The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 29, 1925, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Dr. A. D. McMurdo ti enjoying a
viiit with hli Mother, Mrt. C. E. Mc
Murdo, and sister, Mist Dorit Mc
Murdo, who arrived at Heppner the
past week in company with Mrs. A. D.
McMurdo, who recently joined them
at San Francisco. The doctor's mo
ther and sister, whose home is at
Charlottesville, Vs., have been spend
lng a number of weeks visiting with;
Major H. B. McMurdo of the Presid
io, Col. C. D. McMurdo and Dr. P. F.
McMurdo of San Francisco, brothers
of Dr. McMurdo. Mrs. McMurdo and
daughter contemplate extending their
visit at Heppner over the winter.
Mrs. Helen M. Walker, county
school superintendent, and several
Morrow county teachers returned
home from Pendleton on Tuesday eve
ning after the close of the Morrow
Umatilla teachers' institute, held in
Pendleton on Monday and Tuesday of
this week. Mrs. Walker pronounces
the institute one of the best she has
ever attended, the list of Instructors
being exceptionally fine. The drive
home was made with some difficulty
because of the heavy fog prevailing.
Harry French was in the city a
short time Monday from his moun
tain home. Mr. French is some gar
dener and has produced an abundance
of fine garden truck this season.
Some of the finest turnips coming to
the Heppner market are from his
place and he has no trouble disposing
of the product here. He was exhib
iting some big ones Monday and has
raised the vegetables by the ton,
which he feeds to his cattle and jheep
and on which they prosper well.
J. H. Bush and family were visit
ors here over Tuesday, driving up
from their home at Vernonia, Oregon.
Mr. Bush runs the movie theater at
Vernonia, where he enjoys a jlne bus
iness in that thriving mill town of
Columbia county. While here, Mr.
and Mrs. Bush and family were guests
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Kirk on Willow creek.
They departed for their home Wed
nesday. F. H. Wilson, who has been spend
ing the past three months at lone,
was attending to business matters at
Heppner on Saturday, preparatory to
returning to his home this week at
Santa Anna, Calif. H. Smith and
ions have rented the Wilson wheat
farm southwest of lone, and Mr. Wil
son states that the fall seeding there
has been proceeding rapidly and the
grain ia coming up well.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill were visit
ors at Heppner on Tuesday from
their home at Pins City. Mr. Neill
states that he did well in raising a
hay crop this year in spite of the fact
that his alfalfa froze out last win
ter. Between six and seven hundred
tons of good hay were produced on
his place and it has been disposed of
at a good figure, hence Mr. Neill is
not feeling so bad,
Rufus Holman, for many years com
missioner of Multnomah county, and
a prominent business man of Port
land, was here on Saturday. Mr.
Holman is a member of the firm of
Davis A Holman, printers, binders
and blank book manufacturers, and
is making the Eastern Oregon terri
tory in the interests of his Arm. While
in Heppner Mr. Holman made this
office a pleasant call.
W. 0. Dix returned home Sunday
from Eugene and other Willamette
valley points. Mr. Dix was a dele
gate front Dorie Lodge No. 20, K. of
P., to the grand lodge at Eugene and
after its adjournment enjoyed a visit
of a week with old friends before re
turning home. Mr. Dix is at present
looking after the store of Johnnie
Hiatt while the latter is away at
Max Buschke, Clarence Scrivner
and Wm. PHess left In the Buschke
car yesterday, their destination being
some place in California. Both
Buschke and Pliess expect to find em
ployment for the winter, but Mr,
Scrivner was undecided as to just
what he would do, and may return to
Heppner after a few weeks of knock
ing around the Golden state.
Mrs. D. M. Ward underwent a ser-
Mom operation at the hospital in The
Dalles on Friday morning, from
latest reports she is getting along
Rev. W. L. Reber of Seattle, gen-1
oral secretary of the American Sun
day School Union, will accompany
Rev. Clark M. Smith, misisonary of
The Dalles, on a trip to Morrow
county on Sunday next. Several Bi
ble schools In Morrow county are un
der the care of the American Sunday
School Union and direct supervision
of Missionary Smith.
Spencer and Jasper Crawford mo-;
to red to Portland on Friday to br
present at Multnomah field on Sat-!
urday and witness the big game of
football between University of Cali-;
fornia and University of Oregon.,
Though the score was a one-sided
affair in favor of the Californians,
the game was a fine one to witness,
George Thomson returned home the
end of the week from a stay of a few
days with his family now located for
the winter at Seaside, Oregon. Mr.
Thomson states that the weather was
very pleasant there and had been for
several weeks, and his family is en
joying the change to the seashore
very much.
Joseph Rector became sick the first
of the week at his home east of
Heppner, and was brought to the hos
pital at Heppner where be is under
the doctor's care. Mr. Rector is past
eighty years of age and has always
been hale and hearty. It is hoped his
present illness will not prove to be
Dr. Earl Else, prominent physician
and surgeon of Portland, accompanied
by Mrs, Else and her sister. Miss Em
mons, drove to Heppner on Sunday
night. In company with Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, Dr. Else enjoyed a pheas
ant hunt on Monday an (J bagged his
limit of the birds. They returned to
Portland Monday night.
C. L. Sweek left for Portland on
Tuesday night, being called to the
city by the very serious illness of
his partner, C. E. Woodson. From
late reports, Mr. Woodson cannot be
expected to survive long, though for
a time his family and friends were
encouraged to believe that his condi
tion was improved.
P. G. Farley, Harold and Henry
Cohn were in Portland Saturday to
attend the big football game. They
returned home on Sunday.
Special this month on Viking
Cream Separators. Morrow County
Creamery Co.
Two tetters
wan y h I
. V vol
Tom. Ll ' S
Flapjacks and syrup how
they spread sunshine in
hearts and stomachs
these nippy days I Tempt
ing! Tender! Easy tomake!
Easy to digest!
'Albers stands or Better Breakfasts"
Mrs. Dean T. Goodman was last
week taken to the hospital at The
Dalles where she is under the care
of physicians. She was accompanied ,
by her husband and her condition is I
such that she may have to remain atj
the hospital for some weeks.
Mrs. C. E. Woodson was called to
Portland on Tuesday morning in an
swer to a summons from the bedside
of her husband. Mr. Woodson, who
is confined to a hospital at Portland,
was reported to be in a very serious'
Orve Rasmus and Percy Garrigues
returned from East Lake on Monday
having spent a few days there fish
ing. They report some fine catches
and had a good trip. Mr. Garrigues
left for his home in Portland Tues
day. Herman Keilson was down from his
home in Rood Canyon on 'Saturday.
He is hoping that the coming of good
rains would not be longer delayed,
newly sown grain and the range be
ing in need of the moisture.
Phill Cohn returned to hia Port
land home yesterday after spending
the past week or so in this city look
ing after business interests.
W. B. Barrett drove in from Port
land the first of the week and is
spending a few days here looking af
ter matters of business.
0. H. McPherrin, owner of Hepp-ner-Arlington
stage line, la laid up
at his home in this city suffering an
attack of the flu.
Giant bronze turkeys for sale;
toms 10; hens $6, Cora Burroughs,
lone, Oregon.
Discoloring of Plants
Is Not Due to Frost
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct.
21. Jack Frost has been discredited
Contrary to prevalent belief, frost
has no connection whatever with bril
liant colors of autumn foliage, ac
cording to Professor A. R. Swectster,
head of the botany department. The
striking reds and yellows of the hill
sides of Western Oregon are achieved
by a complicated process within the
plant itself, Sweetster said. Upon
the approach of winter, nature stops
the flow of sap and green coloring
matter into the leaf, and by a process
not yet understood, even by botanists,
the leaf takes on the red and yellow
hues, he explained.
Now is the time to
order your
for your' winter
Heppner, LtxlnftoB, Iom
in -. aamiST iir"w
4QA fW tm Premium
orn fruv QCOT TM THP. LAND
LtTMCock BacKMldoo. Inc wit
undff on. toot in .
Skmp, Oopa mi
lodustzltl rroduiM bmiidio .no - - -fi
V :
i & MM, lb write, i
"For twenty-three, vears I wai
coniUnt iufterer from chronic
catarrh. I had a tevere misery and
burning In tha top of my head, a
continual dropping of mucous into
my throat cauting fraquent expec
toration. My entire tyitem be
came involved and I grew worse.
It teemed at If I could pot recover
from a conttant cough and fre
quent attackt of bilious colic My
bowels were affected, causing
alarming hemorrhage!. I tried
many remedial and finally took
Pe-ru-na. In three dayi 1 w
Uavea of my bowel trouble and en
tirely cured by five bottle. I most
cheerfully recommend Pe-ru-na,"
imam M, 124, Mrt. Bourland wrltet
again t
"I will soon bs Mrenty-pln yeart
old and enjoy god health for one
of my age. I still recommend
Ft-ru-na and take it myself when
For more" than hall a century
Pe-ro-na has a proud record of
nnI4 itiwi, Man and women tha
world over stand ready to teitlfy to
Its varus In the treatment Of all
atarrhal dltordert. ,
AJ 1 i, BoeUatt to tha
Ohio, for book on catarrh.
Ptr-ru-na In either tablet or liquid
The new winter "Red
Crown" is fhe achieve
ment of all our 47-years
of gasoline-making expe-riencel-split-sccoml
ingsmooth acceleration ,
tremendous power-energy
mileage! On sale at
Standard Oil Service Sta
tions and "Red Crown"
A Corking Novel By ! 1 000 Club Proposed
Author of "Graustark" J To Erect New Building
Everyone who it familiar with
Brcwster't Million." or th. Grsus-
Urk novel, will be doubly interested
in George Bar? McCuteheon't latest
novel, "Oliver October," to be pub-
liihed Mrially in the Heppner Ga-
tette Timet beginning; with the next
"Oliver October" it the faieiniting
story of a gypsy! prophecy and itt
effect on the life of the person it con
cerned. There it plenty of action and
mystery and tuspente all of the well
known McGutcheon variety.
George Barr HcCutcheon hat been
writing eontinuoutly tince eatly in
1U01, when the Ant Graustark novel
sat published. Thia waa a phenome
nal aucceas and cauaed him to aban
don hia newspaper career and devote
hia entire time to fiction.
Among his better-known atoriet are
"Beverly of Graustark," "A Fool and
Hit Money," "The Daughter of Ander
son Crow," "West Wind Drift," and
"Viola Gwyn."
"Oliver October" begina in the next
issue of the Heppner Gazette Times.
Start reading it and you won't want
to miss a single installment.
.University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct.
Yl. Announcement of the 1000 club,
composed of prominent eitixent in
all parte of the state who are to eon
tribute $100 each to the proposed
state Fine Arts building, has just
been made by Mrs. George T. Gerlin
ger, university -regent.
Four members were enlisted in the
club the first day. Mrs. Gertrude
Bast Warner, donor of the Murray
Warner oriental art collection which
will be housed in the Fine Arts build
ing, ia first, Sam Bast Warner, pro
fessor in the school of law, is sec
ond, and Ralph Budd, president of
'he Great Northern railway, ia third
on the list.
A gift of $1000 from Mrt. W. F.
Jewett of Eugene, hat just been re
ceived for the Fine Arts building
i una.
The 1000 club campaign is the third
step in the drive for money to erect
the building. The first step was a
series of letters which netted $8000.
The tecond wat the All-Oregon 1925
Expotition held in Portland.
Since the aUte lacks money to
spend for new buildings, public spir
ited citizens conceived the idea of
constructing the Fine Arts structure
through popular contributions, titer
the plan of the Woman's building
which waa completed in 1920.
Te the Ladies of Heppner and
Morrow t'aaaty: I am the represen
tative of the Spirella Companies,
makers of the Spirella Corsets, Gir
dles, Brassiera, Hosiery and Under
wear. I have a complete line of sam
ples, and will toon present this fine
line to the ladies. Mrs. Hetsit Kin
ney, Corsetiere, Heppner, Ore.
i " . i'titi r I - oaaa
$3000 on good Heppner residence
property; value of property, $5500.
Inquire this office.
of Portland, Oregon
hereby announces that he
is a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for
U. S. Senator at the May,
Will work zealously for develop
ment of Oregon and rapport of mess
ares for real benefit of farmers as
suggested by their organizations. Fa
vor World Court and Reform Senate
Rules. Paid. Advertisement.
1 1 .
make your food do you
more good.
- Note hnvc it
that ttuffy feeling
arter nearty eating.
oweetena the
breath, removee
food particlea
from tha teeth,
give new vigor
to tired nervea.
Comet to you.
fresh, clean and
Reduced Prices on
Single Barrel $8.00
3 Barrels or More $7.75 per BarreL
Lexington Farmers Whse.
Lewis Store, Lexington
I Order Your I
seed wheat;
I Now
I We have some Forty Fold, average 1
i 97 14 per cent pure, and Certi- i
1 fied Hybrid 128. 1
Heppner Farmers Elevator I
. THE GREBE Synchrophase
Two Radio Leaders
announced by
Both FREED EISEMANN and THE GREBE models set up on the
floor. Listen in most any evening. Phone for
demonstration in your home.
The instrument used by President Coo
lidge a duplicate of which is on the floor.
No fnacy frills or flub-dubs. Freed-Eise-mann
has put the quality nto the work
ing parts, making the cabinet very plain,
thereby giving full radio value. The re-
ceiver is hairsharp in turning and will give
results that even the most experienced ra
dio fan. will approve of, yet it is so simple
to handle that the beginner will find it easy
to operate.
THE GREBE Synchrophase
A superb receiver combining many ex
clusive Grebe features. The "Colortone"
hushes annoying sounds and allows notes
of voice and instrument to reach you in
full normal tones. The Flexible Unit Con
trol, by means of which all dials may be
set by rotating one. The Low-Wave Ex
tension Circuits which enable a Grebe
operator to pick up low wave stations that
cannot be tuned in with the ordinary
Central Market
C. W. McNAMER, Proprietor
Call us when you have anything in our
line to sell.
Phone Main 652
When you are ready to seed, don't
forget the new
We have both the Superior and Kentucky
Drills in both disc and hoe, also the Rotary
Rod Weeder, which is sure to get all the
You will surely save money by buying
a new drill instead of using an old one that
does poor work, and you know it does not
pay to plant yur seed on weedy ground.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Sale on Mackinaws
and Leather Coats
$12.50 Mackinaw Coats, all wool, for $7.50
$22.50 Leather Coats for $17.50
$20.00 Leather Coats for. ...... $16.50
$18.50 Leather Coats for ...... ! $13.50
$15.00 Leather Coats for $12.00
$14.50 Leather Coats for. : $1 1.50
$12.50 Leather Coats for $10.00
$10.00 Leather Coats for $ 9.00
$ 7.50 Leather Coats for.. $ 6.50
Come In and get your size before they are all gone.
Thomson Brothers
Such Bargains in DRY GOODS and GRO
CERIES as Heppner hasn't seen in
many a day at our
Closing Out Sale
Here's a sample of the BARGAINS you will
find here :
Kellogg's Corn Flakes ..10c $3.25 Mens Gloves ....$2.2
Sinclair Milk 10c $6.00 Men's Shoes $4.95
Sliced Pineapple, large $5.00 Men's Shoes $4.00
can 30c $4.00 Ridign Pants ....$2.50
Canned Lima Beans lc 60c Ginghams, n-w 40c
Canned Grape Fruit 25c Men.s LineJ Glovcs at Cost
Preserved Figs, can 30c Ladies. Hosiery Greatly Re-
SUGAR, per sack $6.75 duced.
13 lbs. for $1.00 Children's Play Suits Less
$2.75 Men's Gloves....$l.90 Than Cost.
$1.50 Men's Gloves ....$1.10 All Notions at Cost or Less
All Standard Goods
Phone 962
Heppner, Ore.
issiiuii ,. II II' IIIIIUJI
form eoM veryw"p,k