The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, February 01, 1924, Image 2

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House Ways and Means Committee
Acts-All Under $5000 Affected.
Washington, D. C. Income taxpay
ers got their first slice of the pro
posed tax relief Monday when the
house ways and means committee
adopted the recommendation of Secre-
tary Mellon to allow a special 25 per
cent reduction in the tax on Incomes
which are "earned."
All taxable incomes under $5000
were defined as "earned" for purposes
of this reduction, while $20,000 was
set as the maximum amount of In
comes on which the reduction could
Events of Noted People, Governments be taken.
Treasury estimates show that about
1.1,000,000 taxpayers have incomes of
Brief Resurre Most Important
Daily News Items.
i mlm m A Mm m m m'm
iu un I uil unuL :
and Pacific Northwest, and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
less than $5000 and automatically
could deduct from their tax when com
puted 25 per cent of Its total. Thus,
a married man with two children, who
now pays a lax of $28 on an income
of $4000 would pay only $21, this fig
ure not taking into account any nor
mal Income tax reductions a proposi
tion still before the committee.
Disposition of this section of the
Mrs. Warren U. Harding, wiuow oi ceiir.i (hn wnv wm, ,,, ovno
tion of some odds and ends to be taken
up for consideration by the commit
tee of inconio rates themselves, includ
Ing the surtaxes, the main point at
Ibsuo In tho tax revision programme,
borne members have declared for
writing a republican income rate
schedule, while others wish to work
out the rates in full committee. Dem
ocrats, however, have declared they
will stand solidly for their party pro
posal of a reduction In surtaxes to a
44 per cent maximum instead of 25
per cent, as suggested by Secretary
Mellon. The house republican steer
ing committee also discussed the tax
situation, but reached no conclusion.
Iieforo taking up the earned Income
provlKlon, tho committee definitely re
Joetod Secretary Mellon'g proposal to
prohibit husbands and wives In the
eight community property Iuw states
from dividing their Incomes for pur
poses of tuxatlon. Chairman Green
had submitted a substitute proposal,
the original already having been de
feated, to prohibit this division when
the Incomes were derived from wages
salaries ulono. Representatives
Garner, democrat, Texas, and Hadley,
Moved by tho Increasing acuteness republican, Washington, led the fight
of tho economic situation In tho cen- ngainst this section.
Mrs. Frank B. Kellog?. wife of the
new American ambassador, wag the
guest of honor at a luncheon Wednes
day given by tho American Women's
club and attended by 250 American
and Drltlsh women.
tho lato President Hurdlng, is to bo
cc mo nn associate editor of the Marlon
Slur and plans to write over her own
blgnalure for tho newspaper which
her husband conducted for 35 years.
Ilrlck and tllo manufacturers of Ore
gon and Washington are planning to
co-opernto with tho Common Ilrlck
Manufacturers' Association of Amer
ica In a programme of advertising and
promotion of brick and tllo in various
construction uses.
In tho prcsenco of law enforcement
officers of the government, tho senate
Teapot Domo Investigating commit
tee took steps Tucisduy to cull again
before it Albert 11. Fall, ex secretary
of I ho interior, and Hurry F. Sinclair,
lessee of naval oil reserves In Wyoin-
Tho smelling of breaths to deter
mine varying degrees of drunkenness
l.i no part of tho business of tho doc
tors, internes and nurses employed In
Seattlo's city emergency hospital, ac
cording to the rulo laid down by Dr.
Hiram M. Head, city health commis
Will Select Special Counsel to
Proceed in Courts. .
Both Political Parties to Be Represen
ted Cancellation of Leases to
Be Considered.
trul west, President Coolldgo Wednes
day sent to congress a special message
outlining steps for relief and quick
ened offurtg of tho federal government
to prevent further bunk failures In
that section.
Miss Madi'leinn Traverse of Now
Yolk, motion picture actress, hns won
a verdict of $85,473 ngainst Herbert
I. yon S n i II Ii , wealthy oil anil coal man,
In her suit based on un alleged de
fault of a contract by which ho was
Secretary Mellon's recommendation
for special reduction In tho tuxes on
earned Incomes provided for the 25
per cent rate to apply on suc h Incomes
of nny amount and defined earned In
comes as that received from wages,
salaries and professional services.
Representative Garner, author of the
democratic tax plan, accepted the
earned Incomo proposal In his plan
but suggested a reduction of SltVa per
cent. Tho 25 per cent rate, however.
will stand in committee Chairman
Washington, D. C President Cool-
ldge hag decided to employ special
counsel drawn from both tho repub
lican and democratic partlea to pro
ceed with court action as a result of
evidence adduced at the senate com
mittee hearings on the leasing of
naval oil leases.
In a statement issued at mldnleht
Saturday the president declared that
"counsel will be Instructed to prose
cute these cases In the courts so that
It there is any guilt It will be pun
ished; if there is any civil liability
it will be enforced; if there Is any
fraud It will be revealed, and If there
are any contracta which are illegal
they will be cancelled."
The president determined upon this
course after being advised by the de
partment of justice that It was in ac
cordance with precedents. Explaining
that the justice department had been
observing the evidence unfolded In
the senate committee, the executive
in his statement asserted that "every
11mm ................... mm.S
THEY'VE built a road from Pick
ensville. They've graded up and dressed with
A better route to Ryan's mill,
A good hard road for folks to travel.
They've straightened out a lot of
They've fixed It fitter than a fiddle,
They've got It finished at the ends
They've got it done, all but the
You cannot use the road as yet,
There's still a lot of work to follow;
For here and there you cannot get
Beyond a creek, or through a hol
low. Yes, here and there a river flows,
And you will see, when you have
found It,
There ain't no way nobody knowl
To get acrost It or around It
build their lives the
hard, make sure of
.. .,., in .. rn. (,. ...
w .... ... ...... .....,..... , (.rot.n gu(li amcn,lmun,
bear her name, Sho sued for $222,600. rrr,i .,. ..i,
Klght Salem (Or.) churches hnve
voted adversely to n proposal to Invite
Wlllluni A. (Hilly) Sunday, tho noted
evangelist, to conio to Salem In June
M conduct a series of Hirelings. Only
10 churches, It was sulci, voted favor
ably to the movement. A half dozen
churches were yet to cast their votes.
ItaiiiNiiy Mmilonald, who took office
Tuesday as Kngland's first labor prem
ier, gave tacit notice to tho country
nml his colleagues that lie expected to
give the llrlllsh people a businesslike
On earned Incomes abovo $5000 the
definition of Mr. Mellon also will hold.
Mr. earner moved to deflno "earned
Income" us "reasonable compensation
or allowance for personal service
where Income Is derived from combin
ed personal servlco and capital in the
prosecution by unincorporated persons
of agriculture or other businesses."
This wus defeated by a strict party
Home Wrecked; 15 Dead.
l'liwlucket, It. I. An explosion
udnilnlstratlim and would look for which shook the countryside for 20
punctuality on the part of his asso
ciates In reporting for duty each day.
Joint slate bearing with tho Inter
state commerce commission has been
set for March 1, In tho federal court
room In Yukima, Wash., by the depart
ment of public works, in thn matter
of the new Interstate anil Intrastate
rates on northwestern roads on fruit
unci Vegetables shipped from the Wo
nati liee anil YiiUlmu vullcy districts.
A wage Increase of approximately C
per cent has been agreed upon for
15,000 engineers und firemen of the
New York Central lines. Knglneers,
firemen, hostlers ami hostler helpers
receive tho following Increases: Pas
nenger service, 21 cents a 100 miles;
freight service, 3ll cents a 100 miles;
yard and hostler service, 32 cents u
Removal of snarls In tho relation of
Japanese residents of America with
Japan, preparatory to further diplo
matic; discussions between the two
countries, win the object of a bill In-
(roiluccil In the hou of peers Tues
iny by the cabinet revising (be nation
ality law to the extent of withdrawing
uiipanese citizenship from Jai.nese
aciiulriiiK any other nationality.
Nikolai Lctilnn, Russia's great bid
shevlk leader, died suddenly Monday
night ut bis country villa In tho village
of Gorky, 20 miles from Moscow. The
public announcement of thn premier's
death was withheld until tho all-Russian
soviet congress met Tuesday
morning and only that night did the
wires carry to all corners of the soviet
federation word of (ho event, which
even l.enlnu's political opponcuta de
clare saddens (he uutlon.
miles around, wrecked a two-family
house at Cumberland Hill, Manville,
Monday and In tho ruins were found
15 bodies. Many of tho victims, in
tho opinion of tho medical examiner,
were asphyxiated before tho explo
sion, which resulted from the Igniting
of Illuminating gas and was made
more severe by tho detonation of soni
dynamite stored In the cellar.
One entire family, (ho bond of an
other family nnd n young wumiin
boarder were killed. They were Ade
laide Hamel, his wlfo nnd their six
sons and five daughters ranging In
ago from 2 to 21 yours; Michael Con
way and Miss Apolllno Duncour,
Wild West Stuff to Go.
Klutuath Falls, Or. Shooting th
lights out ut Klutuath county dances
has got to cense, according lo Sheriff
Low. who opened nn official crusade
ngainst the nhuso Monday with the
arrest of Krunk Morgnn and Hill
Hrown of Illy, on tho upper Sprngue,
accused of being drunk in a public
place and carrying concealed weapons.
"A few Jolts of this panther milk and
these young frontiersmen think they
are wolves," explained (ho sheriff.
Sterling Exchange Up.
New York. Improved prospects for
tho settlement of tho Hrltlsli railway
strike contributed, to a sharp rise In
sterling exdmr.go Monday, the do
iiiiind rato mounting Jt, cents to
lt5li. Tho franc gained 10 points
at 4,611, cents as a measure designed
to sustain Purls exchange ramo to a
test vot.i in tho chamber of deputies.
Other European exchanges, with the
exception of Denmark, advanced in
Iuw will be enforced and every right
of the people and the government will
be protected."
White House officials, in making
public the statement, said that the
special counsel would be appointed
Just as soon as selections could be
Tho formal announcement follows
"It Is not for the president to de
termine criminal guilt or render judg
ment In several causes. That Is the
function of the courts. It ig not for
him to pre-Judge. I shall do neither.
Rut when facts ore revealed to me
that require action for the purpose of
Insuring the enforcement of either
civil or criminal liability, such action
will be taken. This ig the province
of the executive.
"Acting under my direction, the d
pnrtment of Justice has been observing
the course of the evidence which ha
teen revealed at the hearings con
ducted by the senatorial committee in
vestigatlng certain oil leases made on
unvnl reserves, which I believe war
rants action for tho purpose of en
forcing the law and protecting the
rights of the public. This is confirm
ed by reports made to me from th
committee, it there has been any
crime, It must be prosecuted. If there
has been any property of the United
States Illegally transferred or leased
it must be recovered.
"I feel the public Is entitled to know
that in the conduct of such actions
no one Is shielded for any party, po
litical or other reasons. As I under
stand, men are Involved who belong
to both political parties and, having
been advised by the department of
Justice that It 1 in accord with former
precedents, I propose to employ spe
cial counsel of high rank, drawn from
both political parties."
40 Miners Entombed.
.Khnnktown, Pa. Hope for the lives
of some 40 miners, entombed lute Sat
urday by an explosion In tho Lan
cashire mine of the Barnes & Tucker
Coal company here, was practically
given up when rescuo workers report
ed that tho wrecked mine was dense
with "black damp" and that water was
rising rapidly In the underground pass
1..... ...
iio inn nouse or I lie mine w as
wrecked by tho terrific blast. The
poison gas, the water, the luck of
fresh air Bud a heavy fall of rock im
peded tho progress of volunteer rescue
workers, who dug vuliuntly In an ef
fort to reach the entombed men.
Lincoln's Friend Dead.
independence, Kan. Major John
Frederick Nolle, 95, personal friend
of Abraham Lincoln, is dead at hU
homo here. Major Nolle was a plon
cer of the Oregon trail and la(er, in
a gold seeker in California. He
built the first courthouse at Salem, Or,
i . .. . . , ...
no itrucipaiect in seven battles of
tho civil war and was counted among
the personal friends of many generals
of the union army. He came (o Kan
sas in IS tin.
Arms Collected In London Tower.
The collection of arms and armor
at the Tower of London contains
about 6.000 examples from the Middl
ages downwards.
Some people
They labor
For gold and pleasure, friends of fame,
Will help them over little ditches.
And then some day they come upon
A ragln' river, darkly tlowln',
And gold and fame and friends are
And floods are rlsin', windi are
They build their lives without a God,
Perhaps forget, may even doubt Him,
When blue the sky, when green the
Get very well along without Him.
And then the path dips down the vale,
The way of life has left the ridges.
And then they falter, then they fall
They build their road, all but the
( by ateCltire Nawipiper Syndicate.)
lone Market
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Your Patronage Solicited.
Under New Management
Refurnished and Strictly Up to date. Com- .
mercial Table First Class. A home away
from home, with best meals in Central
SAM GANGER, Proprietor.
Nice Rooms. Good Service
"A late lark twltlura from the quiet
And from the west,
Where the sun, hla day's work ended.
Lingers as In content.
There fulls on the old, gray city
An Influence luminous and serene,
A shining; peace."
" ASSEROLE cookery Ig especially
popular with the busy housewife,
for she may prepare a good dish for
the first course and put It into the oven
and know tliut In a few hours piping
hot appetizing food will be ready to
Hungarian Goulash.
Tut three tablespoonfuls of fat,
fried out of snlt pork, Into a frying pan
with a sliced peeled onion j cook until
brown. Itemove the onion and put In a
pound and a half of lean uncooked
veal cut into small pieces. Stir and
cook the meat until slightly brown,
then reject the fut and place the meat
Into a cuRserole. Add about a pint of
boiling water or broth, a teaspoonful of
salt, a few dushea of pepper. Cover
and place the casserole In the oven.
Brown In hot fat In the frying pan a
doien balls cut from potatoes with, a
French cutter and a dozen small onions
of the same size. As goon as the
onlona are well browned, add them to
the casserole and when (he meat has
cooked nn hour, add a teaspoonful of
salt to the potato balls, two tablespoon
fuls of flour mixed with cold water.
Let cook about two hours. Serve from
the casserole.
Veal Hearts.
Veal hearts properly cooked have a
flavor much like venison. Fry four
slleeg of bacon to a crisp, remove from
the pan and add a email sliced onion;
fry until brown. Trim four veal hearts.
slice them, roll them in highly seasoned
flour and fry In hot fat. flace the 1
hearts In a hot casserole. Add to the j
fat In the pan one cupful of stock or '
water, a minced pimento, a teaspoonful
of salt and one-half a bay leaf. Tour j
the mixture over the hearts and cook !
wo hours. Just before serving add
the siloes of bacon.
Casserole of Rice and Chicken.
Wash und boll one cupful of rice,
drain In a colander. The rice should
be tender but whole, put a part of the
rice In the bottom and around the sides
of the casserole. Take one pint of cold
cooked chicken snd run It through the
meat grinder. Mix it with three well-
beaten egg, three tnblespoonfulg of
bread crumbs, two (ablespoonfuls each
of chopped parsley nnd onion, a sprig
of thyme with snlt and pepper to taste.
Mix thoroughly, add sufficient gravy or
cream to make It quite moist. Mold
the loaf to fit Into the center of the
casserole. Spread over the top the re
mainder of (he rice, cover closely, and
place In a moderate oven for an hour.
Serve from the casserole with toma
to sauce.
C. HU. Smiifb Nmnpn I'nlea.)
Wlfey I pr.
sum your moth-
r used to make
better biscuits
than then!
Hubby If she
hadn't I'd never
Farm Implements
Vulcan and Oliver Plows, Superior Drills,
Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps,
Star and Aermotor Wind Mills,
Winona Wagons, Mitchel Cars.
A Good Time
to Subscribe for the
Independent Is Now!
a a J A
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It Reaches the People
have lived to
marry you.