The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 08, 1924, Image 3

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    PORT! Alin
1 V1V 1 LirnU
amumtx at wmhtu.
Page & Son
Portland, Oregon
Select Residential & Transient
16th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon.
Modern Fireproof American Plan
FAGEOL, 7 Speed,
Bear Tractors
Real Franklin
ar - JrT-
1.1 ! e w,,..
Astounding Prevalence
TT IS appalling to realize that
probably 70 of the adult pop
ulation suffers with Piles or some
other form of Colon trouble.
Yet, I GUARANTEE to cure ny case
of Pile by my non-surgical method or
refund the patient's fee,
Ob or about March first mr killed organisa
tion! of rectal apeciajiau will be houaeel in mr
own new building at BID
Main, directly opposite the
Court Houm, Portland, Or. too
Send lode (or mj FREE
illustrated book.
Removed without Injury to the skin br Ney-norn
Depilatory. Sample on request. Ney-Horn Lab
oratories, 61V Uuruan Hldg., fort land, Urtrtion.
, That Fit-None Better
Dr. Harry Brown
149 Third St,
The Radio-Active
Solar Pad
I Ppeclnlly P.ecommenrlM for Dlaoaaei of
Throat, lungs, Kidneys, i.iver, reinme
Complaints, and nil Stomach Trouble. It
Htlmuliites llenrt Aftlon by Increasing
r'lrriilattnn of the ltlond. It itdleves
illood Pressure and Restores the Artorl.:.
to a I'llal-le Cunilitlnli. It Arts on NVrve
and Muscles, Imparting Knergy, Vigor,
and Strength. Hold on a test proposition.
You are thoroughly satisfied it Is helping
von hpfnro tile unlilliince is Voura.
Kuhn A Long, Room 111 Citizens Bank
Blda., Grand 4 E. Alder, Portland, Ore.
Btai Distr, Agents Iludium Appliance to.
New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map
The Union Pacific has just received
from the press, a new pocket edition in
dexed map of the Pacific Northwest,
which is perhaps the most complete
and convenient map of Oregon and
Washington ever published. A copy
will be sent free to any address by Wm.
McMurrav. General Passenger Agent,
Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, upon
receipt of request by card or letter.
We Specialize in
Hiies, Pelts. Wod, Mohair, Tallow, Cascan,
OrtfOB Crape Root Coal Skins, Horse Hair
Write for Shipping Tags la'"t Prioa List
Portland Hide & Wool Co.
in iimm avENul soar, mnisa. tMtoa.
brmnchat f'ocateilo, Idaho
Antioch'i Claim to Fame.
Anlioch, In the Fourth century, Is
believed to have been the first city to
make any attempt to light its streets
st night.
Site Where Washington
New York. Suuiuel Mluskoll hat
bought from JSronn the
block front on the west side of Am
sterdam avenue, between Klghtjr ninth
and Ninetieth streets urn) extetding
half the block to ISroudwny. Mr.
Ilrown bought the linipcrty a year ago
from Robert K. Dtwling. who acquired
It from Vincent Astor.
It li said the parcel marks the spot
, where Gen. George Washington last
Pnrtlsnd, Oregon
Complete Change Haturdey. Adulte, Week
daf Matinee, Hue: Evenings, Uc. Contlnu
om 1 lo 11 p m, Children 10 rami all timee.
Now it the time to market
capons. We are pioneers and
largest handlers of them in the
Northwest, Write us.
Hfit Room for Ladies.
SH Washington St. Hetween Fifth and Sixth Streets
SEA FOODS. You Will Feel at Home Here.
Oppotlte S. P. Walling Room Fourth and Stark.
All Sizes. All Prices. Terms
Large stock Parts. SERVICE
Write for FREE Catalog & Prices
9th and Burnside. Portland, Ore
Kjtpert examination free All work guaranteed. Sen.
silile prima. We specialize, in Complete Overhauling and
Cylinder grinding.
Moved to New larger Garage, Dth and Hoyt, Portland
If taken In time, prevent operations for Diabetes, Catarrh, Asthma,
Lung, Throat. Liver. Kidney, Rheumatism, Blood, Stomach and all
female dinordeti. Bladder Troubles.
The C. Gee Wo Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used.
Composed of the choisrst medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, un
ported by us from (ar away oriental countries.
. Call or Write lor Information
C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
New Locatlon-262 Alder St., S. W. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon
Established 23 Years in Portland.
Cut. aeara, hem and macbina ee
pleat akirta ready for band. 00 Cenbl
Hemstitching, piloting and tueVlng.
95 fifth tit. Portland, Ore.
Pleating Embroidery
Hemstiu hinir. Buttons Covered.
166H Tenth St., Portland
Sanitary Beauty Pailori Ws fix yon op,
wa make all kinds of Hair Goods of your Join our School of Hesuty Ooltore.
suu to 4i ueaum Bidf fbou sroaowav
oyun, Portland, Oregon.
Teaches trad In 8 weeka. Soma pay
while learning. Poult I one secured. Write
for catalogue. 134 liurnalde at re at. Port
land, uregon.
Northwest Welding A Supply Co., 88 1st Bt.
Msrry if Lonely; in oat aueeesefnl "Boms
Maker : hundreds rich: confidential: rail
able; years experience; descriptions free,
"The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, Bos 606,
uaauano, uaiuornia,
For re '.able Clean na- and Dvtv
Ina; service send parcels to us.
We pay return postave. Inform
ation and prices given upon re
EsUblished 1890, Portland, Ors
We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and up. Send
us a sketch of the home you want and wa will sub
mit similar sitecimen plans. No obligation eioept
to return pians u not suitame.
O. M. A K E R S
Designing and Drafting. 4U-U Couch Building.
Portland, Oregon.
Set of $0.00
We ana ran tee material
and workmanship.
Palnleaa extraction of
teth. rWkv 20 years in
the same location. U. 8. DhNTlSTS, k46W Wash'
ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon,
All lone ryt straw stuffed.
Insist on having the collar
with the "Fish" Label. If
your deale does not handle
this brand collar, writ, to us
51 Union Av., Portland, Or.
Clarke Bros, florists, 287 Morriaoa tit.
At less than H Prlee. Mall order, promptly filled
Pie fin lutn Wr.rtine Hn roenwy r unners.
.... ,...,, .., 1KTLANU
Givee smooth. Gliding fin.
feh to hard or softwood
UL M .
Your d rut .rift has It- Tf
not, send us stamps, 7st
for one pound package
Portland, Oregon.
Cling to Old-Fashioned Ideas.
The vast majority of Spanish wo
men still believe that It Is degradlnc
tor s woman to take up any work (or
which the 1 paid.
Talked With Hale, Sold
talked nilli Nuilmn Hale before th
latter (kurted ou lils ill-fated mission
through the ISritlsh lines on Umg
I;aml. Vincent ' Astor Improved the
Broadway frotituge with the huge
Astnr Court apartments
The unimproved easterly half of the
property fronts 201 feet on Amsterdam
avenue und H5 feet on each street.
Mr. JilDskoft wU erect s tall apartment.
a am a nn.e ti .! T rrf X
Medford. The Medford post of the
American Legion has just completed
arrangements to hold an indoor circus
at the armory here March 7-12. This
will be the first big affuir of the kind
ever attempted in this city.
Corvallis. The Fischer Brothers
mill, which has been'"closed since the
wheat slump in 1920, was reopened
Saturday by a newly formed company,
with an authorized capitalization of
1250,000, under the active management
of August Fischer.
Madras. Construction work at the
power plant of the Deschutes Power
company weakened the canal and dam
Wednesday night bo that there was
a washout and since that time Madras,
Metolius und Culver have been with
out lights and power.
Bend. Further Indication of the
probable entrance to Bend of a mill
by-products industry, was given by
the Bend council Friday night when
it voted to provide a factory site to be
deeded for a nominal fee whenever
the factory 1b built and in operation.
St. Helens. Work has been started
op two additions to the plant of the
St. Helens Lumber company which
will cost more than $25,000. Another
dry kiln 24x104 feet and to have a
capacity of 30,000 feet of lumber dally,
will be built and a dry shed 60x100
will also be built. .
Independence. Justine V. Kirk-
lund, prominent citizen of Polk county,
where he settled in 1869, died at his
home here Sunday, aged almost 96
years. Mr. Kirklund was a steadfust
democrat and veteran of the confeder
ate army. He was born Februury 15,
1S2S, at Boone, Mo.
Bend. With pressure increased
from a pumping head of 65 pounds to
85 pounds, water from the new filter
plant erected by the Bend Water,
Light & Power company at an ap
proximate cost of JSO.000, was forced
into the city mains for the first time
at 11 o'clock Friday night.
Springfield. To provide temporary
relief for school congestion a wooden
building, to house the manual training
department, Is to be erected apart
from the high school building. With
the removal of the mnnual training
department the classes will be re
arranged in the additional accommo
Eugene. Charles. P. Blazier, who
wan convicted by a circuit court Jury
here Tuesday on the charge of aiding
and hiding the three robbers of the
Lane County State & Savings bank
of Florence, was paroled to the Bheriff
by Judge Sklpworth after he had been
sentenced to serve six months In the
county Jail.
Salem. Caring for and educating
approximately poo students under an
appropriation restricted to the sup
port of not more than 750 students, Is
the achievement of Harwood Hull,
who since the year 1916 has been In
charge of the federal Indian school at
Chnmawa, located a few miles north
of Salem.
Baker. The 1924 construction pro
gramme of the Eastern Oregon Light
& Power company, which supplies
Baker, Union and Wallowa counties,
will call for expenditures of (200,000,
according to budget figures released
this week. This figure is less than
one-third of the totul 1924 financial
outlay, which will amount to 1600,000.
company officials Bald. (
Salem. The state Irrigation securi
ties commission on February 9 will
outline the conditions under which It
will certify bonds In the amount of
approximately J2,000,000 for the com
pletion of the Teal Irrigation district
In Umatilla county. This bond issue,
it was said, would absorb debts pre
viously contracted by the district In
the amount of 1339,000.
Falls City. Graham Grlswold, local
lumberman, was here from Portland
this week, and stated that the Oris-wold-Davis
mill would be In operation
again about February 15. The mill
has Just been moved from tho Ford
place to a location on Berry creek,
about a mile west of town. A new
boiler and smoke stack, purchased in
Eugene, are being set up.
Pendleton. The assistance of the
Western Tariff association, an organl
zatlon of producers of raw materials
In the west that enjoys tariff protec
tion, has been offered to wheat grow
ers of the west and active work will
be done In Washington In behalf of
the passage of the McNary Hnugen
bill, according to Dr. S. W. McClure,
secretary of the tariff association
Falls City. The profitability of
gooseberry culture on a considerable
scale has been demonstrated by Will
II. Weaver, local farmer. Mr. Weaver
has about two acres of the fruit In
hearing, and harvested over eight tons
In 1923, which were sold at 7 cents a
pound. Deducting 1 cent a pound
the average cost of picking, Mr. Weav
er estimates that be cleared approxl
mately J1100 or $550 an acre.
Happenings of
to Folks of
Seattle Weary of Mount Fuss.
Seattle. Seattle has been standing
for this new political movement to
change the name of the mountain Just
about as long as Is humanly possible,
according to the gist of the opinions
expressed by a number of prominent
citizens. Patience has been rubbed
to the raw, not only by the character
of tho campaign being waged from
Tacoraa, but also by the aid and en
couragement given Tacoma by Seattle
residents who ought to know better.
Resentment that has been simmer
ing ever since Senator Dill and Rep
resentative Johnson introduced their
bills in congress to change the name
of Mount Rainier, the park and the
forest reserve, waB brought to the
boiling point with the news that Mayor
Brown of Seattle, by telegram to Sena
tor Dill, had undertaken officially to
commit this city to support of the
measures. The mayor's action, to
switch similes again, is Just about the
last straw.
Mayor Fleming of Spokane has
made a similar commitment for his
city, which Seattle doesn't take very
kindly; but Seattle's rising resent
ment is chiefly directed at those of
its own citizens who have gone astray
on this question. This week there
has been a great stir of activity, and
the wires between here and Washing
ton, D. C, have been made to sing
wuii messages oi protest.
. Prune Agency Planned.
Walla Walla. Prune growers last
week discussed a new unit organiza
tion plan but no definite action was
taken as the matter must be referred
back to the communities. Represen
tatives were present from general
geographic centers. W. E. Devlne of
the College Place growers, was chair
Several of the College Tlace men
have decided to organize a unit to be
called Fruit Crowers Agency, Inc. This
agency, It Is stated, proposes to mar
ket to all agencies, to have advisory
and arbitration committees, uniform
contracts, power to fix prices, dully
reports i f transactions and all money
to be carried in a trustee fund scpar
ate from private accounts of selling
Women Ask Home Be Re-Establithed.
Vancouvor. The fixing of the date
for the state convention of women's
clubs, reorganization of the depart
ments of the state federation to con
form with the national federation, In
auKuratlon of action to reopen the
industrial home for women drug oil
diets sentenced by the various courts
of the state, the naming of delegates
to the national convention at Los An
geles and tho adoption of a budget
system were important matters con
sldered by the directors of the Slate
Federation of women s clubs in ses
sion here last week.
Reds For Timber Sale.
Klamath Falls. Tho Indians of the
Klamath reservation launched a move
ment here last week through their
tribal council for government permis
sion to Bell all the timber on the res
ervation, valued ut more thun $35,000,
000, with payments to extend over a
long period of years, Delegates of
the federated tribes will proceed to
Washington and endeavor to obtain
consent of the department of Indian
Sawmill operators In this dlstrlit
will oppose the plan, contending that
the present government plan ot block
sales Is to the best Interest ot Klam
ath county.
Livestock Gains Shown.
Spokano, Wash. Lr.rgo gains
numbers of sheep and swine were
made on Washington forms during
the past year, while milch cows show
ed a small Increase, according to a
livestock report Issued lere by (1. S.
Ray, statistician for the federal di
vision of crop and livestock estimates.
Other cattle remained about the same,
the report lays, with horsea and mules
showing a decrease In numbers.
Total values of livestock in tho
state on January 1 of this year were
placed at $53,142,000, as compared
with $50,430,000 on January 1, 1923
an increase ot 6 per cent.
Health Talk Resented.
Wolla Walla. Dr. Joseph P. Kane,
full-time health officer, Is to be culled
before the chamber of commerce di
rectors snd asked to explain a radio
speech he made recently. Dr. Kane,
It Is said, made uncomplimentary re
marks about Walla Walla's typhoid
fever cases. Infant death rate and
goltor situation. Kane came here
from Tacoma January 1 to take charge
of the health department for the city
and county.
the Northwest
Advances in Wool Market List
Portland. Twenty -three million
pounds of additional wool will be han
dled by the Pacific Co operative Wool
growers' association in Portland us u
result of action taken at the session
of (lie National Woolgrowers' associa
tion at Salt Lake, E. N. Welnbtuim,
manager of the agricultural depart
ment of the chamber of commerce, an
nounced on his return here.
The 3,000,000 pounds that consti
tute the annual clip of Oregon wool
already is handled by the co-operative
association here. The action at Salt
Lnke means that the marketing as
sociation will handle a total of 26.000,
000 pounds a year, and that Portland
will surpass Boston as a wool market,
if favorable freight rates can bo ob
tained. Sentence Is Passed on Banker
Chehalis. Percy L. Sinclair, state
senator, was sentenced in tho Lewis
county superior court here to 18
months to three years In the peniten
tiary for making a false official report
of the Southwestern Washington bunk
at Ilwaco, of which he was president.
Judge W. A. Reynolds, before pass
ing scutenco, denied a motion for u
hotriul of a Jury verdict of January 12,
convicting Senator Slnclulr on n
change of venue from Pacific county,
'You are now past 60 years of ago,"
said the court, "and have not many
more ycara over your head. It Is the
view of the court quite punishment
enough, so fnr as you are concerned,
that you were couvlcted at all But
public policy requires that a penulty
should be imposed."
Sinclair wept as sentence was im
posed, his attorneys comforting him.
No appeal will be taken and Sinclair
will promptly begin serving sentence.
Growers Plan Change.
Salem. It is estimated that approx
imately 500 fresh fruit growers will
be out of the Oregon Growers' Co-oper
ative association when the present
contracts expire In 1925. Atsthe ex
piration ot these contracts the assocla
tlon will go on a strictly dried fruit
The chief centers of these growers
are Salem, Hubbard, Cauby, Newburg,
Estacndn and Sheridan.
In all of these areas thero Is an In
cllnation to retain organization In
some form and sentiment In the Salem
district Is said to favor steps leading
oventually to a berry growers' can
nery, operated on a co-operatlvo basis,
Fair Body Has Election.
Seatlle T. S. Griffith of Spokane
was elected president ot tho North
Pacific Fair association at tho closing
session of the two-day annual meeting
here, succeeding Nels Nelson of Vic
toria. B. C.
Other officials elected woro S. K
Bowes, county commissioner ot Grays
Hurbor, vice-president and It. (!. Drone
of Portland, tho latter being renamed
Tho session was mostly devoted
to formulating new rules governing
horse racing ut northwest fairs till
Wool Growers Meet,
Yakima. About 200 wool growers
from (ill sections of the slate of Wash
Ington met hero last week for tho an
nunl convention of tile stuto wool
growers' association, over which J. T,
Drumheller of Wulln Wulla presided
The address of Flunk J. llugenbarth,
president of the national association
wus tho main fealuro of tho morniii,
session. Ho urged tho wool growers
work for a downwnrd revision of gruz
Ing fees and freight rates. Mr. Hagen
barth was the guest of the Yakima
commercial club ut a public luncheon
Railways Accept Plan.
Tucoma. Iieflnlto annnuncemeii'
that Tacoma's long contemplated In
lino railroad Is to be a reality, nn
that with the arrangement last Thurs
duy In Portlund of officials of th
Northern Pacific to enter Into
agreement with tho city of Tacoma
for the operation of a terminal line,
the three great transcontinental rail
roads, Great Northern, Northern Pa
cific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Puul, operating through Tacoma, have
all accept iid the city's proposal.
Electrio Trains Discontinued.
Four Sunday trains on the r-d elec
tric lines operated out of Portland by
the Southern Pacific company wlil be
taken off their run beginning Kunduy,
February 9. The trains, of two cars
each, havB for years served two dis
tricts near Portland settled by com
muters who live thero and have their
business In this city. It Is apparent
that competition ot the bus lines and
private owned automobiles are causes
of the train cancellations.
Mrs. Wm. IJradlcy
if 1 B
Advises Young Mothers
Portland, OrcR. "It surely in a
pleasurable duty to recommend Dr.
Pierce's r'avorite Prescription to
mothers and prospective mothers,
for I (ound in this medicine a won-
ful help duriiiir expectancy and
afterward. I was physically frail
and feared the consequence ot
motherhood, but I gained in physical
strencth. lhe tonic cltect ot the
'favorite Prescription', together with
the '(ii)Uleii Medical Discovery ,
overcame the general weakness 1
had. Nature was greatly helped thru
expectancy and 1 shall always Kayo
a good word (or Dr. Pierce's medi
cines, because they have been so
much help to me, just at the time
1 most needed strength." Mrs.
Win. Bradley, 5-15 Albina Ave.
Write Dr. l'ieree's Invalids' Hotel
in Utillalo, N. Y.. for free medical
advice or send 10c (or trial pkjj.
of any of his medicines.
"Big Cities" In 1790.
In 1790 New York elly was the larg
est city in tho Union. Its population
was 49,101. Other cities having a
population ot over 5,000 were Hall 1
more, Boston, Charleston (S, t'.), Phil
adelphia, Providence (it. I.) und Salem
Home-Grown Orange Blossom.
At a wedding ut Balldon, near Brad
ford, England, the orange blossom car
ried by thu brldo and worn on her
gown was taken from a pip of the first
orange eaten by her as a child.
Ancient Jewish Coinage.
Tho first allusion to Jewish coinage
Is found in tho Apocrypha In I Mae
cabccB, 1,1, where it is related that
Simon, the high priest, Wits granted
permission to coin money bearing his
own stamp.
Guitar Strings.
Tho guitar hits six strings. Three
are ot gut, und three of silk xpun over
with silver wiro. Ancient instruments
often had ten or twelvo strings, but
these are not made now.
Brewing Trouble.
Fuhle: Once upon a time there was
a married ludy, who never liked to
give advlco to her husband ns to how
todrlvo their car. Detroit Free Press.
Hybridizing Plants Old Idea.
Tho pruetlco of hybridizing to pro
duce new varieties of plains whs first
used In Europe by the ltomans, who
bred races of roses by lis means.
Don't Stick to Desk.
When un executive sticks too close
ly to his desk, It's a sign that bo has
lost either his couragu or bin organiz
ing ability or moro probably, bolh.-
Forbes Magazine.
Blow Your Horn.
"Never Imagine," said Undo Elien,
(lut you kin git ho good you (lou t
need a little boostln'. Even Itanium's
circus bad to uso billboards."-- Wash
ington Stur.
When We Let the Eye Browse.
An eyo specialist says that green
quiets the nerves. Tho long green
certainly lias a noolhlng effect on most
of us. Boston Transcript.
Wigs Mads of Chinese Hair,
Theater wigs nru generally inuih)
from Chlimnu hair, split by machinery,
since It Is coarso In tenure, blt iii lied
mid dyed.
Not So Valuable.
"Time Is money," said Undo Kben,
"but ilo kind of money n lnufi r's time
Is wuth Id coillilerfi II." - Washington
Production of Corn.
Corn is grown In every slate In the
Union. It has the advantage of being
a crop that can be harvested ut a fann
er's convenience.
Bacteria In Ice.
Clear leu taken from poilulcil water
may in some cases contain in low as
1 per cent. tf the number of bueterlu
present In tho waler.
is lhe finest produc
t of Its kind In the H
nsn who tiB usid H
ement to be true. H
world. - shvery women
it knows this stHteini
Are You Satisfied?
ft the blrTt, nvnU perfectly M-Hppwl
Hueltieaa Tutlfiln H hool In the Norta
ereat Ut yimrmlt for higher positlun
flth more ni'ney. I'ermaiif ut fueJUuM
Mstired ouf .irmluatee.
Write fur eatalot jruurtu tnu l-nii.i:
P. N. U.
No. 6, 1924
SWgaWPji TjWt, ipn-esKi rjnn-s
I ,11 Mil
, 1 w w wi " I kl A L