c Go To The Voting Place Saturday And Vote The Bonds For tone's New School House Stamp lfctftep$ttftettf VOLUME XII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1924 NUMBER 34 Bank of lone CAPITAL and SURPLUS $35,000.00 State, County and City Depository 4 Per Cent On Time and Savings Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes IONE, OREGON IMMMMIIIIIHIMMMMIMMMMMMMMin New Cash Prices In order to close out some lines, I offer - - $50 Duplex Howard Heaters at $40 $40 Duplex Howard Heaters at $34 New Cash Prices In order to close out some lines I offer $50 Duplex Howard wood or coal heaters at $40 Duplex Howard wood or coal heaters at $42 Regular Howard coal heaters at $35 Regular Howard coal heaters at $40 $34 $37 $29 Our annual inventorie has been taken and many odd ends have shown up and those will be put onto a cash bar gain counter, and first come gets the choice bargains. w As soon as time permits, all stock will be repriced and cash customers will not be paying for losses caused by unpaid credit accounts. BERT MASON IONE OREGON IHIIIMIHMHM IHMIHIIIIIimimillHItl Radio on the Farm KEEPS YOU IN TOUCH WITH THE WORLD . Concerts, lectures, news bulletins, market reports You should know the price of wheat, sheep and cattle in Chicago and Portland every day. Only the latest makes handled: GREBE ACE MURAD CROSLEY AIRPHONE InJoor or Outdoor Aerial Dry Batteries Prices from $10.00 up Ask when our demonstration will be in your vicinity Reduced for this week ELECTRIC TOASTERS . . . $4.35 . BOUDOIR LAMPS $4.25 MAURICE A. FRYE Everything Electrical - Phone 472 HEPPNER, ORE. Morrow County Ku Klux Klan Hold Meeting Monday night the Morrow coun ty Ku Klux Klan's assembled at Lexington to hold a publicparade and installation of officers. There were Klan's from Condon, Pen dleton, Heppner, lone and other sections present, besides several hundred spectators who journey ed there to see the parade and hooded members. The lodge is known as Morrow Klan No. 33, and received its charter from the Imperial Wizard of Atlanta, Ga. The parade marched from the hall to the high school athletic field, where a tiry cross was blaz ing, around which the members mrrched singing "America." In the new gymnasium of the high school the services of the evening were conducted. Ninety-eight persons were in the parade and some half-dozen women, several marchers being unmasked. The audience at the lecture is placed at 500, and was delivered by Rev. Cookineham, a Presbyterian min ister of Pendleton, and was given close attention. Then followed th initation of 14 candidates and the installation of officers, four of the head officers being lone people including th? Cyclops. It was an orderly and peaceable gathering and the lecture and other ceremonies were generally well received. Practically the entire bunch of lone Klans were recognized those who showed their faces were generally com mended. Lexington is now on the map with Morrow Klan No. 33, as its beacon light. Grandma Bleakman who died at Hardman last week at the age of 81 years, is said to have been the oldest postmaster in the Unit ed States. Holding Their Own The high school boys broke even on their basketball trip last Friday and Saturday, winning from Moro Friday night and los ing to Wasco Saturday. The score at Moro was 18 to 17; Wasco 17 to 33. In both games the boys were slow in getting started and owing to the different style of play used and the strange floors, but when they did get Btarted their opponents founJ they had all or a little more than they could handle. The lone team as a whole proved to be in much better con dition than either of the other two teams, and the longer the game lasted the more efficient it became. lone plavs Arlington this Friday night and at Heppner Saturday night. X Mr. Dale Brown and Miss Lena Cradich, both of lone, were mar ried at 9 o'clock Wednesday niiiht, Jan. 23, at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieualleti on Rhea creek, Rev. W. V, Head, officiating. A very fine bridal supper was served and only the immediate relatives were present. Miss Cradich 18 a school teacher of the Li -'iallen neighborhood. Quiet as a ghost The wonderful Willys-Knight sleeve valve engine gives you quiet, silky action. Closed bodies remarkably free from power rumbles and vibration. No noisy cams. No choking up with carbon. No clicking valves to grind. This en gine improves with use I Owners report 50,000 miles without engine repair. Touring $1175; Sedan $1795, f. o. b. Toledo. N. C. Maris, chief deputy state food inspector, was here Wednes day investigating a car load of sacked potatoes shipped to C. W. Swanson from Adams, Or. The potatoes were alright except that they were not properly sorted as required by law. Martha Washington will pour tea for her friends on Thursday, Feb. 7th, at the home of Mrs. Frank Young. All the ladies are invited. I f you want anew school house, vote Saturday. Go to the basket ball game Friday night Where the Railroad Dollar Goes Practically all the money the railroads take in is im mediately put back into circulation. Railroads do a large volume of business on a narrow margin of net in come. Out of every dollar earned from operation by the railways of the United States, there was absorbed in 1922, t.v WiiRen ami Snlarle Fuel Other operatliiit unci innlnti'iinncf gtein (Inclnillnjf Hiicli Item an rail anil ticn, Iiinh ami clitimitf(') 'I'axi-H Hire of iHii1pini'iit ami Joint facility rent... Nut Operating Income I WILLY: KNIGHT COHN AUTO CO. Heppner Oreg'on 44.4 cent 11.4 cent 2.' II Cell I H 6 4 cent l.fi cent 13. 7 Cl'llt loO.O COIItH income, 12.2 Out of this 13.7 cents of net operating cents went forintereston bonds and other fixed charges. leaving 15 cents for stockholders. Adding 6 9 cents of income from outside sources, net corporate income was 8.4 cents, of which 4.9 cents was paid in dividends, leaving 3.5 cents available for appropriations and surplus. Gross earnings of the railroads in 1922 was $1,567, 000,000 more than in 1917. This $1,507.000. (WO and more too, was immediately paid out again, as follows: $918,000,000 In arifed wages to railroad employe! 135, " " In added cost of coal, moitly miners' wages 122, " " for additional taxes 500, " " additional for materials and supplies largely representing wages The stockholders and bondholders of the railroads got none of the increase. It is significant that good times are always coincident with heavy buying on the part of the railroads and that bad times are periods of light railway purchases. The Union Pacific System is one of the most impor tant enterprises west of the Missouri River. Its nearly 50,000 employes, and their families, constitute a buying power which is the main reliance of many businesses. The purchases of the Union Pacific System from firms 'ocated on the System, or which have offices on our lines, aggregate millions of dollars each month. The railways are planning to spend hundreds of mil lions of new money during 1924 to better serve the public. "Our trntmpnrtntlon movement during In thcontHtnnd Inir Iml ut rial accnm pIlHluiicrit of the year. The wimte of the ji-arlB.'O with It car dhortiw, It dcratiKenient of price, level. RtoppiiKR of IndiiMtry. prolialily amounted to not li-xn tan a lillllon of dollar, anil tliu American m-oiIi- anil no eco nomic fabric cimlil have ntnotl that Idmh that 1M not have a total Income In excemi of Hlxty lillllon. lino great con t rl li it tlon to the liUHlnemi Htahlllty of the pant year him been the fact that we have had a free anil regular ami orderly move, merit of tranHportatlon." I'rum aiHre liy Herretnry of (,'imimerce Herliert C. Hoover, Jumiury II, VxH. Omaha, Nebraska February 1, 1924 C. R. CRAY, President. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM S THE i New Pastime : IS NOW Open For Business S New Tables - New Equipment I will carry a complete line of I Staple and Fancy Groceries Calljand see me r Laxton McMurrey, Prop. Base Ball TeamReccivcs Support - Mwe ThM 4()()() The base bull meeting last Sun day was an enthusiastic one and the team was assured of loynl support by those piesent. $llO way subscribed at that time and while not all have yet been so licited they have over $J00 prom ised and this assures plenty to build substantial seating accom modations lor over 200 fans. lone won 8 of 15 games played last season and came thru the season with a cash balance of $00 on hand, also new suits and sufficient balls for several games besides all other necessary equip ment, and practically all of last years team are on hand for next season, besides there are several high school Btudents who hope to assist the team. A list of those contributing to the bleacher fund will be announced next week. The governor has denied the request ot District Attorney Truesdale of (Irani county for legal assistance in the prosecution of Claude Ames a)io killed Car! Minkler near Monument on last November, Pearl I also reques Animals Killed Moro than 4000 predatory ani mals were killed in Oregon dur ing 1921!, of which the United States biological survey has defi nite record, according to a report made last week by Stanley G. Jewett, predatory inspector. Of these, 3498 were coyotes, &!() bobcats, three cougars ami three timber wolves, the skins of which weietent to the Port land ollice. In addition to those checked by the inspector 10U8 porcupines and 4'il badgers were killed. This number is laruer than for any previous year, but is lower than the actual number on account of the wide use of poison. About 71,800 baits were put out on ranches in eastern Or egon. More than 7t cattle and i .1 n I n i .1 l isneep huh uii oiu nurses were I donuted to be used as bait. Altho there is no actual cam paign against bears by the animal division, about 20 were killed. Bears are not regarded as preda tory in Oregon, and are only kill ed when known to be preying on cattle. I'urs S killed were valued at approximately $r()()0 iber. Minkler's sister. Mrs. if' 'renlix, of llillshoro had j mnd9 "f Hh"'? 0 equested Gov. Pierce to fTL.th.e. "'ma name a special pronecutor to as-VT l . "''i"1'1!"'11'" sist the Grant county district at- ,wh":h "T1-' n'he preilU' torney. The trial will take place i tory "rk in0'n- next month at Canyon City. Condon Ulobe-limes. Hand us in your newt items. Mrs Laxton McMurray return ed home last Friday from a visit of a week with her sister, Mrs, C. M. Howe, at McMinnville.