WORLD HAPPENINGS OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Event! of Noted People, Government! nd 1'acJfle Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing Work was roiiumrd on Tutmikha mon's tomb Wodnosrtay mornlni? aftor tlio cuntomury bronk for tho weekly market (lay, which also this tlmo hup penod to ho Christmas. An valunrhn Weilnosdnjr cnrrlnd way council betwoen Hoaelunil mid llouufort, Krnnre, 30 nillos northeast of Chumliery. klllliiK nlno of the 11 orcupniita of (lio bullillnK. Jnmei Nlnoirt. IX I'nlvernlly of Cincinnati font bull plnycr, illiil Tuck day of blind polminliiK whlih remill from a alight rut In tho leg suffered In a football gamo Thanksgiving iluy Heavy anew storms nnd avalnnchi'a arn rnMirlei frnm aeveral polnti In Hwllierland. dim mtin was killed ami enteral ratlin destroyed In tho col liiimo of studies In KliiKKonberK, In tho llerneno oborhuid, Cleo do MitihI", French mollon pic lurn ai'lrena, hut loxl her milt for 100, Iiihi friimt iiKJiltnt tho owner of the film "I'dirmk Alley," Willi tl she rhnrgod Injured her reputation by bur lcmiilng Inclileiila In her inner. Seventeen wroii arn known to havii perlnhiil Wiilncmlny nlKht In fire whli h destroyed a part of ono of llm framo slrmluros of tho ChltiiKo lain himpltal for Ihn Innnnn Ml luin nliiK, on thn iiorlbwcHt edge of Chi isgo. Tho nilnlnlry for JewlHh affairs In t.ithuiinia la lo bo illmoiitlnuiil. (he national aeinhly having rejected the bill providing for lit flnanrlnl main- lenancn. Tho nilnUtry for tho affairs of tho whlto Ituaiilan population waa , corded alitillur trralmenl. ttoliglntis and rlvic nraanlxntlona III Ihi aak'41 In Join with official of tho I'renbylerlan church In a rngres lo ho held at Washington Kehrunry II and 14. lo plan a rainpalKn for nation al legislation to bring nil motion pic turn 'lhlbilioni under federal centred Three New York person, two of them omen morn than CO year old. ern dead, too were In a critical ron di Hon and morn than a acorn of others ern In hospitals Tuesday nlc.M a a result of drinking polininou Christ tnaa liiior. Homo of tlio victim were In a aerlou mndithin. I'riMluctlon of meat tlila year wan Ihn rrenle.t In history, tuem-dlng lust year' figures by UeHt.rwO.oin) pounds, according lo estimates by Ihn Insll luto of Ameriian Meal I'm ker. A big Jump In pork production was law ly responsible for llm Im rouse, M.nnn. (mil morn hi r being liouaht by Hie pinker than In in::'. If llm American peoplo npprovn the plan seleiled by llm Jury of Ihn lino. 000 American pcaeo award created by K.I ward W. llok, Mr. Ilok will takn n aecotul atep Inward Ihn advancement of world peiicn with a fur wider acope and Intent and an award larger and more Important In every ronpect, In antiounce In Ihn January Ihhuo id thn Atlantic Monthly. Thn veritable iiueen of tho boot tenters will arrlvn In New York short ly from Nassau, capital of tlio Italia inn and capllal aim) of llm WcHt In He boollecKlni: triiiln. Klin I ruining to lnvnt aeme of her wealth in Fifth avenun finery and to "do" llrondway a aim ha always longed to do it. but, according to her few Intimate In Nassau, her chief denim la marriage with "Hio right man" and a suburban cottage, for which (ho would gladly forego thn adventure nnd large In coma of her present poat. Mciileiiant Osborne C Wood, aon of Covernor Hem nil Leonard Wood of tho Philippines, who I reported to havn accumulated a fortuno of be tween ,"00,000 and fSOO.OOO In Wall sireet, received tho Information on which he acted through a Wall street "tipster" service, which sent him nightly cablegram and for which he I reported to hnva paid J1000 a month, Including cabin charses. Ac cording to tin) New York Time, the war department investigated the young officer' transaction and found no causo for censuro. U. S. ARMS TO GO TO MEXICO Time and Place of Delivery Kept Se cret Airplane Included. Washington, D. C Details of the contemplated sale of surplus army war materials to the Mexican govern ment occupied war department of ficials Sunday end It we Indicated that orders to depot commanders from which the rifles and other equipment are to he taken will go forward within a day or two. Final decision to grant the request of tho Ohregon government and make the sale direct by the Washington government wag not reached until Sat urday, nlthough tho request Is under stood to have been bofora administra tion offlciuls practlcully all of last week. Although there has been no indication that the proposal was the subject of extended discussion at the cabinet moellngs on last Tuesday and Friday, It Is unlikely that President Coolldgo reached the decision to de part from tho policy of the Harding administration In relation to the sale of surplus arms without laying the mutter before his advisors'. Presumably no publicity will he given by tho Washington government to the tlmo or place where any of the supplies are to be turned over to Mexican forces. Reasons of military prudenco would requlro the Mexlcun official to conceal the route by whii the arm are to be taken Into Mexico, so far a that Is possible. Tho de liveries, hownver, will he made from the depot of thn Klghlh Army corps area. difficulties of tho Ohrugnn govern mi nt in transporting military supplies to tho active front between Vera Crux and Mexico City nro Increased by the fact that thu rebel stronghold at Vera Crux closest to thu federal force ro- lulrc Ihn sea route of delivery. Thero have boon no large outbreak of revolutionary activity In northern Mexico, however, and presumably of filial at Mexico City are satisfied that they ran safety transport arms and uminunltion from tho border to lie Mexican government storehouse In tho capllal. FOLLOWS MELLON PROPOSALS Seeks 25 Per Cent Exemption on "Earned Income." PENALTIES LOWERED Several Hundred Amendments Existing Revenue Law Are Proposed. to Aid For Veterans Asked. Washington, I. C. Assistance In llm task of finding Job for rehnli luted former servlro men has been keil by President Coolldgo In letters to thn American Federation of tabor, tho I'lilted .Stales chamber of com mercn and Ihn chambers of commerce if thn larger cities. Thu president, in letters addressed lo these organizations and made pull He by tho veterans' bureau, declared that "while much ha been achieved, especially by tho I'nited Stale veter ans' bureau. In Ihi very vital prob lem, I lo re still much lo ho nccom- lished for the approximately 70,000 who urn at III In training and who are to becoiun ready for employment at the rale of about DOnO per month. Invent New Microphone. New York.- Perfection of an eloc- rlc ull'a nudildo microphone, Invent- d by Dr. Phillip Thomas, which, it I claimed, will permit scientist to record sound vibrations which now are too faint for tho human ear to catch, was announced Saturday by the Westliighouso Kleclrlc & Munufi. dur ing company. In it experimental, accord ing lo S. M. Klntncr, director of re search for the Westlnghouse company, the microphone has been used success fully to transmit by radio tho highest notes of the voice nnd of musical Instruments, which tho ordinary trans mitter and receiver reproduce as more noise. Mr. Klntncr declared the device had been perfected and simplified to a point wliero It count no used py vessels at sen in picking up tho warn ings of fog horns or other sound wai n lug beyond tho ruugn of tho human ear; In studying the finer sound vibra tions of organs of tho human body, such as the heart and tho brain, and In the realm of tho entomologist who ha tried in vain to pick up sounds known to bo made by tiny insects, but Inaudible to humans. Washington, D. C The complete text of the new tax bill was made pub lic Friday by Chairman Green of the house ways and means committee, which will meet again as soon as con gress reassemble on January 3 to continue It study of the sweeping re visions proposed by the administra tion. In all its fixtures the bill follows the recommendations previously made public by Secretary Mellon. It pro pose several hundrod amendments of tne existing revenue law, many of them of a highly technical nature and designed to put an end to tax evasions, and many others dealing with the changes advocated by Mr. Mellon in Income and other tax schedules. So far the bill has been the sub ject of only a preliminary study by the committee, which has made no attempt to reach decisions as to what. If any, changes it will make before tho measure Is reported to the house. It ha been agreed, however, thut the administrative provisions shall bo passed upon first, before any attention Is given to Mr. Mellon' proposals for changes in tux schedules. Ono of tho principal revisions pro vided In the bill Is a reduction of sur tax rates so that tho surtax would begin at 1 per cent on net Incomes from (10.000 to 112,000; would pro vldo an additional 1 per cent for each additional Jl'OOO up to $36,000; 1 per cent additional for the next 40O0; and would then add 1 per cent for each JGOUO up to a maximum of 25 per cent on Income of $100,000 or more. t'nder the present law surtaxes be gin at 1 per cent on net incomes be tween $0000 and $10,000 and scale up ward to a maximum of SO per cent on net incomes exceeding $200,000. Tho new bill also provides that the normal tax on Incomes shall be 3 per cent where it now Is 4 per cont, and 6 per cent where it now Is S per cent- reduction which the treasury esti mates will result In a loss of revenue f $91,600,000 a year. Provisions also Is made in tho bill that 25 per rent of "earned Income" which is defined as wages, salaries and professional fees, shall be count- u as exempt in computing tax re turns. Tho greater part of this ex emptlon Is expected to fall to those having small incomes, which the re suit that the treasury experts a reduc ion of $97,500,000 from this section alone. The bill proposes tho outright re peal of tho present taxes on tele grams, telephone and radio messages. healer admissions and of certain other nuisance taxes, including thn levle on silver-plated flat silverware, pencils and fountain pens aelling for ot more than $1, nnd clinks and watches selling for not more than $5. Something to Think About bj F. A. WALKER BROKEN TURPOSES HP HE very pleasurable ease with which many of us break our high er purpose and turn aside In feverish haste In the pursuit of some elusive object, does not argue well for our future content or prosperity. The gray hairs that fringe our tem ples and the hard lines about our mouths bear Intimate relationship to the pitiful Job we have made In hold ing steadfast to a fixed course. We humans, at least some millions of us, are fickle, impetuous and impa tient, Inclined upon the slightest provocation to change our minds over nlglit, nt a sudden veer of the golden weather-cock. When we wnke In the morning, we are not quite sure whether we are steering our craft toward the north star or heading It for the southern cress. Hut we do know that the purpose nt yesterday Is gone. We have a new one which apnenls directly to our lofty ambition, so much so, in deed, that we draw In our chin, puff out our breast and stride briskly down the street, forgetting In our ela tion to acknowledge the smiling nods nnd cheery good mornings of our friend. Iiy night our certitude ha some what withered before the Intense heat of cogitation, and we nre filled with doubt. For year nnd yenr we have gone around and around with the compass. P.ut on this occasion everything la different. We cannot move. Our grent project, for which we have been husbanding our strength, Is hidden somewhere In the mist, our sight Is defective, our hnnds are un steady and there Is a tug at the heart Hint we cannot much longer endure. Krent ha succeeded event, not as we expected, but a our solicitous friend linve foretold. Our old smiling habit Is gone. We are discouraged down In the depths. The world goe on merrily. There Is no tenderness In It heart. It enres net a whltllng whether we sing or sigh, whether we are clothed in purple or In tutters and rags. And some of the merriest are car rying a load In their souls, because they, too, have broken their purposes. Hut they refuse to yield to discourage ment. They have resolved to try agnln, nnd to keep on trying a fast as ever they fall, trusting not In themselves for sustaining strength, hut In the higher power being prodigals seek Ing their father's house! I by McCturi Nawaptptr SyndlcaU.) (J MOTHER By GRACE C HALL Realistic. In a school essay a child wrote that a thrush ald. "Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Hewitt" so often and so dourly In their village that at last Mr. Hewitt came to her door aud said "Ye?" Dauntlei Is Wrecked. .Seattle, Wash Crowless nnd help less in tho grip of a 60 mllo gale, the steamer I'auntlesa, owned and oper ated by the Paget Sound Freight line, hroko loose from It mooring at Kingston, Ilainbridgo Island, Saturday nlglit, drifted across Puget sound and was pounded to piece on tho rock at Meadow point, near the town of Kichinond llcach, ton mile north of Seattle. The boat, valued at $00,000, is a total loss. The administrative feature of the 111 Include a provision for rreatlm board of tax appeals, composed of not less than seven nor more than l member, appointed for ten-year rma at salaries of $10,000 each by the secretary of tho treasury and without senate confirmation. The hoard would hear nnd determine rases Involving tho assessment of taxe. bin both tho government and tho taxpay er would bo privileged to appeal any decision to the court. Veniieloa on Way Home. Marseilles. The Andres, a Creek steamer, flying the llrltish flag, with M. Vcnlzelos aboard, left Sunday fur Greece, notwithstanding tho bad weather prevailing. M. Venlzelns, who is returning to his homeland in an endeavor to straighten out the po litical situation, went aboard Saturday night, lie declined to see any per sons but Intimate friends. Uncle Sam Gets Blamt Pari. The United States wa held chiefly responsible for present condi tions In Kurope by Taul Raynaud, speaking In the chamber of deputies Saturday during Interpellation on the government's foreign policy. M. Reynaud, referring to the Inter- niiieii ucuis ana incir eriert Unon Kurope, said: "America weighs upon England' shoulder. England weighs on ours nnd we are a burden to Germany. Thl 1 a strangely Impressive pyramid. Volcano Belches Lava. ,IIilo, T. H. Superintendent Roles of the Hawaii national park telephon ed from Volcano house this morning that tho volcano Kilnuea h,ij shown unusual activity ever since dark last night. At least 10 to 15 feet ot lava, he said, ha overflowed into the main pit of the crater, covering an area of about 40 acre, and a number of fountain of lava, were spurting from openings in the pit. IT SEEMS we scarcely knew her In lm- ni.inn ,-nu p. ..n ... I. Nor realized, 'til she had gone, Her wondrous woman's worth ; To much she gave, too freely tolled For others, all the while. Too much we blindly let her give Forgetting thanks or smile. Now, looking back arms the yeara. Our heart are wrung with pain. Remembering the price she paid That we her own might gain; She placed no price upon her deeds, I-ove prompted every one; We simply knew she filled our needs Cm 11 her work was done. Those toll-worn hnnds bad never meant So much to ns, until Upon her quiet breast they lay, So white and cold and still; Wht service they had done for ot We never paused to suy, Cntll we missed their ministry When she had gone away. The thin gray hair upon her brow Was like a halo-light, Rut we had never known It Til she went away that night; We longed to tell our love at last. And how wo held her dear, Rut oh, the hour had glided past Our word she could nut heart Heart breaking tears! At Inst we taw With vision clear and bright. The beantle of that noble soul Who went away that night ; With aching heart we knew, too late, There never wns snolher So fine and true the whole way through A she whom we called Mother. l kr DaiS. Uu a Campui? t lone Market GEO. W. RITCHIE, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS Your Patronage Solicited. Under New Management IONE HOTEL IONE, ORE. Refurnished and Strictly Up to date. Com mercial Table First Class, A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. SAM GANGER, Proprietor. Nice Rooms. Good Service Farm Implements Vulcan and Oliver Plows, Superior Drills, Fairbanks Morse Engines, Myers Pumps, Star and Aermotor Wind Mills, Winona Wagons, Mitchel Cars. PAUL G. BALSIGER IONE, OREGON A Good Time to Subscribe for the Independent Is Now! TOO BRAVE. th matter with Walter What'a the omelet T Customer The trrt dllo't when ther were beatea. knew Advertise in THE INDEPENDENT It Reaches the People 0 0 0 O