The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 15, 1924, Image 1

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    Methods To Increase Taxation In Morrow County Is Not Desirable. Less Taxes And Better Wheat Prices Is The Slogan
Bank of lone
State, County and
City Depository
4 Per Cent
On Time and Savings Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Arc You Ready
for Plowing Season
Plow Shares or Land
YOU sides.
Plow Bolts and devices.
Your Harness Repaired.
MAY Collars Pads Bridles
Curry Combs, Brushes.
Leather and Rivets.
See my special Mule col
lars before buying.
Remember you get a cash discount
of 10 percent on above items. Why
buy on credit and pay more?
lone Business Men Pledge Strong
Support For Base Ball Team
The following list of contribu
tions have been signed for the
the purpose of building' new
Sam Ganger, $25.00; Frank En-
gelman, $20.00.
$10.00 pledges:
Elmer Griffith; Bert Mason; P.
J. Linn; Geo. Franks; E, R. Lun
dell; Bristow & Jahnson; Laxton
McMurrav; Jack Farris; Bank of
lone; 0. Cochran; H. C. Wood;
W. E. Bullard; Bryson & Moore;
City Dray; H. J. Biddle; Tum-A-Lum;
Dr. Walker.
$5.00 pledges:
L. E. Dick; G. W. Ritchie; S.
T. Lininger; P. P. Hassler: J. W.
Howk;P. G. Balsiger;S. E. Moore;
C. W. Swanson; C. Allinger; C.
E. Kellogg; F. W. Lunger; C. E.
$2.50 pledges:
F. H. Robison;J. E. Swanson;
Fred Randall: W. Osborn.
Total amount subaeribed, $300.
The boys are anxious for the
playing season to come, and last
Sunday's favorable weather was
too much for the old timers, and
Eubanks, Roche, Dutch Werner
and Vic with several newcomers,
were out on the diamond limber
ing their base ball arms, and on
each favorable Sunday hereafter,
will find them preparing for the
opening day.
Walt Cochran will be on hand
to join the teanj. Arch Cochran
and Edmund Bristow of last years
squad are on hand and there are
several new men who are want
ing to try out for places, so tl at
present indications are that we
will have as good a team as lone
has ever put out.
Fire at Lexington
The Burgoyne flouring mill at
Lexington was the scene of a fire
last Thursday afternoon, the blaze
starting from a hot box while the
mill was in operation. For a time
it was feared the entire structure
would be destroyed, but the new
chemical extinguisher recently
installed by the town council,
proved adequate and the blaze
was put out with damages esti
mated at less than ilOO.-Heppner
Endeavoring To Create More
Taxes Upon The Farmer
Through the efforts of Morrow
county superintendent, an insti
tute or gathering of the school
teachers of this county, is sched
uled to convene at lone this Sat
urday to talk over a school unit
scheme proposition. In other
words, make five school units in
the county.
As we have been reliably in
formed, this would have a ten
dency to relieve taxation of other
school districts, and the indebted
school districts would be taken
care of thru consolidation;
This would be a bonanza stunt
to pull off for Heppner, Hardman
and Lexington which are heavily
in debt..
This measure is being fathered
by our county superintendent, we
are told, and right thinking citi
zens can readily see thru the
game for higher taxation.
The farmer nor the city prop
erty owner do not want any
more taxes, but they do want the
taxes to gradually decrease, and
this bunk proposition of our il
lustrious county superintendent
will meet with disfavor bv the
taxpaying public. So, perish the
IONE Legion Hall
Saturday Night, February 23rd
Sh Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke
Stram Optical Co. Portland,
is again resuming his regular
visits to this city and will be at
the lone Hotel all day and even
ing on Wednesday, February 20.
All those that are having any
trouble with their eyes, should
see Dr. Clarke on his visit here.
Dr. Clarke is widely known
throughout the country, both for
his experience in testing the eyes
and for his Bervice that he gives
while on the road and in his office
at Portland.
Suffering in Near East
Portland. Ore., Feb. 14. Dis
patches received from Oregoni
ans now in the Near East confirm
Associated Press and other dis
patches telling of the great suf-
Lively Council Meeting
A real live bunch of citizens
met with the city council Wed
nesday night. They were there
expecting that something was
going to be pulled off, and in this
they were not dissnpointed. Or
dinance No. 109, relating to the
closing of pasttimes at 12 o'clock
midnight, was read, and before
voting upon the measure. Mayor
Mason explained why the drastic
action was taken in protests that
are raised and the responsibilities
of the city council. It was passed
by a vote of 3 to 2.
Every little petty infraction of
the law is carried direct to me,
stated the Mayor, and citizens
hold me responsible. He asked
that the marshal members of the
council help in relieving the dis
satisfaction that prevails.
At the next regular meeting of
the council on Tuesday evening,
March 4th, the council will pass
an ordinance relating to the cur
few law which will embody very
strict rules, among which will
cause the parents tc issue a pass
for her son or daughter to be out
after a certain hour.
It was also ordered that surety
bonds in the sum of $5000 be pur
chased for the city treasurer.
Second street is to be graveled
in the middle of the road, and
the street committee was asked
to ascertain what financial hel'I
could be secured from property
owners along said street.
Yes, it was a good met ting, vet
some dissatisfaction prevailed.
The city fathers were composed
and serene throughout the meet
ing, and what tainted atmosphere
there was, was gently wafted
through the open window.
Portlanders Rode Trolleys
89,383,574 Times in 1923
In spite of the fact that Port
land streets swarmed with 'fivers'
WBWWMmmgHrP.B tug ; "Lama; ;rr.T3iSffffir J XIJHiUUijk
I That strapping big new Overland engine
H has everybody talking. It is all sinew
H and power. Ic sends ycu zooming up
H the stiflest climbs as nimbly as you
P please. This is Overland Power Dem
it " castration week. Come in take an
P Overland out and prove to yourseli that I
H it is the most automobile in the world
0 for the money. Champion $695 ; Sedan I
1 5 1
fa at'lUM. B
I Cohn Auto Co. I
New Pastime
Open For Business
New Tables
New Equipment
I will carry a complete line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Calljand see me
Laxton McMurrey, Prop.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner : Oregon
Good Music
Prize For Best Waltz
Eats '
Everybody Come
tenngBmong reiugees, both m ;and hordes of other types of "gas
Turkey and Greece. Recently j burners," the trolleygof the Rose
four American Relief workers citv carried 8X383.574 Dassen-
I died in efforts to relief this Buf- ,, lim-in 192:?. Thia i h.
fering. The care of 51,000 chil- euuivalcnt of 283 individual car
dren now in the orphangea makes rjjes for every man, woman and
it impossible for the Near Last child in Portland, on a basis of
Relief to aid other thousands . nouulation of 315.000.
equally needy.
Has The Law Been Violated?
The total milage of the street
cars operated during the past
We learn from authority, that year, W "i"1'000, ,m,le9' or
there were lady representatives I
from lone in Heppner this week
confering with the district at
torney regarding infractions of
the law in this city.
equal to over 30 round trips from
the earth to the moon.
Spring weather has prevailed
here the past week and sonu are
planting garden.
On Your Farm
Free of Charge
Our demonstration car goes
everywhere within forty miles
oflleppner, and will give you
and your neighbors a fine
evening's entertainment.
All Leading Makes
Everything Electrical
Phone 472
Rev. E. H. Johnson will preach
here at the Baptist church Sun
day, Feb. 17, both morning and
evening. Subject 11:00 a. m.:
"Sowing in Troublesome Times."
7:30 p.m.: "Wise and Foolish
Mr. Geo. Bleak man, of Hard
man, was in lone Tuesday meet
ing his friends find talking poli
tics. He is a candidate for Judge
of Mormw county, and having
had four years of experience as
county commissioner he is in a
position to know the duties in
volved in that position. He has
been a resident of Morrow county
for over 43 years and has been a
member of the school board at
Hardman for 18 years.
Leave your watch repairing at
the McMurray pasttime for Hay
lor the jeweler, at Heppner.
Sheriff McDufTee was in town
Wednesday. All was quiet,