During The Year 1924, Patronize The Merchants Of lone. Mail Order Houses Do Not Help You When In Distress mm. 3wht pa? mfatmt 3 VOLUME XII , IONE, OREGONFRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1924 NUMBER 30 NEW YEAR GREETING ITH the low prices being secured for all products of the farm, comes a call for reduced profits by dealers selling the necessaries of life. Volume of business enables a merchant to guage his cost of doing busi ness and the larger the business, t'.ie smaller the overhead cost of selling goods. I have the largest assortment of goods used on the farm or in the home, of any mer chant in Morrow County. I own my building, I employ active and experienced help, and just enough to serve the trade in the most economical manner and support no idlers. I have had 25 years experience in supplying the needs of. the community and know what to buy and how to buy in the most advantageous manner and quantities. A clerk selling $25,000 00 worth of merchandise does so at much less cost than one selling $5,000.00 during the year. That is the plainest evidence that I do business on smaller margins than my competitor. Your prosperity means my prosperity, and I am going to give the citizens of Morrow County the advantage ot my ability and experience In the merchandising game' by starting the New Year with a complete revision of prices for the needs of the home. Cash is the greatest aid to lower prices, and every price quoted will be for cash, and will be as low as it is possible to handle first-class goods at, and I shall make it a point to have only such gjods as will cause you to return for more. Quality has ever been my motto and shall be ridgidly adhered to incvcry case. , You are invited to call, compare prices, secure samples and be your own judge. Help me to do a larger volume of business and thereby reduce the prices of your needs. Yours truly, BERT MASON Helms Frank we wish you All a Happy New Year The Banh of lone IONE, ORECON Frank Enarelman sptnt several days this wek in Portland on business. Charlie Notd acted as utility clerk of the pasttime dur ing hia absence. Mr. C L. O'Neill expects to leave within a short time for Los Angeles where she will make her future home, her husband being there at present. E. J. Brtstow and family were at Walla Walla, Wn., several days laat week visiting at the home of Mrs. Bi istow'a parents. Thee re turned home Sunday. The buy at home spirit was manifested hre last week. 'The Christmas sales by our merch ants were targe and of a high quality merchandise, , J. F. Haynie ot Forest Grove, Ore., is hers on a visit wlih his daughter and family, 14 r. and Mrs. Walter R, Corley. There will be an all day meet ing at the Ions Christian church this Sunday. This is the annual meeting of the three churches Lexington, Heppner and lone. A good time is expected. Sister Livingston will preach in the morning and Bro. Livingston in the afternoon. Dinner served at noon, free to all. Rev. Brown preaches in the evening, subject: A Text outside the Bible," but preaches in the bible. The young people will Uke part in thrie services. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Frank in lone, on Tues day, Jan. 1, 1924, at 10 o'clock a. m., Mr. Hcbart Helms of Lex-' linRton, was united in marriaue , I to Miss Doris Frank, Elder Wat-1 I son of the S. D. Advent church j j of Pendleton, officiatinpr. After j the wedding a delightful dinner; I was served. Those present were I ! the parents of the groom, at.-o , brother and sister; Mr. Kenneth j Calkinsof Gieshom; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gibbs; Mrs. Dale Ray; Miss ) ; Brashiers; II. B. Calkins and the bride's parents and sisters. The j i happy couple departed for Lex- j j ington where they will reside on i a farm near that city. We all j wish them joy and happiness. Pleasant Watch Meeting j The union watch meeting hi'U 'at the Christian church cn New ! Year's eve was well attended. ' ; About 9 o'clock people bey an to i gather and at 10 o'clock the pro-1 I gram commenced with song ser-1 ! vice bv the congregation followed ; by talks on "What tho Sunday , Schools of lone Need." They were ' well discussed by Louis Balsiger of the Congregktionsl; Mr. Ceson of the Baptist and Mrs. Engul-j msn of the Chrixtian Sundsy ! schools. Gladys Lumlell gave a j piano solo; Arleneand Helen Hal-; siger a vocal duet; Zelma EngeM man a vocal solo; fclva and Helen j Balsiger a piano duet, and a vcl quartette by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger. Mr. Canon and He v. Brown presented very forceful talks on "What do the Churches of lone titt-d." and Mayor a very enthuiastic tali on the ned and general welfare of lh city. At 12 o'clock sha'p, I he meet. Bank of lone. lone. Oreffon d" hearty hand. j shake and best wishes fir the The annual meeting of the stock-' js-ew yMr 1924 x holder of the Bank of lone, lone, I Oregon, for the election of direc tors and the transaction of any other busiuess that mav come be Notice To StockhoUert Of The To BuflJ Community ILU -The farmers of Juniper com- fore the meeting, will be held ' ' tha r, nf a.i.4 i,.nk Jan. S""-W erreuna iprgr uar, 10. 1024. between the hours !ffm.U.nT tlT, of 4 and 5 o'clock P. M. , K. Gl'NZEU Cashier. Notice Of Meeting To the Officers and members of the lone National Farm Loan As sociation. You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the association will be held in the 1. O. O. F. ballet lone, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, 1924 at 1.30 o'clock P. M., for the election of of Directors for the ensuing year it i earnestly requested that all members of the association be present at this meeting as there j John McDevitt is acting as chief promoter and his fsrmer friends are all pushing the project with a determination to get ahal they go after. A community hall is badly needed In that Section, the school house being entirely too email to accommodate the people. The building is to be modern with cloak rooms and kitchen and all conveniences. The hall will be built because the spirit of go-vet it is in tha blood of the promot-j era. The New Yew This is the time to forget the past and turn your thoughts to better deeds in 1921 Itegafdless nf raanliitlnna nut henken. steiva r. m.uer, 01 imporianc. to begin lh. ,w wln , d. taken up at this lime. E. L Padrero. Sec Trees, of A mo. W. J. BLAKE, President Weather Riport j termination to do better. You . should strive to cooperate more ! generally and more heartily in ail ! movements for the good of the community. Try to stick a little closer to our business firms for they are the help and inspiration Tha aiaathar peroet nf R P. . Harblnson. Observer for Morrow :ff ' community; they afe the county at Morgan, for the month 1 that promote and of December state the mU pre-! m?,nUin lht ,ub,l,, f ,f cipitation of rain was 1.21; clear,,h, U Pwr ' 1924- rfa. n.etl. eL A, I J- elo.M. i ndl our hIP. B booster is The Harris Combine You can cut your harvest expens es if you use a HARRIS. It will save the (rain Tor particulars inquire of ' KARL L. BEACH Lexington 1-1 Oregon WILLYS . Tfca VzihrzcA Favcsrlta Weary of folding seats end scat-climbing, th public h:3 litemlJy Hocked to the Willys-Knight Coupe-Sedan! Doers front and teat. You enter and leave without awkward contentions. And it has the wonderful Willys Knight sleeve-valve engine same type as Prnhcrd, Dainler, and others cl Europe's linest cars. See it! Try ill WMt. ' li it i tm, M.t!t t-p'tm. i J SliV. J i !,!, ? com AUTO CO. HEPPNER, ORE. THE DAY OP THE KNIOHT IS HERE THE New Pastime IS NOW Open For Business New Tables New Equipment I will carry a complete line of 12; wind west. Total snow fall S 3 4 Inches. Total precipitation since Sept. 1. 2.71 Mrs. J. N. Peiffer. a sister of Mrs. C. a Bowers and Ray JuHy, left Sunday for her home at Star- buck, Wn., after a w eek's ant visit here. She states that Starbuck is a busy place, beinf a railroad town, and climate there is fsr better than at lone. the one Ideal rititn of the town. Without exaggeration, e believe the next wheat harvest is to be one on which tha farmer will . ,! - i I L t I 1 1 , -rt-r ream over oouar a uusnei. Mea and teams before the sea ithf P"c,r'c son opens on the south side, to do f on comin(,"l- in pless-'-ly discing on the far north of r ,wr""r" w vf""' ......lone, which season open, week si hpPin!",nd nd tn" ing 10 00 oeuer, set s aiso w en joy that greatest blessing-ths blessing of good health. i Staple and Fancy Groceries Call and see me Laxton McMurrey, Prop. earlier. Six hundred acres to be disced. Feed and board furnish ed. Addiea. C- W. BAKZES. 1036 Clackamas St, Portlsnd.O. B a liome Booster. Mr. and M"rs. Northcraft of For Sak.-Any amount of wheat Olympia, Wn. are at the lone headings for hay or feed at cheap hotel this week. They expect to price. See J. L. Calkins or Iona locate in this vicinity. 1 bank.