, we spent a
few hours there viewing his 120
head of cattle, horses and sur
roundings. The cattle are soon
to be placed on pasture to fatten
for the market.
A card has been received stat
ing that Ernest Heliker and fam
ily are enjoying themselves at
Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Fine
weather prevails; fishing and
bathing in the ocean and a good
time is being had. They are the
only Oregon people there.
Farmers should not be misled
by statements of grain buyers
that the government can not
formulate a plan to increase the
price of wheat. A better price
on w heat may be looked for this
fall and instead of large profits
going to the speculator, the far
mer is going to realize profit
for his product.
When "sweet young things"
began to boo their hair, a tre
mendous furore arose throughout
the country, but nobody has heard
the electrical appliance trade hoi
ler very loud about the new fad.
The reason is that a survey of the
situation shows that bobbed hair
has increased the sale of electric
curling irons about 150 percnt.
1 Elevator
Coal and Wood!
Flour and Feed
: Best Lump Coal, ton, . , $13.00
j; 16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90
: j Rolled Barley, , 44.00
Whole Oats, ... . . 44.00
jj Mill-feed, 35.00
: I Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts .' 21cts
Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the
Machine that needs good Lubrication
Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as
F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them.
no trouble to demonstrate.
Morgan, Oregon
Now booking orders for S. C.
VV. L. day old chicks.
$14 per 103 at Ranch
$16 when shipped
One-half cash when booked
and i ten days before ship
ment. Rhode Island Reds and
Barred Rocks 16 and 18 cents
each. Order early to get best
Notice For Publication
Department ol the Interior, I'. S.
Laml (ItlU'e ii Tlie 1'ullen, Oregon.
January 11, HUM.
Notice 1m liereliy given that Otto K.
I.lmlHtrom, of Morgan, Oregon, who,
on .In lv 1, l'l-Jil.timile iloini'Hteiiil i; ii
try No. tttlsriS. f,.r Lot 7. Stvtlon II.
To nxlilp 1-North. Hitngp 24 Knnt,
Willamette .MiTliilan, Iiiib illnl notl.'e
of Intf ti'lon to make lltial thrw yeiu"
rrooi. to entniiiiHii i-iium to tin laitu
above (Itwrlt)tMl, iH'tore ttay M. An-
oVrnon, I nltcit State ComiiiiHHloiir,
Ht Keppnor, Oregon, on the lHt ilay
of March. MA.
Claimant nntiii'N an wltiitwwit: ,1.
A. TriM'ilHon and W. il. l'almativr of
Morgan, Or.: W. A. Thonmit of Cecil,
Or.; .1. 10. SwaiiHon of lone, Oregon.
.1. V. HON.NKI.LV, lleglxter.
We are announcing: the follow
in? price on Dodge cars: $'20.00
to install new piston rings and
pins, take up all con rod and main
bearings, Rrind valves, tighten
starter chain and tune up motor.
Other cars in proportion.
Biddle garage, lone.
The Morrow-Umatilla count
convention of ,0dd Fellow j wi'J
meet at Pendleton on Saturday.
Feb. 23. Many from lone expect
to attend.
B. F. Noble of Pendleton, was
here a few days this week visit
ing his friend, Miss Nelson, of
the lone hotel.
Attorneys At Law
First National Bank Building
Heppner - Oregon
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Conuslor at Law
Will practice in all the Courts
Cleaning Dyeing
Pressing Repairing
Heppner, Ore.
When You Visit Heppner
Eat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Cood Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Office: Odd Fellows Building
Heppner : Oregon '
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Iri hctvtiv trlvn 4li. f l.k
- ' ui.
OiTKigiii'd liaH tlleil hlii final account
auininimraior ol the emate of
Ilolterr W. Srry, ilerenMcil, in the
'iunty Court of the State of Oregon
mr .Morrow coiiniy, anil that caiil
C.Mirt Iiiim Hppoititcil Motidav, the
:ird lny of March. VxU, at the hour
I f 10 o'cllM'k fll lilM 'ftrlit,,ft iJM
ilny. n the time, anil the rountr
Court room In the rourt boime at,
Heppner. Oregon, hk the place, of
hcftrllll? thu nettle mrit nl Mn..l
- -" .um
account; anil that ohfectlnnn totnh!
Html account iiiiim I. tiu.i .... ... k..
... .a,.:.. 1IU
fore xaid date.
30 St AilinlnlHtrn fur
Owinir to insufficient e jAn.
vandalism at the forme,- a
home west of town will be des
cribed in next week's issue.