- '- r i.i. n. i ii. mmmmmmm . - f ff w a Ft! ,- THJ " wVX Just two things havemad it powibltforuttogiv 1 1 I I V J A you th,s 20 reduetion on Tuxedo: M J Nt J J 1. A reduction in the cost of Kentucky BurUy tobacco and in package materials, as well. m mm i 2. The consolidation of three of our big plants M ' fil Into one. (Mr. Ford may not be In the Y" l ir-, s tobacco business but he is right about I (. I I gjh I consolidation.) I '" J M I -IT a You know that it is the desire and policy of The 1 J j I I American Tobacco Co. to extend to its customers the S IQff maximum of service. m Reducing the price of a great favorite like Tuxedo is M our idea of delivering this service. I M Tuxedo is always FRESH. Every package is V-1 U " J J"" OS jC SO o PRICE REDUCTION THE 10NE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by P. P. IIAS&LHR, lulitor-Puhliiher SUbSCKll'TION: On year $1.60 Sii monthi .76 This monthi 50 Entared as second class matter at the postofuc at lone, Oregon, under act of Mnivli :i. IsT'.l Friday, January 2'., 1924 Dock Linville, federal prohi agent at Portland, now wants a HyinK machine to scout for boot leggers. Save the expense and scout yourself. Just as the McKinley campaign was an Ohio boom worked by Ohioans, bo the Coolidge boom is a Massachusetts boom mainly worked by Bay Staters. "You are a posing dictator; at tend to your own business; you resort to entrapment methods and have done more to set back the cause of prohibition in Oregon than anything else that has been done since the act was put upon ourstatute hooks," wrote Munici pal Judge Eekwall of Portland to state prohi agent Geo. Cleaver, last week. Cleaver employs as deputies, en-cons, rough necks and slugs. Another example of Gov, Pierce's appointments. More Powerful Than All the Horses in Oregon It is estimated that there are about 100.000 head of horses in the state of Oregon. If they were all rounded up and hitched into a team two abreast and pulling on the load, they would not be able to do the work of one single hydro-electric power plant now un der construction in Oregon. This great project, known as the Oak Grove plant of the Port land Railway, Light and Power Co., located on the upper reaches of the Clackamas river, will have an ultimate capacity ot 105.000 horsepower. It will take several ears to build it, and its Anal cost is estimated at around llli.000, 000. This is the largest individu al industrial project now under way in the state. The first unit of 35,000 horsepower will be ready for service about the middle ot this i'r' Hand us in your newi items. Hap Wood is in Sherman county this week writing insurance. Hay Harnett ia installing a new radio at his home on E. 2nd St. J. A. Williams has nurchaseH a new Fotd truck of 12. R. Lun- dell. B. F. Sorenson, the stock buy er, had business in town last Sat urday. Mrs. Edna Hossner made a business trip to Gresham Wed nesday. Mesdamei Briggs and Adkins of Heppner, were calling on Mrs. Louis Balsiger Wednesday. Frank Martin, Bert Mason's clerk, left Monday for Marshtteld where he secured a better job. For Sale.-Feed and seed bar ley, beard and beardless. Inquire of j. A. Toney, Uhea creek, lone, M. It. Morgan, chairman of the school board, is out again attend intr to business after a Beige of sickness. Elmer Griffith who has been in disposed for the last ten days, is convalescing, and is able to be around the house. Mrs. Ixiren Hale who has been very sick the past two weeks with a severe cold, does not im prove in health very rapidly. The Sanitary Dairy will have an unlimited amount of guaranteed milk and cream after Fe.b. 1, at 10c per qt. See Cecil Sargent. The Rebekah convention of district No. 20, of Morrow county, is to be held in lone this year, probably about the first of March. The still found in Juniper can yon was upon land owned by Martin Behm. who notified the sheritT-he wasn t taking chances. Claud Hainey. an ex-service man, died of tuberculosis at Hep pner Wednesday. Mrs. Hainey was formerly Miss Buschke, and known by many here. Ed. Holmquist returned Tues day trom a 3-month's vacation at The Dalles. He did not go there to join the Salvation Army as had been reported. Camp Fire Sale At 10 o'clock this Saturday morning, the Camp Fire Girls will hold a cooked food sale at the! Bert Mason store. The girls have just organixed Come and Help Them. Mrs. Fitzpatrick Passes Being sick but one week, Mrs, Fitzpatrick passed away Monday at her home in the Juniper com munity Monday morning, Jan 21. She is survived by her husband and three children, the youngest of which is one week old. She was a sister of the Mc- Devitt brothers and her father, Barney McDevitt, resides near Lexington. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Heppner on Wednesday at 10:30 o'clock, interment in cemetery there. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misener were in Heppner last Saturday Mr. Misener is a member of the executive committee of the coun ty Farm Burea and was there to attend a meeting of that body. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our kind neighbors and friends for their many acta of kindness nd words of sympathy during our sad be reavement; also thank Rebekah'a and others for the beautiful flowers. W. E. Nolan and children. Mrs. H. J. Biddle. A deal was consummated the first of the week whereby the lone City Dray Co., (incorporate ed,) takes over the draying in teres t of Lester Britten and O C. McCracken, Consideration not given. John Hepp and Miss Myrtle Mouiten or uresham, came up Saturday to visit with Mrs. bdna Hossner. Mr. Hepp with his brothers conduct a variety store in Gresham, also one at Wood- burn and Sell wood, and is looking over the field at lone and Heppner and is very much impressed with the outlook in both places. They returned to Gresham Monday. Mrs. Ike Howard received word from Mrs. John Craig of Granite Falls. Wn., stating her daughter Esther, was married New Years day to Mr. Will Razor. Both are well known in lone. Grandma Bleakman died at Hardman Wednesday, Jan, 23. She was postmistress of that place for many years and was known by many lone people. Lish Sperry will have a cement walk constructed this summer on his property on west Main street. Be a Home Booster. , SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE STATU OK OKKOON, COI'NTY Of MOIIKOW I. M'HOOI. I.IKTKIt N NO. 35 ' NOTICE I HEREUYGlVEN.that at the school district bond election hereby culled to tie held at the lone School House In lone. In and for School Klntrlct No. .15. Morrow coun ty, Oregon, on KATUItDAY, the 2ND duy of FF.IIKL'ABY, A. I) 14, be tween the hour of two o'clock p. in. ami seen o'clock p. in., them will be Hiihmltted to the legal voter thereof the i next Ion of contracting a bond ed liidebtedne In the u m of forty thotmand dollar ($40,000.) tor the purpose of providing fund with which to erect and furnish a school building In and for mild achool dis trict. The voto to tie by ballot upon which shall lie the words "Houds Yes" nnd "Bonds No"; and the vot er shall place a croHS ( X I between the word "Honda" and the word "Yes," or between the word 'Bonds and the word "No," which Indicate Ills choice. The ioll for the reception of the bullot cant tor or agalut the con traction ot said liidebtedne will on said day nnd date and at the place aforesaid, tie opened at the hour of two o'clock p. in , and remain open until the hour ot aeven o clock p m of the same day, when the aame shall oe closed. By order of the District rtchool Board of School District No. :fi Morrow County, Oregon, made thin Mh day of January, A. n. 1W4. M R. MOKUAN, Chin. District School Hoard Attest: Delia M. Corson, DUtrlct Clerk. FARMERS Elevator Company IONE. OREGON DEALERS IN Coal and Wood Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, , . $13.00 J6-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90 Rolled Barley, 44.00 Whole Oats, . . ... 44.00 Mill-feed, . . . . . . 35.00 Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts HMMMtMMMtm IMMIHlMlMIMIllllMl ENGELMAN HARD RE IONE, OREGON THE BRUNSWICK TIRES Monobile'Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATORY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE THOR WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. SPECIAL PRICES ON GLASSWARE ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE. OREGON " Notice For Publication Department of the Interior. U. 8. I jind Olttce at The Dalles, Dreg 0, January 11, I'f.M. Notice Is herchy Riven that Otto E. LilidHtrom, of Morgan, Oregon. who, on July 1. lii'JO.made HomeateHd Kn try No. 02IKM, fur t ot 7. Section , Townxhlp 1-N'orth, Hange 24 Kimt. Willamette Meridian, han tiled notK-e of Intension to make flnal three year rroot. to etat.llBii claim to the land ntiove dewrllied. Iiefora (lay M. An derson, tnlte1 States CommlMloner, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 1st day of .tiarcn. w.'4. Claimant names ns wltnesmm: J A. Troedson and W. I). I'alniateer of Morgan. Or; V. A. Thomas ot Cecil, Or.; J. K. Swanson of lone, Oregon. J. V. DONNELLY, Keglster. NOTICE intr price on Dxge ears: 120 00 to install new piston rings and pins, take up al con rod and main hearings, irrind valves titrhtun starter ehain and tune up motor. umer cars in proportion. 5. U UNINCER, , Biddle garaft, lone. Notice For Publication Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Olllceat The Dalles, Oregon. Decemlier 18, V.rJ3. NOTICE Is hereby given that OneHS V. (III.moii, of Echo, Oreijon. who, on April 24. 1920, made Home stead Entrv. Nn 0"ll:l r..p uk uwi Section 6, TownMhlp 1-North, llang 2-Eost, Wlllamettee Meridian, ha tiled notice of Intention to make three year Proof, to establlNh claim to the land above described, More Oay M Anderson. United States CoramisHloner, at Heppner, Oreeon, on the 30tb day of January, V.tU. viiuiiimiT uaiin as witnesses: C D. Morcy, Dan Lindner, Claude Wald and K. C. Mlshey. all of Echo, Ore. J. W. DONNELLY, Register. Notice Of Final Settlement In The County Court Of The State Of Oregon, For Morrow Couuty In the matu-r of the OunrdlniiHtilp of the iiersons an I estate of Maud Agntha lirahher Willie Brastier. and Claud Hrashers. Minors. Notice Is Hereby (ilven, thar the uudersign-d, has rendered and pre scnted, and died In said (Hurt he -flunl account as Guardian of the mt. sons and estate of Maud Airth Hrashers, Willie lirashers, and Claud HroHhers. Minors, und that Satur day, the nth day of Eebrnary. A D. IW4, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said dnv, at the County Court room. In the County Court House at Hennner Morrnw riiuntv. f)n..i-..n hn. ........ duly appointed by the Judge of !! v .ri un int. unit mm piace lor the sett.ement of said account aii i-rp..i. uiienKien m snin Ks tltes are hereby not llied to lie pre. ellt. At HMbl tltllM HI.H IlLlw ...i.l n... I... such objections ns they may have to niu nnai setiiement. MATT ti HKA8HEKS KAY. (Formerly Maltie Hrashers lotson.t UIIRMIau. Date of first publication. Jan. 11. Date of last publication, Feb. . Call For County Warrants All Cenerftl Ftiii.t VVarani...f f row ciiiihty, Oreicon, reirlatered prkr to Auirust .SUt. hra. will m ,.u i.i presentation at the oltlce. of tite County Treasurer on or altr Jan uurv Win! lirJi on .1..,. est on said warrant will renae. nateii at Heppner, Oregon. Jna 101U.1U24. LEON W. niunus. County Trensanrr. lone hall, Sunday, Jan. 27th. WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon F. H. Robinson ii Attorney and Conuslor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE. OREGON HEPPNER TAILORING CO. TAILORS Cleaning Dyeing Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. When You Visit Heppner Eat at the jEHchorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter D r. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Hep,wer Oregon Notice of Final Settlement Notice I h erehy given that the un Vrlgned ha tiled his H mil account a admlnisti ator of the estate of Kolert W. S s-rry, di-ceased. In the County Court uf the Stiite of Oregon for M.ippiiu- . lllilfv. ni.il th.it Mul.l C.iurt ha npi xiinted Monday, the J-.t .1 . . 1. in.l. ... ..r.i iirij- oi mna ni ine nour of III fi'cl.w-k ti. the ffirenni.n of Hnl,! day, as the tin e. nnd tho county . i.uri. ruoiu in , nv couri. rouse at Heppner, ( iregon . a the place, of huitrl.ll. . V... . I.. Illull Mn..l . -i vir ..' .'I "m mini arconiit; and that objection to said mm i atvouni must m niea on or De fore said dilte. R F.KT XI VMItN. S3 St Administrator. Karl R. ar h ft np of tha aiih. stantial husine men a' Leiin'. ton, had bus ness .here Thursday.