MIIMIHtUUMtlMMMHMM HIIMMIIIIIIUM TTaMmg America Its Feet ! $495 .- . .. . THE IONE INDEPENDENT rubllthcd Every Friday by P. P. UASSUiR. lUlilor-Puhlither SUBSCKIPTION: One Jr $1.50 Six monthi .70 ThiM month .60 Entored us iwond clam mattor at the otoAc at lone, Oregon, under act of Murrli !), ISTU Friday, January 11,1924 The unlawful use of search warrants at Portland has caused Governor Pierce more trouble. Cleaver, his state prohi agent, abuses Ins rights it seems, anil Portland citizens are Bore. If Cleaver is low down enough to peak disrespectfully of our late president, he is unfit to hold the office of state prohi agent. It's rotten conglomeration of affairs from the Btate house to Portland. Probably to pave the way for a better pull with Commissioner Haynes, Dock Linville, federal prohi officer of Portland, is going to hold what he calls an edu cational stunt, teach the Portland police, sherilT and other officers, what kind of evidence should be at hand, etc., before making a search or seizure. lie might diagnos a bad tooth and pull it, (he was a dentist before his ele vation,) but to tell the police of Portland how to make an arrest, is very absurd to say the least. Yes, Dock is t humdintfer, but vou don't notice much activity in his department. L P. Davidson is in attendance at the annual convention of the county judges and commissioners which is in session at Salem this week. It's a sporty week for Davidson, as he is to attend many banquets, entertainments, auto rides to the different state insti tutions, picture shows, and what not. O, boy, some time! A. B. Cochran and Miss Ellen Berg-strom, both of lone, were married in Portland Jan. 4. 1924. The urootn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Cochran and the brideJ a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bnc Bergstrom, estimable parents of the young couple. They will re aide on a farm north of town. We all cod I ratulie them. "1 Overland Success is the Talk of the Country Great strides ahead conspicuousleadership warm words of praise on the lips of peoplr everywhere all these things focus on one big, vital fact: Overland and Willys-Knight motor cars have the right stuff in them. The year just ended has been the greatest ol all the fifteen year9 of Willys-Overland history. A great year made by great cars the greatest in looks, power, action, comfort and money's worth I Look at the new Overland Champion, for instance. It brings a quality closed car within reach of every purse. America's first all-purpose car conceded to be the most useful motor car on wheels. ... i. . k. Tud $695 i. . . COHN AUTO CO. HEPPNER -: OREGON i VVi,lyf:e"ilonth Millionth Car Was Produced In Summer Announcement by President John N. Willys of the Willys Overland Co. of the production of more than 200,000 cars on Dec. 15th, 1023, capped the climax of tlie most remarkable year that Willys-Overland has had, a year replete wiih sensational success that has returned this organiza tion to its place far in the fore front among the leaders of the motor car industry. Mr. Willys coupled this an nouncement with the statement that Willys-Overland expects to break every one of its 11)23 re cords in 11)24 with a production which at present indicates a prolmlile sale of 300,000 tars. Willys Overland created the first of its series of unusual an nouncements in 1923 with the ppearance of its new Willy Knight Coupe Sedan at the New York show. The enthusiasm which this car occasioned here was duplicated at every motor display in the country and in every Willys-Overland dealer's show room, with the result that within 30 days after its announcement, almost every possiule motor car purchaser in the large ctnters of population had inspected this unusual model. The new product was a novelty in automobile? manufacture not a coupe, not a sedan, not a coach, but a distinctly original and indi vidual creation in motor car de sign; the first of a series of re freshing departures which mark ed Willys Overland's career for the past twelve months. You should read the statement of the Bank of lone in this issue. Note the wonderful growth of this bunk's business. It is in a most nourishing condition. From the reports of marriage licenses issued at Heppner during the year 1D23. about half of the pretty brides were school marms. and about half of them knew the art ot cooking. Too bad. Lost or straved. One George Ritchie of lotus, who went to Portland last, week and has not returned. The price of the Champion $695 is a champion price. And even if the new Overland Champion did not have the many unique features that make it famous, it would still be a remarkable value at its price. It is the only quality closed car seating more than two passengers ever sold under $700. Its greater value is typical of all the other Overland models. The Champion and all Overland models have the bigger Overland engine brute power with extreme economy. Leaders in economy leaders on the road leaders in the many satisfactions they bring to owners. See them. Sit in them. Ask for a sample of their performance. -' 'it 3 tiu $7J5 ... SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE STATU Of OIIKIION, COINTY OK MOHIIOW SS. HCHOOI. 1IIHTIII1 N NO. 3.1 ' NOTIt'K IS HEKKIIYtilVEX.thnt nt the ichool district bond election hereby culled to be hold nt the lone ScIk iol House In lone, In mid fur School IHiitrlft No. :(.". Morrow coun ty, Oregon, on NATUltDA V, the iSti diiy ol FKIiUljAItY, A. I., 1KU, 1. tween the Ik iiitk ot two o'clock p. in. mill neven o'clock p. in., there will lie inbuilt (cd to the legal voter I hereof the question of contracting H bond ed liiilelitedneKH In the hii in of forty thoiiHiind dollars 4tl,iKlil,) for the pnrpoHo of providing funds with which to erect and furnish a school InilldiiiK In and for said school din. trict. The vote to lie liy ballot upon which shall lie the words 'llonds Yen" mid "Bouds No"; nnd the vot er hImII pliu-e a cross (X I between the word "Honda" and the word "Yes," or between the word 'HomU' mnl the word "No," which Indicate his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballot cast for or ngalust the con traction of said Indebtedness will on mild day mid date and nt the pine aforesaid, lie opened at the hour of two o'clock p. in , and remain opeu until the hour of aeron o'clock p in . of the same day, when thesmneshali lie closed. Hy order of the District School Hoard of School District No. :(5, Uorrow County, Oregon, made this sth day of January, A. I. l',i:'J. M K. MOKiiAN, ( Ilia. District School Hoard. Attkst: , Vila At. Corson, District Clerk. Frank Engelman returned Sun day from a business trip to Port land. Hubert Ueitmann who has spent several weeks in Portland, re turned home Sunday. Leo Gorger purchased the ar ticles of household goods sold by J. E. Swanson last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wood and family returned home Saturday evening from Wasco. Or., where they spent the holidays. Arelene and Wendell Ralsiger and Lillian Allinger, left Sunday for Salem where they will resume their studies at Willamette Uni. Word received from the Rev. Storms who was hurt in a wreck just before Christmas, was to the ettect that he was not feeling so well, altho he drove his car back to Idaho. For Sale.-Wyandot roosters $3 each. Mrs. Cecil Sargent. TU4 P Morgan Life Mr. and Mrs. Sleighvoight re turned home last Thursday from a two month's trip. Mr. Sleigh voight traveled as far as Cuba, while his wife visited in the East. Some of our school boys enjoy ed the snow coasting down the hill, but discovered it wasn't all full. Mrs. Lily Morgan and son, are quite sick at their home. Deciding that it was't funny to be sick, Master Bob Wartield is out again. The Fred Pettyjohn twins have a severe breaking out, but last reports are some better. Geo. Ely and son have returned to their home at Pullman, Wn. U, E. Harbison left last Satur day for Portland and Hillsboro to see his new grandchild. ' Mrs. Minnie Ely spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Harbison., Mrs. Al Troedson is sick. Bert Palmateer has returned from the Valley and reports bad weathor there. Cecil News Items Karl Troedson and party of friends from lone, made a short call here last Sunday after a goose hunt in the Blalock vicinity. Mrs. Weltha Combest left on the local last Sunday for Port land where she will visit a sister for some time. Walter Pope, Bob Lowe and Don Kesler, were in Arlington last Saturday on a visit. Geo. Wilson arrived at Butter- by Flats from Hynd Bros, ranch at Freezeout, with a large band of sheep which will winter at Cecil. E. Linsley of Salem, is here on a visit to hissister.Mrs.Crabtree. Roy Stender and wifi of Sel domseen. were callers in Cecil Wednesday after seeing their sisters Misses Annie and Flossie, oil on the local bound for their school at Heppner. David Hynd of Sand Hollow, has been visiting his brother Jack at Butterbv Flats for few days. Martin Bauernfiend, the oblig ing storekeeper, etc. etc., of the little town ot Morgan, was here Monday on business. The American Legion boys are to give a dance here January 19. 1 FARMERS Elevator IONE, OREGON DEALERS IN Coal and Wood Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00 16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90 Rolled Barley, ..... 44.00 Whole Oats, ... . . 44.00 Mill-feed, 35.00 Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts MMtMMMMMMMMMMMllMMMMMlMIlMMt ENGELMAN HARDWARE 10NE, OREGON THE BRUNSWICK TIRES Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OK SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATORY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG, CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE THOR WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. . SPECIAL PRICES ON GLASSWARE ENGELMAN HARDWARE IONE. OREGON Notice For Publication Department of the Interior, V. S. Laud Ollicent Tile Dalles. Oregon. Peceinlier IS, liKKI. NoTICK Is hereby given that Ones V. (iibson, of Kcho. "regon, who, on April it. HW. made II. inn-. 'steadTiutry, No. r.!Iin:t. for S'j KW ' Siftlon 5, Township l-North. Hange lai-KHst, Wlllainettee Mertdlmi. has . tiled notice of Intention to make ; three year Proof, to establish claim . to the land above dexcrllied, before Hay M Anderson. United States , Commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on rue ;sinn nay ol January, 1'i.M. Claimant names as wltiiesse- C. I. Morey. Dan Litidsey. Claude Wnld and F. C. Mishey. nil of Echo, Ore. .1. W. DONNELLY. Register. Notice Of Final Settlement In The County Court Of The State Of Oregon. For Morrow County In the matter of the Uunrdiiiiisiilp of the persons an I estates of Maud Agatha llrashers. Willie llnmhers, and Claud llrashers. Minors. Notice Is Hereby lllvcn. that the tiaderslgn.'il, has rendered and pre sented, mnl Hied In said Court her II mil account as Uunrdlan of the per sons mid estate of Maud Agatlia llrashers, Willie llraher. mid Claud llrashers. Minors, and that Satur day, tlie will day of February, A I), lll'.'t, at 2 o'clock p. m., of Kaid day. nt the County Court room, in tile County Court House nt Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, linn been duly appointed by the Judge of mild Court as the time ami pines for the settlement of said nct-oiint. All persons Interested In said Es tates are hereby notlhcd to ! pres ent at said time and place and make such objections as they may have to said mini settl -ment. MATT IK ItUAttllFUS HAY, (Formerly Mattle llrashers DotHon.) Oiurdlati. Dale of first publication, .Inn. 11. Date of hint publication, Feb. s. P. M. Roche returned from Portland Sunday. J. C. Devine of Mt. HooJ, was here Monday on business. We hope to have a new school house for the kiddies. Hurrah! Vera Engelman went to Port land Sunday; is home again. Phil Cohn of Heppner. was in lone Tuesday transacting business. Company WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon F. H. Robinson Attorney and Conuslor at Law Will practice in all the Courta IONE. OREGON County Agent Morse stopped at lone Wednesday afternoon on his way to attend a rabbit drive at Boardman. Other drives are being arranged for and will be held in the near future if th I present snow stays on. A repre sentative or the U. S. Biological Survey attended the drive and will assist in the poison campaign on rabbits in the 'the next month. Organized hunts will also ne held in djnerent sec tions of the county. For Sale.-Any amount of wheat headings for hay or feed at cheap price. See J. L. Calkins or lone John Head, son of Rev. Heal, is here from Portland on a visit. A 2 room tile brick building to be built on the north side of Main street is contemplated early in the spring. We acknowledge with thanks, subscription favors the past two weeks. A. E. Lindstrom of Morgan, had business in lone Wednesday. Rev. Head is out again after a tussle with a bad cold for about three weeks. John Hiiifhes, lone's funny man. was in town Tuesday from the Sorenson ranch, where he is superintending the feeding of a bunch of steers for the Portlanrl market. Robert Balcomb. mer -hant of Morgan, war in town the first nf the week transacting business.