PORT! ANH 1 VyiV A L-il V Eggs We want your egg shipments. Wo pay cash. No dls count, prompt remittance. W. will pay th. top msrk.t price the day your ihiproent arrivee. " I "5t3" PAGE & RON, PORTLAND. ORE fcflattrtSlb' Washington Cafeteria i? Mallory Select Residential & Transient 15th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE TOKE POINT OYSTER GRILLE RAINIER Has the most beautiful and reason able home Bites near the biff Long Hell Mills. 11 en 1 tli, view, plus proa- fierity. For tnformnilun on houses, ota, and tracts, write May & Gllbreath, Rainier, Oregon GLASSES That Fit-None Better ; CHARGES REASONABLE Dr. Harry Brown 149 Third St PORTLAND, OREGON The Radio-Active Solar Pad Is Specially Recommended for Dlsenses of Throat, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Female Complulnts, and all Stomach Trouble. It Stimulates Heart Action by Increasing Circulation of the Hloorl. It Kellevea blood Pressure and Restore the Arteries to a Pliable Condition. It Acta on Nerves and Muscles, Imparting Energy, Vigor, and Strength. Hold on a text proposition. You are thoroughly satisfied It Is helping you before the appliance Is yours. Kuhn 4 Long, Room 111 Citizens Bank Bldg., Grand oV E, Alder, Portland, Ore. Btate Dlstr. Agents Radium Appliance Co. New Pacific Northwest Pocket Map The Union Pacific has just received from the press a new pocket edition in dexed map of the Pacific Northwest, which is perhaps the most complete and convenient map of Oregon and Washington ever published. A copy will be sent free to any address by Wm. McMurrav. General Passenger Agent, Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon, upon receipt 01 request by card or letter. We Specialize In Hides, Pells, Wool, Mcbiir, Tallow, Oscars, Oregoa Grape RooL Coat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags latest Price Llat Portland Hide & Wool Co. m UNION aWMUl NORTH, fORTUNI, 0M80H. llranchat jVocatello, Idaho SUPERFLUOUS 1IAIK Removed without Injury to the akin hv Ney-Rorn Depilatory. Sample on request, Ny-Born Lab oratories, 619 Morgan Bldg-.. Portland, Oregon. USED JFT FORDS COITES. SEDANS. TOITtlNCS. ROADSTERS Laay Terme Used Fords Bought and Sold FAKNH AM at WILLIAMS. INC.. West Side (Two Stores) Eaat Side. tS Nor. 11th St. and ill Grand Ave.. Portland. For suit yssrs I have apeflsl. ised is trsstin. MX I t s rut Cut OS I!1M GUARANTEEING ssnutivsly to curs any csie Biles of rofuad thspsli.nl e lee. Seed for FltEE book. CHAS. J. DEAN. M.D 2ND AND MORRISON PORTUND.OREGOI "fMTIl'H" THIS PPf B wl 'J " T ' '' ' Birth of Revolutions. Great revolutions are the work rather of principles than of bayonets, and are achieved first In the moral, and afterward In the material sphere. Mazzlnl. , John B. Glesy, mayor of Salem, Ore., hat announced that he Is opposed to the plan to tnvlte William A. (Billy) Sunday to Salem to conduct a series of evangelistic meetings. Only Line of Conduct. The way to mend the bad world Is to create the right world. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Kissing t girl is like opening a bot tle of olives If you get one, the rest come easy. Denlson Flamingo. Greenwich (Conn.) Pair New York. Mr. and Mrs. Hllphalet P. Husted celebrated the slity-flfth an niversary of their marrliiRe recently at their home In Greenwich, C.mn. Be cause of the sllcht Illness of Mrs. Hu sted no attempt whs madi- fit special ceremonies, but many neighbors of the couple colled to pay respects. Mr. Hu at.! attrbtt'.sorpn Is In solendld hi.h in. if. I. Plrhtv-Ove. Jr. jlusted f faJiei fi'L JienJamlnXL-nlted States during MS) fur furs. OFFERS A MARKET for YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Week day Matinee, 200; Kveninge, 40c. Contlnu "" ' ' H p. m. Children 10 null ill times Eggs Eat Mora Wheat Maccaroni Spaghetti Ver micelli Noodles Alphabet Freah Egg Noodles PORTER-SCARPELLI MACARONI CO. ' Kenton Station, Portland. Oregon. GOOD EATS AT POPULAR PRICES Beat Room for Ladles. 11 Washington St. Between Fifth and Sixth Streets PORTLAND. OREGON Hotel SEA FOODS. You Will Feel at Home Here. Opposite S. P. Waiting Room Fourth and Stark. IF ITS ANYTHING IN FISH WE HAVE IT. PLEATING SPECIAL Out, leam, hem and machine qk pleat akirta ready for band. 00 CeD.ll Hemstitching, piroting and ttieVlng. EASTERN NOVELTY MFO. 00, 85 H Filih St. Portland. Ore. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hematitching. Huttona Covered. srwHAWS 16SV4 Tenth St., Portland ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Beauty Parlors We fit yon op, wa make all kinda of Hair Oooda of your combinga. Join nur School of Beauty Ooltnre. too to 414 Dekum Bids.. Phono Broadway 8902, Portland, Oregon. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Teaches trads In 8 weeks. 8oms pay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde street, Port land, Oregon. BRAZINO, WELDING) k CUTTING Northwest Welding Bnpply Oo., SS 1st Bt. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Hroa., Florlata, 2H7 Morrieoa St. fERSBNAL Marry if Lonely; moat sneeeasful "Hems Maker"; hundreda rich: confidential: reli able; years aiperienca; deerriptions free, The Rucreaufnl Clnh Mrs. Nash, Bog 060, Oakland, California, CLEANING AND DYEING aesntW ror reliable Cleaning and Dys- aVa U 1 lam service aend parcels to us. nf..3li We Day return Doataire. Inform. Rrt. TtiM tio" B" t"1"1" K'ven upon re- ufsvgy quest. XSlJs' ENKE'S CITY DYE WORKS. Eatabliahed ll90. Portland, Ore GOING TO BUILD? We have hundreds of plans at $10.00 and lid. Send us a sketch of the home you want and we will sub mit similar specimen plans. No obligation except u return pians u not suitable. O. M. A K E R S Dealgnlngand Drafting. 611-12 Couch Building, wuwui. unavD, Set of oo Teeth, We auarant material and workmanship. Painless extraction of Ooth. ft. a years in the same location. U. 8. DKN1 IHTS. JHe Was.- Ington cor. Second, Portland, Oregon, BUY THE BEST HORSE COLLAR MADE All long rye straw atuffed. Insist on having the collar with the "Fish" Label. If your dealer does not handls this brand collar, write to us direct. P. SHARKEY 41 SON 63 Union Av., Portland, Ore. BATTERIES $10 OREGON BATTK.lY CO. 46 Grand Avenue, thona. East lorn. PORTLAND. OREGON "LITE-FOOT" Powdered DANCE FLOOR WAX Gives smooth. Gliding fin ish to hard or soft-wood floor. NO ACID. CREASE OR DUST. Your druggist has It If not, aend us sumps, 76s for one-pound package CLARKE, WOODWARD DKUC CO. Portland, Oregon. Seattle. By merely changing the color of glasses In a motion picture show In the future film fans will be able to view two separta pictures on the same screen, predicted Professor F. A. Osborn of the University of Washington In s lecture to home econ omics students on the effect of color. Hunting s Key to Health. Complaining of pain after arrest for theft, s man named Hoffman was operated on at Wiesbaden and was found to have swallowed 16 skeleton keys. Veterinary Science. Ths veterinary science was not sys tematically studied until the Elgh teenth centurr. although It Is said tc have originated In 300 A. D In Rom. Married for 65 Years Ilustwl, owned t large farm In I leek s- Innd, now known as the Wells estate. There Mr. Husted was born and served many years as town assessor end also as a member of the board of relief. His wife, before her marriage, was Miss Caroline Brown. Four generations art represented In the family. , About IIOO.WJO.OOO was spent In Ci rcor IAXCE hmr Apples and Carrot3 Br JANE OSBORN lm, by ilcOiurs Nswspapsr syndleats.) Cllve Rfliuball, vigorous, well-built young man of twenty-eight, was ruddy of cheek and bright of eye In spite of his hours indoors as junior member of the law tlrm of Smith & Jenkins. Now he was spending three weeks of bis lute summer vacation at the home of his uncle, Samuel Todd, by whom he had been reared a man whom nothing would Induce to desert bis farming estate In the country for mora than a few days at a time. "What do you say to taking In the state fair tomorrow?" asked the uncle over their leisurely breakfast on Sunday. "I've arranged for my usual exhibits apples and potatoes and so forth. I'd like you to go along." Cllve Rumball't ruddy cheeks grew perceptibly ruddier. He was well aware of the fact that the state fnlr was booked for the following week on grounds just outside the state capital In the next county. The roads and village streets In the surrounding country had been so placarded with notices of the fair that only a blind man could have remained In Ignorance of the fact that It was to take place and that It was to "eclipse all previous state fairs In magnitude and splen dor." "I'd like to go with you, uncle," began Cllve, rather feebly. "But, of course, I can't say I take much Inter est In that sort of thing. I" Frank ly Cllve loathed state fairs, and he had good reason to do so. "It's a little different in your case," Interrupted the uncle. "Fact la, I'd be disappointed If you didn't go. You see, I am sending up an exhibit of the Cllve Rumball apples, quite a lot Oner than anything else we've ever been able to produce larger and redder and juicier. They are of all odds the finest apples of their class. It will be a feather In your cap as well as mine, and wltb the farmers all talking about the Cllve Rumball apples they will be greatly Interested to see the one for whom they were named." The uncle did not heed the look of protest and entreaty on his nephew's face, lie smiled remlnlscently. "Yes, It was Just about twenty-three years ago when I first perfected that apple, and you'd just come to live with us. I'd been working hard trying to get the right strain, and I'll tell you I'd come pretty near being discouraged more than once. You were a pretty little boy with round, red cheeks. I looked at the apple and I looked at you, and It come over me In s flash. That apple would have to be called the Cllve Rumball. I didn't know," added the uncle with th embarrassment of pride, "that It was going to be one of the most famous apples In the world. I didn't know that It was going to, as It were, make th name of Cllve Rum ball famous." Cllve Rumball himself had heard this story often enough before and he bad endured for many years the em barrassing consciousness of bearing the name of on of the world's most famous varieties of apple. In school, until th boys hsd learned to know the strength of bis arm, he bad been known as "Apples," and frequently jesting allusions threngb college hsd been msde to his ruddy apple cheeks. "I hope," said Cllve, trying not to show the least suggestion of his an noyance, "I hope, uucle, that I may be sble to make the nam Cllve Rumball known as something besides that of a red-faced apple." . "Hey I" said the uncle, who had never dreamed that the situation was embarrassing for hit nephew and not quit understanding this protest. "Oh, weU. Don't worry about that You'll never lack a reputation. People will always be glad to meet you. Just to see what the little apple-faced boy looks Ilk when be has grown to be a man. If th nam had been anything less usual than Cllve and Rumball the task of becoming dissociated with a fa mous apple might have been less dif ficult. If th world-famous appl bad been the Thomas Smith he might have passed unnoticed as Tom Smith. But there was no getting around Cllve Rumball. It meant an appl and noth Ing but an apple to millions ef farmers far and near, just as surely as Dan Tucker means dance or Jenny Wren means a bird. Th following Monday th dutiful Cllve Rumball drove over to the fair grounds near th slat cspltal with h'i C&cle Samuel Todd. Samuel Todd hsd made bit small fortune as the conservative partner of a brokerage office, but his hobby had always been farming In general and appl raising In particular, and he never felt more at bom than with a group of pro gressive farmers. "I wsnt you to meet my nephew, said Mr. Samuel Todd with a smile as he clapped t broad palmed hand on th back of a white-bearded old farmer. "My nephew CUve Hum- ball." "That sol" exclaimed th farmer, beaming at the nephew, "Wall, ef you're as sound as the Civic Rumball apple, your all right." And be laughed long and loud at hit own comment. Th remark wat only typical. Before Cllv and his uncle bsd been on the fair grounds for a tisJf hour Cllv Rumball had been Introduced it least ten times to ss many farmers who sit cracked torn tort of Joke about th famous apple which had been named for him. They had parked their car and were directing their steps towurd the building where were exhibited various fruits and vegetables along with a new and Improved Cllve Kuuiball from Suinuel Todd, "There's my friend, Mr. Jennifer," said the uncle, pausing as he saw a man alighting from a car In the park ing field. He was In agitated con versation with a young and animated woman, so Samuel Todd did not In terrupt Mr. Jennifer was apparently trying to get the young woman to alight and the young woman was re sisting. Cllve Rumball became some what Interested. Though he caught but a blurred outline of ber fuce, he felt a keen attraction. Besides, he saw that the locks that showed beneath her lit tle cloche were red red like burnished copper. And Cllve Rumball had a full ing for red-haired girls. Presently the farmer, Mr. Jennifer, got out alone, sighed deeply and the car turned while the girl at the wheel threw Mr, Jennifer a kiss. Mr. Jennifer caught up with Cllve and his uncle. 1 "Let me Introduce you to my nephew, Cllv Rumball," begun the uucle, Importantly pronouncing the name, but Mr. Jennifer was too preoc cupied with his own affairs to hear the rest He merely bowed to Cllve and his uncle and said, "By heck!" "That gal of mine," he went on. She's all right, but she's stubbora But, then, red-haired gals usually are. All I wanted was that she should get out and go around with me. I wanted to Introduce her. But she had made up her mind she wouldn't So she said sbe'd drive around and call back for me Instead. I've got a mighty fine showing of carrots," he continued, ad dressing Samuel Todd In particular. And Cllv Rumball wandered along while the two agriculturists discussed apples and carrots. It was about then that Cllve Rum ball summoned couraga to slip his moorings. Suppose you and Mr. Jen nifer look around awhile and I'll meet you later, say at th judging stand at about twelve," It was agreed, and Cllve Rumball, hoping that no one would recognize In him the godfather of the rosy-cheeked apple bearing his name, wandered back to the parking field. lie strolled around It, wondering whether by chance he might find the red-haired daughter of Jennifer. lie wat still looking when a motor coming around the wrong direction bonked violently to him. "Kxcuse me," said the driver, who proved to be no one In the world but Mist Jennifer. "You wer wltb my father when h went off. Will you see him ogalnT" 'I expect to," said Cllve with bow. "I expect to meet Mr. Jennifer and my uncle at twelve." 'Well, will you tell father, then," said th girl, "that I've gone. I told him I wouldn't come, and be knows 1 hate these fairs and why snd now I'm going. I don't know Just where, only I'm not going to hang around tbla place. And that's that." T suppose It Is." said Cllve with s laugh. "In th meantime, why do you bate atste fairs, Miss Jennifer?" 'Why shouldn't IV threw back the girl, and then fearing lest an atten dant might find her with her car faced th wrong way, th ndded: "I'll tell yon, but not hare. I've got to turn. Hop In, and I'll set you down wher ever you are going." Cllv got In besld the girl with red balr and, having explained that he was going nowhere In particular but that he had Just drifted back toward hit own ctr, they started out of the grounds and along a country turnpike. "I hat state fairs," she explained, "because my name's Deborah Jennl fer " She paused to see if this brought a smile of recognlthn to the far of her compsnlon. "You are ap parently not t farmer," she went on. "If you wer yon would no doubt have made some remark about carrots and red hair. You apparently don't know that the Deborah Jennifer Is the most Celebrated variety of carrots In the country maybe In the world. My father perfected It. He named for m when I was a little girl be cause I hsd red hslr. I'd like to dye It sometimes not that I mind being red-haired, only I do mind the Jokes that people crack when they know my nam Is Deborah Jennifer. Honestly, It It enough to make me want to get married. Just so I could be called by some otber name." Th-m she added quickly, "Only, of course, I don't In tend to. I don't like men and I shun ver be married." "I should think," suld Cllve with a smile, "that that would be your best way out of It. Unfortunately my own nam Is Cllv Rumball" He got no further. "Heavens," cried the girl, "Then you're aa apple. Am I suppose people kid you about being apple faced only of course you aren ' No," added Miss Jennifer with a twin kl in ber bright blue eye, "I couldn tblnk of marrying you even If you wanted me to." All of whlcb shows that red-haired girls are just as tpt to rhsnge their minds as any one else, for before an other summer hsd brought another state fair every farmers maiiazlne throughout the country bud published the pictures of Cllve Itumbsll and bis bride, Deborah Jennifer, under t head ing to tli effect thtt sn appl had mar rled a carrot tor t Relief. A Utile girl, on her first visit to the country, after gathering a lot of wild flowers, exclaimed: "Oh, mamma, how nice It Is to liv where somebody I two everything." STATE NEWS ! IN BRIEF. : f f f f f f f f f f ff Tf elVSTf f TSSt Hood River. During last week the pple growers' association received only 371 boxes of apples from Its mem bers. The total shipped for the week ended Saturday night, however, reach ed 113,113 boxes. Eugene. A number of orchards In Lane county are being destroyed un- er direction of C. E. Stewart, coun ty fruit Inspector, because tho owners have neglected the trees and have failed to observe orders to clean and spray them. The trees destroyed were all badly diseased. La Grande. Farmers and bankers of Union county met In the city hall building here Saturday, discussing and arguing the various phases of tho MeNury-Huugen wheat export aid bill, now before congress, A. R, Huntor, an executive of the organization form ed at Pendleton some time ago, pre sided. Fulls City. The following delega tion of Fulls City business men went to Dallas Friday and asked the Coin morclnl club of that city for help In alleviating the present bad condition of locul roads: II. Mather Smith, Ronald G. White, Roy McDonald, C, J. Bruce, F. W. Pleren, M. L. Thomp son and E. B. Watt. Salem. It was reported here Sutur- duy that ft number of Independence tipplers are bemoaning the loss of sev eral hundred dollars as the result of being let in on an alleged bargain sale of bonded Scotch whisky. The prlco, as fixed by the bootlegger, was $65 a case, or approximately J 10 less than the standard quotation. North Bend. Work was sturted on the new (20,000 Presbyterian church last week. Tho contractors have crew of nine men employed. The forms for the concrete basement are In place and the pouring began Friday. Tho building Is greatly needed because there Is nothing approximating a com munity building In the city. Medford. No bill has been or will be Introduced In congress this year providing for the Inclusion of Diamond hike in Crater lake park, according to telegram received in Mod ford Sat urtlay from official sources in Wash ington, D. C. There had been a rumor horeuhouts that such a bill hud been introduced by Representative Slnnott Eugene. The contract to clear 11 miles of the right of way of tho South' ern Pacific extension from Oukrlilge to Kirk has been lot to George II Kelly and Frank Sullivan of Portland who are the promoters of a big saw mill enterprise at Westflr near Oak ridge and who leveled the old grade out of Oukrlilge fur a dlstunce of six miles on which rails have boon laid Union The first meeting of th Union Livestock association in prepar ation for the coming show was held Saturday at the city hall. Tho fol lowing officers were elected: Robert Wlthycombe, president; C. L. Iluld well, vice president; Tony D. Smith, secretary; Fred N. Fox, treasurer. Gov ernor Pierce was elected ono of th directors. Dates for tho show were set for June E, 6 and 7. Newport. For the second lime dur ing his Incumbency as mayor of New port Curl Kyrkmnn was arrested Hat unlay night on a charge of Intoxica tion. The specific churge was drlvln an automolillo while Intoxicated. Ar resting officers said Ryrkmnn, drlv Ing toward homo, crushed Into anolhi tar. After untnngllng ho again start ed on his way, careened across th street and collided with a telephone pole. Salem. Survey of the rural district completed Saturday night by agent of the Oregon Growers' Co-oporallvo association Indicates that the recent cold weather destroyed practically th entire broccoli crop In tho Willamette valley. It was estimated by these agenls that not moro than ono or two carlouds of the product will bo sal vuged this season, while In previous years aa many as 20 cars of broccoli were shipped from this district. Fulls City On February 7 Full City friends will send greetings and good wlHhes to Mrs. Eleanor Ilutle the widow of the lute Frank Duller, "founder of Fulls City," who on that duy will celebrate her 78th birthday Ilukor A totul of 437 arrests were made and fines of were col lected by tho city of ltuker law en forcetnent officials during !!)23, uc cording to the report recently filed I, Chief of Police Waldo Vuugn with Mayor C. L. Pulmnr. Sulem. Tho Arbor Day Munuul for Oregon Is being distributed to the county school superintendents through the office of J. A. Churchhlll, state su perintend' nt of public Instruction. The manual c intalns a suggested program for Arbor day, s list of books on plant ing and caring for trees and an article on "A Few Flower Frlonds," by Dr. Albert R. Sweetser of the University of Oregon. There also are descrip tions of tho common wild flowers, to gether with many illustrations. L. D. Porter I?,; ..Toy, . If You Have A Cough Take this Advice Salem, Orcg. "Some years ago I was a farmer in Kanias. Thru exposure, serving as a soldier during the Civil War my health had become impaired. I was bothered with a chronic coii;h and catarrhal con dition; I felt like an old man, al though I was only forty. I heard of Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. It helped me so much that 1 continued taking it (I think about six bottles in all) and felt new pure blood coursing thru my body. The 'Golden Medical Discovery drove out the catarrh and also the cause of my cough. There are somethings we can foruet, but when a person has received as much help as I did, it is impossible to forget it. I feel younger and more vigorous at 78 than 1 did nt 40." L D. Porter, 451 South 15th St. As soon as you commence to take this "Discovery" you begin to feel its bracing, appetizing effect. Buy it of your druggist, in tablets or liquid. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., if you desire free medical udvicc. Also Birthplace of Napoleon. The islnbd of Corsica Is in the Med iterranean sea, 50 miles from Italy, 100 miles from France and 8 miles from Sardinia. Throe thousand three hundred and elghty-Blx square miles. It belongs to France. Appropriately Named. How did your friend get tho nick name 'Louis the Fourteenth?' " "From Miss Bright, after ho hud been invited to a dinner so thut there wouldn't be 13 at tublo." Boston Transcript. First "Visiting Cards." Tablets of glazed earthenware, de picting tho owner were left by the an cients at temples; these aro supposed to bo the origin of the modern vlHltlng card. Unselfish Love. Convey thy love to thy friend as nn arrow to the mark, to stick there; not as a ball against tho wall to rebound buck to theo. Quurlos. Shark's Keen Sens of Smell. The shark has so acuto a sense of smell that It Is asserted It can detect a human body when It Is 20 miles from its prey. Giraffes Post Guards. Giraffes are not cattily taken by sur prise, as two or three of their number always stund sentinel wbllo the others feed. Look for th Right Road. The easy way Is not of necessity t tin right wuy. The line of least resist ance may not be tho appointed roud. An opening may not bo a cull, It may bo a trap. Robert Freeman. Stray Bits of Wisdom. None aro so fond of secrets as those, who do not mean to keep them; such persons covot secrets as a spendthrift covets money, for tho pu' posa of cir culation, Colton. Sage Reflection. What miserably lives most of us would lend If we could hear every thing that Is said about us when to are nut listening. Exchange. ' Just a "Would Be." "When a man Is overanxious In show dul bo's boss," suld Unelf) Ebi n, "he's nfrald dut ho nln't." Welling ton Star. A Queer Place. A missing f'lnclnniitl hoy found asleep In a soup factory evidently didn't know whero ho was. About Oil on Facings. Fuller's earth und sulphur will ab sorb tho accumulation of oil on fabric or leal her fuclngs. On Making s High Mark. You can't make a high murk if you Hit down on the Job. Forbes Maga zine. I la seeded In every department nf house keeping, t'.quelly good for towela, table llnen.oheetsend pillowcases, (intttrt ki. Vaii C.jtivnrl? Br'HNKE-W At.KF.R Ale J0U MlliUfUf BUSINaJS COU-tGl Is the biggest, moat perfectly eejiilpp,st Business Training Mchuol In the Nurtt wesL Kit yourself fur higher peettloa with more money. I'enuauient suelUous aamired our (Irnifuetes. Write fur tmuiut Sourtu bum tumid" Portland. P. N. U. No. S, 1924